#pragma comment(lib,"psapi.lib")
int CAceaDbProc::BackupDB(sqlite3* pDb, const char* zFilename, void(*xProgress)(int, int))
HANDLE handle = GetCurrentProcess();
CString strLog = NULLSTR;
const int iConversionRate = 1024 * 1024;
const int iPageCountEachLoop = 10000;
int rc; /* Function return code */
sqlite3* pFile; /* Database connection opened on zFilename */
sqlite3_backup* pBackup; /* Backup handle used to copy data */
/* Open the database file identified by zFilename. */
rc = sqlite3_open(zFilename, &pFile);
CString strPassword = "AceASyS";
rc = sqlite3_key(pFile, strPassword, strPassword.GetLength());
if (rc == SQLITE_OK) {
/* Open the sqlite3_backup object used to accomplish the transfer */
pBackup = sqlite3_backup_init(pFile, "main", pDb, "main");
if (pBackup) {
/* Each iteration of this loop copies 5 database pages from database
** pDb to the backup database. If the return value of backup_step()
** indicates that there are still further pages to copy, sleep for
** 250 ms before repeating. */
do {
rc = sqlite3_backup_step(pBackup, iPageCountEachLoop);
GetProcessMemoryInfo(handle, &pmc, sizeof(pmc));
double dFileZize = CHelper::GetFileSize(zFilename, 1);
strLog.Format("内存使用:%d MB,%d MB,%d MB,%d MB, 目标文件大小: %f KB\n",
pmc.WorkingSetSize / iConversionRate, pmc.PeakWorkingSetSize / iConversionRate,
pmc.PagefileUsage / iConversionRate, pmc.PeakPagefileUsage / iConversionRate, dFileZize);
CImageHelper::SaveToLogFile("DBBackupLog.txt", strLog);
if (rc == SQLITE_OK || rc == SQLITE_BUSY || rc == SQLITE_LOCKED) {
} while (rc == SQLITE_OK || rc == SQLITE_BUSY || rc == SQLITE_LOCKED);
/* Release resources allocated by backup_init(). */
rc = sqlite3_errcode(pFile);
/* Close the database connection opened on database file zFilename
** and return the result of this function. */
return rc;