azure 教育认证_Azure基础知识认证(AZ-900)–通过此免费的3小时课程通过考试

azure 教育认证

什么是Microsoft Azure? (What is Microsoft Azure?)

Microsoft Azure is a cloud service provider. A cloud service provider (CSPs) is a technology company that offers multiple cloud services. Azure has listed over 600 cloud service offerings, from computing to storage to databases to machine learning.

Microsoft Azure是云服务提供商。 云服务提供商(CSP)是一家提供多种云服务的技术公司。 Azure已经列出了600多种云服务产品,从计算到存储再到数据库再到机器学习。

Azure is the second most popular cloud platform behind Amazon Web Services (AWS). Still, many long-lived or large tech companies are embracing both cloud platforms. This may be because Azure is able to compete on cost, niche cloud-offerings, easy integration, and developers' familiarity with Microsoft software.

Azure是仅次于Amazon Web Services(AWS)的第二受欢迎的云平台。 尽管如此,许多历史悠久或大型的科技公司仍在拥抱这两种云平台。 这可能是因为Azure能够在成本,利基云产品,易于集成以及开发人员对Microsoft软件的熟悉程度方面进行竞争。

Azure has three competitive advantages when compared with other cloud platforms like AWS and Google Cloud.

与AWS和Google Cloud等其他云平台相比,Azure具有三个竞争优势。

优势1:Azure和Microsoft在开发人员工具上进行了大量投资 (Advantage #1: Azure and Microsoft have invested heavily in Developer Tools)

Microsoft developed the most popular code editor to date, Visual Studio Code.

微软开发了迄今为止最受欢迎的代码编辑器Visual Studio Code。

They also acquired GitHub and ported its functionality directly into Azure.


Microsoft also owns Minecraft, and has used it as a tool to onboard young developers to programming and cloud computing.


优势2:Microsoft Active Directory (Advantage #2: Microsoft Active Directory)

Many companies have invested in Active Directory to control access to software and workstations. Now, they can easily extend that to the Azure cloud and not have to learn a new tool for managing access.

许多公司已投资Active Directory来控制对软件和工作站的访问。 现在,他们可以轻松地将其扩展到Azure云,而不必学习用于管理访问的新工具。

When you want to sell software to large companies, a general requirement for purchase is to perform Single-Sign-On with Microsoft Active Directory, and Azure has the hometown advantage here.

当您要将软件出售给大型公司时,购买的一般要求是使用Microsoft Active Directory执行单点登录,而Azure在这里具有故乡优势。

优势3:机器学习和人工智能 (Advantage #3: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence)

I think AWS has a better offering for ML and AI, but Azure has done a better job making its offerings more palatable to tech companies.


Azure divides their AI services into many small isolated services, and they have certifications for data-based roles at the Associate tier. This makes these roles feel more obtainable to aspiring developers.

Azure将其AI服务分为许多小型隔离服务,并且在助理层具有基于数据的角色的认证。 这使有抱负的开发人员更容易获得这些角色。

Azure基础认证 (The Azure Foundations Certification)

The Azure Foundations certification is the entry-level cloud certification for Mircosoft Azure. It is commonly referred to by its course code, the AZ-900.

Azure Foundations认证是Mircosoft Azure的入门级云认证。 通常以其课程代码AZ-900来指代。

The exam covers the following domains:


  • Cloud Concepts

  • Azure Core Services

  • Security, Privacy, Compliance and Trust

  • Pricing and Support


The average study time – even for people who are new to cloud development – is only one week of study.


There is also some knowledge transfer if you have already earned the AWS Cloud Certified Practitioner (AWS's entry-level certification). But don't expect to pass the AZ-900 without studying.

如果您已经获得了AWS Cloud认证从业者(AWS的入门级认证),则还需要进行一些知识转移。 但是不要指望未经学习就通过AZ-900。

Microsoft and Azure previously had Certifications that were service specific, but they have changed to role based Certifications (certifications based on job title).


Here are all the Azure role based: available certifications:


  • Azure Fundamental (AZ-900)

  • Azure Administrator (AZ-103)

  • Azure Developer (AZ-203)

  • Azure AI Engineer (AI-100)

    Azure AI工程师(AI-100)
  • Azure Data Scientist (DP-100)

  • Azure Data Engineer (requires both the DP-200 and DP-201)

  • Azure Security (AZ-500)

  • Azure Solutions Architect Expert (requires both the AZ-300 and AZ-301)

  • Azure DevOps Engineer Expert (AZ-400)

    Azure DevOps工程师专家(AZ-400)
  • Azure for SAP Workloads (Az-120)

    Azure for SAP工作负载(Az-120)
  • Azure IoT Developer (Az-220)

    Azure IoT开发人员(Az-220)

您如何获得认证? (How do you get the certification?)

You obtain certification by paying the exam fee, and sitting the exam at a test center partnered with Microsoft Azure.

您可以通过支付考试费,然后将考试参加与Microsoft Azure合作的考试中心来获得认证。

Microsoft Azure is partnered with Pearson Vue, a network of test centers around the world. Pearson Vue allows you to sit the exam in person or online. To sit the exam online, you need to ensure you have a quiet, clutter-free room and a working web-camera.

Microsoft Azure与Pearson Vue(全球测试中心网络)合作。 Pearson Vue允许您亲自或在线参加考试。 要在线参加考试,您需要确保您有一个安静,整洁的房间和一个可运行的网络摄像头。

Microsoft has a portal page on Pearsue Vue where you register and book your exam.

Microsoft 在Pearsue Vue上有一个门户页面 ,您可以在此注册和预订考试。

The exam fee is $99 USD.

考试费用为$ 99美元

我可以简单地观看视频并通过考试吗? (Can I simply watch the videos and pass the exam?)

For the entry-level certification, yes, it is possible to pass by just watching videos if you already have a technical background.


For more difficult certification levels starting at the Associate level, it is necessary to use paid practice exams by third-party providers.


The exam has 40 to 60 questions with a timeline of 1 hour.


A passing grade is around 70%.


It is common for most people new to cloud development to score 40% on their first-practice exam attempt, 65% on their second attempt, and a passing 85% on their third attempt.


I would say it's not necessary to score above 90%.  If you are in the 75-85% range, you are ready to sit your exam.

我会说得分不超过90%是没有必要的。 如果您的考试分数在75-85%之间,则可以参加考试了。

If you are going to use paid practice exams, please consider using Exam Pro's practice exams since the funds will go directly goes toward helping me produce more free cloud courses.

如果您要使用付费练习考试,请考虑使用Exam Pro的练习考试,因为这笔资金将直接用于帮助我制作更多免费的云课程。

免费的Azure Foundations视频课程 (The Free Azure Foundations Video Course)

My course will remain free forever. And it's ad-free, too.

我的课程将永远免费。 而且它也是无广告的。

This free course is nearly 3 hours in length. It includes hands-on exercises. You can follow along and set up your own Azure Cloud account.

这门免费课程将近3个小时。 它包括动手练习。 您可以继续并设置自己的Azure云帐户。

Together, we will explore the Networking, Computing, Storage and Database services.


You can create an Azure Cloud account for free. You will have to provide a valid credit card to complete the registration. Azure gives you $200 USD credits for 30 days for new accounts. You can be charged if you use outside the free-tier or the provided Azure credits. This said, the free subscription account has many limits in place to help you avoid overages and misspending.

您可以免费创建一个Azure云帐户。 您必须提供有效的信用卡才能完成注册。 Azure会为您提供30天的新帐户200美元的信用额度。 如果您在免费套餐或提供的Azure积分以外使用,则需要向您收费。 也就是说,免费订阅帐户具有许多限制,可帮助您避免超额使用和超支。

If you are a student, you can sign up using your student email and apply for student access. Students require no credit card, and Microsoft gives you USD $100 credits, and their account is sandboxed, meaning you will never be billed unless you choose to leave the sandbox.

如果您是学生,则可以使用学生的电子邮件进行注册并申请学生访问权限。 学生不需要信用卡,Microsoft会给您$ 100美元的信用额,并且他们的帐户已被沙盒化,这意味着除非您选择离开沙盒,否则永远不会向您收费。

Then at the end of the course, I'll show you how to book your exam.


OK – now you know everything you need to get started with your Azure Cloud Certification journey.


Head on over to freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel to start working through the full 3-hour course.

前往freeCodeCamp的YouTube频道开始进行为时3小时的完整课程 。


azure 教育认证
