Hadoop Modules(Hadoop 模块)
Amabri: 基于Web的工具,用于配置,管理和监视Apache Hadoop集群,其中包括对Hadoop HDFS,Hadoop MapReduce,Hive,HCatalog,HBase,ZooKeeper,Oozie,Pig和Sqoop的支持。Ambari还提供了一个仪表板,用于查看集群健康状况(例如热图)以及以可视方式查看MapReduce,Pig和Hive应用程序的功能,以及以用户友好的方式诊断其性能特征的功能。
Spark: 一种用于Hadoop数据的快速通用计算引擎。Spark提供了一个简单而富于表现力的编程模型,该模型支持广泛的应用程序,包括ETL,机器学习,流处理和图形计算。
1. Hadoop is Open Source(Hadoop是开源的)
Hadoop is an open-source project, which means its source code is available free of cost for inspection, modification, and analyses that allows enterprises to modify the code as per their requirements.
2. Hadoop cluster is Highly Scalable(Hadoop集群具有高度可扩展性)
Hadoop cluster is scalable means we can add any number of nodes (horizontal scalable) or increase the hardware capacity of nodes (vertical scalable) to achieve high computation power. This provides horizontal as well as vertical scalability to the Hadoop framework.
3. Hadoop provides Fault Tolerance(Hadoop提供容错能力)
Fault tolerance is the most important feature of Hadoop. HDFS in Hadoop 2 uses a replication mechanism to provide fault tolerance.
容错是Hadoop最重要的功能。Hadoop 2中的HDFS使用复制机制来提供容错能力。
It creates a replica of each block on the different machines depending on the replication factor (by default, it is 3). So if any machine in a cluster goes down, data can be accessed from the other machines containing a replica of the same data.
Hadoop 3 has replaced this replication mechanism by erasure coding. Erasure coding provides the same level of fault tolerance with less space. With Erasure coding, the storage overhead is not more than 50%.
Hadoop 3已通过擦除编码替代了此复制机制。擦除编码以较小的空间提供相同级别的容错能力。使用擦除编码时,存储开销不超过50%。
4. Hadoop provides High Availability(Hadoop提供高可用性)
This feature of Hadoop ensures the high availability of the data, even in unfavorable conditions.
Due to the fault tolerance feature of Hadoop, if any of the DataNodes goes down, the data is available to the user from different DataNodes containing a copy of the same data.
Also, the high availability Hadoop cluster consists of 2 or more running NameNodes (active and passive) in a hot standby configuration. The active node is the NameNode, which is active. Passive node is the standby node that reads edit logs modification of active NameNode and applies them to its own namespace.
If an active node fails, the passive node takes over the responsibility of the active node. Thus even if the NameNode goes down, files are available and accessible to users.
5. Hadoop is very Cost-Effective(Hadoop具有很高的成本效益)
Since the Hadoop cluster consists of nodes of commodity hardware that are inexpensive, thus provides a cost-effective solution for storing and processing big data. Being an open-source product, Hadoop doesn’t need any license.
6. Hadoop is Faster in Data Processing(Hadoop的数据处理速度更快)
Hadoop stores data in a distributed fashion, which allows data to be processed distributedly on a cluster of nodes. Thus it provides lightning-fast processing capability to the Hadoop framework.
7. Hadoop is based on Data Locality concept(Hadoop基于数据局部性概念)
Hadoop is popularly known for its data locality feature means moving computation logic to the data, rather than moving data to the computation logic. This features of Hadoop reduces the bandwidth utilization in a system.
8. Hadoop provides Feasibility(Hadoop提供可行性)
Unlike the traditional system, Hadoop can process unstructured data. Thus provide feasibility to the users to analyze data of any formats and size.
9. Hadoop is Easy to use(Hadoop易于使用)
Hadoop is easy to use as the clients don’t have to worry about distributing computing. The processing is handled by the framework itself.
10. Hadoop ensures Data Reliability(Hadoop确保数据可靠性)
In Hadoop due to the replication of data in the cluster, data is stored reliably on the cluster machines despite machine failures.
The framework itself provides a mechanism to ensure data reliability by Block Scanner, Volume Scanner, Disk Checker, and Directory Scanner. If your machine goes down or data gets corrupted, then also your data is stored reliably in the cluster and is accessible from the other machine containing a copy of data.
Hadoop 应用场景如下:
Simple numerical summaries – average, minimum, sum – were sufficient for the business problems of the 1980s and 1990s. Large amounts of complex data, though, require new techniques. Recognizing customer preferences requires analysis of purchase history, but also a close examination of browsing behavior and products viewed, comments and reviews logged on a web site, and even complaints and issues raised with customer support staff. Predicting behavior demands that customers be grouped by their preferences, so that behavior of one individual in the group can be used to predict the behavior of others. The algorithms involved include natural language processing, pattern recognition, machine learning and more. These techniques run very well on Hadoop.
简单的数字摘要,平均值,最小值,总和 - 只足够处理 20世纪80年代和90年代 的业务问题。今时今日大量复杂的数据需要新的技术 : 从认识到顾客喜好,购买历史记录的分析,仔细检查浏览行为和产品查看,网站上的意见和评论,客户支持人员的投诉和提出的问题,行为的预测,需求分组,客户自己的喜好,一个个体在群体中的行为,预测他人的行为,涉及的算法包括自然语言处理,模式识别,机器学习等。这些技术都是大数据应用。