1. 场景
2. 代码详解
2.1 头文件
2.2 参数解析
2.3 解析参数获取pcd和ply文件索引
2.4 加载pcd和ply点云数据
2.5 定义变换矩阵
2.5.1 预备知识
2.5.2 实操
2.6 变换
2.7 可视化
3. 整合代码
(1)加载点云数据(pcd or ply);
#include // pcl::console::find_switch
#include // pcl::transformPointCloud
#include // pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer
// This function displays the help
// 用于提醒输出参数
showHelp(char* program_name)
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Usage: " << program_name << " cloud_filename.[pcd|ply]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "-h: Show this help." << std::endl;
// This is the main function
main(int argc, char** argv)
// Show help,find_switch:argv命令行中是否有-h,有则运行下面函数
if (pcl::console::find_switch(argc, argv, "-h") || pcl::console::find_switch(argc, argv, "--help")) {
return 0;
// Fetch point cloud filename in arguments | Works with PCD and PLY files
std::vector filenames_idx; // 存储文件名索引的数组
bool file_is_pcd = false;
// 返回文件名索引的数组, filenames[0]是第0个文件名的索引,
// argv[filenames[0]]第0个文件名
filenames_idx = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument(argc, argv, ".ply");
if (filenames_idx.size() != 1) { // 不是ply文件
filenames_idx = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument(argc, argv, ".pcd");
if (filenames_idx.size() != 1) { // 也不是pcd文件
return -1;
else {
file_is_pcd = true;
// Load file | Works with PCD and PLY files
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr source_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud());
if (file_is_pcd) {
if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile(argv[filenames_idx[0]], *source_cloud) < 0) { // 默认只有一个文件,该文件名:argv[filenames_idx[0]]
std::cout << "Error loading point cloud " << argv[filenames_idx[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
return -1;
else {
if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile(argv[filenames_idx[0]], *source_cloud) < 0) {
std::cout << "Error loading point cloud " << argv[filenames_idx[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
return -1;
// 举个例子,说明下转换矩阵是如何工作的。
/* Reminder: how transformation matrices work :
|-------> This column is the translation。平移
| 1 0 0 x | \
| 0 1 0 y | }-> The identity 3x3 matrix (no rotation) on the left。旋转。全部是1,则没有变化
| 0 0 1 z | /
| 0 0 0 1 | -> We do not use this line (and it has to stay 0,0,0,1)。这一行不会改变数据。
METHOD #1: Using a Matrix4f
This is the "manual" method, perfect to understand but error prone !
// 定义4x4转换矩阵
// 前面3x3控制旋转,最右列控制平移
Eigen::Matrix4f transform_1 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); // 4x4的单位矩阵
// Define a rotation matrix (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix)
float theta = M_PI / 4; // The angle of rotation in radians(旋转角度,即弧度)
transform_1(0, 0) = std::cos(theta); // 设置这4个值,可以绕z轴旋转theta角度
transform_1(0, 1) = -sin(theta);
transform_1(1, 0) = sin(theta);
transform_1(1, 1) = std::cos(theta);
// Define a translation of 2.5 meters on the x axis.
transform_1(0, 3) = 2.5; // 沿着x平移2.5
// Print the transformation
printf("Method #1: using a Matrix4f\n");
std::cout << transform_1 << std::endl;
Eigen::Affine3f transform_2 = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity();
// Define a translation of 2.5 meters on the x axis.
// 1,定义平移
transform_2.translation() << 2.5, 0.0, 0.0;
// The same rotation matrix as before; theta radians around Z axis
// 2,定义然后Z旋转
transform_2.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisf(theta, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ())); // UnitZ 即z轴
// Executing the transformation
// 定义存放变换后的点云对象。
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr transformed_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud());
// You can either apply transform_1 or transform_2; they are the same
pcl::transformPointCloud(*source_cloud, *transformed_cloud, transform_2);
// Visualization
printf("\nPoint cloud colors : white = original point cloud\n"
" red = transformed point cloud\n");
pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer("Matrix transformation example"); // 定义可视化对象
// 1,设置原始点云颜色
// Define R,G,B colors for the point cloud
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom source_cloud_color_handler(source_cloud, 255, 255, 255);
// We add the point cloud to the viewer and pass the color handler
viewer.addPointCloud(source_cloud, source_cloud_color_handler, "original_cloud");
// 2,设置新点云颜色
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom transformed_cloud_color_handler(transformed_cloud, 230, 20, 20); // Red
viewer.addPointCloud(transformed_cloud, transformed_cloud_color_handler, "transformed_cloud");
// 3,其他设置:坐标、背景颜色、渲染
viewer.addCoordinateSystem(1.0, "cloud", 0);
viewer.setBackgroundColor(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0); // Setting background to a dark grey
viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "original_cloud");
viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "transformed_cloud");
//viewer.setPosition(800, 400); // Setting visualiser window position
while (!viewer.wasStopped()) { // Display the visualiser until 'q' key is pressed
#include // pcl::console::find_switch
#include // pcl::transformPointCloud
#include // pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer
// This function displays the help
// 用于提醒输出参数
showHelp(char* program_name)
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Usage: " << program_name << " cloud_filename.[pcd|ply]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "-h: Show this help." << std::endl;
// This is the main function
main(int argc, char** argv)
// Show help,find_switch:argv命令行中是否有-h,有则运行下面函数
if (pcl::console::find_switch(argc, argv, "-h") || pcl::console::find_switch(argc, argv, "--help")) {
return 0;
// Fetch point cloud filename in arguments | Works with PCD and PLY files
std::vector filenames_idx; // 存储文件名索引的数组
bool file_is_pcd = false;
// 返回文件名索引的数组, filenames[0]是第0个文件名的索引,
// argv[filenames[0]]第0个文件名
filenames_idx = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument(argc, argv, ".ply");
if (filenames_idx.size() != 1) { // 不是ply文件
filenames_idx = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument(argc, argv, ".pcd");
if (filenames_idx.size() != 1) { // 也不是pcd文件
return -1;
else {
file_is_pcd = true;
// Load file | Works with PCD and PLY files
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr source_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud());
if (file_is_pcd) {
if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile(argv[filenames_idx[0]], *source_cloud) < 0) { // 默认只有一个文件,该文件名:argv[filenames_idx[0]]
std::cout << "Error loading point cloud " << argv[filenames_idx[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
return -1;
else {
if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile(argv[filenames_idx[0]], *source_cloud) < 0) {
std::cout << "Error loading point cloud " << argv[filenames_idx[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
return -1;
// 举个例子,说明下转换矩阵是如何工作的。
/* Reminder: how transformation matrices work :
|-------> This column is the translation。平移
| 1 0 0 x | \
| 0 1 0 y | }-> The identity 3x3 matrix (no rotation) on the left。旋转。全部是1,则没有变化
| 0 0 1 z | /
| 0 0 0 1 | -> We do not use this line (and it has to stay 0,0,0,1)。这一行不会改变数据。
METHOD #1: Using a Matrix4f
This is the "manual" method, perfect to understand but error prone !
// 定义4x4转换矩阵
// 前面3x3控制旋转,最右列控制平移
Eigen::Matrix4f transform_1 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); // 4x4的单位矩阵
// Define a rotation matrix (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix)
float theta = M_PI / 4; // The angle of rotation in radians(旋转角度,即弧度)
transform_1(0, 0) = std::cos(theta); // 设置这4个值,可以绕z轴旋转theta角度
transform_1(0, 1) = -sin(theta);
transform_1(1, 0) = sin(theta);
transform_1(1, 1) = std::cos(theta);
// Define a translation of 2.5 meters on the x axis.
transform_1(0, 3) = 2.5; // 沿着x平移2.5
// Print the transformation
printf("Method #1: using a Matrix4f\n");
std::cout << transform_1 << std::endl;
/* METHOD #2: Using a Affine3f
This method is easier and less error prone
Eigen::Affine3f transform_2 = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity();
// Define a translation of 2.5 meters on the x axis.
// 1,定义平移
transform_2.translation() << 2.5, 0.0, 0.0;
// The same rotation matrix as before; theta radians around Z axis
// 2,定义然后Z旋转
transform_2.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisf(theta, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ())); // UnitZ 即z轴
// Print the transformation
printf("\nMethod #2: using an Affine3f\n");
std::cout << transform_2.matrix() << std::endl;
// Executing the transformation
// 定义存放变换后的点云对象。
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr transformed_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud());
// You can either apply transform_1 or transform_2; they are the same
pcl::transformPointCloud(*source_cloud, *transformed_cloud, transform_2);
// Visualization
printf("\nPoint cloud colors : white = original point cloud\n"
" red = transformed point cloud\n");
pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer("Matrix transformation example"); // 定义可视化对象
// 1,设置原始点云颜色
// Define R,G,B colors for the point cloud
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom source_cloud_color_handler(source_cloud, 255, 255, 255);
// We add the point cloud to the viewer and pass the color handler
viewer.addPointCloud(source_cloud, source_cloud_color_handler, "original_cloud");
// 2,设置新点云颜色
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom transformed_cloud_color_handler(transformed_cloud, 230, 20, 20); // Red
viewer.addPointCloud(transformed_cloud, transformed_cloud_color_handler, "transformed_cloud");
// 3,其他设置:坐标、背景颜色、渲染
viewer.addCoordinateSystem(1.0, "cloud", 0);
viewer.setBackgroundColor(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0); // Setting background to a dark grey
viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "original_cloud");
viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, "transformed_cloud");
//viewer.setPosition(800, 400); // Setting visualiser window position
while (!viewer.wasStopped()) { // Display the visualiser until 'q' key is pressed
return 0;
参考:Using a matrix to transform a point cloud — Point Cloud Library 0.0 documentation