Bounds 叫作外包围盒、边界框、外扩矩形.是struct 结构体。
Render.bounds 世界坐标
Collider.bounds 世界坐标
Mesh.bounds 本地坐标
var m= GetComponent().bounds;
var c = GetComponent().bounds;
var r = GetComponent().bounds;
var centerPoint = transform.TransformPoint(;
Bounds newBounds = new Bounds(centerPoint, bounds.size);
Bounds 跟随模型移动,
下面红色方框就是 Bounds 方框
我们不能直接修改 Bounds 结构体里头的 center 和 size 属性都不能直接设置,而且 BoxCollider 的 bounds 属性也不能.; //中心点坐标
.bounds.size; //盒子的总尺寸,xyz长度
.bounds.min; //最小点的位置:左下角
.bounds.max; //最大点的位置:右上角; //中心点的X; //中心点的Y
// 点point是否在这个包围盒内部
public bool Contains(Vector3 point);
// bounds会自动扩充大小(改变center和extens),来包含这个point
public void Encapsulate(Vector3 point);
// bounds会自动扩充大小(改变center和extens),把原本的bounds和传入的bounds都包含进来
public void Encapsulate(Bounds bounds);
// 这条射线是否与这个包围盒相交
public bool IntersectRay(Ray ray);
public Vector3 ClosestPoint(Vector3 point);
public void SetMinMax(Vector3 min, Vector3 max);
Bounds bounds;
Renderer[] renderers = model.GetComponentsInChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++)
center =;
ext = bounds.extents;
float deltaX = Mathf.Abs(ext.x);
float deltaY = Mathf.Abs(ext.y);
float deltaZ = Mathf.Abs(ext.z);
#region 获取AABB包围盒顶点
points = new Vector3[8];
points[0] = center + new Vector3(-deltaX, deltaY, -deltaZ); // 上前左(相对于中心点)
points[1] = center + new Vector3(deltaX, deltaY, -deltaZ); // 上前右
points[2] = center + new Vector3(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ); // 上后右
points[3] = center + new Vector3(-deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ); // 上后左
points[4] = center + new Vector3(-deltaX, -deltaY, -deltaZ); // 下前左
points[5] = center + new Vector3(deltaX, -deltaY, -deltaZ); // 下前右
points[6] = center + new Vector3(deltaX, -deltaY, deltaZ); // 下后右
points[7] = center + new Vector3(-deltaX, -deltaY, deltaZ); // 下后左
/// 绘制Bounds方框
public static void DrawBoundBoxLine(Bounds bounds, Color color = default(Color), float offsetSize = 1f, float duration = 0.1f)
Vector3[] points = new Vector3[8];
var width_x = bounds.size.x * offsetSize;
var hight_y = bounds.size.y * offsetSize;
var length_z = bounds.size.z * offsetSize;
var LeftBottomPoint = bounds.min;
var rightUpPoint = bounds.max;
var centerPoint =;
var topPoint = new Vector3(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y + hight_y / 2, centerPoint.z);
var bottomPoint = new Vector3(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y - hight_y * 0.5f, centerPoint.z);
points[0] = LeftBottomPoint + Vector3.right * width_x;
points[1] = LeftBottomPoint + Vector3.up * hight_y;
points[2] = LeftBottomPoint + Vector3.forward * length_z;
points[3] = rightUpPoint - Vector3.right * width_x;
points[4] = rightUpPoint - Vector3.up * hight_y;
points[5] = rightUpPoint - Vector3.forward * length_z;
points[6] = LeftBottomPoint;
points[7] = rightUpPoint;
Debug.DrawLine(LeftBottomPoint, points[0], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(LeftBottomPoint, points[1], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(LeftBottomPoint, points[2], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(rightUpPoint, points[3], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(rightUpPoint, points[4], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(rightUpPoint, points[5], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(points[1], points[3], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(points[2], points[4], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(points[0], points[5], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(points[2], points[3], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(points[0], points[4], color, duration);
Debug.DrawLine(points[1], points[5], color, duration);
/// 绘制boxCollider的绿色方框
void DrawGizmosOnRunTime(Color color)
var boxCollider = GetComponent();
Gizmos.color = color;
Matrix4x4 rotationMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(boxCollider.transform.position, boxCollider.transform.rotation, boxCollider.transform.lossyScale);
Gizmos.matrix = rotationMatrix;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, boxCollider.size);
void OnDrawGizmos()
/// 绘制boxCollider的绿色方框
public static void DrawOnGameViewRuntime(BoxCollider boxCollider, Color color = default(Color), float offsetSize = 1f)
float width = 0.1f;
Vector3 rightDir = boxCollider.transform.right.normalized;
Vector3 forwardDir = boxCollider.transform.forward.normalized;
Vector3 upDir = boxCollider.transform.up.normalized;
Vector3 center = boxCollider.transform.position +;
Vector3 size = boxCollider.size * offsetSize;
size.x *= boxCollider.transform.lossyScale.x;
size.y *= boxCollider.transform.lossyScale.y;
size.z *= boxCollider.transform.lossyScale.z;
Debug.DrawLine(center + upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center + upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center - upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center - upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center + upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center - upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center + upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center - upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center + upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center + upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center - upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center - upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center + upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center - upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center + upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center - upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center + upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center + upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center - upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center - upDir * size.y / 2f + rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center + upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center + upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
Debug.DrawLine(center - upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f + forwardDir * size.z / 2f, center - upDir * size.y / 2f - rightDir * size.x / 2f - forwardDir * size.z / 2f, color);
// Distance between two ClosestPointOnBounds
// this is needed in cases where entites are really big. in those cases,
// we can't just move to entity.transform.position, because it will be
// unreachable. instead we have to go the closest point on the boundary.
// Vector3.Distance(a.transform.position, b.transform.position):
// _____ _____
// | | | |
// | x==|======|==x |
// |_____| |_____|
// Utils.ClosestDistance(a.collider, b.collider):
// _____ _____
// | | | |
// | |x====x| |
// |_____| |_____|
public static float ClosestDistance(Collider a, Collider b)
return Vector3.Distance(a.ClosestPointOnBounds(b.transform.position),
[MenuItem ("MyMenu/Do Test")]
static void Test ()
Transform parent = Selection.activeGameObject.transform;
Vector3 postion = parent.position;
Quaternion rotation = parent.rotation;
Vector3 scale = parent.localScale;
parent.position =;
parent.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(;
parent.localScale =;
Vector3 center =;
Renderer[] renders = parent.GetComponentsInChildren();
foreach (Renderer child in renders){
center +=;
center /= parent.GetComponentsInChildren().Length;
Bounds bounds = new Bounds(center,;
foreach (Renderer child in renders){
parent.position = postion;
parent.rotation = rotation;
parent.localScale = scale;
foreach(Transform t in parent){
t.position = t.position -;
parent.transform.position = + parent.position;