【北邮国院大二下】产品开发与营销知识点整理 Topic7


Topic 7 – System Level Design

本topic主要讲的是phase 2

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Phase 2 – System-level design


Phase 2 includes the definition of the product architecture and the decomposition into functional & physical elements

阶段2包括产品架构的定义和分解成 功能和物理元素

This definition and decomposition can be clearer for physical products, but still relevant for software etc


Product Architecture


Product Architecture can be described as:“the scheme by which the functional elements of the product are arranged into physical chunks and by which the chunks interact”


Functional – individual operations and transformations that contribute to its overall performance.


Physical – parts, components and subassemblies that implement the product’s functions


Product Architecture’s Aim

Architectural decisions allow the detailed design and testing of these physical blocks to be assigned to teams, individuals, and/or suppliers, so that the development of different portions can be carried out simultaneously


Product Architecture - Chunks


The physical elements of a product are typically organised into several major building blocks – called chunks.


These chunks become the building blocks for the product or family of products


Each chunk is then made up of a collection of components which implement the functions of the product


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The architecture of a product is therefore the scheme by which the functional elements of the product are arranged into physical chunks and by which the chunks interact


Modular & integral architecture

A key characteristic of product architecture is the degree to which it is either:


        Modular, in which         模块化的

                Each chunk implements one or a few functions entirely.


                The interactions between chunks are well defined.


                Modular architecture has simplicity and reusability for a product family or platform.


        Integral        整体化的

                Functional elements are implemented by multiple chunks, or a chunk may implement many functions


                The interactions between chunks are poorly defined


                Integral architecture generally increases performance and reduces costs for any specific product model.


Concepts and Levels

The concepts of integral and modular apply at several levels:


        System                系统

        Sub-system         子系统

        Component          组件

Decomposition & Interactions

Product architecture is decomposition + interactions



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Modular Architecture


There are three main types of modular architecture:

1. Slot-modular (the most common type)        插槽模块化

        Each of the interfaces between chunks in a slot-modular architecture is of a different type from the others – therefore the various chunks in the product cannot be interchanged


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2. Bus-modular        公交模块化

        There is a common bus to which the other chunks connect via the same type of interface


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3. Sectional-modular        组合模块化

        All interfaces are of the same type, there is no single element to which all the other chunks attach. 


        The assembly is built up by connecting the chunks to each other via identical interfaces


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Implications of Product Architecture


Product Change       


        Modular chunks allow changes to be made to a few isolated functional elements of the product without necessarily affecting the design of other chunks


        Motives for change include – upgrades, add-ons, adaptation, wear, consumption, flexibility in use, reuse


Product Variety       


        Variety refers to the range of product models the firm can produce within a particular time period in response to market demand


        Products built around modular product architectures can be more easily varied without adding tremendous complexity to the manufacturing system


        e.g. mobile phone handset design, portable audio


Component Standardisation        


        The use of the same component or chunk in multiple products.


        If a chunk implements only one or a few widely useful functional elements, then the chunk can be standardised and used in several different products


        Example – standard batteries        示例——标准电池

Product Performance        


        How well a product implements its intended functions


        Product performance characteristics include speed, efficiency, life, accuracy and noise




        The product architecture also directly affects the ability of the team to design each chunk to be produced at low cost


Product Development Management       


        Responsibility for the detail design of each chunk is usually assigned to a relatively small group within the firm or to an outside supplier


        Chunks are assigned to a single individual or group because their design requires careful resolution of interactions among components within the chunk


Role of Product Architecture Team


The architecture should be established by a cross-functional effort by the development team as it will have implications for subsequent product development activities, and the manufacturing and marketing of the completed product


The 4 Step Method for Establishing the Product Architecture


Step 1 – Create a schematic of the product        创建产品的原理图

Step 2 – Cluster the elements of the schematic        将原理图的元素聚类

Step 3 - Create a rough geometric layout        创建一个粗略的几何布局

Step 4 – Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions        识别基本的和偶然的相互作用

Step 1 – Create a Schematic of The Product

A schematic is a diagram representing the team’s understanding of the component elements of the product


The schematic should reflect the best understanding of the state of the product, it does not have to contain every detail


A good guideline is for there to be no more than 30 elements in the schematic


Usually more than one alternative schematic is developed and the team spend time selecting the most appropriate


Step 2 – Cluster the Elements of the Schematic

This step requires assigning and/or clustering each of the elements of the schematic to a chunk


Setting the Clusters

The clustering role is undertaken by the team to ensure that the right decisions are taken in terms of functionality split


When deciding where to set the clusters, the following factors should be considered:


Geometric Integration and Precision        几何整合与精度

        Assigning elements to the same chunk allows a single individual or group to control the physical relationships among the elements


        Elements requiring precise location or close geometric integration can often be best designed if they are part of the same chunk


        e.g. paper handling in a printer


Function Sharing        功能共享

        When a single physical component can implement several functional elements of the product, these functional elements are best clustered together


        For example, an integrated control panel on a car


Capabilities of Vendors     供应商的能力   

A trusted vendor may have specific capabilities related to a project


To best take advantage of such capabilities a team may choose to cluster those elements about which the vendor has expertise into one chunk


Similarity of Design or Production Technology        设计或生产技术的相似

When two or more functional elements are likely to be implemented using the same design and/or production technology, then incorporating these elements into the same chunk may allow for more economical design and/or production


A common strategy, for example, is to combine all functions that are likely to involve electronics in the same chunk. This allows the possibility of implementing all of these functions within a single circuit board


Localisation of Change        本地化的变化

When a team expects there to be a great deal of change in an element, it makes sense to isolate that element into its own modular chunk


In that way, any necessary changes to the element can be carried out without disrupting any of the other chunks


Accommodating Variety        适应多样化

Elements should be clustered together to enable the firm to vary the product in ways that will have value for customers


Example – a power supply needs to handle different mains supplies in different countries


Enabling Standardisation        使标准化

If a set of elements will be useful in other products, they should be clustered together into a single chunk


This allows the physical elements of the chunk to be produced in higher quantities


Example – cartridge in ink jet printer


Step 3 - Create a Rough Geometric Layout

A geometric layout can be created in 2 or 3 dimensions or as physical models


Creating a geometric layout forces the team to consider whether the geometric interfaces among the chunks are feasible and to work out the basic dimensional relationships among the chunks


In some cases, the team may discover that the clustering derived in step 2 is not geometrically feasible


If this happens, some of the elements have to be reassigned to other chunks


Step 4 - Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions

It is most likely that a different person or group will be assigned to design each chunk


Because the chunks interact with one another in both planned and unintended ways, these different groups will have to coordinate their activities and exchange information


To manage this coordination process better, the team should identify the known interactions between chunks during the system-level design phase


There are two categories of interaction        互动有两种类型

        Fundamental        基本的

                Those which correspond to the lines on the schematic that connect the chunks to one another


                These are the fundamental interactions of the systems operation


        Incidental        偶然发生的

                Those that arise because of the particular physical implementation of functional elements, or because of the geometric arrangement of the chunks


Key Outcomes

The end results of this 4-step method for establishing the product architecture are:

        an approximate geometric layout of the product


        descriptions of the major chunks


        documentation of the key interactions among the chunks

