英文Assignment如何避免常见的Writing Mistakes?

  俗语说得好,犯错误是在所难免的。中西方教育方式大不相同,对论文的写作要求也有所不同。刚到国外时,留学生对国外的教育制度和学习过程缺乏了解。难怪在日常学习中,尤其是在英文Assignment写作过程中,留学生都会不可避免地犯各种各样的错误。那么英文Assignment怎么写?如何避免常见的writing mistakes?要想顺利完成英文论文,留学生一定要掌握英文论文的写作要点并了解常见的错误文章中,我们对Assignment写作中比较常见的错误进行了分类,分享了提高写作能力的技巧。今天小编就来为大家总结一下Assignment不及格的主要原因,而且介绍常见的内容错误。

英文Assignment如何避免常见的Writing Mistakes?_第1张图片

  As the saying goes,mistakes are inevitable.Chinese and western education methods are quite different,and the requirements for writing papers are also different.When they first arrived abroad,foreign students lacked understanding of the foreign education system and learning process.It is no wonder that in daily learning,especially in the process of English Assignment writing,foreign students will inevitably make all kinds of mistakes.How do you write Assignment in English?How to avoid common writing misses?In order to successfully complete the English thesis,foreign students must master the writing points of the English thesis and understand the common mistakes in the article.We classified the common mistakes in the assignment writing and shared the skills to improve the writing ability.Today,the editor will summarize the main reasons for failing in Assignment and introduce common content errors.

  writing mistakes


  How to Write Assignment:Reasons for Failing English Thesis


  Neglect assignment writing requirements


  If your homework is to write an English paper with no more than 2000 words,but you have written 2001 words,you may fail.If the tutor is asked to use one format,but you use another format,it may also lead to your failure in Assignment.If the deadline of your English paper is May 1,and you hand it in on May 2,you are likely to fail.


  Didn't understand the scoring criteria carefully

  仍有很多同学在拿到论文要求后,忽视marking rubrics(评分标准)里面的内容。其实,除了一部分老师所提出的rubrics会非常宽泛,其他的打分细则都是很具体的。有的老师会具体解释怎么进行分析、参考什么资料或者论文结构是什么,因此,评分标准一定要仔细地查看!另外的问题是,很多学生会忽略lecture notes、PPT、tutorial或者textbook的重要性。要知道,老师是编写这些教材的人,他当然希望你们在英语论文中都会用上他教的知识点。所以,先找老师提供的材料里面有没有相关的知识点,yitie!

  There are still many students who neglect the content of marking rubrics after receiving the requirements of the paper.In fact,except that rubrics proposed by some teachers are very broad,other scoring rules are very specific.Some teachers will specifically explain how to analyze,what materials to refer to or what the structure of the paper is.Therefore,the scoring criteria must be carefully checked!The other problem is that many students will ignore the importance of letter notes,PPT,tutorial or textbook.You should know that the teacher is the person who compiles these textbooks,and he certainly hopes that you will use the knowledge he teaches in your English papers.So,first find out if there are relevant knowledge points in the materials provided by the teacher,yitie!


  Lack of understanding of reference format

  有很多留学生对于reference(参考文献)的认识就是胡乱找些书目或者链接名称往Assignment后面一粘就齐了。但是,实际上目前海外大学对参考书目和引用格式的要求很严格,最常用的引用格式包括:Harvard、APA、MLA等。无论你使用哪种引用格式,你一定要提供参考资料的作者、作品的名称及出版信息。千万不可以大意!如果遇到难题,同学可以借助一些reference generator,我们推荐使用RefMe。首先需要手动输入关键信息,选取好格式后,reference就自动生成了。在这里,还需要强调一下,学校越顶尖,对于reference的要求就越严格。

  Many foreign students'understanding of reference is to find some bibliographies or link names at random and paste them behind the Assignment.However,currently,overseas universities have strict requirements on bibliography and citation format.The most commonly used citation formats include Harvard,APA,MLA,etc.No matter which citation format you use,you must provide the author of the reference,the title of the work,and the publication information.Don't be careless!If you encounter difficulties,you can use some reference generators.We recommend using RefMe.First,you need to manually enter key information.After selecting the format,the reference is automatically generated.Here,it needs to be emphasized that the more top schools are,the stricter the requirements for reference will be.


  Failure to master the writing language of English papers


  There are two aspects to this problem:


  1、Because the English foundation is not very good,reading and writing ability can not reach the necessary level.


  2、It is because I am used to a large number of clauses and difficult words in domestic English teaching.


  Some people say that I use all difficult words and sentence patterns in assignment writing.Why can't I get high marks for assignment?Never equate Assignment with literary creation!Your teacher is not teaching English courses,he is speaking knowledge related to your major in English,so what he values most is the application of knowledge,and comply with the requirements of specific structure and format,using intermediate level English is enough,as long as you avoid spelling mistakes and serious grammatical errors.


  Writing mistakes:常见的内容错误

  Writing misses:common content errors


  Common errors in content mainly include:


  Unclear argument


  Argument is the core of an Assignment,and all the contents of the thesis are around the argument.Unclear arguments will not only affect readers'reading experience,but also easily lead to the loss of the backbone and central idea of the paper when writing and reviewing the paper.Usually,the topic of a paper is where the argument is.If you just want to look good but ignore the clarity of the argument,this idea is totally wrong.We need to clarify the argument of Assignment in the title of the paper.


  Lack of necessary outline planning


  Many foreign students think that it is a waste of time to formulate a detailed outline plan before writing papers.Is that really the case?Absolutely not,because the outline is the preparation before the paper is formally written,and it is the foundation.Only by laying a good foundation,can we get twice the result with half the effort in the next writing.Therefore,when you get the writing task assigned by the teacher,the first time is to carry out an overall planning and arrangement,and make a general structure and content idea of the paper in combination with the information found.For example,the structure of Assignment must include:introduction,text paragraph and ending.


  The introduction did not play a corresponding role


  The introduction here does not play a corresponding role.It usually means that the beginning of the paper is boring and does not arouse the reader's interest in reading.We all know the importance of introduction for a paper.As the beginning of the thesis,the introduction plays a general role in the following paragraphs.And because it is at the beginning of the paper,the impression and impact that can be left on readers is the most profound and shocking.We should make full use of the role and power of the introduction.


  Inadequate materials and arguments


  The writing of Assignment is a complete and detailed discussion process,which requires a large number of facts,specific details and specific materials as evidence and assistance.The process of collecting and preparing materials usually begins with the preparation before writing.If the materials you collected are not sufficient,or the materials are inconsistent with the argument,or the materials you used are old,they are unqualified and will affect the score of the paper.Especially in the process of argumentation,we inevitably cite some materials.At this time,we must pay attention to the length of the quotation and the indication of the source.Once the length of quotation is too long and exceeds a certain proportion,it will lead to a high repetition rate of Assignment,which is a fatal blow to a paper.Therefore,in the process of preparing and quoting materials,we must pay attention to the sufficiency of materials and arguments.


  Inappropriate conclusion part


  The conclusion part refers to the ending paragraph of a paper,which mainly serves as a summary.When many foreign students summarize their papers,they do not echo each other,or they just repeat the description at the beginning again.Either way,it is incorrect.At the end of Assignment,we should make a general summary of the paper,summarize the key points of the paper,and highlight the purpose and importance of writing.Other content errors that need to be avoided include avoiding the use of complex sentences or phrases,using more formal language,etc.
