

Twitter is one of the most powerful social media marketing tools around and in today’s market you can’t afford to ignore it. It’s the ideal vehicle for introducing new products and services, reaching out to new audiences and promoting your brand. Whether you are aiming for viral impact or focussing in on a local demographic, Twitter is a channel where you can make a significant marketing impact. If you haven’t set up Twitter for your business, yet, this post will show you how to do it and how to get started promoting your company.

Twitter是周围最强大的社交媒体营销工具之一,在当今市场上,您不能忽视它。 它是介绍新产品和服务,接触新受众并推广您的品牌的理想工具。 无论您是要传播病毒还是在关注本地人口,Twitter都是您可以在其中产生重大营销影响的渠道。 如果您还没有为自己的公司设置Twitter,那么这篇文章将向您展示如何做以及如何开始推广您的公司。

为什么您应该考虑将Twitter用于商业 (Why you should consider Twitter for business)

If you don’t quite get Twitter and don’t see the point, here are some stats to get you thinking:


There are 1.3 billion people with Twitter accounts worldwide. 74% of them use Twitter to follow SME brands that they like and 47% of those followers are more likely to visit your website after seeing your tweets. 52% of Twitter users also claim to have purchased a product that they saw for the first time on the platform.

全球有13亿人拥有Twitter帐户。 74%的人使用Twitter追踪他们喜欢的SME品牌,而47%的追随者在看到您的推文后更有可能访问您的网站。 52%的Twitter用户还声称购买了他们在该平台上首次看到的产品。

On the other side of the coin, many people now use Twitter as a way to complain about companies they are not happy with. If you are not on Twitter, those complaints are just going to get shared. Clever businesses now use Twitter as part of their customer service – if someone complains, they deal with it there and then; and frequently turn potentially damaging publicity into a PR success.

另一方面,许多人现在使用Twitter来抱怨自己不满意的公司。 如果您不在Twitter上,这些投诉将被分享。 聪明的企业现在将Twitter用作其客户服务的一部分–如果有人抱怨,他们会在那里进行处理; 并经常将潜在的破坏性宣传转变为成功的公关活动。

So, here’s how to get started:


  1. 开设Twitter账户 ( Open a Twitter account)

The first step you need to do is to open a Twitter account. Signing up is easy to do: you just enter your name, business email and a secure password. Once this process is complete, you can begin creating your Twitter profile.

您需要做的第一步是开设一个Twitter帐户 。 注册很容易:您只需输入姓名,公司电子邮件和安全密码即可 。 完成此过程后,您可以开始创建Twitter个人资料。

How to Set Up a Twitter Account for Your Business

选择正确的用户名 (
Choose the right username

One of the most important things you will need to do is to choose your username. Ideally, this should be the name of your business; however, if you have a very long business name, a shortened version might be preferable. Shorter names are easier to remember, spell and search for; @M&S is much easier for users that @marksandspencers.

您需要做的最重要的事情之一就是选择您的用户名。 理想情况下,这应该是您的公司名称; 但是,如果您的公司名称很长,则最好使用缩写形式。 较短的名称更容易记住,拼写和搜索; 对于用户而言,@ M&S比@marksandspencers更容易。

The other thing to remember is that tweets are limited to 140 characters and if someone wants to communicate with you, they need to use your ‘handle’ in the tweet. A long username, therefore, reduces the number of characters they can use.

要记住的另一件事是,推文最多只能有140个字符,如果有人想与您通信,他们需要在推文中使用您的“句柄”。 因此,长用户名会减少他们可以使用的字符数。

With 1.3 billion accounts, you may also find that your desired username has already been taken. Whilst there may be something you can do about this if your company’s name is globally trademarked, for everyone else, you’ll just need to think of an appropriate alternative. You can always change it later.

拥有13亿个帐户,您可能还会发现所需的用户名已被使用。 如果您的公司名称是全球商标,则可以采取一些措施,但是对于其他所有人,您只需要考虑一个适当的替代方法即可。 您以后随时可以更改它。

  1. 完成您的个人资料 ( Completing your profile)

Setting up your Twitter profile is a very similar process to setting up a Facebook profile. To do this, simply click on ‘Edit profile’ on the top right side of your profile page.

设置Twitter个人资料与设置Facebook个人资料非常相似。 为此,只需单击个人资料页面右上角的“编辑个人资料”。

One of the first things you need to do is create your profile and header images.


个人资料图片 (Profile image)

How to Set Up a Twitter Account for Your BusinessA profile image is the most important of the two as it will appear next to all your tweets and next to your username in search results. For businesses, the ideal image is one which has your business name or logo or, preferably, both.

The size of the image should be 400 x 400 pixels, be a maximum of 2MB in size and be a JPEG, GIF or PNG file. For internet images, the image should be 72dpi.

图片的大小应为400 x 400像素,最大2MB,并且为JPEG,GIF或PNG文件。 对于互联网图像,图像应为72dpi。

标题图片 (Header image)

How to Set Up a Twitter Account for Your Business When designing your Twitter page, the cover photo will play an important part in your branding so it’s important to upload an image that says something about your company and is strong enough to have an instant impact.

From a design perspective, it should complement your profile image and not have colours which clash – especially as part of the profile image will cover up a small section of the header.


The size of the header image should be 1500 x 500 pixels, be a JPEG, GIF or PNG file and, like the profile image, be no larger than 2MB.

标题图片的大小应为1500 x 500像素,是JPEG,GIF或PNG文件,并且与个人资料图片一样,不得大于2MB。

编辑个人资料图片 (Editing your profile image)

To change your images, hover over the image, click or tap the camera icon and select ‘Upload photo’ or ‘Remove’.


Twitter will also let you show your Vine images if you have a Vine account connected to Twitter. Just choose to ‘Show my Vine profile’ on your Twitter profile.

如果您具有连接到Twitter的Vine帐户,Twitter还将允许您显示Vine图像。 只需选择在您的Twitter个人资料上“显示我的藤个人资料”即可。

写你的简历 (Writing your bio)

Unlike Facebook, where you can add a long description to your profile, Twitter is much more insistent on brevity and gives you only 160 characters to describe your business. This can make it difficult so summarise what your business does.

与Facebook不同,在Facebook上您可以在个人资料中添加详细说明,而Twitter则更加简洁,只提供160个字符来描述您的业务。 这可能会很困难,因此请总结您的业务。

To make the bio user-friendly and interesting to read, rather than try to cram as much detail as you can into those 160 characters, stick to your core message and say it in an engaging way that sums up your brand.  If you have used text on your header image, you can build on this in the bio. However, for both the bio and text in the image, you are looking for short, catchy sentences.

为了使个人简介易于阅读和有趣,而不是尝试将尽可能多的细节塞入这160个字符中,请坚持您的核心信息,并以引人入胜的方式对您的品牌进行概括。 如果您在标题图片上使用了文本,则可以在简历中以此为基础。 但是,对于图像中的简历和文本,您都在寻找简短易懂的句子。

The other factor to consider is that, as a social media platform, Twitter users expect businesses to be less formal and corporate. People on there want to see the human side of your business and brand, so keep that in mind when you write.

要考虑的另一个因素是,作为社交媒体平台,Twitter用户期望企业不那么正规和公司化。 那里的人们希望看到您的业务和品牌的人性化一面,因此在撰写时请记住这一点。

其他个人资料信息 (Other profile information)

The profile options in Twitter are quite limited. The focus is on what you tweet, not what’s on the side panel of your profile. The other sections you can complete are your location, your website address and the date your company joined Twitter.

Twitter中的个人资料选项非常有限。 重点是您发布的推文,而不是个人资料侧面板上的内容。 您可以完成的其他部分是您的位置,您的网站地址和公司加入Twitter的日期。

  1. Twitter入门 ( Getting started on Twitter)

Your primary aim as a newcomer to Twitter is to grow your audience of followers. When you first sign in to Twitter you’ll see what is known as your Twitter feed. This contains the most recent tweets of all the people or companies you have followed. If you want your tweets to appear on other people’s feeds, you need to get them to follow you.

作为Twitter的新手,您的主要目标是增加关注者的受众。 首次登录Twitter时,您会看到所谓的Twitter feed。 其中包含您关注的所有人员或公司的最新推文。 如果您希望您的推文出现在其他人的供稿中,则需要让他们关注您。

追随者 (Getting followers )

The easiest way to get followers on Twitter is to follow people first. The Twitter community is generally very good at following back. However, as a business, you obviously want to target the right people, so here’s an example of how you could achieve this.

在Twitter上吸引关注者的最简单方法是首先关注人们。 Twitter社区通常非常善于跟进。 但是,作为一家企业,您显然想针对合适的人员,因此这里有一个示例,说明了如何实现这一目标。

Let’s presume you’ve launched a new collection of t-shirts and want to promote them. To find people who are interested, search for a competitor, go to their profile page and click on their list of followers. You would then need to search through the followers and follow the ones who you think are most likely to be interested in your products. Hopefully, some of these would follow you back.

假设您已经发布了一系列新的T恤并希望对其进行推广。 要找到感兴趣的人,搜索竞争对手,转到其个人资料页面,然后单击其关注者列表。 然后,您需要搜索关注者,并关注您认为最可能对您的产品感兴趣的关注者。 希望其中一些可以跟随您。

Do be careful with this method, if you follow hundreds of people every day just to achieve high follower numbers, Twitter will block you – especially when you hit the 2000 followers mark.


The best way to get followers is to tweet interesting content such as an image, a video or a link to blog post. To make sure it gets seen by the right people, you should find a relevant hashtag ‘#’ that people are following. So, taking our T-shirt brand example, you could take a picture of someone wearing a new T-shirt design and then post your tweet with the hashtag #newtees. Everyone who was following #newtees would then see your tweet in their feed. People who like the design might follow you and, even better, retweet your image to their followers.

吸引关注者的最佳方法是发布有趣的内容,例如图像,视频或博客文章链接。 为了确保正确的人可以看到它,您应该找到人们关注的相关标签“#”。 因此,以我们的T恤品牌为例,您可以拍摄某人穿着新T恤设计的照片,然后用#newtees标签发布您的推文。 每个关注#newtee的人都将在其供稿中看到您的推文。 喜欢该设计的人可能会关注您,甚至更好地将您的形象转发给他们的关注者。

The more tweeting you do, the more your brand will get followed and shared.


参加 (Taking part)

Twitter is not just there for you to advertise your products and services – it’s a social platform. Other users will send you tweets, ask you questions and comment on what you do. To make the most of the platform for building your brand, it’s important that you spend some time engaging with other users. Doing this will soon help you grow a much bigger audience.

Twitter不仅可以为您宣传产品和服务,它还是一个社交平台。 其他用户会向您发送推文,询问您的问题并发表评论。 为了充分利用品牌建设平台,请务必花一些时间与其他用户互动。 这样做很快就会帮助您扩大受众范围。

被看到 (Getting seen)

Finally, Twitter is big and it’s busy. People often follow hundreds, even thousands of others and their feeds are enormous. Getting seen means creating striking tweets and posting them at a time when your followers are going to be online. This means making your content very relevant and tweeting often. To save time with this, you can write all your tweets at once and schedule them to go out at separate times.

最后,Twitter很大而且很忙。 人们经常关注数百甚至数千人,并且他们的供稿数量巨大。 受到关注意味着在您的关注者即将在线时创建引人注目的推文并将其发布。 这意味着使您的内容非常相关并经常发推文。 为了节省时间,您可以一次编写所有推文,并安排它们在不同的时间发布。

结论 (Conclusion)

From reading this article you should now have a much better understanding of how to:


  • create a Twitter business account

  • complete your profile

  • find followers

  • get your tweets seen


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如果您正在考虑启动自己的在线业务并正在寻找网络托管服务商,请查看我们易于使用的网站构建器 。 另外,请查看我们的业务托管软件包


