
地址: nk_DeepSortYolo/deep_sort_yolov3-master/tools/generate_detections.py

# vim: expandtab:ts=4:sw=4
import os
import errno
import argparse
import numpy as np
import cv2
import tensorflow as tf
from PIL import Image
# from PIL import Image 配合  # TODO 放缩

def _run_in_batches(f, data_dict, out, batch_size):  # TODO 4
    data_len = len(out)
    # print(data_len)为人的个数
    num_batches = int(data_len / batch_size)

    s, e = 0, 0
    for i in range(num_batches):
        s, e = i * batch_size, (i + 1) * batch_size
        batch_data_dict = {k: v[s:e] for k, v in data_dict.items()}
        out[s:e] = f(batch_data_dict)
    if e < len(out):
        batch_data_dict = {k: v[e:] for k, v in data_dict.items()}
        out[e:] = f(batch_data_dict)

# 我们引用了新的放缩方法(此处) def scaling_extract_image_patch: 来让动物的全身特征都加入特征内放缩为(64,128)
# 而不是(下面)的            def extract_image_patch: 提取图片切片是不包含放缩小的直接切成(64,128)宽高的人性切片,
# 但是放缩方法并不好用在行人reid
# TODO 5 一:放缩法 x方向
def scaling_x_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):  # patch_shape = image_shape: [128, 64, 3]
    # patch_shape = image_shape[:2]=[128, 64]
    """Extract image patch from bounding box.

    image : ndarray
        The full image.
    bbox : array_like
        The bounding box in format (x, y, width, height).这里的xy指的是左上角点的坐标
    patch_shape : Optional[array_like]
        This parameter can be used to enforce a desired patch shape
        (height, width). First, the `bbox` is adapted to the aspect ratio
        of the patch shape, then it is clipped at the image boundaries.
        If None, the shape is computed from :arg:`bbox`.

    ndarray | NoneType
        An image patch showing the :arg:`bbox`, optionally reshaped to
        Returns None if the bounding box is empty or fully outside of the image
    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 列表
    bbox = np.array(bbox)  # 现在是数组
    # print('bbox:', bbox)
    # bbox1 = bbox
    # bbox1[2:] += bbox1[:2]
    # bbox1 = bbox1.astype(np.int)
    # sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 = bbox1

    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 数组
    # 只改变宽度来适应纵横比
    '''省略了这里面的剪裁步骤,转而进行下面的放缩过程  # TODO 放缩
    if patch_shape is not None:  # patch_shape为image_shape[:2]=[128, 64] 高宽
        # correct aspect ratio to patch shape
        target_aspect = float(patch_shape[1]) / patch_shape[0]  # 宽/高 height bbox[3]高在这里没有改变,只改变宽度
        new_width = target_aspect * bbox[3]  # bbox[3] height
        # 新的宽度 = 宽/高  ×bbox[高]
        bbox[0] -= (new_width - bbox[2]) / 2  # 中心点x,这里的新的宽度一般是小于原来宽度,所以--为+最后是加
        # bbox(x, y, width, height)
        # bbox[2]是原来的宽,  x - (新宽 - 原来宽)/2
        bbox[2] = new_width
        # bbox 新的xywh
    # convert (x,y,width,height) to ( left,top,right, bottom ) ltrb
    bbox[2:] += bbox[:2]
    bbox = bbox.astype(np.int)

    # clip at image boundaries
    bbox[:2] = np.maximum(0, bbox[:2])   # top,left 取非负
    bbox[2:] = np.minimum(np.asarray(image.shape[:2][::-1]) - 1, bbox[2:])  # right,bottom不要过原图像右下界限
    if np.any(bbox[:2] >= bbox[2:]):  # 图像top left 不能大于 right bottom
        return None

    sx, sy, ex, ey = bbox  # x左 y上 x右 y下
    # print('class:', type(image))  # 
    # print('shape:', image.shape)  # (480, 640, 3)
    image = image[sy:ey, sx:ex]  # y方向,x方向 
    # image1 = image[sy1:ey1, sx1:ex1]

    # TODO 放缩\
    # print('class:', type(image))  # 
    # image = np.rot90(image)

    # TODO 放缩0 numpy 截取出来的最初结果
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-scale-x1' + ".jpg", image)
    # print('patch_shape', patch_shape)
    image = cv2.resize(image, (patch_shape[1], patch_shape[0]))  # TODO 此步骤可以取代后面 放缩1,2,3,4步骤
    # patch_shape = [128, 64]
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-scale-x2-zoom' + ".jpg", image)
    # 注释:因为我没有发现cv2针对格式图片有放缩函数 cv2.resize(image, (64, 128)),
    # 因而采取了下面转换为Image格式在用    Image里面的image.resize((64, 128))函数,再转换为格式的笨方法.
    # 并且此方法还会导致色彩错乱,下面地址可见案例/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/色彩错乱案例

    # TODO 放缩1 image 格式转换为Image
    image = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))  # 从cv格式转换为Image格式 
    image.save('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-1' + ".jpg")
    # print('class', type(image))  # 
    # image = image.rotate(-90)  # -90是顺时针旋转90度

    # TODO 放缩2 image 放缩为 宽高1:2
    image = image.resize((64, 128))  # 调整图片大小
    # 此时image 
    image.save('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg")

    # TODO 放缩3 numpy 再从image格式转换为numpy格式
    image = np.reshape(image, (128, 64, 3))  # 如果是灰度图片  把3改为-1
    # print('1', type(image)) 
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-3' + ".jpg", image)

    # cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg", image1)
    # TODO 放缩4 (此步骤貌似可以省略)
    image = cv2.resize(image, tuple(patch_shape[::-1]))  # resize需要(宽,高)格式 patch_shape 是[高,宽]
    # print('2', type(image))  # 
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-4' + ".jpg", image)
    # resize需要(宽,高)格式 image_shape高宽为[128, 64, 3] 
    # image_shape[:2]= patch_shape 是[高,宽]
    # TODO 放缩/
    return image

# 我们引用了新的放缩方法(此处) def scaling_extract_image_patch: 来让动物的全身特征都加入特征内放缩为(64,128)
# 而不是(下面)的            def extract_image_patch: 提取图片切片是不包含放缩小的直接切成(64,128)宽高的人性切片,
# 但是放缩方法并不好用在行人reid

# TODO 5 二(90):放缩法 y方向
def scaling_y_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
    # patch_shape = image_shape[:2]=[128, 64]
    """Extract image patch from bounding box.

    image : ndarray
        The full image.
    bbox : array_like
        The bounding box in format (x, y, width, height).这里的xy指的是左上角点的坐标
    patch_shape : Optional[array_like]
        This parameter can be used to enforce a desired patch shape
        (height, width). First, the `bbox` is adapted to the aspect ratio
        of the patch shape, then it is clipped at the image boundaries.
        If None, the shape is computed from :arg:`bbox`.

    ndarray | NoneType
        An image patch showing the :arg:`bbox`, optionally reshaped to
        Returns None if the bounding box is empty or fully outside of the image
    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 列表
    bbox = np.array(bbox)  # 现在是数组
    # print('bbox:', bbox)
    # bbox1 = bbox
    # bbox1[2:] += bbox1[:2]
    # bbox1 = bbox1.astype(np.int)
    # sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 = bbox1

    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 数组
    # 只改变宽度来适应纵横比
    '''省略了这里面的剪裁步骤,转而进行下面的放缩过程  # TODO 放缩
    if patch_shape is not None:  # patch_shape为image_shape[:2]=[128, 64] 高宽
        # correct aspect ratio to patch shape
        target_aspect = float(patch_shape[1]) / patch_shape[0]  # 宽/高 height bbox[3]高在这里没有改变,只改变宽度
        new_width = target_aspect * bbox[3]  # bbox[3] height
        # 新的宽度 = 宽/高  ×bbox[高]
        bbox[0] -= (new_width - bbox[2]) / 2  # 中心点x,这里的新的宽度一般是小于原来宽度,所以--为+最后是加
        # bbox(x, y, width, height)
        # bbox[2]是原来的宽,  x - (新宽 - 原来宽)/2
        bbox[2] = new_width
        # bbox 新的xywh
    # convert (x,y,width,height) to ( left,top,right, bottom ) ltrb
    bbox[2:] += bbox[:2]
    bbox = bbox.astype(np.int)

    # clip at image boundaries
    bbox[:2] = np.maximum(0, bbox[:2])  # top,left 取非负
    bbox[2:] = np.minimum(np.asarray(image.shape[:2][::-1]) - 1, bbox[2:])  # right,bottom不要过原图像右下界限
    if np.any(bbox[:2] >= bbox[2:]):  # 图像top left 不能大于 right bottom
        return None

    sx, sy, ex, ey = bbox  # x左 y上 x右 y下
    # print('class:', type(image))  # 
    # print('shape:', image.shape)  # (480, 640, 3)
    image = image[sy:ey, sx:ex]  # y方向,x方向 
    # image1 = image[sy1:ey1, sx1:ex1]

    # TODO 放缩\
    # print('class:', type(image))  # 
    # image = np.rot90(image)

    # TODO 放缩0 numpy 截取出来的最初结果
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-scale90-y1' + ".jpg", image)

    image = cv2.resize(image, (patch_shape[0], patch_shape[1]))  # TODO 此步骤可以取代后面 放缩1,2,3,4步骤
    # patch_shape = [128, 64]
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-scale90-y2-zoom' + ".jpg", image)
    image = np.rot90(image)
    # print('y90', image.shape)
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-scale90-y3-rot90' + ".jpg", image)

    '''旋转 不好用, 报错参数是浮点形应该是整形
    # rows, cols, channel = image.shape
    # rows = int(rows)
    # cols = int(cols)
    # print('rows, cols, channel:', rows, ' ', cols, ' ', channel)
    # change = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((rows//2, cols//2), 90, 1)
    # image = cv2.warpAffine(image, change, (rows, cols))

    # cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg", image)
    # 注释:因为我没有发现cv2针对格式图片有放缩函数 cv2.resize(image, (64, 128)),
    # 因而采取了下面转换为Image格式在用    Image里面的image.resize((64, 128))函数,再转换为格式的笨方法.
    # 并且此方法还会导致色彩错乱,下面地址可见案例/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/色彩错乱案例

    # TODO 放缩1 image 格式转换为Image
    image = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))  # 从cv格式转换为Image格式 
    image.save('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-1' + ".jpg")
    # print('class', type(image))  # 
    # image = image.rotate(-90)  # -90是顺时针旋转90度

    # TODO 放缩2 image 放缩为 宽高1:2
    image = image.resize((64, 128))  # 调整图片大小
    # 此时image 
    image.save('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg")

    # TODO 放缩3 numpy 再从image格式转换为numpy格式
    image = np.reshape(image, (128, 64, 3))  # 如果是灰度图片  把3改为-1
    # print('1', type(image)) 
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-3' + ".jpg", image)

    # cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg", image1)

    # TODO 放缩4 (此步骤貌似可以省略)
    image = cv2.resize(image, tuple(patch_shape[::-1]))  # resize需要(宽,高)格式 patch_shape 是[高,宽]
    # print('2', type(image))  # 
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-4' + ".jpg", image)
    # resize需要(宽,高)格式 image_shape高宽为[128, 64, 3] 
    # image_shape[:2]= patch_shape 是[高,宽]
    # TODO 放缩/
    return image

# TODO 5 二(270):放缩法 y方向
def scaling_y_270_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
    # patch_shape = image_shape[:2]=[128, 64]
    """Extract image patch from bounding box.

    image : ndarray
        The full image.
    bbox : array_like
        The bounding box in format (x, y, width, height).这里的xy指的是左上角点的坐标
    patch_shape : Optional[array_like]
        This parameter can be used to enforce a desired patch shape
        (height, width). First, the `bbox` is adapted to the aspect ratio
        of the patch shape, then it is clipped at the image boundaries.
        If None, the shape is computed from :arg:`bbox`.

    ndarray | NoneType
        An image patch showing the :arg:`bbox`, optionally reshaped to
        Returns None if the bounding box is empty or fully outside of the image
    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 列表
    bbox = np.array(bbox)  # 现在是数组
    # print('bbox:', bbox)
    # bbox1 = bbox
    # bbox1[2:] += bbox1[:2]
    # bbox1 = bbox1.astype(np.int)
    # sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 = bbox1

    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 数组
    # 只改变宽度来适应纵横比
    '''省略了这里面的剪裁步骤,转而进行下面的放缩过程  # TODO 放缩
    if patch_shape is not None:  # patch_shape为image_shape[:2]=[128, 64] 高宽
        # correct aspect ratio to patch shape
        target_aspect = float(patch_shape[1]) / patch_shape[0]  # 宽/高 height bbox[3]高在这里没有改变,只改变宽度
        new_width = target_aspect * bbox[3]  # bbox[3] height
        # 新的宽度 = 宽/高  ×bbox[高]
        bbox[0] -= (new_width - bbox[2]) / 2  # 中心点x,这里的新的宽度一般是小于原来宽度,所以--为+最后是加
        # bbox(x, y, width, height)
        # bbox[2]是原来的宽,  x - (新宽 - 原来宽)/2
        bbox[2] = new_width
        # bbox 新的xywh
    # convert (x,y,width,height) to ( left,top,right, bottom ) ltrb
    bbox[2:] += bbox[:2]
    bbox = bbox.astype(np.int)

    # clip at image boundaries
    bbox[:2] = np.maximum(0, bbox[:2])  # top,left 取非负
    bbox[2:] = np.minimum(np.asarray(image.shape[:2][::-1]) - 1, bbox[2:])  # right,bottom不要过原图像右下界限
    if np.any(bbox[:2] >= bbox[2:]):  # 图像top left 不能大于 right bottom
        return None

    sx, sy, ex, ey = bbox  # x左 y上 x右 y下
    # print('class:', type(image))  # 
    # print('shape:', image.shape)  # (480, 640, 3)
    image = image[sy:ey, sx:ex]  # y方向,x方向 
    # image1 = image[sy1:ey1, sx1:ex1]

    # TODO 放缩\
    # print('class:', type(image))  # 
    # image = np.rot90(image)

    # TODO 放缩0 numpy 截取出来的最初结果
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-scale270-y1' + ".jpg", image)

    image = cv2.resize(image, (patch_shape[0], patch_shape[1]))  # TODO 此步骤可以取代后面 放缩1,2,3,4步骤

    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-scale270-y2-zoom' + ".jpg", image)
    image = cv2.flip(image, 0, dst=None)  # 水平镜像
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-scale270-y2-flip' + ".jpg", image)
    image = np.rot90(image)
    # print('y270', image.shape)
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-scale270-y2-rot90' + ".jpg", image)

    '''旋转 不好用, 报错参数是浮点形应该是整形
    # rows, cols, channel = image.shape
    # rows = int(rows)
    # cols = int(cols)
    # print('rows, cols, channel:', rows, ' ', cols, ' ', channel)
    # change = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((rows//2, cols//2), 90, 1)
    # image = cv2.warpAffine(image, change, (rows, cols))

    # cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg", image)
    # 注释:因为我没有发现cv2针对格式图片有放缩函数 cv2.resize(image, (64, 128)),
    # 因而采取了下面转换为Image格式在用    Image里面的image.resize((64, 128))函数,再转换为格式的笨方法.
    # 并且此方法还会导致色彩错乱,下面地址可见案例/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/色彩错乱案例

    # TODO 放缩1 image 格式转换为Image
    image = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))  # 从cv格式转换为Image格式 
    image.save('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-1' + ".jpg")
    # print('class', type(image))  # 
    # image = image.rotate(-90)  # -90是顺时针旋转90度

    # TODO 放缩2 image 放缩为 宽高1:2
    image = image.resize((64, 128))  # 调整图片大小
    # 此时image 
    image.save('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg")

    # TODO 放缩3 numpy 再从image格式转换为numpy格式
    image = np.reshape(image, (128, 64, 3))  # 如果是灰度图片  把3改为-1
    # print('1', type(image)) 
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-3' + ".jpg", image)

    # cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg", image1)

    # TODO 放缩4 (此步骤貌似可以省略)
    image = cv2.resize(image, tuple(patch_shape[::-1]))  # resize需要(宽,高)格式 patch_shape 是[高,宽]
    # print('2', type(image))  # 
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-4' + ".jpg", image)
    # resize需要(宽,高)格式 image_shape高宽为[128, 64, 3] 
    # image_shape[:2]= patch_shape 是[高,宽]
    # TODO 放缩/
    return image

# 此处的提取图片切片是不包含放缩小的直接切成(64,128)宽高的人性切片,
# 因为我们引用了新的放缩方法(在上面) def scaling_extract_image_patch: 来让动物的全身特征都加入特征内放缩为(64,128)
# TODO 5 三:切割法 x方向
def extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
    # patch_shape = image_shape[:2]=[128, 64]
    """Extract image patch from bounding box.

    image : ndarray
        The full image.
    bbox : array_like
        The bounding box in format (x, y, width, height).这里的xy指的是左上角点的坐标
    patch_shape : Optional[array_like]
        This parameter can be used to enforce a desired patch shape
        (height, width). First, the `bbox` is adapted to the aspect ratio
        of the patch shape, then it is clipped at the image boundaries.
        If None, the shape is computed from :arg:`bbox`.

    ndarray | NoneType
        An image patch showing the :arg:`bbox`, optionally reshaped to
        Returns None if the bounding box is empty or fully outside of the image
    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 列表
    bbox = np.array(bbox)

    # bbox1 = bbox
    # bbox1[2:] += bbox1[:2]
    # bbox1 = bbox1.astype(np.int)
    # sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 = bbox1

    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 数组
    # 只改变宽度来适应纵横比
    if patch_shape is not None:  # patch_shape为image_shape[:2]=[128, 64] 高宽
        # correct aspect ratio to patch shape
        target_aspect = float(patch_shape[1]) / patch_shape[0]  # 宽/高 height bbox[3]高在这里没有改变,只改变宽度
        new_width = target_aspect * bbox[3]  # bbox[3] height
        # 新的宽度 = 宽/高  ×bbox[高]
        bbox[0] -= (new_width - bbox[2]) / 2  # 中心点x,这里的新的宽度一般是小雨原来宽度,所以--为+最后是加
        # bbox(x, y, width, height)
        # bbox[2]是原来的宽,  x - (新宽 - 原来宽)/2
        bbox[2] = new_width
        # bbox 新的xywh

    # convert (x,y,width,height) to ( left,top,right, bottom ) ltrb
    bbox[2:] += bbox[:2]
    bbox = bbox.astype(np.int)

    # clip at image boundaries
    bbox[:2] = np.maximum(0, bbox[:2])   # top,left 取非负
    bbox[2:] = np.minimum(np.asarray(image.shape[:2][::-1]) - 1, bbox[2:])  # right,bottom不要过原图像右下界限
    if np.any(bbox[:2] >= bbox[2:]):  # 图像top left 不能大于 right bottom
        return None

    sx, sy, ex, ey = bbox  # x左 y上 x右 y下
    image = image[sy:ey, sx:ex]  # y方向,x方向
    # image1 = image[sy1:ey1, sx1:ex1]
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-cut-x1' + ".jpg", image)
    # cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg", image1)
    image = cv2.resize(image, tuple(patch_shape[::-1]))  # 
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-cut-x2-zoom' + ".jpg", image)

    # resize需要(宽,高)格式 image_shape高宽为[128, 64, 3] 
    # image_shape[:2]= patch_shape 是[高,宽]
    return image

# 此处的提取图片切片是不包含放缩小的直接切成(64,128)宽高的人性切片,
# 因为我们引用了新的放缩方法(在上面) def scaling_extract_image_patch: 来让动物的全身特征都加入特征内放缩为(64,128)

# TODO 5 四(90):切割法 y方向
def y_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
    # patch_shape = image_shape[:2]=[128, 64]
    """Extract image patch from bounding box.

    image : ndarray
        The full image.
    bbox : array_like
        The bounding box in format (x, y, width, height).这里的xy指的是左上角点的坐标
    patch_shape : Optional[array_like]
        This parameter can be used to enforce a desired patch shape
        (height, width). First, the `bbox` is adapted to the aspect ratio
        of the patch shape, then it is clipped at the image boundaries.
        If None, the shape is computed from :arg:`bbox`.

    ndarray | NoneType
        An image patch showing the :arg:`bbox`, optionally reshaped to
        Returns None if the bounding box is empty or fully outside of the image
    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 列表
    bbox = np.array(bbox)

    # bbox1 = bbox
    # bbox1[2:] += bbox1[:2]
    # bbox1 = bbox1.astype(np.int)
    # sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 = bbox1

    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 数组
    # 只改变宽度来适应纵横比
    if patch_shape is not None:  # patch_shape为image_shape[:2]=[128, 64] 高宽
        # correct aspect ratio to patch shape
        # patch_shape[1] = 64
        target_aspect = float(patch_shape[0]) / patch_shape[1]  # 128/64 height bbox[3]高在这里没有改变,只改变宽度
        new_width = target_aspect * bbox[3]  # bbox[3] height
        # 新的宽度 = 宽/高(1/2)  ×bbox[高]
        bbox[0] -= (new_width - bbox[2]) / 2  # 中心点x,这里的新的宽度一般是小雨原来宽度,所以--为+最后是加
        # bbox(x, y, width, height)
        # bbox[2]是原来的宽,  x - (新宽 - 原来宽)/2
        bbox[2] = new_width
        # bbox 新的xywh

        target_aspect = float(patch_shape[1]) / patch_shape[0]  # 64/128 height bbox[3]高在这里没有改变,只改变宽度
        new_height = target_aspect * bbox[2]  # bbox[2] width
        # 新的高 = 宽/高(1/2)  ×bbox[宽]
        bbox[1] -= (new_height - bbox[3]) / 2  # 中心点x,这里的新的宽度一般是小雨原来宽度,所以--为+最后是加
        # bbox(x, y, width, height)
        # bbox[2]是原来的宽,  x - (新宽 - 原来宽)/2
        bbox[3] = new_height
        # bbox 新的xywh

    # convert (x,y,width,height) to ( left,top,right, bottom ) ltrb
    bbox[2:] += bbox[:2]
    bbox = bbox.astype(np.int)

    # clip at image boundaries
    bbox[:2] = np.maximum(0, bbox[:2])   # top,left 取非负
    bbox[2:] = np.minimum(np.asarray(image.shape[:2][::-1]) - 1, bbox[2:])  # right,bottom不要过原图像右下界限
    if np.any(bbox[:2] >= bbox[2:]):  # 图像top left 不能大于 right bottom
        return None

    sx, sy, ex, ey = bbox  # x左 y上 x右 y下
    image = image[sy:ey, sx:ex]  # y方向,x方向
    # image1 = image[sy1:ey1, sx1:ex1]
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-cut90-y1' + ".jpg", image)
    # cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg", image1)
    image = cv2.resize(image, tuple(patch_shape))  # 
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-cut90-y2-zoom' + ".jpg", image)
    image = np.rot90(image, 1)  # 地面朝向右边
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-cut90-y3-rot90' + ".jpg", image)

    # resize需要(宽,高)格式 image_shape高宽为[128, 64, 3] 
    # image_shape[:2]= patch_shape 是[高,宽]
    return image

# TODO 5 四(270):切割法 y方向
def y_270_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
    # patch_shape = image_shape[:2]=[128, 64]
    """Extract image patch from bounding box.

    image : ndarray
        The full image.
    bbox : array_like
        The bounding box in format (x, y, width, height).这里的xy指的是左上角点的坐标
    patch_shape : Optional[array_like]
        This parameter can be used to enforce a desired patch shape
        (height, width). First, the `bbox` is adapted to the aspect ratio
        of the patch shape, then it is clipped at the image boundaries.
        If None, the shape is computed from :arg:`bbox`.

    ndarray | NoneType
        An image patch showing the :arg:`bbox`, optionally reshaped to
        Returns None if the bounding box is empty or fully outside of the image
    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 列表
    bbox = np.array(bbox)

    # bbox1 = bbox
    # bbox1[2:] += bbox1[:2]
    # bbox1 = bbox1.astype(np.int)
    # sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 = bbox1

    # print('bbox:', bbox)  # 数组
    # 只改变宽度来适应纵横比
    if patch_shape is not None:  # patch_shape为image_shape[:2]=[128, 64] 高宽
        # correct aspect ratio to patch shape
        # patch_shape[1] = 64
        target_aspect = float(patch_shape[1]) / patch_shape[0]  # 64/128 height bbox[3]高在这里没有改变,只改变宽度
        new_height = target_aspect * bbox[2]  # bbox[2] width
        # 新的高 = 宽/高(1/2)  ×bbox[宽]
        bbox[1] -= (new_height - bbox[3]) / 2  # 中心点x,这里的新的宽度一般是小雨原来宽度,所以--为+最后是加
        # bbox(x, y, width, height)
        # bbox[2]是原来的宽,  x - (新宽 - 原来宽)/2
        bbox[3] = new_height
        # bbox 新的xywh

    # convert (x,y,width,height) to ( left,top,right, bottom ) ltrb
    bbox[2:] += bbox[:2]
    bbox = bbox.astype(np.int)

    # clip at image boundaries
    bbox[:2] = np.maximum(0, bbox[:2])   # top,left 取非负
    bbox[2:] = np.minimum(np.asarray(image.shape[:2][::-1]) - 1, bbox[2:])  # right,bottom不要过原图像右下界限
    if np.any(bbox[:2] >= bbox[2:]):  # 图像top left 不能大于 right bottom
        return None

    sx, sy, ex, ey = bbox  # x左 y上 x右 y下
    image = image[sy:ey, sx:ex]  # y方向,x方向
    # image1 = image[sy1:ey1, sx1:ex1]
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-cut270-y1' + ".jpg", image)
    # cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-2' + ".jpg", image1)
    image = cv2.resize(image, tuple(patch_shape))  # 
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-cut270-y2-zoom' + ".jpg", image)
    image = cv2.flip(image, 1, dst=None)  # 水平镜像
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-cut270-y2-mirror' + ".jpg", image)
    image = np.rot90(image, 1)  # 地面朝向右边
    cv2.imwrite('/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_DeepSortYolo/train/' + '-cut270-y3_rot90' + ".jpg", image)
    # resize需要(宽,高)格式 image_shape高宽为[128, 64, 3] 
    # image_shape[:2]= patch_shape 是[高,宽]
    return image

# TODO 5 一:放缩法 x方向
def scaling_x_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):  # patch_shape = image_shape: [128, 64, 3]
# TODO 5 二(90):放缩法 y方向
def scaling_y_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
# TODO 5 二(270):放缩法 y方向
def scaling_y_270_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
# TODO 5 三:切割法 x方向
def extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
# TODO 5 四:切割法(90) y方向
def y_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
# TODO 5 四:切割法(270) y方向
def y_270_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):

# TODO 被特征1,2调用: 被下面 def create_box_encoder_xy() 与 def create_box_encoder() 调用
class ImageEncoder(object):  # TODO ImageEncoder

    def __init__(self, checkpoint_filename, input_name="images",
        self.session = tf.Session()
        with tf.gfile.GFile(checkpoint_filename, "rb") as file_handle:  # TODO 2 学习tf这部分
            graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
            # tf.gfile.GFile(filename, mode)
            # 获取文本操作句柄,类似于python提供的文本操作open()函数,filename是要打开的文件名,
            # mode是以何种方式去读写,将会返回一个文本操作句柄。
        tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name="net")
        # 将图从graph_def导入到当前默认图中.
        # graph_def: 包含要导入到默认图中的操作的GraphDef proto。

        self.input_var = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            "net/%s:0" % input_name)
        print('self.input_var:', self.input_var)
        # input_var: Tensor("net/images:0", shape=(?, 128, 64, 3), dtype=uint8)
        self.output_var = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            "net/%s:0" % output_name)
        print('self.output_name:', self.output_var)
        # output_name: Tensor("net/features:0", shape=(?, 128), dtype=float32)

        # print('self.input_var', self.input_var) Tensor("net/images:0", shape=(?, 128, 64, 3), dtype=uint8)
        # print('self.output_var', self.output_var)  Tensor("net/features:0", shape=(?, 128), dtype=float32)

        assert len(self.output_var.get_shape()) == 2
        assert len(self.input_var.get_shape()) == 4
        self.feature_dim = self.output_var.get_shape().as_list()[-1]
        self.image_shape = self.input_var.get_shape().as_list()[1:]
        # print('self.feature_dim', self.feature_dim) 128
        # print('第一个shape:', self.image_shape) 高宽为[128, 64, 3]

    def __call__(self, data_x, batch_size=32):
        out = np.zeros((len(data_x), self.feature_dim), np.float32)
        # print(data_x)  # 为(1, 128, 64, 3)的四维数组多层嵌套,两个人就1变2
        # print(data_x.shape)
        # print(len(data_x))  # 为1
        # print('zeros:', out.shape)  # 为(1,128)一个人,128特征 [[0.17.., ... ,0.066..]]数组

            lambda x: self.session.run(self.output_var, feed_dict=x),
            {self.input_var: data_x}, out, batch_size)

        # def _run_in_batches(f, data_dict, out, batch_size):
        # f
        # data_dict   {self.input_var: data_x}
        # out.shape为(1,128)一个人,128特征 数组形式
        # batch_size为1
        # TODO 3 print('ImageEncoder结果输出out为:', '\n', out, '\n', out.shape)
        return out

# TODO 特征1: x方向, y90方向, y270方向, 三特征综合考虑
def create_box_encoder_xy(model_filename, input_name="images",
                          output_name="features", batch_size=32):  # TODO 1 encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1)
    image_encoder = ImageEncoder(model_filename, input_name, output_name)  # TODO ImageEncoder
    # image_encoder= out  [[0.17.., ... ,0.066..][..., ..., ...]] (2,128) 数组含义,两个人,128特征
    # print('image_encoder:', image_encoder)
    # image_encoder: 

    image_shape = image_encoder.image_shape
    # print('image_shape:', image_shape)
    # image_shape: [128, 64, 3]
    # print('image_shape:', image_shape)  # self.image_shape高宽为[128, 64, 3]

    def encoder(image, boxes):
        image_patches = []
        image_patches_y = []  # todo y
        image_patches_y_270 = []  # todo y270
        for box in boxes:  # 此处循环, 针对每个目标进行处理
            patch = scaling_x_extract_image_patch(image, box, image_shape[:2])  # TODO 5
            patch_y = scaling_y_extract_image_patch(image, box, image_shape[:2])  # todo y
            patch_y_270 = scaling_y_270_extract_image_patch(image, box, image_shape[:2])  # todo y270
            # TODO 5 一:放缩法 x方向
            def scaling_x_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):  # patch_shape = image_shape: [128, 64, 3]
            # TODO 5 二(90):放缩法 y方向
            def scaling_y_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
            # TODO 5 二(270):放缩法 y方向
            def scaling_y_270_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
            # TODO 5 三:切割法 x方向
            def extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
            # TODO 5 四:切割法(90) y方向
            def y_extract_image_patch(image, bbox, patch_shape):
            # TODO 5 四:切割法(270) y方向

            # patch = extract_image_patch(image, box, image_shape[:2])  # TODO 5
            # patch_y = y_extract_image_patch(image, box, image_shape[:2])  # todo y
            # patch_y_270 = y_270_extract_image_patch(image, box, image_shape[:2])  # todo y270

            print('pathce.shape:', patch.shape)  # features.shape (1, 128)
            print('pathce_y.shape:', patch_y.shape)  # features_y.shape (2, 128)
            print('pathce_y_270.shape:', patch_y_270.shape)  # features__270.shape (0, 128)s
            # TODO 5 extract_image_patch & scaling_x_extract_image_patch
            # print('格式:', type(patch))  # 
            # image_shape[:2]=[128, 64]
            # type(patch)是numpy.ndarray数组

            # TODO patch是正常的纵向reid,patch2,patch3是横向
            if patch is None:
                print("WARNING: Failed to extract image patch: %s." % str(box))
                patch = np.random.uniform(
                    0., 255., image_shape).astype(np.uint8)  # 在0到255范围内随机取,矩阵是[128,64]的随机数
            if patch_y is None:  # todo y
                print("WARNING: Failed to extract image patch: %s." % str(box))
                patch_y = np.random.uniform(
                    0., 255., image_shape).astype(np.uint8)  # 在0到255范围内随机取,矩阵是[128,64]的随机数
            if patch_y_270 is None:  # todo y
                print("WARNING: Failed to extract image patch: %s." % str(box))
                patch_y_270 = np.random.uniform(
                    0., 255., image_shape).astype(np.uint8)  # 在0到255范围内随机取,矩阵是[128,64]的随机数

            image_patches.append(patch)  # 出现了几个人,就有几个box,就有几个patch 
            image_patches_y.append(patch_y)  # 出现了几个人,就有几个box,就有几个patch  # todo y
            image_patches_y_270.append(patch_y_270)  # 出现了几个人,就有几个box,就有几个patch  # todo y270
            # type(image_patches) 是列表

        image_patches = np.asarray(image_patches)  # image_patches --> 
        image_patches_y = np.asarray(image_patches_y)  # todo y
        image_patches_y_270 = np.asarray(image_patches_y_270)  # todo y270
        # type(image_patches)是numpy.ndarray数组
        # print('batch_size', batch_size)  # 永远都是1
        # print('image_patches', image_patches)
        return image_encoder(image_patches, batch_size), \
               image_encoder(image_patches_y, batch_size),\
               image_encoder(image_patches_y_270, batch_size)

    return encoder

# TODO 特征2: 原始的x方向单一特征
def create_box_encoder(model_filename, input_name="images",
                       output_name="features", batch_size=32):  # TODO 1 encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1)
    image_encoder = ImageEncoder(model_filename, input_name, output_name)  # TODO ImageEncoder
    # image_encoder= out  [[0.17.., ... ,0.066..][..., ..., ...]] (2,128) 数组含义,两个人,128特征
    # print('image_encoder:', image_encoder)
    # image_encoder: 

    image_shape = image_encoder.image_shape
    # print('image_shape:', image_shape)
    # image_shape: [128, 64, 3]
    # print('image_shape:', image_shape)  # self.image_shape高宽为[128, 64, 3]

    def encoder(image, boxes):
        image_patches = []
        # image_patches_y = []  # todo y
        # image_patches_y_270 = []  # todo y270
        for box in boxes:  # 此处循环, 针对每个目标进行处理
            patch = extract_image_patch(image, box, image_shape[:2])  # TODO 5 x 缩放法
            # patch_y = scaling_y_extract_image_patch(image, box, image_shape[:2])  # todo y
            # patch_y_270 = scaling_y_270_extract_image_patch(image, box, image_shape[:2])  # todo y270
            # TODO 5 extract_image_patch & scaling_x_extract_image_patch
            # print('格式:', type(patch))  # 
            # image_shape[:2]=[128, 64]
            # type(patch)是numpy.ndarray数组

            # TODO patch是正常的纵向reid,patch2,patch3是横向
            if patch is None:
                print("WARNING: Failed to extract image patch: %s." % str(box))
                patch = np.random.uniform(
                    0., 255., image_shape).astype(np.uint8)  # 在0到255范围内随机取,矩阵是[128,64]的随机数
            if patch_y is None:  # todo y
                print("WARNING: Failed to extract image patch: %s." % str(box))
                patch_y = np.random.uniform(
                    0., 255., image_shape).astype(np.uint8)  # 在0到255范围内随机取,矩阵是[128,64]的随机数
            if patch_y_270 is None:  # todo y
                print("WARNING: Failed to extract image patch: %s." % str(box))
                patch_y_270 = np.random.uniform(
                    0., 255., image_shape).astype(np.uint8)  # 在0到255范围内随机取,矩阵是[128,64]的随机数
            image_patches.append(patch)  # 出现了几个人,就有几个box,就有几个patch 
            # image_patches_y.append(patch_y)  # 出现了几个人,就有几个box,就有几个patch  # todo y
            # image_patches_y.append(patch_y_270)  # 出现了几个人,就有几个box,就有几个patch  # todo y270
            # type(image_patches) 是列表

        image_patches = np.asarray(image_patches)  # image_patches --> 
        # image_patches_y = np.asarray(image_patches_y)  # todo y
        # image_patches_y_270 = np.asarray(image_patches_y_270)  # todo y270
        # type(image_patches)是numpy.ndarray数组
        # print('batch_size', batch_size)  # 永远都是1
        # print('image_patches', image_patches)
        return image_encoder(image_patches, batch_size)
        # image_encoder(image_patches_y, batch_size), image_encoder(image_patches_y_270, batch_size)

    return encoder

def generate_detections(encoder, mot_dir, output_dir, detection_dir=None):
    """Generate detections with features.

    encoder : Callable[image, ndarray] -> ndarray
        The encoder function takes as input a BGR color image and a matrix of
        bounding boxes in format `(x, y, w, h)` and returns a matrix of
        corresponding feature vectors.
    mot_dir : str
        Path to the MOTChallenge directory (can be either train or test).
        Path to the output directory. Will be created if it does not exist.
        Path to custom detections. The directory structure should be the default
        MOTChallenge structure: `[sequence]/det/det.txt`. If None, uses the
        standard MOTChallenge detections.

    if detection_dir is None:
        detection_dir = mot_dir
    except OSError as exception:
        if exception.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(output_dir):
            raise ValueError(
                "Failed to created output directory '%s'" % output_dir)

    for sequence in os.listdir(mot_dir):
        print("Processing %s" % sequence)
        sequence_dir = os.path.join(mot_dir, sequence)

        image_dir = os.path.join(sequence_dir, "img1")
        image_filenames = {
            int(os.path.splitext(f)[0]): os.path.join(image_dir, f)
            for f in os.listdir(image_dir)}

        detection_file = os.path.join(
            detection_dir, sequence, "det/det.txt")
        detections_in = np.loadtxt(detection_file, delimiter=',')
        detections_out = []

        frame_indices = detections_in[:, 0].astype(np.int)
        min_frame_idx = frame_indices.astype(np.int).min()
        max_frame_idx = frame_indices.astype(np.int).max()
        for frame_idx in range(min_frame_idx, max_frame_idx + 1):
            print("Frame %05d/%05d" % (frame_idx, max_frame_idx))
            mask = frame_indices == frame_idx
            rows = detections_in[mask]

            if frame_idx not in image_filenames:
                print("WARNING could not find image for frame %d" % frame_idx)
            bgr_image = cv2.imread(
                image_filenames[frame_idx], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
            features = encoder(bgr_image, rows[:, 2:6].copy())
            detections_out += [np.r_[(row, feature)] for row, feature
                               in zip(rows, features)]

        output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s.npy" % sequence)
            output_filename, np.asarray(detections_out), allow_pickle=False)

def parse_args():
    """Parse command line arguments.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Re-ID feature extractor")
        help="Path to freezed inference graph protobuf.")
        "--mot_dir", help="Path to MOTChallenge directory (train or test)",
        "--detection_dir", help="Path to custom detections. Defaults to "
        "standard MOT detections Directory structure should be the default "
        "MOTChallenge structure: [sequence]/det/det.txt", default=None)
        "--output_dir", help="Output directory. Will be created if it does not"
        " exist.", default="detections")
    return parser.parse_args()

def main():
    args = parse_args()
    encoder = create_box_encoder(args.model, batch_size=32)
    generate_detections(encoder, args.mot_dir, args.output_dir,

if __name__ == "__main__":












