
接下来继续分析PusherFactory类 及Pusher类的相关源码实现




(勘误:企业搜索引擎开发之连接器connector(六)中的UML图 这部分有点出入)



 * Interface for a factory that creates {@link Pusher} instances for use by a

 * {@link Traverser}.


public interface PusherFactory {


   * Create a new {@link Pusher} instance appropriate for the supplied

   * dataSource.


   * @param dataSource a data source for a {@code Feed}, typically the name

   *        of a connector instance.

   * @return a {@link Pusher}

   * @throws PushException if no {@link Pusher} is assigned to the 

   *         {@code dataSource}.


  public Pusher newPusher(String dataSource) throws PushException;





 * Factory that creates {@link DocPusher} instances that feed

 * {@link FeedConnection}.


// TODO: Support multiple sinks where different connector instances

// might feed different sinks.

public class DocPusherFactory implements PusherFactory {


   * FeedConnection that is the sink for our generated XmlFeeds.


  private final FeedConnection feedConnection;


   * Configured maximum document size and maximum feed file size supported.


  private final FileSizeLimitInfo fileSizeLimit;


   * Creates a {@code DocPusherFactory} object from the specified

   * {@code feedConnection}.


   * @param feedConnection a FeedConnection


  public DocPusherFactory(FeedConnection feedConnection) {

    this(feedConnection, new FileSizeLimitInfo());



   * Creates a {@code DocPusherFactory} object from the specified

   * {@code feedConnection}.  The supplied {@link FileSizeLimitInfo} specifies

   * constraints as to the size of a Document's content and the size of

   * generated Feed files.


   * @param feedConnection a {@link FeedConnection} sink for documents.

   * @param fileSizeLimit {@link FileSizeLimitInfo} constraints on document

   *        content and feed size.


  public DocPusherFactory(FeedConnection feedConnection,

                          FileSizeLimitInfo fileSizeLimit) {

    this.feedConnection = feedConnection;

    this.fileSizeLimit = fileSizeLimit;



  public Pusher newPusher(String dataSource) {

    return new DocPusher(feedConnection, dataSource, fileSizeLimit);






 * Interface for a Pusher - something that takes spi Documents

 * and sends them along on their way.


public interface Pusher {


   * Takes an spi Document and pushes it along, presumably to the GSA Feed.


   * @param document A Document

   * @return true if Pusher may accept more documents, false otherwise.

   * @throws RepositoryException if transient error accessing the Repository

   * @throws RepositoryDocumentException if fatal error accessing the Document

   * @throws FeedException if a transient Feed error occurs in the Pusher

   * @throws PushException if a transient error occurs in the Pusher


  public boolean take(Document document)

      throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException;


   * Finishes processing a document feed.  If the caller anticipates no

   * further calls to {@link #take(Document)} will be made,

   * this method should be called, so that the Pusher may send a cached,

   * accumulated Feed to the feed processor.


   * @throws RepositoryException if transient error accessing the Repository

   * @throws RepositoryDocumentException if fatal error accessing the Document

   * @throws FeedException if a transient Feed error occurs in the Pusher

   * @throws PushException if a transient error occurs in the Pusher


  public void flush()

      throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException;


   * Cancels a feed.  Discard any accumulated feed data.


  public void cancel();




 * Class to generate xml feed for a document from the Document and send it

 * to GSA.


public class DocPusher implements Pusher {

  private static final Logger LOGGER =


  private static final byte[] SPACE_CHAR = { 0x20 };  // UTF-8 space


   * Separate Logger for Feed Logging.


  private static final Logger FEED_WRAPPER_LOGGER =

      Logger.getLogger(LOGGER.getName() + ".FEED_WRAPPER");

  private static final Logger FEED_LOGGER =

      Logger.getLogger(FEED_WRAPPER_LOGGER.getName() + ".FEED");

  private static final Level FEED_LOG_LEVEL = Level.FINER;


   * Configured maximum document size and maximum feed file size supported.


  private final FileSizeLimitInfo fileSizeLimit;


   * FeedConnection that is the sink for our generated XmlFeeds.


  private final FeedConnection feedConnection;


   * Encoding method to use for Document content.


  private String contentEncoding;


   * The Connector name that is the dataSource for this Feed.


  private final String connectorName;


   * ExcecutorService that submits a Feed to the GSA in a separate thread.

   * This allows us to overlap I/O reading content from the Repository

   * in the traversal thread, and submitting content to the GSA in

   * a submitFeed thread.


  private final ExecutorService feedSender;


   * This is the list of outstanding asynchronous feed submissions.


  private final LinkedList<FutureTask<String>> submissions;


   * This is used to build up a multi-record feed.  Documents are added to the

   * feed until the size of the feed exceeds the FileSizeLimitInfo.maxFeedSize

   * or we are finished with the batch of documents. The feed is then

   * submitted to the feed connection.


  private XmlFeed xmlFeed = null;


   * This field is used to construct a feed record in parallel to the main feed

   * InputStream construction.  It is only used if the feed logging level is set

   * to the appropriate level.  It only exists during the time the main feed is

   * being constructed.  Once sufficient information has been appended to this

   * buffer its contents will be logged and it will be nulled.


  private StringBuilder feedLog = null;

  // For use by unit tests.

  private String gsaResponse;


   * Creates a {@code DocPusher} object from the specified

   * {@code feedConnection} and {@code connectorName}.  The supplied

   * {@link FileSizeLimitInfo} specifies constraints as to the size of a

   * Document's content and the size of generated Feed files.


   * @param feedConnection a FeedConnection

   * @param connectorName The connector name that is the source of the feed

   * @param fileSizeLimitInfo FileSizeLimitInfo constraints on document content

   *        and feed size.


  public DocPusher(FeedConnection feedConnection, String connectorName,

                   FileSizeLimitInfo fileSizeLimitInfo) {

    this.feedConnection = feedConnection;

    this.connectorName = connectorName;

    this.fileSizeLimit = fileSizeLimitInfo;

    // Check to see if the GSA supports compressed content feeds.

    String supportedEncodings =


    this.contentEncoding =

        (supportedEncodings.indexOf(XmlFeed.XML_BASE64COMPRESSED) >= 0) ?


    // Initialize background feed submission.

    this.submissions = new LinkedList<FutureTask<String>>();

    this.feedSender = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();



   * Return the Feed Logger.


  public static Logger getFeedLogger() {




   * Gets the response from GSA when the feed is sent. For testing only.


   * @return gsaResponse response from GSA.


  protected String getGsaResponse() {

    return gsaResponse;



   * Takes a Document and sends a the feed to the GSA.


   * @param document Document corresponding to the document.

   * @return true if Pusher should accept more documents, false otherwise.

   * @throws PushException if Pusher problem

   * @throws FeedException if transient Feed problem

   * @throws RepositoryDocumentException if fatal Document problem

   * @throws RepositoryException if transient Repository problem


  public boolean take(Document document)

      throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException {

    if (feedSender.isShutdown()) {

      throw new IllegalStateException("Pusher is shut down");



    String feedType;

    try {

      feedType = DocUtils.getFeedType(document);

    } catch (RuntimeException e) {


          "Rethrowing RuntimeException as RepositoryDocumentException", e);

      throw new RepositoryDocumentException(e);


    // All feeds in a feed file must be of the same type.

    // If the feed would change type, send the feed off to the GSA

    // and start a new one.

    if ((xmlFeed != null) && (feedType != xmlFeed.getFeedType())) {

      if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {

        LOGGER.fine("A new feedType, " + feedType + ", requires a new feed for "

            + connectorName + ". Closing feed and sending to GSA.");




    if (xmlFeed == null) {

      if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {

        LOGGER.fine("Creating new " + feedType + " feed for " + connectorName);


      try {


      } catch (OutOfMemoryError me) {

        throw new PushException("Unable to allocate feed buffer.  Try reducing"

            + " the maxFeedSize setting, reducing the number of connector"

            + " intances, or adjusting the JVM heap size parameters.", me);



    boolean isThrowing = false;

    int resetPoint = xmlFeed.size();

    InputStream contentStream = null;

    try {

      // Add this document to the feed.

      contentStream = getContentStream(document, feedType);

      xmlFeed.addRecord(document, contentStream, contentEncoding);

      if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {

        LOGGER.finer("Document "

            + DocUtils.getRequiredString(document, SpiConstants.PROPNAME_DOCID)

            + " from connector " + connectorName + " added to feed.");


      // If the feed is full, send it off to the GSA.

      if (xmlFeed.isFull() || lowMemory()) {

        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {

          LOGGER.fine("Feed for " + connectorName + " has grown to "

              + xmlFeed.size() + " bytes. Closing feed and sending to GSA.");



        // If we are running low on memory, don't start another feed -

        // tell the Traverser to finish this batch.

        if (lowMemory()) {

          return false;


        // If the number of feeds waiting to be sent has backed up,

        // tell the Traverser to finish this batch.

        if ((checkSubmissions() > 10) || feedConnection.isBacklogged()) {

          return false;



      // Indicate that this Pusher may accept more documents.

      return true;

    } catch (OutOfMemoryError me) {


      throw new PushException("Out of memory building feed, retrying.", me);

    } catch (RuntimeException e) {



          "Rethrowing RuntimeException as RepositoryDocumentException", e);

      throw new RepositoryDocumentException(e);

    } catch (RepositoryDocumentException rde) {

      // Skipping this document, remove it from the feed.


      throw rde;

    } catch (IOException ioe) {

      LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "IOException while reading: skipping", ioe);


      Throwable t = ioe.getCause();

      isThrowing = true;

      if (t != null && (t instanceof RepositoryException)) {

        throw (RepositoryException) t;

      } else {

        throw new RepositoryDocumentException("I/O error reading data", ioe);


    } finally {

      if (contentStream != null) {

        try {


        } catch (IOException e) {

          if (!isThrowing) {


                       "Rethrowing IOException as PushException", e);

            throw new PushException("IOException: " + e.getMessage(), e);







   * Finish a feed.  No more documents are anticipated.

   * If there is an outstanding feed file, submit it to the GSA.


   * @throws PushException if Pusher problem

   * @throws FeedException if transient Feed problem

   * @throws RepositoryException


  public void flush() throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException {

    LOGGER.fine("Flushing accumulated feed to GSA");


    if (!feedSender.isShutdown()) {




    while (!feedSender.isTerminated()) {

      try {

        feedSender.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

        if (checkSubmissions() > 0) {

          throw new FeedException("Interrupted while waiting for feeds.");







   * Cancels any feed being constructed.  Any accumulated feed data is lost.


  public void cancel() {

    // Discard any feed under construction.

    if (xmlFeed != null) {

      LOGGER.fine("Discarding accumulated feed for " + connectorName);

      xmlFeed = null;


    if (feedLog != null) {

      feedLog = null;


    // Cancel any feeds under asynchronous submission.




   * Checks on asynchronously submitted feeds to see if they completed

   * or failed.  If any of the submissions failed, throw an Exception.


   * @return number if items remaining in the submissions list


  private int checkSubmissions()

      throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException {

    int count = 0;  // Count of outstanding items in the list.

    synchronized(submissions) {

      ListIterator<FutureTask<String>> iter = submissions.listIterator();

      while (iter.hasNext()) {

        FutureTask<String> future =;

        if (future.isDone()) {


          try {

            gsaResponse = future.get();

          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

            // Shouldn't happen if isDone.

          } catch (ExecutionException ee) {

            Throwable cause = ee.getCause();

            if (cause == null) {

              cause = ee;


            if (cause instanceof PushException) {

              throw (PushException) cause;

            } else if (cause instanceof FeedException) {

              throw (FeedException) cause;

            } else if (cause instanceof RepositoryException) {

              throw (RepositoryException) cause;

            } else {

              throw new FeedException("Error submitting feed", cause);



        } else {





    return count;



   * Checks for low available memory condition.


   * @return true if free memory is running low.


  private boolean lowMemory() {

    long threshold = ((fileSizeLimit.maxFeedSize() + fileSizeLimit.maxDocumentSize()) * 4) / 3;

    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();

    if ((rt.maxMemory() - (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory())) < threshold) {


      if ((rt.maxMemory() - (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory())) < threshold) {

        return true;



    return false;



   * Allocates initial memory for a new XmlFeed and feed logger.


   * @param feedType


  private void startNewFeed(String feedType) throws PushException {

    // Allocate a buffer to construct the feed log.

    try {

      if (FEED_LOGGER.isLoggable(FEED_LOG_LEVEL) && feedLog == null) {

        feedLog = new StringBuilder(256 * 1024);

        feedLog.append("Records generated for ").append(feedType);

        feedLog.append(" feed of ").append(connectorName).append(":\n");


    } catch (OutOfMemoryError me) {

      throw new OutOfMemoryError(

           "Unable to allocate feed log buffer for connector " + connectorName);


    // Allocate XmlFeed of the target size.

    int feedSize = (int) fileSizeLimit.maxFeedSize();

    try {

      try {

        xmlFeed = new XmlFeed(connectorName, feedType, feedSize, feedLog);

      } catch (OutOfMemoryError me) {

        // We shouldn't even have gotten this far under a low memory condition.

        // However, try to allocate a tiny feed buffer.  It should fill up on

        // the first document, forcing it to be submitted.  DocPusher.take()

        // should then return a signal to the caller to terminate the batch.

        LOGGER.warning("Insufficient memory available to allocate an optimally"

            + " sized feed - retrying with a much smaller feed allocation.");

        feedSize = 1024;

        try {

          xmlFeed = new XmlFeed(connectorName, feedType, feedSize, feedLog);

        } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {

          throw new OutOfMemoryError(

               "Unable to allocate feed buffer for connector " + connectorName);



    } catch (IOException ioe) {

      throw new PushException("Error creating feed", ioe);


    LOGGER.fine("Allocated a new feed of size " + feedSize);




   * Takes the accumulated XmlFeed and sends the feed to the GSA.


   * @throws PushException if Pusher problem

   * @throws FeedException if transient Feed problem

   * @throws RepositoryException


  private void submitFeed()

      throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException {

    if (xmlFeed == null) {



    final XmlFeed feed = xmlFeed;

    xmlFeed = null;

    final String logMessage;

    if (feedLog != null) {

      logMessage = feedLog.toString();

      feedLog = null;

    } else {

      logMessage = null;


    try {


    } catch (IOException ioe) {

      throw new PushException("Error closing feed", ioe);


    try {

      // Send the feed to the GSA in a separate thread.

      FutureTask<String> future = new FutureTask<String> (

          new Callable<String>() {

            public String call()

                throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException {

              try {

                NDC.push("Feed " + feed.getDataSource());

                return submitFeed(feed, logMessage);

              } finally {







      // Add the future to list of outstanding submissions.

      synchronized(submissions) {



    } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {

      throw new FeedException("Asynchronous feed was rejected. ", ree);




   * Takes the supplied XmlFeed and sends that feed to the GSA.


   * @param feed an XmlFeed

   * @param logMessage a Feed Log message

   * @return response String from GSA

   * @throws PushException if Pusher problem

   * @throws FeedException if transient Feed problem

   * @throws RepositoryException


  private String submitFeed(XmlFeed feed, String logMessage)

      throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException {

    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {

      LOGGER.fine("Submitting " + feed.getFeedType() + " feed for "

          + feed.getDataSource() + " to the GSA. " + feed.getRecordCount()

          + " records totaling " + feed.size() + " bytes.");


    // Write the generated feedLog message to the feed logger.

    if (logMessage != null && FEED_LOGGER.isLoggable(FEED_LOG_LEVEL)) {

      FEED_LOGGER.log(FEED_LOG_LEVEL, logMessage);


    // Write the Feed to the TeedFeedFile, if one was specified.

    String teedFeedFilename = Context.getInstance().getTeedFeedFile();

    if (teedFeedFilename != null) {

      boolean isThrowing = false;

      OutputStream os = null;

      try {

        os = new FileOutputStream(teedFeedFilename, true);


      } catch (IOException e) {

        isThrowing = true;

        throw new FeedException("Cannot write to file: " + teedFeedFilename, e);

      } finally {

        if (os != null) {

          try {


          } catch (IOException e) {

            if (!isThrowing) {

              throw new FeedException(

                   "Cannot write to file: " + teedFeedFilename, e);






    String gsaResponse = feedConnection.sendData(feed);

    if (!gsaResponse.equals(GsaFeedConnection.SUCCESS_RESPONSE)) {

      String eMessage = gsaResponse;

      if (GsaFeedConnection.UNAUTHORIZED_RESPONSE.equals(gsaResponse)) {

        eMessage += ": Client is not authorized to send feeds. Make "

            + "sure the GSA is configured to trust feeds from your host.";


      if (GsaFeedConnection.INTERNAL_ERROR_RESPONSE.equals(gsaResponse)) {

        eMessage += ": Check GSA status or feed format.";


      throw new PushException(eMessage);


    return gsaResponse;



   * Return an InputStream for the Document's content.


  private InputStream getContentStream(Document document, String feedType)

      throws RepositoryException {

    InputStream contentStream = null;

    if (!feedType.equals(XmlFeed.XML_FEED_METADATA_AND_URL)) {

      InputStream encodedContentStream = getEncodedStream(

          new BigEmptyDocumentFilterInputStream(


              SpiConstants.PROPNAME_CONTENT), fileSizeLimit.maxDocumentSize()),

          (Context.getInstance().getTeedFeedFile() != null), 1024 * 1024);

      InputStream encodedAlternateStream = getEncodedStream(getAlternateContent(

          DocUtils.getOptionalString(document, SpiConstants.PROPNAME_TITLE)),

          false, 1024);

      contentStream = new AlternateContentFilterInputStream(

          encodedContentStream, encodedAlternateStream, xmlFeed);


    return contentStream;



   * Wrap the content stream with the suitable encoding (either

   * Base64 or Base64Compressed, based upon GSA encoding support.


  // TODO: Don't compress tiny content or already compressed data

  // (based on mimetype).  This is harder than it sounds.

  private InputStream getEncodedStream(InputStream content, boolean wrapLines,

                                       int ioBufferSize) {

    if (XmlFeed.XML_BASE64COMPRESSED.equals(contentEncoding)) {

      return new Base64FilterInputStream(

          new CompressedFilterInputStream(content, ioBufferSize), wrapLines);

    } else {

      return new Base64FilterInputStream(content, wrapLines);




   * Construct the alternate content data for a feed item.  If the feed item

   * has null or empty content, or if the feed item has excessively large

   * content, substitute this data which will insure that the feed item gets

   * indexed by the GSA. The alternate content consists of the item's title,

   * or a single space, if it lacks a title.


   * @param title from the feed item

   * @return an InputStream containing the alternate content


  private static InputStream getAlternateContent(String title) {

    byte[] bytes = null;

    // Alternate content is a string that is substituted for null or empty

    // content streams, in order to make sure the GSA indexes the feed item.

    // If the feed item supplied a title property, we build an HTML fragment

    // containing that title.  This provides better looking search result

    // entries.

    if (title != null && title.trim().length() > 0) {

      try {

        String t = "<html><title>" + title.trim() + "</title></html>";

        bytes = t.getBytes("UTF-8");

      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {

        // Don't be fancy.  Try the single space content.



    // If no title is available, we supply a single space as the content.

    if (bytes == null) {

      bytes = SPACE_CHAR;


    return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);



   * A FilterInput stream that protects against large documents and empty

   * documents.  If we have read more than FileSizeLimitInfo.maxDocumentSize

   * bytes from the input, we reset the feed to before we started reading

   * content, then provide the alternate content.  Similarly, if we get EOF

   * after reading zero bytes, we provide the alternate content.


  private static class AlternateContentFilterInputStream

      extends FilterInputStream {

    private boolean useAlternate;

    private InputStream alternate;

    private final XmlFeed feed;

    private int resetPoint;


     * @param in InputStream containing raw document content

     * @param alternate InputStream containing alternate content to provide

     * @param feed XmlFeed under constructions (used for reseting size)


    public AlternateContentFilterInputStream(InputStream in,

        InputStream alternate, XmlFeed feed) {


      this.useAlternate = false;

      this.alternate = alternate;

      this.feed = feed;

      this.resetPoint = -1;


    // Reset the feed to its position when we started reading this stream,

    // and start reading from the alternate input.

    // TODO: WARNING: this will not work if using chunked HTTP transfer.

    private void switchToAlternate() {


      useAlternate = true;



    public int read() throws IOException {

      if (resetPoint == -1) {

        // If I have read nothing yet, remember the reset point in the feed.

        resetPoint = feed.size();


      if (!useAlternate) {

        try {


        } catch (EmptyDocumentException e) {


        } catch (BigDocumentException e) {

          LOGGER.finer("Document content exceeds the maximum configured "

                       + "document size, discarding content.");







    public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {

      if (resetPoint == -1) {

        // If I have read nothing yet, remember the reset point in the feed.

        resetPoint = feed.size();


      if (!useAlternate) {

        try {

          return, off, len);

        } catch (EmptyDocumentException e) {


          return 0; // Return alternate content on subsequent call to read().

        } catch (BigDocumentException e) {

          LOGGER.finer("Document content exceeds the maximum configured "

                       + "document size, discarding content.");


          return 0; // Return alternate content on subsequent call to read().



      return, off, len);



    public boolean markSupported() {

      return false;



    public void close() throws IOException {






   * A FilterInput stream that protects against large documents and empty

   * documents.  If we have read more than FileSizeLimitInfo.maxDocumentSize

   * bytes from the input, or if we get EOF after reading zero bytes,

   * we throw a subclass of IOException that is used as a signal for

   * AlternateContentFilterInputStream to switch to alternate content.


  private static class BigEmptyDocumentFilterInputStream

      extends FilterInputStream {

    private final long maxDocumentSize;

    private long currentDocumentSize;


     * @param in InputStream containing raw document content

     * @param maxDocumentSize maximum allowed size in bytes of data read from in


    public BigEmptyDocumentFilterInputStream(InputStream in,

                                             long maxDocumentSize) {


      this.maxDocumentSize = maxDocumentSize;

      this.currentDocumentSize = 0;



    public int read() throws IOException {

      if (in == null) {

        throw new EmptyDocumentException();


      int val =;

      if (val == -1) {

        if (currentDocumentSize == 0) {

          throw new EmptyDocumentException();


      } else if (++currentDocumentSize > maxDocumentSize) {

        throw new BigDocumentException();


      return val;



    public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {

      if (in == null) {

        throw new EmptyDocumentException();


      int bytesRead =, off,

          (int) Math.min(len, maxDocumentSize - currentDocumentSize + 1));

      if (bytesRead == -1) {

        if (currentDocumentSize == 0) {

          throw new EmptyDocumentException();


      } else if ((currentDocumentSize += bytesRead) > maxDocumentSize) {

        throw new BigDocumentException();


      return bytesRead;



    public boolean markSupported() {

      return false;



    public void close() throws IOException {

      if (in != null) {






   * Subclass of IOException that is thrown when maximumDocumentSize

   * is exceeded.


  private static class BigDocumentException extends IOException {

    public BigDocumentException() {

      super("Maximum Document size exceeded.");




   * Subclass of IOException that is thrown when the document has

   * no content.


  private static class EmptyDocumentException extends IOException {

    public EmptyDocumentException() {

      super("Document has no content.");









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