RRT* 在RRT基础上做了改进,主要是进行了重新选择父节点和重布线的操作。试想在RRT中,我们的采样点最终与整棵树上和它最近的点连了起来,但这未必是最好的选择,我们的最终目的是让这个点与起点的距离尽可能近。RRT* 便对此做了改进,它在采样点加入路径树以后,以其为圆心画了一个小圈,考虑是否有更好的父节点,连到那些节点上能使起点到该点的距离更短(尽管那些节点并不是离采样点最近的点)。如果选择了更加合适的父节点,那么就把它们连接起来,并去除原来的连线(重布线)。
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import random
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
# 初始化整个空间,定义初始点、终点、采样点数、点与点之间的步长t等信息
x_width = 25 # 空间的长度
y_width = 12 # 空间的宽度
error_list = [[0 for i in range(0, x_width)] for j in range(0, y_width)]
error_list[2][10] = 1
error_list[3][10] = 1
error_list[4][10] = 1
error_list[5][10] = 1
error_list[6][10] = 1
error_list[7][10] = 1
error_list[8][10] = 1
x0 = 6 # 定义初始点的x坐标
y0 = 4 # 定义初始点的y坐标
xn = 17 # 定义终点的x坐标
yn = 5 # 定义终点的y坐标
t = 1 # 点与点之间的步长
error_list[y0][x0] = 4
error_list[yn][xn] = 3
error_list = np.array(error_list)
# print(error_list)
plt.xlim((-1, x_width))
plt.ylim((-1, y_width))
tree_list = []
tree_list.append([x0, y0, x0, y0]) # 把起点作为树的点放入列表,避免随机点与起点重合
plt.plot(x0, y0, 'ro')
plt.plot(xn, yn, marker='o', color='yellow')
plt.plot([10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 'k-', linewidth='5')
# 在空间中随机产生一个点xrand ->这个点不能是起点
def product_rand(tree_list):
x_width = 25 # 空间的长度
y_width = 12 # 空间的宽度
random_point = list(itertools.product(range(0, x_width), range(0, y_width)))
xrand = random.sample(random_point, 1)
xrand = list(xrand[0]) # 将随机点转换成list形式
tree_list = np.array(tree_list)
tree = tree_list[:, 0:2]
while xrand in tree: # 如果随机点在树的点列表里,重新生成随机点
xrand = random.sample(random_point, 1)
xrand = list(xrand[0]) # 将随机点转换成list形式
return xrand
# 在已知树的点集合中找到距离这个随机点最近的点xnear
def product_near(tree_list, xrand):
m = np.inf
for i in range(0, len(tree_list)):
if abs(tree_list[i][0] - xrand[0]) + abs(tree_list[i][1] - xrand[1]) < m:
m = abs(tree_list[i][0] - xrand[0]) + abs(tree_list[i][1] - xrand[1])
xnear = [tree_list[i][0], tree_list[i][1]]
return xnear
def decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t):
z_value = sqrt((xnear[0] - xrand[0]) ** 2 + (xnear[1] - xrand[1]) ** 2) # 斜边长度
cos_value = (xrand[0] - xnear[0]) / z_value
sin_value = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / z_value
xnew = [(xnear[0] + t * cos_value), (xnear[1] + t * sin_value)]
return xnew
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xnear[0] != xrand[0]:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
y = 0
while 10 <= max(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 10 <= min(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 2 <= y <= 8:
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xrand[0] - xnear[0] != 0:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
tree_list.append([xnew[0], xnew[1], xnear[0], xnear[1]])
plt.plot(xrand[0], xrand[1], marker='o', color='cyan')
plt.plot(xnew[0], xnew[1], color='violet', marker='o')
# 循环
while ((xnew[0] - xn) ** 2 + (xnew[1] - yn) ** 2) > 1:
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xnear[0] != xrand[0]:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
y = 0
while 10 <= max(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 10 <= min(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 2 <= y <= 8:
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xrand[0] - xnear[0] != 0:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
tree_list.append([xnew[0], xnew[1], xnear[0], xnear[1]])
plt.plot(xrand[0], xrand[1], marker='o', color='cyan')
plt.plot(xnew[0], xnew[1], color='violet', marker='o')
tree_list = np.array(tree_list)
routine_list = [[xn,yn]]
n = len(tree_list)-1
x = tree_list[n,0]
y = tree_list[n,1]
f_x = tree_list[n,2]
f_y = tree_list[n,3]
while [x0,y0] not in routine_list:
search_list = tree_list[np.where((tree_list[:,0]==f_x) & (tree_list[:,1]==f_y))][0]
search_list = search_list.tolist()
f_x = search_list[2]
f_y = search_list[3]
routine_list = np.array(routine_list)
plt.plot(routine_list[:,0], routine_list[:,1], '-', linewidth='2')
RRT算法只能找到一条可行路径,并不能保证找到一条最优路径,RRT* 算法在RRT算法的基础上增加了两步:rewrite和random relink。也就是重写和随机重连。
随机重连就是在重写完成之后,对新节点xnew附近一定范围内的节点进行重连。重连就是,检查一下如果把xnew附近的这些节点的父节点设置为xnew,这些节点的代价会不会减小。如果能够减小,就把这些节点的父节点更改为xnew;否则,就不更改。RRT* 算法考虑每一个节点到出发点的距离,为此每一个节点会增加一个属性:distance_to_start,即到出发点的距离。相应地在每一个节点选择父节点地时候,新节点的距离等于父节点的距离加上父节点到子节点的直线距离。
②random relink
# rewrite重写
def rewrite(tree_list, t, xnew):
# 遍历整个树
candidate_parent_of_xnew = []
for i in range(0, len(tree_list)):
distance = sqrt((xnew[0] - tree_list[i][0]) ** 2 + (xnew[1] - tree_list[i][1]) ** 2)
# 获得新节点xnew的距离小于一定阈值(比如1.5倍步长,也就是1.5*t)所有节点
if distance < 1.5 * t and (xnew[0] != tree_list[i][0] or xnew[1] != tree_list[i][1]):
distance = tree_list[i][4] + distance
candidate_parent_of_xnew.append([tree_list[i][0], tree_list[i][1], distance])
candidate_parent_of_xnew = np.array(candidate_parent_of_xnew)
# 将这些节点加入到candidate_parent_of_xnew列表中
parent_point = candidate_parent_of_xnew[np.where(candidate_parent_of_xnew[:, 2] == candidate_parent_of_xnew[:, 2].min())]
tree_list.append([xnew[0], xnew[1], parent_point[0][0], parent_point[0][1], parent_point[0][2]])
# 找到candidate_parent_of_xnew列表中具有最小distance的那个节点,将新节点xnew的父节点设置为该节点
return tree_list
random relink:
# random relink
def random_relink(tree_list, t, xnew):
# 遍历整个列表,对每一个节点执行如下动作:
tree_list = np.array(tree_list)
for i in range(0, len(tree_list)):
parent_distance = sqrt((xnew[0] - tree_list[i, 0]) ** 2 + (xnew[1] - tree_list[i, 1]) ** 2)
if parent_distance < 1.6 * t:
child_distance = parent_distance + tree_list[
np.where((tree_list[:, 0] == xnew[0]) & (tree_list[:, 1] == xnew[1])), 4]
if tree_list[i][4] > child_distance:
tree_list[np.where((tree_list[:, 0] == xnew[0]) & (tree_list[:, 1] == xnew[1])), 2] = xnew[0]
tree_list[np.where((tree_list[:, 0] == xnew[0]) & (tree_list[:, 1] == xnew[1])), 3] = xnew[1]
tree_list[np.where((tree_list[:, 0] == xnew[0]) & (tree_list[:, 1] == xnew[1])), 4] = child_distance
for j in range(0, len(tree_list)):
if tree_list[j, 2] == tree_list[i, 0] and tree_list[j, 3] == tree_list[i, 1]:
d = sqrt((tree_list[i, 0] - tree_list[j, 0]) ** 2 + (tree_list[i, 1] - tree_list[j, 1]) ** 2)
tree_list[j, 4] = child_distance + d
return tree_list.tolist()
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import random
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
# 初始化整个空间,定义初始点、终点、采样点数、点与点之间的步长t等信息
x_width = 25 # 空间的长度
y_width = 12 # 空间的宽度
error_list = [[0 for i in range(0, x_width)] for j in range(0, y_width)]
error_list[2][10] = 1
error_list[3][10] = 1
error_list[4][10] = 1
error_list[5][10] = 1
error_list[6][10] = 1
error_list[7][10] = 1
error_list[8][10] = 1
x0 = 6 # 定义初始点的x坐标
y0 = 4 # 定义初始点的y坐标
xn = 17 # 定义终点的x坐标
yn = 5 # 定义终点的y坐标
t = 1 # 点与点之间的步长
error_list[y0][x0] = 4
error_list[yn][xn] = 3
error_list = np.array(error_list)
# print(error_list)
plt.xlim((-1, x_width))
plt.ylim((-1, y_width))
tree_list = []
tree_list.append([x0, y0, x0, y0]) # 把起点作为树的点放入列表,避免随机点与起点重合
plt.plot(x0, y0, 'ro')
plt.plot(xn, yn, marker='o', color='yellow')
plt.plot([10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 'k-', linewidth='5')
# 在空间中随机产生一个点xrand ->这个点不能是起点
def product_rand(tree_list):
x_width = 25 # 空间的长度
y_width = 12 # 空间的宽度
random_point = list(itertools.product(range(0, x_width), range(0, y_width)))
xrand = random.sample(random_point, 1)
xrand = list(xrand[0]) # 将随机点转换成list形式
tree_list = np.array(tree_list)
tree = tree_list[:, 0:2]
while xrand in tree: # 如果随机点在树的点列表里,重新生成随机点
xrand = random.sample(random_point, 1)
xrand = list(xrand[0]) # 将随机点转换成list形式
return xrand
# 在已知树的点集合中找到距离这个随机点最近的点xnear
def product_near(tree_list, xrand):
m = np.inf
for i in range(0, len(tree_list)):
if abs(tree_list[i][0] - xrand[0]) + abs(tree_list[i][1] - xrand[1]) < m:
m = abs(tree_list[i][0] - xrand[0]) + abs(tree_list[i][1] - xrand[1])
xnear = [tree_list[i][0], tree_list[i][1]]
return xnear
# 确定方向:在xnear到xrand的直线方向上从xnear以步长t截取点xnew
# tree_list.append(xrand)
def decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t):
z_value = sqrt((xnear[0] - xrand[0]) ** 2 + (xnear[1] - xrand[1]) ** 2) # 斜边长度
cos_value = (xrand[0] - xnear[0]) / z_value
sin_value = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / z_value
xnew = [(xnear[0] + t * cos_value), (xnear[1] + t * sin_value)]
return xnew
# 判断从xnear到xnew之间是否存在障碍物,若存在则舍弃该点
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xnear[0] != xrand[0]:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
y = 0
while 10 <= max(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 10 <= min(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 2 <= y <= 8:
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xrand[0] - xnear[0] != 0:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
tree_list.append([xnew[0], xnew[1], xnear[0], xnear[1]])
plt.plot(xrand[0], xrand[1], marker='o', color='cyan')
plt.plot(xnew[0], xnew[1], color='violet', marker='o')
# 循环
while ((xnew[0] - xn) ** 2 + (xnew[1] - yn) ** 2) > 1:
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xnear[0] != xrand[0]:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
y = 0
while 10 <= max(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 10 <= min(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 2 <= y <= 8:
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xrand[0] - xnear[0] != 0:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
tree_list.append([xnew[0], xnew[1], xnear[0], xnear[1]])
plt.plot(xrand[0], xrand[1], marker='o', color='cyan')
plt.plot(xnew[0], xnew[1], color='violet', marker='o')
tree_list = np.array(tree_list)
routine_list = [[xn,yn]]
n = len(tree_list)-1
x = tree_list[n,0]
y = tree_list[n,1]
f_x = tree_list[n,2]
f_y = tree_list[n,3]
while [x0,y0] not in routine_list:
search_list = tree_list[np.where((tree_list[:,0]==f_x) & (tree_list[:,1]==f_y))][0]
search_list = search_list.tolist()
f_x = search_list[2]
f_y = search_list[3]
routine_list = np.array(routine_list)
plt.plot(routine_list[:,0], routine_list[:,1], '-', linewidth='2')
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import random
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
# 初始化整个空间,定义初始点、终点、采样点数、点与点之间的步长t等信息
x_width = 25 # 空间的长度
y_width = 12 # 空间的宽度
error_list = [[0 for i in range(0, x_width)] for j in range(0, y_width)]
error_list[2][10] = 1
error_list[3][10] = 1
error_list[4][10] = 1
error_list[5][10] = 1
error_list[6][10] = 1
error_list[7][10] = 1
error_list[8][10] = 1
x0 = 6 # 定义初始点的x坐标
y0 = 4 # 定义初始点的y坐标
xn = 17 # 定义终点的x坐标
yn = 5 # 定义终点的y坐标
t = 1 # 点与点之间的步长
error_list[y0][x0] = 4
error_list[yn][xn] = 3
error_list = np.array(error_list)
# print(error_list)
plt.xlim((-1, x_width))
plt.ylim((-1, y_width))
tree_list = []
tree_list.append([x0, y0, x0, y0, 0]) # 把起点作为树的点放入列表,避免随机点与起点重合
plt.plot(x0, y0, 'ro')
plt.plot(xn, yn, marker='o', color='yellow')
plt.plot([10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 'k-', linewidth='5')
# 在空间中随机产生一个点xrand ->这个点不能是起点
def product_rand(tree_list):
x_width = 25 # 空间的长度
y_width = 12 # 空间的宽度
random_point = list(itertools.product(range(0, x_width), range(0, y_width)))
xrand = random.sample(random_point, 1)
xrand = list(xrand[0]) # 将随机点转换成list形式
tree_list = np.array(tree_list)
tree = tree_list[:, 0:2]
while xrand in tree: # 如果随机点在树的点列表里,重新生成随机点
xrand = random.sample(random_point, 1)
xrand = list(xrand[0]) # 将随机点转换成list形式
return xrand
# 在已知树的点集合中找到距离这个随机点最近的点xnear
def product_near(tree_list, xrand):
m = np.inf
for i in range(0, len(tree_list)):
if abs(tree_list[i][0] - xrand[0]) + abs(tree_list[i][1] - xrand[1]) < m:
m = abs(tree_list[i][0] - xrand[0]) + abs(tree_list[i][1] - xrand[1])
xnear = [tree_list[i][0], tree_list[i][1]]
return xnear
# 确定方向:在xnear到xrand的直线方向上从xnear以步长t截取点xnew
# tree_list.append(xrand)
def decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t):
z_value = sqrt((xnear[0] - xrand[0]) ** 2 + (xnear[1] - xrand[1]) ** 2) # 斜边长度
cos_value = (xrand[0] - xnear[0]) / z_value
sin_value = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / z_value
xnew = [(xnear[0] + t * cos_value), (xnear[1] + t * sin_value)]
return xnew
# 判断从xnear到xnew之间是否存在障碍物,若存在则舍弃该点
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xnear[0] != xrand[0]:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
y = 0
while 10 <= max(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 10 <= min(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 2 <= y <= 8:
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xrand[0] - xnear[0] != 0:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
y = 0
tree_list.append([xnew[0], xnew[1], xnear[0], xnear[1], t])
plt.plot(xrand[0], xrand[1], marker='o', color='cyan')
plt.plot(xnew[0], xnew[1], color='violet', marker='o')
# rewrite重写
def rewrite(tree_list, t, xnew):
# 遍历整个树
candidate_parent_of_xnew = []
for i in range(0, len(tree_list)):
distance = sqrt((xnew[0] - tree_list[i][0]) ** 2 + (xnew[1] - tree_list[i][1]) ** 2)
# 获得新节点xnew的距离小于一定阈值(比如1.5倍步长,也就是1.5*t)所有节点
if distance < 1.5 * t and (xnew[0] != tree_list[i][0] or xnew[1] != tree_list[i][1]):
distance = tree_list[i][4] + distance
candidate_parent_of_xnew.append([tree_list[i][0], tree_list[i][1], distance])
candidate_parent_of_xnew = np.array(candidate_parent_of_xnew)
# 将这些节点加入到candidate_parent_of_xnew列表中
parent_point = candidate_parent_of_xnew[np.where(candidate_parent_of_xnew[:, 2] == candidate_parent_of_xnew[:, 2].min())]
tree_list.append([xnew[0], xnew[1], parent_point[0][0], parent_point[0][1], parent_point[0][2]])
# 找到candidate_parent_of_xnew列表中具有最小distance的那个节点,将新节点xnew的父节点设置为该节点
return tree_list
# random relink
def random_relink(tree_list, t, xnew):
# 遍历整个列表,对每一个节点执行如下动作:
tree_list = np.array(tree_list)
for i in range(0, len(tree_list)):
parent_distance = sqrt((xnew[0] - tree_list[i, 0]) ** 2 + (xnew[1] - tree_list[i, 1]) ** 2)
if parent_distance < 1.6 * t:
child_distance = parent_distance + tree_list[
np.where((tree_list[:, 0] == xnew[0]) & (tree_list[:, 1] == xnew[1])), 4]
if tree_list[i][4] > child_distance:
tree_list[np.where((tree_list[:, 0] == xnew[0]) & (tree_list[:, 1] == xnew[1])), 2] = xnew[0]
tree_list[np.where((tree_list[:, 0] == xnew[0]) & (tree_list[:, 1] == xnew[1])), 3] = xnew[1]
tree_list[np.where((tree_list[:, 0] == xnew[0]) & (tree_list[:, 1] == xnew[1])), 4] = child_distance
for j in range(0, len(tree_list)):
if tree_list[j, 2] == tree_list[i, 0] and tree_list[j, 3] == tree_list[i, 1]:
d = sqrt((tree_list[i, 0] - tree_list[j, 0]) ** 2 + (tree_list[i, 1] - tree_list[j, 1]) ** 2)
tree_list[j, 4] = child_distance + d
return tree_list.tolist()
# 循环
while ((xnew[0] - xn) ** 2 + (xnew[1] - yn) ** 2) > 1:
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xnear[0] != xrand[0]:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
y = 0
while 10 <= max(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 10 <= min(xnear[0], xnew[0]) and 2 <= y <= 8:
xrand = product_rand(tree_list) # 随机生成点
xnear = product_near(tree_list, xrand)
xnew = decide_direction(xrand, xnear, t)
if xrand[0] - xnear[0] != 0:
k = (xrand[1] - xnear[1]) / (xrand[0] - xnear[0])
y = k * (10 - xnear[0]) + xnear[1]
tree_list = rewrite(tree_list, t, xnew)
tree_list = random_relink(tree_list, t, xnew)
plt.plot(xrand[0], xrand[1], marker='o', color='cyan')
plt.plot(xnew[0], xnew[1], color='violet', marker='o')
tree_list = np.array(tree_list)
routine_list = [[xn, yn]]
n = len(tree_list) - 1
x = tree_list[n, 0]
y = tree_list[n, 1]
f_x = tree_list[n, 2]
f_y = tree_list[n, 3]
routine_list.append([x, y])
search_list = []
while [x0, y0] not in routine_list:
search_list = tree_list[np.where((tree_list[:, 0] == f_x) & (tree_list[:, 1] == f_y))][0]
search_list = search_list.tolist()
routine_list.append([search_list[0], search_list[1]])
f_x = search_list[2]
f_y = search_list[3]
routine_list = np.array(routine_list)
plt.plot(routine_list[:, 0], routine_list[:, 1], '-', linewidth='2')