
1 前言(preface)

  该教程是在X window环境下,关于图形编程“would-be”系列的第一个。可能这个教程没有什么用处。因为编程人员通常使用一个更高等级的抽象库(Xlib库的进一步封装),例如Motif、GTK、QT等等。然而,我们需要去学习,更多的了解Xlib库是如何工作并不是一件坏事。

2 X窗口系统的客户端和服务器模型

  总结一下就是,我们认为程序和GUI显示是一起的,其实按X11来说,程序和GUI是两部分。程序就是客户端X client,GUI显示是X server,键盘、鼠标等这些操作来自用户。用户发出指令到X server,X server把接受到了信息发送的客户端,客户端根据命令要求,处理之后,再发送到X Server,最终X server绘制出相关图形。

3 GUI编程-异步编程模型


An event may say “The user pressed the 1st button mouse in spot x,y”, or “the window you control needs to be redrawn”. In order for the program to be responsive to the user input, as well as to refresh requests, it needs to handle each event in a rather short period of time (e.g. less than 200 milliseconds, as a rule of thumb).

This also implies that the program may not perform operations that might take a long time while handling an event (such as opening a network connection to some remote server, or connecting to a database server, or even performing a long file copy operation). Instead, it needs to perform all these operations in an asynchronous manner. This may be done by using various asynchronous models to perform the longish operations, or by performing them in a different process or thread.

So the way a GUI program looks is something like that:

  1. Perform initialization routines.
  2. Connect to the X server.
  3. Perform X-related initialization.
  4. While not finished:
       Receive the next event from the X server.
       handle the event, possibly sending various drawing requests to the X server.
       If the event was a quit message, exit the loop.
  5. Close down the connection to the X server.
  6. Perform cleanup operations.

4 Xlib基础概念

  In order to eliminate the needs of programs to actually implement the X protocol layer, a library called ‘Xlib’ was created. This library gives a program a very low-level access to any X server. Since the protocol is standardized, A client using any implementation of Xlib may talk with any X server. This might look trivial these days, but back at the days of using character mode terminals and proprietary methods of drawing graphics on screens, this looked like a major break-through. In fact, you’ll notice the big hype going around thin-clients, windows terminal servers, etc. They are implementing today what the X protocol enabled in the late 80’s. On the other hand, the X universe is playing a catch-up game regarding CUA (common user access, a notion made by IBM to refer to the usage of a common look and feel for all programs in order to ease the lives of the users). Not having a common look and feel was a philosophy of the creators of the X window system. Obviously, it had some drawbacks that are evident today.

5 The X Display

  使用Xlib的最大概念是X display。这个结构体代表了我们和一个已经打开的X服务器的连接。它隐藏一个来自server队列消息,客户将要发送给server请求队列。在Xlib中,这个结构提的名字是Display。当我们打开一个X Server连接,这个库就会返回一个Display结构体指针。之后,我们会应用这个指针发送消息到X server或者接收来自server的消息。

6 The GC - Graphics Context

  当我们要画多种图案(graphics, text, etc),我们可能要指定多个选项用来控制如何去画图- 前景色和背景色是什么,线的边缘如何连接,在绘出文本的时候使用何种字体等。为了避免给每个绘出函数提供n多参数,一个类型为‘GC’的图形上下文结构被启用。我们在这个结构中设置各种绘出选项,并且把指向这个结构的指针传递给每个绘出函数。这个是相当方便的,因为我们通常需要用相同选项执行好几个绘出请求。因而,我们初始化

7 Object Handles

When various objects are created for us by the X server - such as windows, drawing areas and cursors - the relevant function returns a handle. This is some identifier for the object that actually resides in the X server’s memory - not in our application’s memory. We can later manipulate this object by supplying this handle to various Xlib functions. The server keeps a mapping between these handles and the actual objects it manages. Xlib provides various type definitions for these objects (Window, Cursor, Colormap and so on), which are all eventually mapped to simple integers. We should still use these type names when defining variables that hold handles - for portability reasons.

8 Memory Allocation For Xlib Structures

Various structure types are used in Xlib’s interface. Some of them are allocated directly by the user. Others are allocated using specific Xlib functions. This allows the library to initialize properly these structures. This is very handy, since these structures tend to contain a lot of variables, making it rather tedious for the poor programmer to initialize. Remember - Xlib tries to be as flexible as possible, and this means it is also as complex as it can get. Having default values will enable a beginner X programmer to use the library, without interfering with the ability of a more experienced programmer to tweak with these zillions of options.

As for freeing memory, this is done in one of two ways. In cases where we allocated the memory - we free it in the same manner (i.e. use free() to free memory allocated using malloc()). In case we used some Xlib function to allocate it, or we used some Xlib query method that returns dynamically allocated memory - we will use the XFree() function to free this memory block.

9 Events

A structure of type ‘XEvent’ is used to pass events received from the X server. Xlib supports a large amount of event types. The XEvent structure contains the type of event received, as well as the data associated with the event (e.g. position on the screen where the event was generated, mouse button associated with the event, region of screen associated with a ‘redraw’ event, etc). The way to read the event’s data depends on the event type. Thus, an XEvent structure contains a C language union of all possible event types (if you’re not sure what C unions are, it is time to check your proffered C language manual…). Thus, we could have an XExpose event, an XButton event, an XMotion event, etc.

参考1:Tutorial-Basic Graphics Programming With The Xlib Library
