尝试阅读和理解 PairRE: Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Paired Relation Vectors


Since most knowledge graphs suffer from incompleteness, predicting missing links between entities has been a fundamental problem. This problem is named as link prediction or knowledge graph completion.


Knowledge graph embedding methods, which embed all entities and relations into alow dimensional space, have been proposed for this problem.


The proposed model uses two vectors for relation representation. These vectors project the corresponding head and tail entities to Euclidean space, where the distance between the projected vectors is minimized.

对于这个文章即 PairRE 的贡献

Further analysis also proves that PairRE can better handle complex relations and encode symmetry/antisymmetry, inverse, composition and subrelation relations.

单词 翻译
plausibility 合理性
Hadamard product 哈达玛积,一种矩阵运算
scaling freedoms 扩展自由度
state-of-the-art 最先进的
aforementioned 前述

一般来说 知识图谱模型面临的两个问题为

  • complex relatons 即指 1 to N | N to 1 | N to N 这几个对应关系的问题
  • different relation patterns 即指 symmetry/antisymmetry, inverse and composition 这四个关系

Hadamard product 哈达玛积 是一种矩阵运算

Score Functions


Main Results

Based on performances of baselines, the performance of PairRE may be improved further if embedding dimension is increased to 500.



5.3中 add subrelation rules to semantic matching models对于这个不是很理解
