

T1: Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management物流和供应链管理简介


T2: Supply Chain Organisation - Process Thinking供应链组织-过程思维


T3: Information Technology in a Supply Chain信息科技

信息重要性,供应链技术框架(CRM, ISCM, SRM)

T4: Customer Fulfilment Strategies客户实现策略

价值(Quality, cost, flexibility, delivery, innovation),客户战略、关系(ABC)

T5: Order Fulfilment – Purchasing, Operations, And Logistics订单履行

订单履行的三个功能(purchasing, production, logistics),SCOR

T6: Supply Chain Mapping供应链映射

Process, value stream, SC mapping

T7: Core Competencies and Outsourcing核心能力及外包

外包趋势(CM, OEM, ODM, EMS),好处,风险,过程,分析

T8:Environmental Scanning and Global Supply Chain Design环境扫描全球SC设计


T9: Cost Management成本管理


T10: Inventory Management库存管理


T11: Safety Inventory –Managing Uncertainties安全库存-管理不确定性


T12: Complexity: Supply Chain-Related Rationalisation复杂性:合理化


T13: Performance Measurement性能测量

测量作用、结果,传统测量服务和目标, SC核心原则, Benchmarking基准化

T14: People Management人员管理


T15: Law and Ethics In SCM供应链管理中法律和道德


T16: Relationship Management关系管理




Topic 1 - Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Theory of Supply Chain Management供应链管理理论

·Companies seek to design business models that meet customer needs better than competitors. Success depends on the ability to design, make, and deliver innovative, high-quality, low-cost products and services that customers demand.


·Supply chain management allows companies to focus on their unique skill sets.


·It’s the theory of comparative advantage applied at the company level.


·Supply chain management requires 供应链管理要求

◦a common understanding of supply chain objectives and individual roles, 对供应链目标和个人角色有共同的理解,

◦an ability to work together, and 有能力一起工作,

◦a willingness to adapt in order to create and delivery the best products and services possible.愿意进行调整,以创造和提供最好的产品和服务。

Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management is the design and management of seamless, value -added processes across organizational boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer.


Logistics: the part of the supply chain that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.


Third‐party Logistics (3PL) 第三方物流

3PL service providers are companies who provide a range of logistics activities for their clients. E.g. distribution centres, warehouse facilities, manage the delivery of the products through their transport fleets or undertake value‐adding services such as re‐packing.


Internal Value Chain Elements价值链内部要素

Executive Management defines company strategy and allocates resources to achieve it.执行管理层定义公司战略并分配资源以实现它。

Supply Management coordinates the upstream supply base, finding the right suppliers and building the right relationships with them.


Operations transforms the inputs acquired from suppliers into more highly valued products.


Logistics moves and stores materials, so they are available when and where they are needed.


Marketing manages the downstream relationships with customers, identifying their needs and communicating to them how the company can meet those needs.


Human Resources designs the systems used to hire, train, and develop the company’s employees.


Accounting maintains business records that provide information needed to control operations.


Finance acquires and controls the capital required to operate the business.


Information Technology builds and maintains the systems needed to capture and communicate information among decision makers.


Research and Development (R&D) is responsible for new product development.


Supply Chain Integration供应链集成

Internal Process Integration: increase collaboration among the company’s functional groups. 内部流程集成:增加公司各职能部门之间的协作。

Backward Process Integration: collaboration with 1st‐tier and 2nd‐tier (leading companies) suppliers. 逆向流程集成:与一级和二级(领先公司)供应商合作。

Forward Process Integration: collaboration with 1st‐tier customers. 前向流程集成:与一级客户合作。

Complete Integration:  collaboration from the “suppliers’ supplier to the customers’ customer.”完全集成:从“供应商的供应商到客户的客户”的协作。

Value chain analysis价值链分析

Step 1 – identify and classify the activities in the company识别并分类公司的活动

Step 2 – identify the strengths & weaknesses of each activity找出活动的优势和劣势

Supply Chain Management Problems供应链管理问题

The goal of supply chain management is to use technology and teamwork to build efficient and effective processes that create value for the end customer. 供应链管理的目标是利用技术和团队合作建立高效和有效的流程,为最终客户创造价值。

The goal is compromised when processes, value chain elements, and/or companies work toward local rather than global optimum.


Topic 2 - Supply Chain Organisation - Process Thinking

Process Management: It’s a shift from competing on what we make to how we make it.


Process Management requires companies to: 过程管理要求公司(但很少公司用)

1. Recognise the limiting nature of functional structures认识到功能结构的局限性

2. Instil process thinking throughout the company在整个公司灌输过程思维

Functional organization: Groups resources into specific departments which perform specific tasks to help the company achieve desired goals.

职能组织:将资源分成特定的部门,这些部门执行特定的任务,以帮助公司实现预期目标。(R&D, purchasing, production, logistics, marketing)

·Process thinking aligns decisions with corporate strategy and coordinates actions across functions. 过程思维将决策与公司战略结合起来,并协调各职能部门的行动。

·Systems Thinking: Systems thinking is the holistic process of considering both the immediate local outcomes and the longer-term system-wide ramifications of decisions. 系统思考:系统思考是考虑决策的直接局部结果和长期的系统范围后果的整体过程。

1. A Holistic View一个全面的视图2. Information Availability and Accuracy信息的可用性和准确性3. Cross-Functional and Interorganisational Teamwork跨职能和跨组织的团队合作4. Measurement测量5. Systems Analysis系统分析

·A Process View of a Company: Decisions made throughout an organisation should focus on using available resources to create customer value.一个公司的过程视图:整个组织所做的决策应该集中于使用可用资源来创造客户价值。

·Strategic Linkage: The role of strategy is to direct the use of resources to develop the correct competencies to drive the firm’s value proposition.战略的作用是指导资源的使用,发展正确的能力,以推动公司的价值主张。

·Supply Chain Strategy: Seeks to leverage the resources and skills of diverse companies in the supply chain to deliver exceptional value to the end customer.供应链战略:寻求利用供应链中不同公司的资源和技能,为最终客户提供卓越的价值。

·Resource Management五个需要管理的资源:People Technology, Materials, Infrastructure, Capital

·Information Sharing: Communicates strategic objectives and organisational roles.信息共享:沟通战略目标和组织角色。

·Performance Measurement: Performance measurement systems must be aligned with strategic objectives; and clearly communicate expectations and responsibilities. 绩效评估:绩效评估系统必须与战略目标相一致;清楚地传达期望和责任。

·Process Reengineering: Process Reengineering is the radical redesign of business processes using systems thinking and information technology. 流程再造:流程再造是利用系统思维和信息技术对业务流程进行彻底的再设计。

1. Identify Desired Outcomes确定想要的结果2. Make Processes Visible使流程可见3. Assign Responsibility for Work分配工作责任4. Leverage Technology利用技术

Topic 3 - Information Technology in a Supply Chain

The Importance of Information信息的重要性

·We believe those companies that position themselves to take advantage of the Internet to build information partnerships with their suppliers and customers, have the potential to fundamentally change the face of global competition… and change our definition of the value we provide to our customers and constituents.


·Information is a key driver that serves as the “glue” to create a coordinated supply chain. 信息是一个关键的驱动力,它是创建协调供应链的“粘合剂”

·1. Real-time information regarding availability, delivery, shipping, and invoices allows for improved customer satisfaction.2. Substituting information for inventory or other resources reduces costs.3. Information can be used to increase flexibility.4. Information sharing is redefining supply chain relationships.

1. 关于可用性、交付、运输和发票的实时信息可以提高客户满意度。2. 用信息代替库存或其他资源可以降低成本。3. 信息可以用来增加灵活性。4. 信息共享正在重新定义供应链关系。

3 Types of Technologies三种科技类型: Product (train, car), process (RFID, chip) and information (data) technologies

Information Strategy – Limitations信息战略的局限

·Information technology is an enabler, not a silver bullet. 信息技术是一种使能者,而不是灵丹妙药。

·Automating bad processes simply helps to make mistakes faster. 自动化糟糕的过程只会帮助我们更快地犯错。

·The wrong technology strategy adds neither real value or improves customer satisfaction. 错误的技术策略既不能增加真正的价值,也不能提高客户满意度。

·Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): a single database surrounded by application programs that take data from the database and either conduct analysis or collect additional data for the firm.




Internet – provides unlimited access


Intranet – provides systems access to a limited number of parties; avoids custom interfaces, incompatible hardware types, and special connection procedures


Extranet – allow limited access to certain applications and data to external users


·Electronic-commerce: Electronic-commerce is the automation of commercial transactions using computers and networked communication technologies.



Radio Frequency Technology: Radio frequency transmissions between computer systems and mobile operators.


Radio frequency identification tags (RFID): coded electronic chips embedded in the product or in product packaging.射频识别标签(RFID):嵌入在产品或产品包装中的编码电子芯片。


The Supply Chain IT Framework供应链信息技术框架

·Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 客户关系管理

The processes that take place between an enterprise and its customers downstream in the supply chain发生在企业和供应链下游的客户之间的过程

关键过程:◦ Marketing◦ Selling◦ Order management◦ Call/Service center

·Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) 内部供应链管理

Includes all processes involved in planning for and fulfilling a customer order包括计划和履行客户订单所涉及的所有过程

关键过程:◦ Strategic Planning◦ Demand Planning◦ Supply Planning◦ Fulfillment◦ Field Service

·Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) 供应商关系管理

Those processes focused on the interaction between the enterprise and suppliers that are upstream in the supply chain这些过程集中在企业和供应链上游供应商之间的互动

关键过程:◦ Design Collaboration◦ Source◦ Negotiate◦ Buy◦ Supply Collaboration

The Transaction Management Foundation交易管理基础(P19)

The Future of IT in the Supply Chain IT在供应链中的未来(P19)

Supply Chain IT in Practice实践中的供应链信息技术(P20)


Topic 4 - Customer Fulfilment Strategies客户实现策略

Customers seek value in terms of:客户寻找的价值


1. Quality


·Eight Dimensions of Quality质量的八个维度

Performance, Features, Reliability, Conformance, Durability,Serviceability,Aesthetics,Perceived quality


2. Cost


·Performance measured by total landed cost 以总着陆成本衡量的性能


3. Flexibility


·对Flexible Culture的需求(P7)

Make cycle time a priority throughout the organisation让循环时间成为整个公司的优先事项

Map processes to make them visible映射流程以使其可见

Identify key time-related activities/decisions确定与时间相关的关键活动/决策

Benchmark against customer requirements and competitors’ capabilities 根据客户需求和竞争对手的能力进行基准测试

Cross-train workers and organize work in multifunctional teams交叉培训员工,组织多职能团队工作

Design performance measures to value fast-cycle capabilities设计性能指标以评估快速循环能力

Develop information systems to track activities and share information


Build learning loops into every process throughout the organization在组织的每一个过程中建立学习循环

4. Delivery递送,交付


5. Innovation


·Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is based on whether a good or service meets or exceeds the customer’s prior expectations.







Customer Service

Meet internally set expectations满足内部设定的期望

Fail to understand what customers value不了解客户的价值

Expend resources and wrong areas在错误的领域消耗资源

Measure performance inappropriately度量性能不当

Fail to deliver more than mediocre service不能提供超过平庸的服务

Operational emphasis leads to service gaps对操作的重视会导致服务差距

Customer Satisfaction

Meet customer driven expectations满足客户驱动的期望

Ignore operating realities while overlooking operating innovations忽视经营现实,忽视经营创新

Constant competitor benchmarking leads to product/service proliferation and inefficiency不断的竞争对手的基准测试导致产品/服务的扩散和效率低下

Maintain unprofitable relationship保持无利可图的关系

Vulnerable to new products and processes易受新产品和新工艺的影响

Focus on historical needs of customers does not help customers meet new market expectations只关注顾客的历史需求并不能帮助顾客满足新的市场预期

Customer Success

Help customers meet their customers’ needs帮助满足需求

Limited resources require that “customers of choice” be selected; that is, customer success is inherently a resource-intensive strategy


End Customer: The end customer is the only one who puts money into the supply chain and is therefore the focus of all activities.


Customer-Centric Fulfilment Strategy以客户为中心的实现策略(个性化定制)

1. Customer Analysis客户分析(P19)

Customer analysis identifies customer needs, helping management to segment customers.客户分析识别客户需求,帮助管理层对客户进行细分。

2. Supply Chain Analysis供应链分析(P19)

Supply chain analysis identifies the end customer needs and the capabilities that must exist in the chain to meet those needs. 供应链分析确定最终客户的需求和必须存在于供应链中以满足这些需求的能力。

3. Competency Analysis能力分析

A core competency is something that the company does so well as to provide it a competitive advantage. 核心能力是指公司在这方面做得非常好,能够提供竞争优势的东西。

Competency-Success Factor Matrix能力-成功因素矩阵(P21)


Efforts to pursue activities where no advantage exists result in diminished focus and dissipated capabilities. 努力从事不存在优势的活动会导致注意力的减少和能力的耗散。

Effective Alignment results In Profitable Customer Takeaway. 有效的结盟会带来盈利的客户到来率。

Customer success factors顾客成功因素

Low customer priority and low firm competence suggest that these activities be avoided. Resources expended here are wasted.低客户优先级和低企业竞争力建议避免这些活动。在这里消耗的资源是浪费的。


Effort and resources dedicated to nonvalued activities result in low customer takeaway. 把精力和资源投入到没有价值的活动中,会导致顾客到来率低。





Evaluating Customer Relationships评估客户关系(P22)

Activity-Based Costing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


·Customers-of-Choice Relationships可供选择的客户关系,A类用户(P21)

·Highly Valued Relationships高度重视的关系,A和大部分B类用户(P22)

·Transaction Relationships事务关系,C类用户(P22)

Barriers to Customer Fulfilment实现客户的障碍(P23)导致不满的原因

◦Training - employees do not know how their behaviour and performance affects customer perceptions.

◦Measurement - measures do not reinforce appropriate attitudes and behaviour toward customers.

◦ Empowerment - employees do not have authority to solve problems and respond to customer needs.

◦ Policies - policies and procedures are inflexible and often run counter to real service and satisfaction.






Topic 5 - Order Fulfilment –Purchasing, Operations, And Logistics

·Order Fulfilment: Order fulfilment is the process that actually makes and delivers a product or service订单履行:订单履行是实际制造和交付产品或服务的过程


-Purchasing – acquires the inputs used to support production采购-获得用于支持生产的投入

-Production – converts inputs into outputs that customers value生产-将投入转化为客户所重视的产出

-Logistics – transports and stores goods assuring access物流-运输和储存货物,确保存取



·The Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model helps to create a common vision for managing and coordinating five primary SC processes.供应链运营参考模型有助于创建管理和协调五个主要供应链过程的共同愿景。(P4)

-元素:plan, source, make, deliver, return








  • 定义Purchasing: The acquisition of goods or services in exchange for a consideration, usually money. Successful purchasing can substantially leverage the profit of an organization. 购买:以对价(通常是金钱)换取商品或服务的获得。成功的采购可以大大提高一个组织的利润。

·Outsourcing: Focusing on core competencies has led many companies to outsource value added activities外包:关注核心竞争力导致许多公司将增值活动外包

·Supplier Selection供应商选择(P10)
·Transaction Management事务管理

-Price: Price is the most-frequently-used factor to evaluate the sourcing group’s performance价格:价格是评估采购集团业绩最常用的因素

-Reverse Auctions: Reverse auctions are defined by suppliers bidding for a customer’s business. 反向拍卖:反向拍卖是由供应商为客户的业务投标定义的。(P11)


-Orders: Purchase orders specify the terms and conditions of the purchase agreement and initiate supplier action订单:采购订单指定采购协议的条款和条件,并发起供应商行动

-Expediting: Expediting refers to efforts to speed up delivery of an order加急指的是加快订单交付的速度

-Inspection: Receipt and inspection matches the invoice the contents via physical count and quality inspection检验:收货检验与发票内容相符,通过清点和质量检验

-Payment: Efficient procedures for invoice clearance付款:有效的发票结算程序

·Performance monitoring: Performance monitoring allows identification of candidates for increased collaboration and long-term supplier relationships性能监控:性能监控允许识别增加合作和长期供应商关系的候选人


·Purchasing Manager Skills采购经理的技能(P17)

Knowledge Management, Relationship Management, Process Management, Technology Management 知识管理,关系管理,过程管理,技术管理


·Production Management: Also known as operations or manufacturing management - creates value by transforming capital, technology, Labour, and materials into more highly valued products and services生产管理:也被称为运营或制造管理——通过将资本、技术、劳动力和材料转化为更有价值的产品和服务来创造价值

·two groups of decision variables两组决策变量

Design Decisions: Facility location, Facility layout, Product design, Process design


Control Decisions: Forecasting, Inventory control, Scheduling, Quality control


·Operations Management Skills运营管理能力(P21)

·Lean Production: Waste Elimination, Workforce Participation, Managerial Responsibility, Process Development,Network Orientation,Synchronization,Continuous Improvement精益生产:消除浪费,员工参与,管理责任,流程开发,网络导向,同步,持续改进(P22)

·Lean Supply Chain精益供应链(P23)


·Logistics management is that part of SCM that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements. 物流管理是供应链管理的一部分,它计划、实施和控制货物、服务和相关信息在出发地和消费地之间的高效、有效的正向和反向流动和储存,以满足客户的要求。

·The Logistics Process: Materials management, Physical distribution物流流程:物料管理,物流配送(P24)

·Basic Logistics Activities基本后勤活动(P25)

transportation mode: Rail, Motor Carrier, Pipeline, Ship, Airplane, Internet运输方式:铁路、汽运、管道、船舶、飞机、互联网(P28)Warehouse Activities 仓库的活动(P31)Logistics Manager Skills物流经理的技能(P33)

Topic 6 - Supply Chain Mapping

Supply Chain Management: SCM is the design of seamless value added processes across organisation boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer. 供应链管理:供应链管理是跨组织边界的无缝增值流程设计,以满足终端客户的真实需求。


1. Process Mapping - creates visibility of current and improved processes.


·定义(P3)怎么开发developing a Process Map(P4)

· 过程分析Process analysis is used to identify non-value added or redundant activities.


1.Begin process analysis by examining the time, cost, resources, and people involved in each step. 检查每个步骤所涉及的时间、成本、资源和人员来开始流程分析。

2.Re-examine each decision symbol. 重新检查每个决策符号

3. Check each rework loop. 检查每个返工循环

4. Finally, look at each process step again. 最后,再次查看每个流程步骤

2. Value Stream Mapping - depicts flow of information and materials




1. Identify the chain’s end customer确定连锁的最终客户

2. Determine the Supply Chain’s value proposition确定供应链的价值主张

3. Analyse who possesses the power in the supply chain: manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or other party分析谁拥有权力:制造商、分销商、零售商或其他方

4. Isolate the major processes required to support the supply chain’s value proposition孤立支持供应链价值主张所需的主要流程

5. Establish what the ideal supply chain would look like建立一个理想的供应链


· 供应链设计方法:1. Common Elements常见要素2. Design Tools设计工具(P11)

·SCOR模型步骤:analyse, configure, align调整, implement(P12)

·Supply Chain Double Helix供应链随着其竞争环境的变化而不断发展和变化。

·DFX(Design for Initiatives): Design for initiatives attempt to create an atmosphere where designers work with other key players internally or externally to insure critical issues are considered and integrated into design of products and processes. 设计项目:为计划而设计试图创造一种氛围,在这种氛围中,设计师与内部或外部的其他关键人员合作,以确保关键问题得到考虑,并融入到产品和流程的设计中。


Innovative Product Supply Chains创新产品供应链

Functional Products Supply Chains功能产品供应链

3. SC Mapping - displays the dynamics that govern how a supply chain works



·Pipeline Mapping Steps流水线映射步骤8步(P17)

Topic 7 - Core Competencies and Outsourcing核心能力及外包

·Core Competency: Core competency is the set of activities, skills, or advantages that distinguishes a company from its competitors.


·Outsourcing: Outsourcing is the process of moving an aspect of production, service, or business function from within an organisation to an outside supplier.



Contract Manufacturing (CM) – a third-party makes an end product or major component under another company’s brand. 合同制造—第三方以另一家公司的品牌制造最终产品或主要部件

Third-Party Logistics (3PL) – using a supplier to provide some combination of logistics activities. 第三方物流—利用供应商提供一些物流活动的组合。

Off-shoring – outsourcing to a different country. 离岸—外包到另一个国家。

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) – outsourcing support functions such as: HR, payroll, logistics, etc.业务流程外包-外包支持功能,如:人力资源、工资、物流等。


  • OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer, A company that purchases computers or other complex components from manufacturers, adds other hardware or software, and sells the systems, often for specific applications.


  • EMS: Electronic manufacturing services is a term used for companies that test, manufacture, distribute, and provide return/repair services for electronic components and assemblies for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The concept is also referred to as electronic contract manufacturing (ECM).


  • ODM: An Original Design Manufacturer is a company that designs and manufactures a product as specified and eventually rebranded by another firm for sale. Such companies allow the brand firm to produce (either as a supplement or solely) without having to engage in the organization or running of a factory.

ODM: 原始设计制造商,是一家按照规定设计和生产产品,并最终由另一家公司重新冠名出售的公司。这类公司允许品牌公司生产(作为补充或单独生产),而不必参与组织或经营工厂。


◦ By outsourcing non-strategic processes, an organisation can focus its attention on those things it does best to satisfy the customer. 通过外包非战略流程,一个组织可以把注意力集中在那些事情上,它做得最好,以满足客户

◦ Cost savings节约成本◦ Capital conservation资本保护◦ Performance improvement性能改进◦Access to low-cost labor and/or resources获得低成本的劳动力和/或资源◦ Benefit from outside expertise受益于外部的专业知识


Strategic risk – long-term, perhaps irreversible, risk based on a loss of knowledge related to core activities. (P9)


       Strategic alliance: one of the many ways in which firms may enter foreign markets.


Tactical risk – short-term risk based on use of supplier for capacity, not knowledge.


Increased dependence on suppliers for knowledge weakens the buyers relative bargaining power.


·外包过程阶段Process Phases


Key Participants关键参与者

Establish mission, generate and screen ideas确立任务,产生和筛选想法

Top management , business unit and functional leaders最高管理层、业务部门和职能领导

Conduct an outsourcing feasibility study


Multi-disciplinary team of key stakeholders in the current process由当前过程中的关键利益相关者组成的多学科团队

Establish and manage the relationship with the supplier建立和管理与供应商的关系

Purchasing or relationship manager采购或客户关系经理


Evaluation includes: 评估包括:

1. Developing a better understanding of the organisation’s needs更好地理解组织的需求2. Gathering detailed cost, performance, and risk information收集详细的成本、性能和风险信息3. Total cost of ownership analysis总拥有成本分析

供应商:Reverse Marketing, Restating Need and Expected Benefit反向营销,重申需要与预期效益


Most organisations are good at recognising tactical risk.大多数组织都擅长识别战术风险。

A larger issue is strategic risk; by ceding power through outsourcing, a supplier might be able to capture a larger share of the overall chain’s margin更大的问题是战略风险;通过外包让出权力,供应商可能会在整个供应链的利润中获得更大的份额

Contingency plans should be developed to deal with identified risks associated with outsourcing.应制定应急计划,以处理已确定的与外包有关的风险。

·Manage the Outsourcing Relationship管理外包关系(P14)



·Ongoing and Post-Audit Evaluation持续和审计后评估Routine, Cooperative, Committed常规,合作,承诺(P19)

·Buyer Skills买方技能·Insourcing内包(P20)

Topic 8-Environmental Scanning and Global Supply Chain Design

·SCM – A Strategic Weapon战略武器(P3)

·Vertical integration: No integration, Backwards integration, Forwards integration,Full integration垂直整合:不整合、后向整合、前向整合、完全整合(P4)

·Decline of Ownership Integration所有权整合下降

·Relationship Integration集成关系

·Environmental Scan: Proactive companies use insight gained from internal and external scanning to avoid surprises, identify opportunities and threats, and improve both tactical and strategic decision-making.环境扫描:积极主动的公司利用从内部和外部扫描中获得的洞察力来避免意外,识别机会和威胁,并改进战术和战略决策。



1.Detect important cultural, economic, legal, political, social, and technological events and trends.发现重要的文化、经济、法律、政治、社会和技术事件和趋势。

2.Help managers accurately and objectively understand the company’s strengths and weaknesses. 帮助管理者准确、客观地了解公司的优势和劣势。

3.Identify and define potential opportunities and threats implied by identified events and trends. 识别并定义由已识别的事件和趋势所隐含的潜在机会和威胁。

4.Provide a common and correct perception for tactical and strategic planning.为战术和战略规划提供一个共同的和正确的看法。

5.Promote an adaptable, forward-looking mind- set among managers and employees.在管理人员和员工中提倡一种适应能力强、具有前瞻性的心态。

·Forces of Change变革的力量(P12)

1. Competitive Pressure竞争压力

2. Corporate Social Responsibility企业社会责任

3. Customer Expectations顾客的期望

4. Role Shifting角色转移

5. Financial Pressure财务压力

6. Global Capacity全球产能

7. Globalisation全球化

8. Mergers and Acquisitions合并和收购

9. Technology Innovation技术创新

10. Time Compression 时间压缩

·Globalisation: Globalisation is a term that has been used to explain how organisations can view the world as a single market.  全球化:全球化是一个术语,用来解释组织如何将世界视为一个单一市场。

·全球化的四个差异:politics, legalities, finance, culture政治,法律,金融,文化

·Drivers for a Global Supply Chain全球供应链的驱动因素(P15)   

·Six Globalisation Imperatives六个全球化规则

1. Depletion of fossil fuels and rising energy costs 燃料的消耗和能源成本的上升

2. Utilised Beachheads利用滩头阵地

3. Achieve Seamless Performance Across Markets实现跨市场的无缝性能

4. Extend Reach Through Alliances通过联盟扩大影响力

5. Compete in Competitors Home Market在竞争对手国内市场竞争

6. Coordinate Global Activities协调全球活动

·Designing a Global Network 设计全球网络(P17,四个标准P19)

·Think Global, Act Local全球化和本地化的对比(P18)

Topic 9 - Cost Management成本

·成本在 business, economics, accounting中的定义(P2)


Manufacturing Costs are those costs that are directlyinvolved in manufacturing of products. E.g. raw materials costs and charges related workers. 


Non‐manufacturing Costs are those costs that are not directly incurred to manufacture a product, such as: salary


·Profit Leverage Effect利润杠杆效应:成本削减对利润大于销售增加的影响。

·Strategic Cost Management: Strategic cost management uses cost management techniques to reduce the organisations costs and improve profit while supporting its value proposition.战略成本管理:战略成本管理使用成本管理技术来降低组织成本和提高利润,同时支持其价值主张。


1.Supply Chain Analysis(P10)供应链分析是检查从最早的供应商到最终消费者的信息流、库存、流程和现金流的管理

2.Value Proposition Analysis价值命题分析(P6)

3.Cost Driver Analysis成本驱动因素分析(P9)

·Strategic Cost Management Tools战略成本管理工具

Cost analysis: including “should‐cost” analysis or zero‐based pricing, as well as analysis of service provider cost elements.


Price analysis: understanding the prices available in the competitive marketplace.


Total cost of ownership: analysing the true cost of acquisition, use, maintenance and disposal of a good, service, capital equipment, or process.


Target costing: determining what the market will bear and working backwards to see how much you can afford to produce the product or service for, and still make a profit.


·Classifications of Decisions分类的决策

Low Impact – low-cost commodity items; focus is on price analysis/comparison

Leverage – large purchases of items in competitive markets; focus is on cost analysis

Strategic Item – large purchases from important suppliers; focus is on continuous improvement

Critical Projects – large dollar volume infrequent purchase; focus is on life cycle cost





·Commodity Classifications商品分类(P16)

·Activity-Based Cost (ABC) Management基于活动的成本管理(P17)

Activity-based accounting provides a more accurate alternative to traditional cost accounting. 基于活动的账户为传统成本会计提供了一个更准确的选择。

Activity-based accounting attempts to match indirect costs with the products or services that generate them. 基于活动的账户试图将间接成本与产生这些成本的产品或服务相匹配。

Activity-based accounting allocates indirect costs based on the cost drivers that actually create them.基于活动的账户根据实际产生间接成本的成本动因分配成本。

·Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Analysis总拥有成本分析步骤(P20)  

Step 1: Identification of Benefits Sought - The first step in TCO analysis is to determine the benefits sought from the analysis.


Step 2: Form a TCO Team - Once a project has been identified, a TCO team should be formed. Members should include purchasing, users, and any functional/technical experts.


Step 3: Identify Cost Drivers -Begin the analysis by expressly identifying potential costs by mapping the process flow for all aspects of the project.


Step 4: Fine Tune - Step 4 allows for fine tuning of the TCO analysis including the use of sensitivity analysis.


Step 5: Present - Step 5 requires that the TCO analysis findings be presented to the appropriate management level.


Topic 10 - Inventory Management库存管理

·Inventory: Inventories are stocks of goods and materials that are maintained to satisfy normal demand patterns. 库存是为了满足正常需求而保持的货物和材料的存货


Inventory is created to compensate for the differences in timing between supply & demand. 创建库存是为了弥补供应和需求之间的时间差异。

Inventory is the largest factor in manufacturing costs, and efficient Inventory Management has the greatest potential for increasing profitability.库存是影响生产成本的最大因素,有效的库存管理是提高盈利能力的最大潜力。

Inventory reduces the return on sales, but the effect on asset return is even greater. 存货降低了销售收益率,但对资产收益率的影响更大。



Why carry Inventory? 为什么持有库存?

Provide product availability提供产品的可用性

Buffer production or acquisition costs缓冲生产或收购成本

Buffer distribution costs缓冲区分配成本

Hedge against inflation对冲通货膨胀

Protect against uncertainty防止不确定性

Protect against unexpected events防止意外事件

·Inventory Classifications库存分类

Psychic stock (stimulates demand) 心理库存(刺激需求)

Cycle or base stock循环或基础库存

Safety or buffer stock安全或缓冲库存

Pipeline or in-transit stock管道或运输中的库存

Speculative stock投机性库存,(猜测的库存数量)

·ABC Analysis Advantages 基于活动的成本分析的优势 例子(P14)

Assess criticality of some parts评估某些部件的临界性

Assess relative importance of different parts评估不同部分的相对重要性

Identify potential obsolete stock line识别潜在的过时股票线

Control frequency size of replenishment orders控制补货订单的频率大小

Balance service levels against stockholdings平衡服务水平与股票持有

·Inventory Flows库存流量(P18)

JIT (Just in time) is a production strategy that strives to improve a business return on investment (ROI) by reducing in-process inventory and associated carrying costs. To meet JIT objectives, the process relies on signals or Kanban between different points in the process, which tell production when to make the next part.JIT (及时)是一种生产策略,旨在通过减少在制品库存和相关的持有成本来提高企业投资回报率(ROI)。为了实现JIT目标,流程依赖于流程中不同点之间的信号或看板,它们告诉生产部门何时进行下一个部分。

·Kanban are usually 'tickets' but can be simple visual signals, such as the presence or absence of a part on a shelf. Implemented correctly, JIT focuses on continuous improvement and can improve a manufacturing organization's return on investment, quality, and efficiency. 看板通常是“门票”,但也可以是简单的视觉信号,比如货架上是否有零件。正确实施JIT,注重持续改进,可以提高制造组织的投资回报、质量和效率。(P20)


1. Reduced setup time. 减少安装时间

2. The flow of goods from warehouse to shelves improves. 货物从仓库到货架的流动改善了。

3. Employees with multiple skills are used more efficiently. 拥有多种技能的员工会得到更有效的利用

4. Production scheduling and work hour consistency synchronized with demand. 生产调度和工作时间的一致性与需求同步。

5. Increased emphasis on supplier relationships. 加强对供应商关系的重视。

6. Supplies come in at regular intervals throughout the production day. 在整个生产过程中,每隔一段时间就会有供货

7. Minimises storage space needed. 最小化所需的存储空间。

8. Smaller chance of inventory breaking/expiring. 更小的库存破裂/过期的机会。


JIT relies on other elements in the inventory chain as well. For instance, its effective application cannot be independent of other key components of a lean manufacturing system or it can "end up with the opposite of the desired result.“JIT也依赖于库存链中的其他元素。例如,它的有效应用不能独立于一个精益制造系统的其他关键组成部分,否则它会“以与预期相反的结果结束”。”

Manufacturers have continued to try to hone forecasting methods such as applying a trailing 13week average as a better predictor for JIT planning; however, some research demonstrates that basing JIT on the presumption of stability is inherently flawed.制造商一直在努力改进预测方法,例如应用追踪13周平均时间作为JIT计划的更好预测指标;然而,一些研究表明,把JIT建立在稳定性的假设上是有内在缺陷的。

·VMI (Vendor-Managed Inventory) employs the same principles as those of JIT inventory, however, the responsibilities of managing inventory is placed with the vendor供应商管理库存采用了与JIT库存相同的原则,但是,管理库存的责任是由供应商来承担的(P19)

·Vendor-Managed Replenishment (VMR/VMI)供应商管理的补充(P22)


improved demand information 改进的需求信息

improved ability to allocate productive resources提高了分配生产资源的能力


Lower labour and inventory costs更低的劳动力和库存成本

Improved item availability改善项目的可用性

Improved responsiveness提高响应能力

Topic 11 - Safety Inventory –Managing Uncertainties安全库存

·Safety inventory: Inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand that exceeds the amount forecasted in a given period安全库存:为满足一定时期内超过预测数量的需求而持有的库存

·Role of Safety Inventory安全库存的作用

Safety inventory is carried because product demand and lead time are uncertain and a product shortage may result if actual demand during lead time exceeds the forecast amount.安全库存是由于产品需求和交货时间是不确定的,如果在交货时间内的实际需求超过预测数量,可能会导致产品短缺。

·Level of Safety Inventory安全库存水平

Measuring demand uncertainty测量需求的不确定性

Measuring product availability测量产品的可用性

Replenishment policies补充政策

Evaluating cycle service level and fill rate评估周期服务水平和填充率

Evaluating safety level given desired cycle service level or fill rate评估安全水平给定所需的周期服务水平或填充率

Impact of required product availability and uncertainty on safety inventory所需产品的可用性和不确定性对安全库存的影响

·Level of Demand Uncertainty需求不确定性水平(P6)

·Measuring Demand Uncertainty测量需求的不确定性(P6)

·Measuring Product Availability测量产品的可用性(P8)

Product availability: a firm’s ability to fill a customer’s order out of available inventory产品可用性:公司在库存不足的情况下满足客户订单的能力

Stockout/backlog: a customer order arrives when product is notavailable


·Factors Affecting Fill Rate: Safety inventory, Lot size影响填充率的因素:安全库存,批次大小

·Impact of Product Availability(P11)产品可用性的影响

·Information Centralisation 6条(P11)信息集中化

·Specialisation(P12)专业化·Product Substitution 3条(P13)产品替换

·Component Commonality(P14)组件通用性

1. Using common components in a variety of different products在各种不同的产品中使用通用组件2. Can be an effective approach to exploit aggregation and reduce component inventories是一种有效的方法来利用聚合和减少组件库存


1. The ability of a supply chain to delay product differentiation or customisation until closer to the time the product is sold供应链延迟产品差异化或定制直至更接近产品销售的能力2. Goal is to have common components in the supply chain for most of the push phase and move product differentiation as close to the pull phase as possible我们的目标是在供应链的大部分推动阶段拥有共同的组件,并使产品差异化尽可能接近拉动阶段

·Estimating and Managing Safety Inventory in Practice(P15)在实践中评估和管理安全库存(P15)

Topic 12 - Complexity: Supply Chain-Related Rationalisation in Operating Networks


·Complexity: Complexity characterises the behaviour of a system or model whose components interact in multiple ways and follow local rules, meaning there is no reasonable higher instruction to define the various possible interactions


·Characteristics of complexity: numerousness, interdependency, variability, diversity, variety, uncertainty数不胜数、相互依赖性、可变性、多样性、多样性、不确定性

·Challenge of Complexity in Supply Chains供应链复杂性的挑战

Complexity increases复杂性增加

Complexity may be necessary to drive the value proposition. 复杂性可能是驱动价值主张的必要条件。

Cost of complexity can not outweigh the value.复杂性的代价不能超过其价值。

·Sources of Complexity复杂性来源

1. Organisational Structure组织结构

2. Value-Added Processes增值的过程

3. The Operating Network操作网络

4. Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) 存货单位

5. The Supply Base 供应基地

6. The Customer Base客户基础

7. The Logistics System物流系统

·Organisational Structure组织结构  对比(P7)

Issue: decision-making authority问题:决策权

Centralised – leverages scale to reduce cost集中撬动规模,降低成本

Decentralised – leverages local knowledge to build relationships and promote rapid response分散-利用当地知识建立关系和促进快速反应

·Organisational Structure Solutions组织结构的解决方案

Team-based structures团队结构

Policies to promote centre-led, decentralised organisation促进中心领导、分散组织的政策

Measurement systems that promote cooperation, support local autonomy and accountability促进合作、支持地方自治和问责的衡量体系

Modern communication and database technologies现代通信和数据库技术

·Value-Added Processes增值过程 4条(P8)Solutions 3条(P8)

·Operating Network 网络操作 2条(P9)Solutions 4条(P9)

·Company SKUs公司存货单位(P10)Solutions 6条(P10)

·The Supply Base供应基础(P11)Solutions(P12)

·The Customer Base顾客基础 3条(P15)Solutions 4条(P16)

·Logistics System物流系统 6条(P16)Solutions 4条(P17)

·Rationalisation at Chrysler克莱斯勒合理化

Step 1 – Identify and eliminate redundant suppliers. 确定并消除多余的供应商。

Step 2 - Classify remaining suppliers on the basis of importance. 根据重要性对剩余供应商进行分类。

·Role Shifting角色转变

Role shifting enhances supply chain efficiency thereby enhancing the value proposition.


Functional shiftability – allows firms with unique capabilities to undertake additional roles. 功能的可转换性——允许具有独特能力的公司承担额外的角色。

Dis-intermediated – a company that is shifted out of the supply chain, replaced by a more capable firm.取消中介-从供应链中转移出的公司,被更有能力的公司取代。

·Second-Tier Sourcing Contracts二线采购合同

Coordinated purchasing with first-tier suppliers. 与一线供应商协调采购。

Allows for aggregation of purchases. 允许购买的聚合。

Leverages purchasing power to reduce cost. 利用购买力降低成本。

·Supplier Certification Process供应商认证过程 图(P21)

·Vendor-Managed Replenishment(后两条是topic10的内容)

- Suppliers actively manage inventory for customers. 供应商积极为客户管理库存。

- Suppliers benefit due to improved demand information and improved ability to allocate productive resources. 供应商受益于改进的需求信息和改进的分配生产资源的能力。

- Customers benefit from lower labour and inventory costs, improved item availability. 客户受益于更低的劳动力和库存成本,改进的项目可用性。

- Vendor monitors the buyer’s inventory levels (physically or via electronic messaging), makes periodic resupply decisions regarding order quantities, shipping, and timing. 供应商监控买方的库存水平(物理或通过电子消息),就订单数量、运输和时间做出周期性的再供应决定。

- Transactions customarily initiated by the buyer (such as purchase orders) are initiated by the supplier.通常由买方发起的交易(如采购订单)由供应商发起。

·Supplier-Integrated Manufacturing 集成供应商管理制造业

Customer firm invites suppliers to establish manufacturing facilities at the customer’s location. 客户公司邀请供应商在客户所在地建立生产设施。

Suppliers provide their own specialised equipment, manage their own inventory, and hire and train their own workers.供应商提供他们自己的专业设备,管理他们自己的库存,雇佣和培训他们自己的工人。

Topic 13 - Performance Measurement性能测量

·Role of Performance Measurement性能测量的作用

When performance is measured, performance improves.


When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.


·Measurement Leads to Results测量导致结果

Measurement is a prerequisite for high level execution and attainment of world-class results. 衡量是高水平执行和获得世界级结果的先决条件。

Well-designed measurement systems must provide accurate and relevant information in a timely manner. 设计良好的测量系统必须及时提供准确的相关信息。

Incorrect measurement systems lead to non-aligned strategies, poor understanding, and inconsistent if not counterproductive behaviour.不正确的度量系统会导致不一致的策略、糟糕的理解,以及不一致的(如果不是适得其反的话)行为。

·Traditional Measurement service and profitability goals传统测量服务,盈利目标

(每个部分都有Sourcing Operations Logistics采购,运营,物流的图)

Asset Management资产管理(P11)

Capital investments are made in facilities, equipment, technology, and inventory.


Asset management measures give managers means to judge the efficient and effective use of capital.


Recent advances have changed conventional wisdom with regard to asset management.



Cost performance is critical and tracked more carefully and comprehensively than any other aspect of competitive performance.


Cost-cutting cannot be done at the expense of core capabilities.


Best practice requires companies to identify activities that most impact total cost, adopt appropriate metrics, and manage to those metrics.最佳实践要求公司识别对总成本影响最大的活动,采用适当的度量标准,并对这些度量标准进行管理。

Customer Service客户服务(P15)

Customer service metrics measure the ability of the firm to produce the right quantity of product and deliver when and where it is needed. 客户服务指标衡量公司生产正确数量的产品以及在需要的时间和地点交付产品的能力。

Time metrics are used as benchmarks for flexibility and responsiveness.


Customer complaints are also tracked.客户投诉也会被追踪。


Productivity is the ratio of total output to total input.总产出与总投入的比率

Productivity growth must not come at the expense of quality or customer satisfaction.



Measures of quality track the functionality or reliability of a product or service.


Six Sigma targets a quality level which achieves defect rates of less than 3.4 ppm

6σ的目标是达到质量水平,即不良率低于3.4 ppm

* Traditional Measurement Caveats注意事项

Traditional measurement systems are not holistic, they are designed to capture and communicate primarily functional information. 传统的测量系统不是全面的,它们的设计主要是为了捕捉和交流功能性信息。

Traditional measures are primarily oriented to short-term financial results and cost-cutting. 传统措施主要着眼于短期财务结果和成本削减。

·Contemporary Supply Chain Measure core principles当代供应链措施核心原则


Often there is little relationship between strategic intent and measurement.


Supply chain managers must align key measures within their own organisation as well as within the supply chain.


Customer Satisfaction顾客满意度

Traditional customer service measurements often do not provide a clear understanding of customer expectation or satisfaction levels.



Total Cost总成本

Total costing is a prerequisite to good process design and management.


Total cost is the sum of all the costs incurred in planning, designing, sourcing, making, and delivering a product from raw material to the final customer.


Managers lacking accurate total cost information make decisions that favour their own company’s financial performance when making trade-offs within the supply chain.


Total Supply Chain Cost: Total supply chain costs are the sum of all costs incurred in planning, designing, sourcing, making, and delivering a product from raw materials to the final customer供应链总成本是计划、设计、采购、制造和将产品从原材料交付给最终客户过程中发生的所有成本的总和

Activity Based Costing基于活动的成本核算

Activity based costing links costs directly to the activities that drive them.


ABC costing requires process transparency and detailed information on products, customers, activities, and resource costs.



Process encompasses objectives, measures, targets, and action plans.


Typical scorecard emphasises cost, quality, delivery, responsiveness, and innovation.


Provide mechanism for evaluation and communication of performance along critical dimensions.根据关键维度提供绩效评估和沟通机制。

计分卡作用 5条(P41)

·Characteristics of Effective Measures有效措施的特点(P33)16条

·Supply Chain Performance Measures(P35)两个表


Benchmarking: The formal process of comparing the attributes of one organisation to those of another. 将一个组织的属性与另一个的属性进行比较的正式过程。


1. Define attribute to be benchmarked and identified a best-in-class comparison company.定义属性以进行基准测试,并确定一流的比较公司。

2. Document the best-in-class process at strategic and operational levels. Compare with current practice specifying any and all differences. 在战略和操作层面记录最佳流程。与当前的实践进行比较,指明任何和所有的差异。

3. Develop a strategy, complete with specific methods, for adopting best practices.



Competitive Benchmarking – evaluating best practices of leading competitors within industry. 竞争基准-评估行业内领先竞争对手的最佳实践。

Non-competitive Benchmarking – evaluating best practices regardless of industry.


Internal Benchmarking - large global firms may find opportunities to disseminate best practices within the organisation.



1. Effective benchmarking depends on the competitive attitude of management.


2. Benchmarking alters manager’s perception of their own company’s performance.


3. High performing SC companies are likely to be active benchmarkers.


Topic 14 - People Management人员管理

·Management Training管理培训

Overview of the organisation focusing on its history, culture, and objectives.

Review of customers, their needs, wants, and success factors.

Analysis of key suppliers, including their competencies and capacities.

Exercises in communication, teamwork, and paradigm shifts.

Specific instruction regarding the firm’s performance measurement and reward system.






·Cross-Training: Cross-functional workers emerged with Lean manufacturing principles.交叉培训:精益生产原则催生了跨职能员工。


·Cross-Experienced Management Team交叉经验的管理团队

·Job Rotation Programs工作轮换计划(P20)

·Types of Teams团队类型(P22)

Advisory Councils, Capital Equipment, Commodity, Cost Reduction, Customer Relationship, Cycle-time Reduction, Information Systems, Inventory Control, Problem Solving, Product Development, Quality Improvement, Supplier Development, Value Analysis咨询委员会、资本设备、商品、成本降低、客户关系、周期时间缩短、信息系统、库存控制、问题解决、产品开发、质量改进、供应商开发、价值分析




Decision Ownership决定所有权

Leveraged Diversity杠杆的多样性

Faster Task Completion更快的完成任务

Better Organisational Understanding更好的组织理解

The Never-ending Debate无休止的争论


Social Loafing社会惰化

Peer Pressure来自同辈的压力

·Factors Impacting Team Dynamics影响团队动力的因素(P26)

·Team Design Process团队设计过程(P27)

Working Styles四种工作风格(P28)

Quick Starter, Fact Finder, Follow-through, Implementer快速入门(高度充沛的活力),事实查找(很细),跟进(只完成特定任务),实施者(动手能力强)

·Requirements for Team Building团队建设要求

Common Goal, Leadership, Communication, Cooperation, Specific Roles, Measurement, Individual Responsibility, Resources, Time共同目标、领导能力、沟通、合作、具体角色、衡量标准、个人责任、资源、时间

·Team Development Process团队开发过程

1.Forming - determines team membership. 形成-决定团队成员

2.Storming - establishes direction, purpose, roles, responsibilities, and rewards for both the overall team and each team member. 激荡—为整个团队和每个团队成员确立方向、目标、角色、责任和奖励。

3.Norming - establishes team rules and procedures, helping teams to synchronise their activities. 规范—建立团队规则和程序,帮助团队同步他们的活动。

4.Performing – identification of problems and opportunities, establishing a plan of attack, and then implementing the plan. A well-designed, well-trained team often finds that performing is the easiest part of the team process. 执行-识别问题和机会,建立攻击计划,然后实施计划。一个设计良好、训练有素的团队通常会发现,执行是团队过程中最容易的部分。

5.Adjourning - up-front definition of key milestones and a specific ending point in terms of outputs and a target completion date.


·Team Measurement团队测量(P32)

·Establishing an Empowerment Culture建立赋权文化(P33)

·Leadership – the 7 Rights领导力

1. Get the right people找对人

2. Communicate the right expectations传达正确的期望

3. Provide the right training提供正确的培训

4. Measure the right things测量正确的东西

5. Reward the right behaviour奖励正确的行为

6. Support with the right resources用正确的资源支持

7. Give them the right opportunity (get out of the way).给他们适当的机会(让开)。

·Goal Setting(P36)设定目标

·Communication and Teamwork(P37)沟通和团队合作

·ABCs of Empowerment授权的基于活动成本(P38)

Affirmation, Belonging, Competence肯定,归属感,能力

·Employee-Oriented Companies以员工为导向的公司特点(P39)

·Employee Satisfaction Factors员工满意度因素(P42)

·Integrating People and Technology人与科技的融合(P43-P46)

Topic 15 - Law and Ethics In SCM法律和道德

·Personally Liable Under Certain Conditions什么情况下承担责任(P4)

·A Valid Contract Is Based on Four Factors有效合同的四个因素(P6)

Competent parties – either principals or qualified agents有资格的当事人

Legal subject matter or purpose法律的主题或目的

An offer and an acceptance要约和承诺

Consideration (bargained-for exchange)考虑(要求交易所)

·Four Types of Warranties四种保修类型

Express warranty, Implied warranty of merchantability, Implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, Warranty of title明示保证,适销性默示保证,特定用途的默示适合性保证,所有权保证

·Ethical Issue and society道德问题(P15)比如对待童工,残疾人之类的

·Unethical practices in marketing市场中不道德的例子(P18)

·Unethical in Supply Chains供应链中不道德的行为

The use of child labour and forced labour 使用童工和强迫劳动

Production in sweatshops在血汗工厂生产

Violation of the basic rights of workers 侵犯劳动者的基本权利

Ignoring of health, safety and environmental standards无视健康,安全和环境标准

·Ethical in SCM供应链中道德的行为

Perceptions and Conflict of Interest观念与利益冲突

Gifts and Gratuities礼品和赠品

Promotion of Positive Relationships with Suppliers促进与供应商的良好关系


·Sustainability in Supply Chain Management: Sustainable supply chain management requires that sustainability criteria be met while maintaining competitiveness through meeting customer needs. 供应链管理中的可持续性:可持续供应链管理要求在满足可持续性标准的同时,通过满足客户需求保持竞争力。


Supply chains are boundary spanning供应链是跨界的

Coordination across normal boundaries means that many aspects of sustainability may be affected跨正常边界的协调意味着可持续性的许多方面可能受到影响

From initial processing of RM to consumption by final customer从原材料的初始加工到最终客户消费

Outsourcing 外包

Watchdog groups监督组织

Government requirements政府要求

Reduce Manage Create Reinforce减少 管理 创造 加强(P27)

·Issues affecting sustainability影响可持续的一些问题类型(P28)

·Sustainability in Supply Chain Management供应链管理的可持续性(P29)

要使用三重底线social, environmental, economic

·The 7 R’s of Sustainable Packaging可持续包装的7R

Remove, Reduce, Reuse, Renew, Recycle, Revenue, Read


Topic 16 - Relationship Management信任,协商

·Transactional Relationships – Goals交易关系的目标

1. Maximum efficiency and handling transactions. 最大效率和处理事务。

2. Good relations, both parties feel they are treated fairly. 良好的关系,双方都觉得自己受到了公平的对待。

·Transactional Relationships – Outcomes交易关系的结果(P6)

·Strategic Alliance – Factors战略联盟因素(P7)

·Supply Chain Relationship Practices供应链关系(P7)

Personal contact, Clear specifications, Timely payment,Equitable treatment,Training,Open communication,Feedback,Mutual consideration,Give and take,Confidentiality,Integrity个人接触,明确规格,及时付款,公平对待,培训,公开沟通,反馈,相互考虑,给予和接受,保密,诚信

·Strategic Alliance – Benefits战略联盟的好处

Focus on individual strengths, potentially leveraging them into core competencies


Manage the chain as a value system, optimizing resource usage across the chain


Offer unique product/service packages and one-of-a-kind satisfaction opportunities


Increase flexibility while spreading risk增加灵活性,同时分散风险

Learn from SC partners向SC合作伙伴学习

Strategic Alliance – Customer/ Supplier Outcomes战略联盟的顾客和供应商结果

Alliance Development Process联盟发展过程

Phase 1 Best Practices(P10)

A formal alliance strategy is established complete with policies to guide all aspects of an alliance - from who key contacts will be to how resources will be shared and when investments will occur. 建立正式的联盟战略,包括指导联盟各个方面的政策——从主要联系人到资源将如何共享以及何时进行投资。

A formal mechanism is used to identify and screen potential alliance partners一种正式的机制被用来识别和筛选潜在的联盟伙伴

Phase 2 Best Practices(P11)

Clear and concise long-term (1-5 years) contracts govern most successful alliances. 最成功的联盟都是由清晰而简明的长期(1-5年)合同主导的。 等…

Phase 3 Best Practices(P12)

Dedicated teams are used to foster “personal” relationships and establish continuity between alliance partners, facilitating collaboration, problem solving and brainstorming activities.


·Keys to Successful Alliances联盟成功的关键(P13)

·The Importance of Trust信任的重要性(p14)

·The Role of Trust and Power信任和权力的作用

Trust is the foundation of SCM信任是SCM的基础

Promotes collaboration, risk taking, information sharing, and shared resources


Real trust exists only when both parties agree that it does


·Principles of Trust in SCM SCM中的信任原则

Trust is Two-sided – trust is difficult to establish when power is asymmetrical


Trust is Behaviour – consistent patterns of behaviourbuild trust


Trust Requires Open Information Sharing – open communication promotes strong and dynamic relationships


Trust is Personal – suppliers don’t trust institutions, they trust people


Trust Means Performance – there is no trust without consistent and outstanding performance信任意味着表现——没有持续的卓越表现就没有信任

·Process for Assessing Trust评估信任的过程(P16)一张图

·Modern Negotiation: Negotiation is the formal communication process where two or more parties discuss important issues and come to a mutually satisfactory agreement. 现代协商:协商是两方或多方讨论重要问题并达成双方满意协议的正式沟通过程。

·Commonly Negotiated Areas(P17)协商的领域

·Negotiation Philosophies协商理念(P18)Win-Lose, Win-Win(先决条件P18)

·Preparing for a Successful Negotiation怎么有一个成功的协商(P18)

Develop specific objectives制定具体目标

Establish an effective negotiating team建立一个有效的谈判团队

Gather relevant information收集相关的信息

Analyse strengths and weaknesses分析优势和劣势

·Common Negotiation Tactics共同协商策略(P20-P23)24条

·Conducting Successful Negotiations成功地进行谈判(P24)

1. Fact-finding – used to develop rapport; facts are those items which agreement is expected发现事实—用来建立融洽关系;事实是那些需要达成一致的项目

2. Recess – used to reassess strikes and weaknesses; revise objectives; reevaluate key issues课间休息—用来重新评估打击和弱点;修改的目标;评估关键问题

3. Narrowing the differences – brainstorming, problem-solving, and compromise used to find a mutually agreeable position


4. Hard bargaining – employs win-lose tactics when offered of efforts have failed


·Characteristics of Effective Negotiators有效协商者的特点(P24)
