


Are you looking for the best chatbot software for your site?


Chatbots allow you to free up time by automatically answering common customer questions. They can also be used to generate leads, improve user experience, and make more sales.

聊天机器人可让您通过自动回答常见的客户问题来腾出时间。 它们还可以用于产生潜在客户,改善用户体验并增加销售额。

In this article, we have handpicked the best AI chatbots software for your WordPress site to improve customer experience and boost conversions.



1. ChatBot.com (1. ChatBot.com)


ChatBot allows you to easily make chatbots using their drag and drop chatbot builder. You don’t need to do any coding or have any special technical skills.

使用ChatBot ,您可以使用其拖放式聊天机器人生成器轻松创建聊天机器人。 您无需进行任何编码或具有任何特殊的技术技能。

It even comes with pre-built templates that you can use as a starting point to quickly get your AI ChatBot up and running. These templates include different scenarios like selling products, customer service, recruitment, bookings, and more.

它甚至附带了预构建的模板,您可以将其用作起点来快速启动和运行AI ChatBot。 这些模板包括不同的场景,例如销售产品,客户服务,招聘,预订等等。

ChatBot integrates with your WordPress website and can be used along with top live chat software well as other popular apps that you may be using to grow your business.


ChatBot is also a great chatbot for Facebook messenger powered by the same AI-driven software. This gives you a powerful tool to retarget customers on Facebook, collect data, and spend money wisely on Facebook ads.

ChatBot还是由相同的AI驱动软件提供支持的Facebook Messenger的出色聊天机器人。 这为您提供了强大的工具,可以在Facebook上重新定位客户,收集数据并明智地在Facebook广告上花费。

They offer a free 14-day trial (no credit card required) which helps you try it out before choosing a paid plan.


Integrating ChatBot within our own businesses is a big priority for us currently. ChatBot is a great tool for us because it lets us seamlessly forward users to our live support teams where needed.

目前,将ChatBot集成到我们自己的业务中是我们的重中之重。 ChatBot对我们来说是一个很好的工具,因为它使我们能够在需要时将用户无缝地转发给我们的实时支持团队。

Pricing: ChatBot costs from $50 per month, which includes 1 active chatbot and 1000 chats per month.

定价: ChatBot的费用为每月50美元起,其中包括一个活动的聊天机器人和每月1000个聊天。

2. ManyChat (2. ManyChat)


ManyChat is a Facebook messenger chatbot builder. With more than 1.3 Billion people using Facebook Messenger, it allows you to have a wider reach and more powerful retargeting options on the Facebook platform.

ManyChat是Facebook Messenger聊天机器人的构建者。 超过13亿的人使用Facebook Messenger,它使您可以在Facebook平台上拥有更广泛的覆盖范围和更强大的重新定向选项。

In simpler words, it helps you make sales, decrease cart abandonment, capture leads, and more by using Facebook Messenger.

简而言之,它可以通过使用Facebook Messenger来帮助您进行销售, 减少购物车遗弃 ,捕获销售线索等。

It comes with a simple drag and drop interface which makes it super easy to set up a chatbot for your Facebook page. You can automatically welcome new users, point them to products, schedule messages, respond to specific keywords, and much more.

它带有一个简单的拖放界面,可以非常轻松地为您的Facebook页面设置聊天机器人。 您可以自动欢迎新用户,为他们提供产品,安排消息,响应特定的关键字等等。

Pricing: ManyChat has a free plan that you can use to get started. This includes basic quick-start templates, 2 drip sequences, and up to 10 tags for audience segmentation. The premium plan has unlimited drip sequences and tags, plus split testing, buy buttons, and more.

定价: ManyChat有免费的计划,您可以用来入门。 这包括基本的快速入门模板,2个点滴序列和最多10个用于受众细分的标签。 高级计划具有无限的滴水顺序和标签,以及拆分测试,购买按钮等。

3.聊天 (3. Freshchat)


Freshchat allows you to build chatbots for WhatsApp, Messenger, Apple Business Chat, mobile, and web.

Freshchat允许您为WhatsApp,Messenger,Apple Business Chat,移动设备和Web构建聊天机器人 。

It is powered by Freddy, their artificial intelligence algorithm. It is designed to detect intent and engage with the customer, rather than simply being intended to free up the time of your live chat agents.

它由他们的人工智能算法Freddy提供支持。 它旨在检测意图并与客户互动,而不仅仅是为了节省实时聊天代理的时间。

Using their machine learning technology, Freshchat can even provide you with a list of customer and prospect questions that need precise or better answers.


Pricing: You will need Freshchat’s ‘Forest’ plan for enterprises to use their chatbot. This isn’t cheap, at $69 per user per month when billed monthly.

定价:您将需要Freshchat的“森林”计划,企业才能使用其聊天机器人。 这并不便宜,按月计费时每用户每月69美元。

4.漂移 (4. Drift)


Drift lets you combine live chat and an automated chatbot, like many of the tools on this list. It also integrates with the most popular CRMs and email marketing services.

Drift使您可以将实时聊天和自动聊天机器人结合起来,就像此列表中的许多工具一样。 它还与最流行的CRM和电子邮件营销服务集成。

Drift allows you to proactively start conversations with customers that are already engaged with the products or services on your website. It is designed to use conversations for conversions and allows you to create scenarios that help you get more sales.

使用Drift,您可以主动与已经与您网站上的产品或服务合作的客户开始对话。 它旨在使用对话进行转化,并允许您创建帮助您获得更多销售的方案。

It offers integrations with many third-party tools such as Zendesk, Help Scout, and more.

它提供与许多第三方工具(例如Zendesk,Help Scout等)的集成。

Drift is more suitable for fairly large businesses, and the pricing reflects that. If you’re just starting to make money online, we recommend that you try one of the other tools on our list.

漂移更适合于相当大的企业,而价格反映了这一点。 如果您刚刚开始在线赚钱 ,我们建议您尝试使用我们列表中的其他工具之一。

Pricing: Drift costs from $400/month billed annually. This includes 5 users. (There is a free plan available too, but that doesn’t have the chatbot features.)

定价:漂移费用每年$ 400美元/月起。 这包括5个用户。 (也有免费的计划,但是没有聊天机器人功能。)

5. Chatfuel (5. Chatfuel)


Chatfuel is a powerful chatbot platform for Messenger, Facebook, and Instagram. You don’t need any coding knowledge or previous experience to use it.

Chatfuel是用于Messenger,Facebook和Instagram强大聊天机器人平台。 您不需要任何编码知识或以前的经验即可使用它。

Lots of different companies use Chatfuel, including large brands like Adidas, T-Mobile, LEGO, TechCrunch, and more.


You can use your bot to increase sales, to qualify leads, or to provide answers to frequently asked questions. This lets you save a lot of time for your customer service team.

您可以使用漫游器来增加销售额,限定潜在客户或提供常见问题的答案。 这样可以为您的客户服务团队节省大量时间。

There is plenty of documentation on the Chatfuel website to help you build a bot easily. This includes advice on how to make sure you follow Facebook’s rules for using a Messenger bot.

Chatfuel网站上有大量文档,可帮助您轻松构建机器人。 其中包括有关如何确保您遵循Facebook使用Messenger机器人规则的建议。

Pricing: Chatfuel costs from $15/month, with no user limit. There’s also a free plan that offers a fully-featured bot and up to 50 users.

定价: Chatfuel每月15美元起,没有用户限制。 还有一个免费计划,可提供功能齐全的漫游器并最多容纳50位用户。

6. MobileMonkey (6. MobileMonkey)


MobileMonkey lets you create bots using their OmniChat™ technology. These bots work in web chat, in Messenger, and even through SMS text messages.

通过MobileMonkey ,您可以使用其OmniChat™技术创建机器人。 这些漫游器可以在网络聊天,Messenger甚至是SMS短信中工作 。

This saves you time and money creating different bots using different tools. You can create a single bot and use it across multiple platforms.

这样可以节省您的时间和金钱,使用不同的工具创建不同的机器人。 您可以创建一个机器人并在多个平台上使用它。

Your customer service team can easily respond to messages. MobileMonkey has desktop and mobile apps that give you a single inbox to easily monitor and respond to messages from different channels.

您的客户服务团队可以轻松响应消息。 MobileMonkey具有桌面和移动应用程序,使您可以通过一个收件箱轻松监视和响应来自不同渠道的消息。

It also offers integrations with third-party software that you may already be using such as CRM software, email marketing service, webinar provider, and more.


Pricing: MobileMonkey costs from $14.25/month, billed annually, for an unlimited number of leads. There’s also a free version with unlimited leads but fewer features.

定价: MobileMonkey的费用为每月14.25美元起,按年计费,潜在客户数量不限。 还有一个免费版本,具有无限潜在客户,但功能较少。

7.焦油 (7. Tars)


Tars is a tool that lets you create conversational landing pages. Essentially, this means replacing a traditional landing page with a chatbot.

Tars是使您可以创建对话性登录页面的工具。 本质上,这意味着用聊天机器人代替传统的登录页面 。

It lets you easily qualify leads. Tars is particularly well optimized for mobile users, providing a natural and easy chatbot conversation.

它使您轻松确定潜在客户。 Tars特别适合移动用户优化,提供了自然而轻松的聊天机器人对话。

Making a chatbot is quite straight forward using Tars. You can either create a conversation workflow from scratch, or you can use a pre-built template.

使用Tars创建聊天机器人非常简单。 您可以从头开始创建对话工作流,也可以使用预构建的模板。

Pricing: Tars costs from $83.25/month, billed annually. There’s no free plan, but you can take a free 14-day trial (no credit card required).

定价: Tars费用为每月83.25美元起,按年计费。 没有免费计划,但是您可以免费试用14天(无需信用卡)。

8. Tidio (8. Tidio)


Tidio is a live chat platform powered by chatbots. It allows you to communicate your clients by using web and mobile friendly chatbot, Facebook Messenger chatbot, and more.

Tidio是由聊天机器人提供支持的实时聊天平台。 它使您可以使用网络和移动友好型聊天机器人,Facebook Messenger聊天机器人等与客户进行沟通。

It comes with an easy dashboard and a mobile app to answer all user inquires at any time from anywhere. You can also use automation as much as you like to answer customer questions and design funnels that lead to conversions.

它带有一个简单的仪表板和一个移动应用程序,可以随时随地回答所有用户的查询。 您还可以根据需要使用自动化程度,以回答客户的问题并设计导致转化的渠道。

You can use a chatbot template or create your own chatbot scenarios based on keywords and customer behavior on your site. It is easy to use and integrate with your eCommerce platform, email marketing, and help desk software.

您可以使用聊天机器人模板,也可以根据站点上的关键字和客户行为创建自己的聊天机器人场景。 它易于使用并与您的电子商务平台,电子邮件营销和帮助台软件集成。

Pricing: Starting from $18 per month. They have a free plan too but it does not include chatbots.

定价:每月18美元起。 他们也有免费计划,但不包括聊天机器人。

9. Zendesk聊天 (9. Zendesk Chat)


Zendesk Chat is part of Zendesk, a popular customer support platform for businesses. It has features that let you handle support tickets, chat live with your customers, and more.

Zendesk Chat是Zendesk(企业通用的客户支持平台)的一部分。 它具有的功能使您可以处理支持票,与客户实时聊天等等。

You can use automated messages within Zendesk Chat, such as triggering messages based on what your customers are doing. You can also optimize your messages by testing which ones have a high engagement rate.

您可以在Zendesk Chat中使用自动消息,例如根据客户的行为触发消息。 您还可以通过测试哪些消息具有较高的参与率来优化消息。

You can even integrate it with other chatbot tools if you want more advanced chatbot features.


Pricing: Zendesk Chat costs from $14 per agent per month, when billed annually. You can take a 14 day free trial (no credit card details needed). There’s also a free Lite version, which only lets you have 1 agent and 1 chat at a time.

定价:按年计费时,Zendesk Chat的费用为每位代理每月14美元。 您可以免费试用14天(无需提供信用卡详细信息)。 还有一个免费的Lite版本,该版本一次只能让您拥有1个座席和1个聊天记录。

10. Quriobot (10. Quriobot )


Quriobot is a simple chatbot that has a free plan, making it a good option for small companies on a tight budget.


Like other chatbot software, it has a simple drag and drop interface. You can either build conversations from scratch or use one of the available templates. You can also create several bots at once.

像其他聊天机器人软件一样,它具有简单的拖放界面。 您可以从头开始建立对话,也可以使用可用的模板之一。 您也可以一次创建多个机器人。

You can adjust Quriobot’s styling to fit your website’s color scheme and you can even add custom CSS if you want to.

您可以调整Quriobot的样式以适合您网站的配色方案,甚至可以根据需要添加自定义CSS 。

Quriobot integrates with help desk software such as LiveAgent, if you want a complete solution that gives you a support desk, live chat, and more.


Pricing: Quriobot has a generous free plan that allows you up to 500 chats per month, with unlimited bots and organization members. If you want more chats per month, or if you want to remove the Quriobot branding, you need to pay from €9/month. (Quriobot’s pricing is in Euros.)

定价: Quriobot有一个免费的免费计划,每月最多可以进行500个聊天,并且机器人和组织成员不受限制。 如果您想每月进行更多聊天,或者要删除Quriobot品牌,则需要每月支付9欧元起。 (Quriobot的价格以欧元为单位。)

11.对讲机 (11. Intercom)

Intercom is a flexible tool that can be used as a chatbot or for live chat with an agent. You can use it to automate your marketing and to engage users.

对讲是一种灵活的工具,可以用作聊天机器人或与座席进行实时聊天。 您可以使用它来自动进行市场营销并吸引用户。

Intercom’s whole approach is designed to be conversational, to help you build relationships. It’s easy to scale as your business grows, too.

对讲机的整个方法旨在进行对话,以帮助您建立关系。 随着业务的增长,扩展也很容易。

With Intercom, you can personalize your chatbot’s interactions with customers. You can filter and target customers based on what they do (or don’t do) and you can group them into segments based on their attributes and behavior.

借助对讲,您可以个性化聊天机器人与客户的互动。 您可以根据客户的行为(或不做什么)来筛选和定位客户,并可以根据客户的属性和行为将其分组。

Intercom integrates with email marketing services, Slack, Google Analytics, CRM software, and more.

Intercom集成了电子邮件营销服务,Slack,Google Analytics(分析), CRM软件等。

Pricing: Intercom’s Start package costs from $39/month. However, to use the chatbot features, you need at least the Growth plan from $99/month. You can take a free 14 day trial of either of these plans (credit card details are required).

定价: Intercom的Start套餐费用为每月39美元起。 但是,要使用chatbot功能,您至少需要$ 99 /月起的Growth计划。 您可以免费试用这些计划的14天(需要提供信用卡详细信息)。

12. SnapEngage (12. SnapEngage)


SnapEngage is designed to help you with both sales and support. You can use it on your WordPress site. It also integrates with Facebook Messenger, and other popular software.

SnapEngage旨在帮助您进行销售和支持。 您可以在WordPress网站上使用它。 它还与Facebook Messenger和其他流行软件集成。

It comes with ready-to-use bots, such as the Info-Capture and the Answer Bot. You can also create custom bots using the custom bot API.

它配备了即时可用的机器人,例如Info-Capture和Answer Bot。 您还可以使用自定义漫游器API创建自定义漫游器。

If you run a healthcare site, then SnapEngage offers ‘Health Engage’ to provide secure, HIPAA-compliant chatbots, live chat, and SMS messaging.

如果您经营医疗保健站点 ,则SnapEngage将提供“医疗保健参与”功能,以提供符合HIPAA要求的安全聊天机器人,实时聊天和SMS消息传递 。

Pricing: SnapEngage costs from $16 per user per month (with a minimum of 3 users), billed annually. Their HealthEngage option costs from $26 per user per month, again with a minimum of 3 users.

定价: SnapEngage的费用为每位用户每月16美元(最少3位用户),按年计费。 他们的HealthEngage选件的费用为每位用户每月26美元起,但最少要有3位用户。

13. LivePerson (13. LivePerson)


LivePerson offers live chat software, as you might expect from their name. You can also use it to create automated conversation flows using a chatbot.

LivePerson提供实时聊天软件,您可能会从他们的名字中得到期望。 您还可以使用它来使用聊天机器人创建自动对话流。

Your chatbots can connect potential buyers to a live agent, send offers based on the customer’s interests, and even schedule appointments or meetings. Customers can also check on their order status, find out their account balance, and get answers to billing or payment questions.

您的聊天机器人可以将潜在的买家连接到实时代理商,根据客户的兴趣发送报价,甚至安排约会或会议。 客户还可以检查其订单状态,找出其帐户余额,并获得有关帐单或付款问题的答案。

As well as integrating with your WordPress site, LivePerson can be used on Facebook, Twitter, and more.


Pricing: LivePerson doesn’t provide a standard scale of prices. Instead, you need to contact them for a quote.

定价: LivePerson不提供标准的价格范围。 相反,您需要联系他们以获取报价。

14.艾达 (14. Ada)


Ada is a chatbot that can tailor its responses and recommendations based on the customer’s information, intent, and interests. It’s designed to be simple to use, so that your support team can set everything up. There’s no coding involved.

Ada是一个聊天机器人,可以根据客户的信息,意图和兴趣来定制其响应和建议。 它的设计易于使用,因此您的支持团队可以进行所有设置。 无需编码。

You can also integrate Ada with your live chat so that customers can move seamlessly from the chatbot to a live agent. It also integrates with your team calendar to schedule appointments and bookings.

您还可以将Ada与实时聊天集成在一起,以便客户可以从聊天机器人无缝迁移到实时代理。 它还与您的团队日历集成,以安排约会和预订。

Pricing: Ada doesn’t provide prices upfront. Instead, you need to chat with the sales team or request a demo to find out how much it will cost you.

定价: Ada不会预先提供价格。 相反,您需要与销售团队聊天或请求演示以了解花费多少。

我们的选择:最佳Chatbot软件 (Our Pick: Best Chatbot Software)

For most businesses, we recommend ChatBot.com as the best AI chatbot software because it’s easy to use and comes with pre-made workflows.

对于大多数企业来说,我们推荐ChatBot.com作为最好的AI chatbot软件,因为它易于使用并且带有预制的工作流程。

They also offer many built-in integrations with third-party marketing services, and the pricing is fairly affordable compared to other solutions.


If you’re looking for alternatives, then please take a look at FreshChat or Drift.

如果您正在寻找替代品,请查看FreshChat或Drift 。

We hope this article helped you learn about the best AI chatbots software for your WordPress site. You might also want to take a look at our guides to the best live chat software and best business phone services for small businesses.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解适用于WordPress网站的最佳AI聊天机器人软件。 您可能还需要看一下针对小型企业的最佳实时聊天软件和最佳商务电话服务指南 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-chatbots-software-ai/

