
一、传统方法部分(词袋模型,bag of words,BoW)

1. 预先在环境中采集足够多的图像或者所有位置的图像(成千上万张图片)之后构建视觉词汇表


Gálvez-López D, Tardos J D. Bags of binary words for fast place recognition in image sequences[J]. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2012, 28(5): 1188-1197.

J. Sivic and A. Zisserman, “Video Google: A text retrieval approach to object matching in videos,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. , Oct. 2003, vol. 2, pp. 1470–1477
Nister D, Stewenius H. Scalable recognition with a vocabulary tree[C]//2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'06). Ieee, 2006, 2: 2161-2168.

Calonder M, Lepetit V, Strecha C, et al. Brief: Binary robust independent elementary features[C]//European conference on computer vision. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010: 778-792.

2. 在线构建视觉词汇表 visual vocabulary

参考论文: 2012年的顶刊

Nicosevici T, Garcia R. Automatic visual bag-of-words for online robot navigation and mapping[J]. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2012, 28(4): 886-898.

3. 实践部分

 网址:DBoW3的代码GitHub - rmsalinas/DBow3: Improved version of DBow2Improved version of DBow2. Contribute to rmsalinas/DBow3 development by creating an account on GitHub.https://github.com/rmsalinas/DBow3

3.1 代码下载和安装



git clone https://github.com/rmsalinas/DBow3.git


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

 3.2  安装编译好之后如何使用?



首先从其他目录 cd到DBoW目录,之后执行以下命令

./build/utils/demo_general orb ./images/image0.png images/image1.png images/image2.png

注释:如果图片的目录报错,则自己在DBow目录下新建一个目录名为images 然后把几张图片放进去。


深入理解DBOW3算法(一)_sanduan168的博客-CSDN博客_dbow3 github


3.3 修改代码

若想修改代码,则在DBow3/utils/demo_general.cpp文件中修改,  之后切换到build目录下,make一下,就可以运行了。  深入的代码改动自行研究。

肺炎期间的科研实验之--0301 词袋模型DBoW3跳坑!!!!_hongyunzhi92的博客-CSDN博客https://blog.csdn.net/hongyunzhi92/article/details/104717151?spm=1001.2101.3001.6650.1&utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2~default~CTRLIST~Rate-1.pc_relevant_paycolumn_v3&depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2~default~CTRLIST~Rate-1.pc_relevant_paycolumn_v3&utm_relevant_index=2

3.4 K-means聚类方法案例


4. 网友解析细节

开源词袋模型DBow3原理&源码(一)整体结构 - tszs_song - 博客园Bow3源码与原理https://www.cnblogs.com/zhengmeisong/p/8446687.html回环检测 - 简书一、回环检测的意义 SLAM系统有了前端的视觉里程计,有了后端优化,似乎已经比较好用了。但事情还是没有我们想象的那么简单,由于上一篇文章我们刚刚把后端优化做了一次精简,在提高...https://www.jianshu.com/p/023e5006499d
浅谈回环检测中的词袋模型(bag of words)_辜鸿铭的博客-CSDN博客_词袋模型论文浅谈回环检测中的词袋模型(bag of words)将会从以下四个方面进行展开关于词袋模型的基本理解算法简介开源代码库DBoW2库的简单介绍关于DBoW的一些总结https://blog.csdn.net/qq_24893115/article/details/52629248

【泡泡机器人原创专栏】DBoW3 视觉词袋模型、视觉字典和图像数据库分析图像数据库、视觉字典和视觉词袋向量是SLAM、计算机视觉、3D物体识别和卷积神经网络图像处理的重要基础工具。本文将对开源DBoW3源码进行深入剖析。https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI5MTM1MTQwMw==&mid=2247487947&idx=1&sn=a161d5ba005adabbfef23ee823c3f34b&chksm=ec10afcfdb6726d9460e3992357b93a50fb622a805c785a9322d7cafb6f8d7d0b02494206fbd&mpshare=1&scene=25&srcid=0120tujPrzQBRJvOMRlHZuAr&pass_ticket=DyCv5iDYNGzqu%2FG5eHjGG4I5gZSFV%2B4a6kb08nDUOcc%3D#wechat_redirect



M. Cummins and P. Newman, “ Probabilistic appearance based navigation and loop closing ,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom. , Rome, Italy, Apr. 2007, pp. 2042–2048.
M. Cummins and P. Newman, “FAB-MAP: Probabilistic localization and mapping in the space of appearance,” Int. J. Robot. Res. , vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 647–665, 2008.
M. Cummins and P. Newman, “Highly scalable appearance-only slam fab-map 2.0,” in Proc. Robot. Sci. Syst. , 2009, pp. 1–8.
R. Paul and P. Newman, “FAB-MAP 3D: Topological mapping with spatial  and visual appearance,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom. , 2010, pp. 2649–2656.
A. Glover, W. Maddern, M. Milford, and G. Wyeth, “FAB-MAP + RatSLAM: Appearance-based SLAM for multiple times of day,” in Proc. I EEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom. , 2011, pp. 3507–3512.

三、Bag of objects (BoO)扩展阅读


参考论文:Wang X, Hu Z, Tao Q, et al. Bayesian place recognition based on bag of objects for intelligent vehicle localisation[J]. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2019, 13(11): 1736-1744.


