等影响,极易出现大范围的雾霾。 雾天时,弥漫在空中的雾气和尘埃模糊了人们的视线,使得景物的能见度大幅降低。在雾天条件下的室外获得的图像会受
式中Jc表示彩色图像的每个通道 ,Ω(x)表示以像素X为中心的一个窗口。 该式的意义用代码表达也很简单,首先求出每个像素RGB分量中的最小值,存入一副和原始图像大小相同的灰度图中,然后再对这幅灰度图进行最小值滤波,滤波的半径由窗口大小决定,一般有WindowSize = 2 * Radius + 1;
因此,有必要在去雾的时候保留一定程度的雾,这可以通过在式(11)中引入一个在[0,1] 之间的因子,则式(11)修正为:
本文中所有的测试结果依赖于: ω=0.95。
到这一步,我们就可以进行无雾图像的恢复了。由式(1)可知: J = ( I - A)/t + A
当投射图t 的值很小时,会导致J的值偏大,从而使淂图像整体向白场过度,因此一般可设置一阈值T0,当t值小于T0时,令t=T0,本文中所有效果图均以T0=0.1为标准计算。
for (Y = 0, DarkPt = DarkChannel; Y < Height; Y++)
ImgPt = Scan0 + Y * Stride;
for (X = 0; X < Width; X++)
Min = *ImgPt;
if (Min > *(ImgPt + 1)) Min = *(ImgPt + 1);
if (Min > *(ImgPt + 2)) Min = *(ImgPt + 2);
*DarkPt = Min;
ImgPt += 3;
MinFilter(DarkChannel, Width, Height, Radius);
这里需要注意的是MinFilter算法的快速实现,提供一篇论文供有需要的朋友学习:STREAMING MAXIMUM-MINIMUM FILTER USING NO MORE
而这是不容许的,原文作者并没有交代这一点是如何处理的。我在实际的编码中发现,如果真的这样做了,其效果也并不是很理想 ,因此,我最后的办法是在式(12)中,不考虑A的计算。
网络上有这个算法的 matlab代码可下载的,这里贴部分代码:
function q = guidedfilter(I, p, r, eps) % GUIDEDFILTER O(1) time implementation of guided filter. % % - guidance image: I (should be a gray-scale/single channel image) % - filtering input image: p (should be a gray-scale/single channel image) % - local window radius: r % - regularization parameter: eps
[hei, wid] = size(I); N = boxfilter(ones(hei, wid), r); % the size of each local patch; N=(2r+1)^2 except for boundary pixels.
% imwrite(uint8(N), 'N.jpg'); % figure,imshow(N,[]),title('N');
mean_I = boxfilter(I, r) ./ N; mean_p = boxfilter(p, r) ./ N; mean_Ip = boxfilter(I.*p, r) ./ N; cov_Ip = mean_Ip - mean_I .* mean_p; % this is the covariance of (I, p) in each local patch.
mean_II = boxfilter(I.*I, r) ./ N; var_I = mean_II - mean_I .* mean_I;
a = cov_Ip ./ (var_I + eps); % Eqn. (5) in the paper; b = mean_p - a .* mean_I; % Eqn. (6) in the paper;
mean_a = boxfilter(a, r) ./ N; mean_b = boxfilter(b, r) ./ N;
q = mean_a .* I + mean_b; % Eqn. (8) in the paper; end
暗原色先验是一种统计的结果,是对大量户外无雾照片(outdoor haze-free images)的统计结果,如果目标场景内在的就和大气光类似,比如雪地、白色背景墙、大海等,则由于前提条件就不正确,因此一般无法获得满意的效果,而对于一般的风景照片这个算法能处理的不错。
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define TAG "OCVSampleActivity"
#define LOGD(fmt, args...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, TAG, fmt, ##args)
extern "C" {
jmethodID mid;
jclass objclass;
jobject mobj;
inline double getminbgr(double b, double g, double r) {
if (b > g)
b = g;
if (b > r)
b = r;
return b;
inline uchar max(uchar x, uchar y, uchar z) {
if (y > x) {
x = y;
if (z > x) {
x = z;
return x;
inline double getminbgrdivideAc(double b, double g, double r, int A_b, int A_g,
int A_r) {
double bA_b = b / A_b;
double gA_g = b / A_g;
double rA_r = b / A_r;
double result = bA_b;
if (result > gA_g) {
result = gA_g;
if (result > rA_r) {
result = rA_r;
return result;
void getMatMinValue(Mat *roimat, double * min) {
int rows = roimat->rows;
int cols = roimat->cols;
int i, j;
uchar * p = NULL;
*min = 256;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
p = roimat->ptr < uchar > (i);
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
if (*min > *p) {
*min = *p;
Mat getDarkChannel(Mat dark, int windowSize) {
double t = (double) getTickCount();
Mat newDark;
int radius = windowSize / 2;
copyMakeBorder(dark, newDark, radius, radius, radius, radius,
BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(255));
Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT,
Size(windowSize, windowSize));
erode(newDark, newDark, element);
Mat darkChannel = Mat(newDark, Rect(radius, radius, dark.cols, dark.rows));
t = ((double) getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency() * 1000;
cout << "darkChannel cost in miliseconds: " << t << endl;
return darkChannel;
void getGlobalA(Mat image, Mat dark, uchar* maxRGB) {
double t = (double) getTickCount();
int frequency[256] = { 0 };
uchar * p;
uchar * p2;
for (int i = 0; i < dark.rows; i++) {
p = dark.ptr < uchar > (i);
for (int j = 0; j < dark.cols; j++) {
int count = (int) (dark.rows * dark.cols * 0.001);
int sum = 0;
int threshold;
//cout << "count="<
sum += frequency[i];
//cout << "frequency["< if (sum + frequency[i - 1] > count) {
threshold = i;
if (frequency[i - 1] > frequency[i]) {
count = sum + frequency[i - 1];
threshold = i - 1;
//cout << "frequency["<
// cout << "threshold = " << threshold<
int offset = 0;
threshold = threshold - 1;
int log = 2;
int channels = image.channels();
for (int i = 0; i < dark.rows; i++) {
p = dark.ptr < uchar > (i);
p2 = image.ptr < uchar > (i);
offset = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < dark.cols; j++, offset += channels) {
if (p[j] > threshold) {
if (maxRGB[0] < p2[offset]) {
maxRGB[0] = p2[offset];
if (maxRGB[1] < p2[offset + 1]) {
maxRGB[1] = p2[offset + 1];
if (maxRGB[2] < p2[offset + 2]) {
maxRGB[2] = p2[offset + 2];
if (count == 0) {
if (count == 0) {
// cout<<(int)maxRGB[0]<<","<<(int)maxRGB[1]<<","<<(int)maxRGB[2]<
// cout << "getGlobalA cost in miliseconds: " << t << endl;
void getMatMaxValue(Mat *mat, double *max, CvPoint *maxLoc) {
int rows = mat->rows;
int cols = mat->cols;
int i, j;
uchar * p = NULL;
*max = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
p = mat->ptr < uchar > (i);
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
if (*max < *p) {
*max = *p;
if (maxLoc != NULL) {
maxLoc->x = j;
maxLoc->y = i;
void getMinFilter(uchar * data, uchar *output, int size, int r) {
int minIndex = 0;
int block = (r << 1) + 1;
int min = *data;
for (int i = 1; i < block; i++) {
if (min >= *(data + i)) {
min = *(data + i);
minIndex = i;
for (int m = 0; m <= r; m++) {
output[m] = data[minIndex];
for (int j = r + 1; j < size - r; j++) {
if (minIndex >= j - r) {
int temp = (r << 1) + j - r;
if (data[minIndex] >= data[temp])
minIndex = temp;
} else {
minIndex = j - r;
int min = data[j - r];
for (int k = j - r + 1; k < block + j - r; k++) {
if (min >= data[k]) {
min = data[k];
minIndex = k;
output[j] = data[minIndex];
for (int n = size - r; n < size; n++) {
output[n] = data[minIndex];
Mat cumSum(Mat src, int rc) {
Mat Imdst = Mat(src.rows, src.cols, CV_64FC1);
Imdst = src.clone();
if (rc == 1) {
for (int y = 1; y < src.rows; y++) {
double * ptr0 = Imdst.ptr
double * ptr = Imdst.ptr
// double *ptr0=(double *)(Imdst->data.ptr+(y-1)*Imdst->step);
// double *ptr=(double *)(Imdst->data.ptr+y*Imdst->step);
for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; x++) {
ptr[x] = ptr0[x] + ptr[x];
else if (rc == 2) {
for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; y++) {
double *ptr = Imdst.ptr
// double *ptr=(double *)(Imdst->data.ptr+y*Imdst->step);
for (int x = 1; x < src.cols; x++) {
ptr[x] = ptr[x - 1] + ptr[x];
return Imdst;
Mat boxFilter(Mat src, int r) {
Mat Imdst = Mat(src.rows, src.cols, CV_64FC1);
Imdst = src.clone();
Mat subImage;
//imCum = cumsum(imSrc, 1);
Mat imCum = cumSum(Imdst, 1);
//imDst(1:r+1, :) = imCum(1+r:2*r+1, :);
for (int y = 0; y < r; y++) {
//double *ptrDst=(double *)Imdst->data.ptr+y*Imdst->step;
//double *ptrCum=(double *)imCum->data.ptr+(y+r)*imCum->step;
for (int x = 0; x < Imdst.cols; x++) {
// cvSetReal2D(Imdst,y,x,cvGetReal2D(imCum,y+r,x));
//imDst(r+2:hei-r, :) = imCum(2*r+2:hei, :) - imCum(1:hei-2*r-1, :);
for (int y = r + 1; y < Imdst.rows - r - 1; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < Imdst.cols; x++) {
- imCum.at
// cvSetReal2D(Imdst,y,x,(cvGetReal2D(imCum,y+r,x)-cvGetReal2D(imCum,y-r-1,x)));
//imDst(hei-r+1:hei, :) = repmat(imCum(hei, :), [r, 1]) - imCum(hei-2*r:hei-r-1, :);
subImage = Mat(r, Imdst.cols, CV_64FC1);
// Mat temMat = Mat(1,Imdst.cols,CV_8UC1);
// uchar *data = imCum.ptr
// for (int i = 0; i < temMat.cols; i++){
// temMat.at
// }
Mat temMat = imCum.row(imCum.rows - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
Mat dsttemp = subImage.row(i);
// subImage.ptr
// cvRepeat(tem,subImage);
/*for(int y=0;y
for(int x=0;x
for (int y = Imdst.rows - r; y < Imdst.rows; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < Imdst.cols; x++) {
- imCum.at
// cvSetReal2D(Imdst,y,x,cvGetReal2D(subImage,y-Imdst->height+r,x)-cvGetReal2D(imCum,y-r-1,x));
imCum = cumSum(Imdst, 2);
//imDst(:, 1:r+1) = imCum(:, 1+r:2*r+1);
for (int y = 0; y < Imdst.rows; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < r; x++) {
// cvSetReal2D(Imdst,y,x,cvGetReal2D(imCum,y,x+r));
//imDst(:, r+2:wid-r) = imCum(:, 2*r+2:wid) - imCum(:, 1:wid-2*r-1);
for (int y = 0; y < Imdst.rows; y++) {
for (int x = r + 1; x < Imdst.cols - r - 1; x++) {
- imCum.at
// cvSetReal2D(Imdst,y,x,(cvGetReal2D(imCum,y,x+r)-cvGetReal2D(imCum,y,x-r-1)));
//imDst(:, wid-r+1:wid) = repmat(imCum(:, wid), [1, r]) - imCum(:, wid-2*r:wid-r-1);
subImage = Mat(Imdst.rows, r, CV_64FC1);
temMat = Mat(Imdst.rows, 1, CV_64FC1);
temMat = imCum.col(imCum.cols - 1);
// cvGetCol(imCum,tem,imCum->width-1);
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
Mat dsttemp = subImage.col(i);
// subImage.ptr
// cvRepeat(tem,subImage);
/*for(int y=0;y
for(int x=0;x
for (int y = 0; y < Imdst.rows; y++) {
for (int x = Imdst.cols - r; x < Imdst.cols; x++) {
- imCum.at
// cvSetReal2D(Imdst,y,x,cvGetReal2D(subImage,y,x-Imdst->width+r)-cvGetReal2D(imCum,y,x-r-1));
return Imdst;
Mat myGuidedFilter_Mat(Mat I, Mat img_pp, int r, double eps) {
int height = img_pp.rows;
int width = img_pp.cols;
int type = CV_64FC1;
Mat ones = Mat(height, width, type, Scalar(1.0));
// cvSet(ones,cvRealScalar(1));
Mat N = boxFilter(ones, r);
Mat mean_I = Mat(height, width, type);
mean_I = boxFilter(I, r) / N;
// cvDiv(boxFilter(I,r),N,mean_I);
Mat mean_p = Mat(height, width, type);
mean_p = boxFilter(img_pp, r) / N;
// cvDiv(boxFilter(img_pp,r),N,mean_p);
Mat pr = Mat(height, width, type);
pr = I.mul(img_pp);
// cvMul(I,img_pp,pr);
Mat mean_Ip = Mat(height, width, type);
mean_Ip = boxFilter(pr, r) / N;
// cvDiv(boxFilter(pr,r),N,mean_Ip);
pr = mean_I.mul(mean_p);
// cvMul(mean_I,mean_p,pr);
Mat cov_Ip = Mat(height, width, type);
cov_Ip = mean_Ip - pr;
// cvSub(mean_Ip,pr,cov_Ip);
Mat var_I = Mat(height, width, type);
pr = I.mul(I);
// cvMul(I,I,pr);
var_I = boxFilter(pr, r) / N;
// cvDiv(boxFilter(pr,r),N,var_I);
pr = mean_I.mul(mean_I);
// cvMul(mean_I,mean_I,pr);
var_I = var_I - pr;
// cvSub(var_I,pr,var_I);
Mat a = Mat(height, width, type);
var_I = var_I + cvScalar(eps);
// cvAddS(var_I,cvScalar(eps),var_I);
a = cov_Ip / var_I;
// cvDiv(cov_Ip,var_I,a);
Mat b = Mat(height, width, type);
pr = a.mul(mean_I);
// cvMul(a,mean_I,pr);
b = mean_p - pr;
// cvSub(mean_p,pr,b);
Mat mean_a = Mat(height, width, type);
mean_a = boxFilter(a, r) / N;
// cvDiv(boxFilter(a,r),N,mean_a);
Mat mean_b = Mat(height, width, type);
mean_b = boxFilter(b, r) / N;
// cvDiv(boxFilter(b,r),N,mean_b);
Mat q = Mat(height, width, type);
a = mean_a.mul(I);
// cvMul(mean_a,I,a);
q = a + mean_b;
// cvAdd(a,mean_b,q);
// cvReleaseMat(&ones);
// cvReleaseMat(&mean_I);
// cvReleaseMat(&mean_p);
// cvReleaseMat(&pr);
// cvReleaseMat(&mean_Ip);
// cvReleaseMat(&cov_Ip);
// cvReleaseMat(&var_I);
// cvReleaseMat(&a);
// cvReleaseMat(&b);
// cvReleaseMat(&mean_a);
// cvReleaseMat(&mean_b);
return q;
inline uchar min(uchar x, uchar y, uchar z) {
if (y < x) {
x = y;
if (z < x) {
x = z;
return x;
void getMinRGB(Mat image, Mat dark) {
uchar* p;
int offset = 0;
int channels = image.channels();
for (int i = 0; i < dark.rows; ++i) {
p = image.ptr < uchar > (i);
offset = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < dark.cols; ++j, offset += channels) {
dark.at < uchar > (i, j) = min(p[offset], p[offset + 1],
p[offset + 2]);
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_example_opencvdemo_NativeUtils_getDarkChannel(
JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong matAddress, jint windowsize);
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_example_opencvdemo_NativeUtils_getDarkChannel2(
JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong matAddress, jlong removeAddress, jint block);
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_example_opencvdemo_NativeUtils_getDarkChannel3(
JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong matAddress, jlong removeAddress, jint block);
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_example_opencvdemo_NativeUtils_getDarkChannel4(
JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong matAddress, jlong removeAddress, jint r);
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_example_opencvdemo_NativeUtils_getDarkChannel5(
JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong matAddress, jlong removeAddress, jint r);
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_example_opencvdemo_NativeUtils_getDarkChannel(
JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong matAddress, jint windowsize) {
Mat & mat = *(Mat*) matAddress;
jint radius = windowsize / 2;
int row = mat.rows;
int col = mat.cols;
Vec3b pixel;
CvRect ROIRect;
int min;
ROIRect.width = radius;
ROIRect.height = radius;
ROIRect.x = 0;
ROIRect.y = 0;
int darkmin;
int i, j, k, m;
LOGD("row = %d, col = %d", row, col);
Mat *graymat = new Mat(row, col, CV_8UC1);
for (i = 0; i < row; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < col; j++) {
pixel = mat.at < Vec3b > (i, j);
pixel[0] = (pixel[0] < pixel[1]) ? pixel[0] : pixel[1];
min = (pixel[2] < pixel[0]) ? pixel[2] : pixel[0];
graymat->at < uchar > (i, j) = min;
int rowr = row - radius;
int clor = col - radius;
LOGD("rowr = %d clor = %d", rowr, clor);
for (i = 0; i < rowr; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < clor; j++) {
darkmin = 256;
for (k = i; k < i + radius; k++) {
for (m = j; m < j + radius; m++) {
if (graymat->at < uchar > (k, m) < darkmin) {
darkmin = graymat->at < uchar > (k, m);
graymat->at < uchar > (i, j) = darkmin;
return (jlong) graymat;
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_example_opencvdemo_NativeUtils_getDarkChannel3(
JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong matAddress, jlong removeAddress, jint block) {
Mat & mat = *(Mat*) matAddress;
Mat & removeMat = *(Mat*) removeAddress;
int i, j, k, m;
int rows = mat.rows;
int cols = mat.cols;
double minValue, maxValue, minValuer, minValueg, minValueb;
CvPoint maxPoint;
double A_dstb, A_dstg, A_dstr;
Mat darkchannel = Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);
Mat Roib = Mat(block, block, CV_8UC1);
Mat Roig = Mat(block, block, CV_8UC1);
Mat Roir = Mat(block, block, CV_8UC1);
LOGD("mat = %d mat = %d mat = %d",
mat.at < Vec3b > (0, 0)[0], mat.at < Vec3b > (0, 0)[1], mat.at < Vec3b > (0, 0)[2]);
std::vector < cv::Mat > sbgr(mat.channels());
split(mat, sbgr);
Mat dstb = sbgr[0];
Mat dstg = sbgr[1];
Mat dstr = sbgr[2];
// LOGD("rows = %d cols = %d, mat.channels = %d",rows, cols, mat.channels());
int rowsnum = rows / block;
int colsnum = cols / block;
// LOGD("rowsnum = %d colsnum = %d",rowsnum, colsnum);
uchar * p = NULL;
Rect rect_roi;
rect_roi.x = 0;
rect_roi.y = 0;
rect_roi.height = block;
rect_roi.width = block;
for (i = 0; i < colsnum; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < rowsnum; j++) {
rect_roi.x = i * block;
rect_roi.y = j * block;
//LOGD("i*radus = %d j*radus = %d",i*radus, j*radus);
Roib = dstb(rect_roi);
Roig = dstg(rect_roi);
Roir = dstr(rect_roi);
//耗时操作 100ms 左右
getMatMinValue(&Roib, &minValueb);
getMatMinValue(&Roig, &minValueg);
getMatMinValue(&Roir, &minValuer);
// minMaxIdx(Roib, &minValueb, &maxValueb);
// minMaxIdx(Roig, &minValueg, &maxValueg);
// minMaxIdx(Roir, &minValuer, &maxValuer);
minValue = getminbgr(minValueb, minValueg, minValuer);
// if (i == 0 && j< 5)LOGD("minValueb = %f , minValueg = %f ,minValuer = %f , minValue = %f", minValueb, minValueg,minValuer, minValue);
for (k = 0; k < block; k++) {
for (m = 0; m < block; m++) {
darkchannel.at < uchar > (rect_roi.y + k, rect_roi.x + m) =
// cvRectangle(&darkchannel,cvPoint(rect_roi.y,rect_roi.x),cvPoint(rect_roi.y+block,rect_roi.x+block), cvScalar(minValue));
// for (i = 0; i < 15; i++){
// for (j = 0; j< 15; j++){
// LOGD("darkchannel = %d ", darkchannel.at
// }
// }
// getMatMaxValue(&darkchannel, &maxValue, &maxPoint);
uchar maxRGB[3];
getGlobalA(mat, darkchannel, maxRGB);
uchar maxA = max(maxRGB[0], maxRGB[1], maxRGB[2]);
// LOGD("darkchannel Max = %lf x = %d y = %d", maxValue, maxPoint.x, maxPoint.y);
rect_roi.x = maxPoint.x;
rect_roi.y = maxPoint.y;
Roib = dstb(rect_roi);
getMatMaxValue(&Roib, &A_dstb, NULL);
Roig = dstg(rect_roi);
getMatMaxValue(&Roig, &A_dstg, NULL);
Roir = dstr(rect_roi);
getMatMaxValue(&Roir, &A_dstr, NULL);
LOGD("A_dstb = %f A_dstg = %f A_dstr = %f",
maxRGB[2], maxRGB[1], maxRGB[0]);
Vec3b pixel;
Scalar scalar;
float w = 0.95;
float dx = w / maxA;
float tx;
Mat mtx = Mat(rows, cols, CV_32FC1);
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
tx = 1 - dx * darkchannel.at < uchar > (i, j);
if (tx < 0.1)
tx = 0.1;
// recover;
scalar = mat.at < Vec4b > (i, j);
pixel[0] = ((scalar[0] - A_dstb) / tx) + maxRGB[2];
pixel[1] = ((scalar[1] - A_dstg) / tx) + maxRGB[1];
pixel[2] = ((scalar[2] - A_dstr) / tx) + maxRGB[0];
removeMat.at < Vec3b > (i, j) = pixel;
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_example_opencvdemo_NativeUtils_getDarkChannel4(
JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong matAddress, jlong removeAddress, jint r) {
Mat & mat = *(Mat*) matAddress;
Mat & removeMat = *(Mat*) removeAddress;
int i, j, k, m;
int rows = mat.rows;
int cols = mat.cols;
int block = (r << 1) + 1;
uchar * data_ptr = NULL;
uchar * output_ptr = NULL;
double minValue, maxValue, minValuer, minValueg, minValueb;
CvPoint maxPoint;
double A_dstb, A_dstg, A_dstr;
Mat darkchannel = Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);
Mat minbgr = Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);
Mat minbgrmin = Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);
Mat Roib = Mat(block, block, CV_8UC1);
Mat Roig = Mat(block, block, CV_8UC1);
Mat Roir = Mat(block, block, CV_8UC1);
LOGD("mat = %d mat = %d mat = %d",
mat.at < Vec3b > (0, 0)[0], mat.at < Vec3b > (0, 0)[1], mat.at < Vec3b > (0, 0)[2]);
std::vector < cv::Mat > sbgr(mat.channels());
split(mat, sbgr);
Mat dstb = sbgr[0];
Mat dstg = sbgr[1];
Mat dstr = sbgr[2];
uchar * p = NULL;
Rect rect_roi;
rect_roi.x = 0;
rect_roi.y = 0;
rect_roi.height = block;
rect_roi.width = block;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
Vec4b * p = mat.ptr < Vec4b > (i);
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
minbgr.at < uchar > (i, j) = (uchar) getminbgr((double) p[j][0],
(double) p[j][1], (double) p[j][2]);
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
data_ptr = minbgr.ptr
output_ptr = minbgrmin.ptr
getMinFilter(data_ptr, output_ptr, cols, r);
// unsigned char* tempData=(unsigned char*)calloc(cols,sizeof(unsigned char));
uchar tempData1[rows];
uchar tempData2[rows];
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
tempData1[i] = minbgrmin.at
getMinFilter(tempData1, tempData2, rows, r);
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
darkchannel = getDarkChannel(minbgr, block);
// getMatMaxValue(&Roir, &A_dstr, NULL);
// LOGD("A_dstb = %f, %f, %f", A_dstb, A_dstg, A_dstr);
Mat grayMat = Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);
Mat grayMatf = Mat(rows, cols, CV_64FC1);
Mat darkchannelf = Mat(rows, cols, CV_64FC1);
// // Mat tx1 = Mat (rows, cols, CV_64FC1);
cvtColor(mat, grayMat, CV_BGR2GRAY);
grayMat.convertTo(grayMatf, CV_64FC1, 1 / 255.0);
darkchannel.convertTo(darkchannelf, CV_64FC1, 1 / 255.0);
// // tx1 = myGuidedFilter_Mat(grayMatf, darkchannelf, r*5, 0.0001);
if (A_dstb > 220){
A_dstb = 220;
if (A_dstg > 220){
A_dstg = 220;
if (A_dstr > 220){
A_dstr = 220;
// //根据预估透射率 求去雾图像
// Vec3b pixel;
// Scalar scalar;
// double tx;
// for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
// for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
scalar = mat.at
tx = tx1.at
// LOGD("tx = %f", tx);
if(tx < 0) tx = 0.1;
pixel[0] = ((scalar[0] - A_dstb)/tx) + A_dstb;
pixel[1] = ((scalar[1] - A_dstg)/tx) + A_dstg;
pixel[2] = ((scalar[2] - A_dstr)/tx) + A_dstr;
开始写成3b 出问题 mat 有四个通道。
// scalar = mat.at
// tx = (int) (255 - 0.7 * darkchannel.at
// // LOGD("tx1 = %f", tx);
// if (tx < 0)
// tx = 0.1;
// // if (i == 0 & j < 10) LOGD("tx = %f", tx);
// pixel[0] = ((scalar[0] - A_dstb) / tx) + A_dstb;
// pixel[1] = ((scalar[1] - A_dstg) / tx) + A_dstg;
// pixel[2] = ((scalar[2] - A_dstr) / tx) + A_dstr;
// removeMat.at
// }
// getMatMaxValue(&darkchannel, &maxValue, &maxPoint);
uchar maxRGB[3];
getGlobalA(mat, darkchannel, maxRGB);
uchar maxA = max(maxRGB[0], maxRGB[1], maxRGB[2]);
// LOGD("darkchannel Max = %lf x = %d y = %d", maxValue, maxPoint.x, maxPoint.y);
rect_roi.x = maxPoint.x;
rect_roi.y = maxPoint.y;
Roib = dstb(rect_roi);
getMatMaxValue(&Roib, &A_dstb, NULL);
Roig = dstg(rect_roi);
getMatMaxValue(&Roig, &A_dstg, NULL);
Roir = dstr(rect_roi);
getMatMaxValue(&Roir, &A_dstr, NULL);
LOGD("A_dstb = %f A_dstg = %f A_dstr xxxxx = %f",
maxRGB[2], maxRGB[1], maxRGB[0]);
Vec3b pixel;
Scalar scalar;
float w = 0.95;
float dx = w / maxA;
float tx;
Mat mtx = Mat(rows, cols, CV_64FC1);
Mat mtxx = Mat(rows, cols, CV_64FC1);
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
tx = 1 - dx * darkchannel.at < uchar > (i, j);
if (tx < 0.1)
tx = 0.1;
// recover;
scalar = mat.at < Vec4b > (i, j);
pixel[0] = ((scalar[0] - maxRGB[2]) / tx) + maxRGB[2];
pixel[1] = ((scalar[1] - maxRGB[1]) / tx) + maxRGB[1];
pixel[2] = ((scalar[2] - maxRGB[0]) / tx) + maxRGB[0];
removeMat.at < Vec3b > (i, j) = pixel;
// mtxx = myGuidedFilter_Mat(grayMatf, mtx, r * 5, 0.001);
// for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
// for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
// tx = mtxx.at
// // recover;
// if(tx < 0) tx = 0.1;
// scalar = mat.at < Vec4b > (i, j);
// pixel[0] = ((scalar[0] - maxRGB[2]) / tx) + maxRGB[2];
// pixel[1] = ((scalar[1] - maxRGB[1]) / tx) + maxRGB[1];
// pixel[2] = ((scalar[2] - maxRGB[0]) / tx) + maxRGB[0];
// removeMat.at < Vec3b > (i, j) = pixel;
// }
// }
//mat 的 加 减 乘 除 操作
// Mat a = Mat(4,4,CV_8UC1, cvScalar(8));
// Mat b = Mat(4,4,CV_8UC1, cvScalar(2));
// Mat c = Mat(4,4,CV_8UC1);
// Mat d = Mat(4,4,CV_8UC1);
// c = a.mul(b);
// d = a/b;//divide(a, b);
// c = c + cvScalar(2);
// for (int i = 0; i < 4;i++){
// for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++){
// LOGD(" a*b = %d ", c.at
// LOGD(" a/b = %d ", d.at
// }
// }
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_example_opencvdemo_NativeUtils_getDarkChannel5(
JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jlong matAddress, jlong removeAddress, jint r) {
int isRGB = 1;
Mat & mat = *(Mat*) matAddress; // Mat with RGBA channel
// isRGB = 0;
// Mat mat = imread("/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/25.jpg",
// CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); // Mat with BGR channel
//get callback
mid = env->GetMethodID(objclass, "progressCallback", "(II)V");
jfieldID progress_field = env->GetStaticFieldID(objclass, "PROGRESS_STEP_START", "I");
jint progress = env->GetStaticIntField(objclass, progress_field);
jint max_num = 100;
env->CallVoidMethod(object, mid,progress,max_num);
Mat & removeMat = *(Mat*) removeAddress;
int i, j, k, m;
int rows = mat.rows;
int cols = mat.cols;
int block = (r << 1) + 1;
uchar * data_ptr = NULL;
uchar * output_ptr = NULL;
double minValue, maxValue, minValuer, minValueg, minValueb;
CvPoint maxPoint;
double A_dstb, A_dstg, A_dstr;
Mat darkchannel = Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);
Mat minbgr = Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);
getMinRGB(mat, minbgr);
darkchannel = getDarkChannel(minbgr, block);
progress_field = env->GetStaticFieldID(objclass, "PROGRESS_STEP_GET_DARK_CHANNEL", "I");
progress = env->GetStaticIntField(objclass, progress_field);
env->CallVoidMethod(object, mid,progress,max_num);
uchar maxRGB[3];
getGlobalA(mat, darkchannel, maxRGB);
if (isRGB != 1){
int tmp = maxRGB[0];
maxRGB[0] = maxRGB[2];
maxRGB[2] = maxRGB[0];
uchar maxA = max(maxRGB[0], maxRGB[1], maxRGB[2]);
LOGD("maxRGB[0] = %d maxRGB[1] = %d maxRGB[2] xx = %d",
(int)maxRGB[2], (int)maxRGB[1], (int)maxRGB[0]);
progress_field = env->GetStaticFieldID(objclass, "PROGRESS_STEP_GET_A", "I");
progress = env->GetStaticIntField(objclass, progress_field);
env->CallVoidMethod(object, mid,progress,max_num);
uchar *p;
uchar *pRemove;
uchar *pImage;
float w = 0.95;
float minT = 0.1;
float dx = w / maxA;
float tx;
int offset = 0;
int offset2 = 0;
int channels = mat.channels();
int outChannels = removeMat.channels();
for (int i = 0; i < darkchannel.rows; i++) {
p = darkchannel.ptr < uchar > (i);
pRemove = removeMat.ptr < uchar > (i);
pImage = mat.ptr < uchar > (i);
offset = 0;
offset2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < darkchannel.cols; j++, offset += channels, offset2 +=outChannels) {
tx = (1 - dx * p[j]);
if (minT > tx || tx < 0)
tx = minT;
pRemove[offset2] = (uchar)(
(pImage[offset] - maxRGB[0]) / tx + maxRGB[0]);
pRemove[offset2 + 1] = (uchar)(
(pImage[offset + 1] - maxRGB[1]) / tx + maxRGB[1]);
pRemove[offset2 + 2] = (uchar)(
(pImage[offset + 2] - maxRGB[2]) / tx + maxRGB[2]);
progress_field = env->GetStaticFieldID(objclass, "PROGRESS_STEP_END", "I");
progress = env->GetStaticIntField(objclass, progress_field);
env->CallVoidMethod(object, mid,progress,max_num);