©PaperWeekly 原创 · 作者|黄飘
之前的文章中我介绍了 Kalman 滤波器,这个算法被广泛用于多目标跟踪任务中的行人运动模型。然而实际场景中存在有很多相机运动,仅仅依赖行人运动模型是不够的。这次我主要介绍下相机运动模型,以对极几何和 ECC 为主。完整的代码和示例我都放在了 Github:
在多目标跟踪场景中往往存在有复杂的运动模式,这些模式除了行人这类非刚性运动,还有相机这类刚性运动。以 MOT Challenge 数据集为例,其中就存在大量相机运动场景,甚至超过了静态相机场景数。
比如 MOT17-13 号视频中车载相机在车辆转弯时对于两个运动速度较慢行人的视角:
2.1 对极几何模型
1. 基线 [baseline]:直线 CC'为基线。
2. 对极平面束 [epipolar pencil]:以基线为轴的平面束。
3. 对极平面 [epipolar plane]:任何包含基线的平面都称为对极平面。
4. 对极点 [epipole]:摄像机的基线与每幅图像的交点。比如,上图中的点 x 和 x'。
5. 对极线 [epipolar line]:对极平面与图像的交线。
6. 5点共面:点 x,x',摄像机中心 C、C',空间点 X 是 5 点共面的。
7. 极线约束:两极线上点的对应关系。
接下来,我们首先看一篇 ACM MM2019 的论文 TNT [1],这是一篇研究端到端运动信息和表观信息结合框架的论文:
我们可以看到,作者将行人运动和相机运动结合了,其中目标函数的第一部分是利用了对极几何中本质矩阵 F 的性质,相关的理论推导可以看下图:
其中 x 表示的目标框的四个顶点的坐标信息,第二部分中作者则是假设两帧中的同一目标的形状近似不变。因此我们只需要求得本质矩阵 F,即可根据上一帧目标框信息,利用最小二乘法求得下一帧目标框信息。
关于本质矩阵 F 的求解,作者提到基于 SURF 特征点提取和 Ransac 采样进行估计。
其次,我们先假设本质矩阵 F 已经被估计出来了,这个矩阵是 3x3 的形状,那么为了推导方便,我这里做一个假设:
对于第 t 帧的任意一个目标框的每一个节点 ,这里由于是三维的几何信息,所以添加一个 z 轴坐标,令 为一个已知的三维向量,那么一个目标框就存在四个这样的三维向量,不妨看作一个 4x3 的矩阵 M。
那么就可以将目标函数展开,这里面的 (w,h) 为已知信息,(x,y) 为下一帧目标框的左上角坐标:
很明显这就是一个典型的 Ax=b 问题,后面的问题就迎刃而解了。
2.2 实验分析
为了保证效率,我这里采用 ORB 特征提取策略,然后采用 brute force 的匹配策略:
class Epipolar(object):
def __init__(self, feature_method = 'orb', match_method = 'brute force',
metric = cv2.NORM_HAMMING, n_points = 50, nfeatures = 500,
scaleFactor = 1.2, nlevels = 8):
"""Using Epipolar Geometry to Estimate Camara Motion
feature_method : str
the method of feature extraction, the default is ORB, more methods will be added in the future
match_method : str
the method of feature matching, the default is brute force, more methods will be added in the future
metric: metrics in cv2
distance metric for feature matching
n_points: int
numbers of matched points to be considered
nfeatures: int
numbers of features to be extract
scaleFactor: float
scale factor for orb
nlevels: float
levels for orb
self.metric = metric
if feature_method == 'orb':
self.feature_extractor = cv2.ORB_create(nfeatures = nfeatures,
scaleFactor = scaleFactor, nlevels = nlevels)
if match_method == 'brute force':
self.matcher = cv2.BFMatcher(metric, crossCheck=True)
self.n_points = n_points
def FeatureExtract(self, img):
"""Detect and Compute the input image's keypoints and descriptors
img : ndarray of opencv
An HxW(x3) matrix of img
keypoints : List of cv2.KeyPoint
using keypoint.pt can see (x,y)
descriptors: List of descriptors[keypoints, features]
keypoints: keypoints which a descriptor cannot be computed are removed
features: An Nx32 ndarray of unit8 when using "orb" method
if img.ndim == 3:
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# find the keypoints with ORB
keypoints = self.feature_extractor.detect(img, None)
# compute the descriptors with ORB
keypoints, descriptors = self.feature_extractor.compute(img, keypoints)
return keypoints, descriptors
那么对于本质矩阵的估计和最小二乘法的应用,都可以直接利用已有的工具箱 opencv 和 numpy 搞定:
def GetFundamentalMat(self, keypoints1, descriptors1, keypoints2, descriptors2):
"""Estimate FunfamentalMatrix using BF matcher and ransac
[p2;1]^T K^(-T) E K^(-1) [p1;1] = 0, T means transpose, K means the intrinsic matrix of camera
F = K^(-T) E K^(-1)
keypoints : List of cv2.KeyPoint
using keypoint.pt can see (x,y)
descriptor : ndarray
An Nx32 matrix of descriptors
F: ndarray
A 3x3 Matrix of Fundamental Matrix
mask: ndarray
A Nx1 Matrix of those inline points
pts1: List of cv2.KeyPoint
keypoints matched
pts2: List of cv2.KeyPoint
keypoints matched
matches : List of matches
distance - distance of two points,
queryIdx - query image's descriptor id, default is the second image
trainIdx - train image's descriptor id, default is the second image
imageIdx - train image's id, default is 0
# matching points
matches = self.matcher.match(descriptors1, descriptors2)
matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.distance)
pts1 = []
pts2 = []
for i, match in enumerate(matches):
if i >= self.n_points:
pts1 = np.int32(pts1)
pts2 = np.int32(pts2)
matches = matches[:self.n_points]
## Estimate Fundamental Matrix by ransac, distance_threshold = 1, confidence_threshold = 0.99
F, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(pts1, pts2, cv2.FM_RANSAC, 1, 0.99)
return F, mask, pts1, pts2, matches
def EstimateBox(self, boxes, F):
"""Estimate box in target image by Fundamental Matrix
boxes : array like
A Nx4 matrix of boxes in source images (x,y,w,h)
F : ndarray
A 3x3 Fundamental Matrix
aligned_boxes: ndarray
A Nx4 matrix of boxes in source images (x,y,w,h)
L = ||Bi^T F Ai||2 + ||(A2-A0)+(B2-B0)||2
A is the four corner of box in source image
B is the four corner of aligned box in target image
A0,B0:top left corner of box, [x;y;1]
A1,B1:top right corner of box
A2,B2:bottom left corner of box
A3,B3:bottom right corner of box
the height and width of boxes and aligned boxes are assumed to be same
we can use greedy strategy: make M = A^T F^T
M11 x1 + M12 y1 + M13 = 0
M21 (x1+w) + M22 y1 + M23 = 0
M31 x1 + M32 y1+h + M33 = 0
M41 (x1+w) + M42 (y1+h) + M43 = 0
M[:2][x;y] + M[:3]+[0;M21w;M32h;M41w+M42h] = 0 ->Ax = b
x = (pseudo inverse of A )b
boxes = np.asarray(boxes)
if boxes.ndim == 1:
boxes = boxes[np.newaxis, :]
aligned_boxes = np.zeros(boxes.shape)
for i, bbox in enumerate(boxes):
w = bbox[2]
h = bbox[3]
AT = np.array([[bbox[0] , bbox[1] , 1],
[bbox[0] + w, bbox[1] , 1],
[bbox[0] , bbox[1] + h, 1],
[bbox[0] + w, bbox[1] + h, 1]])
M = AT @ F.T
b = -M[:, 2] - np.array([0, M[1][0]*w, M[2][1]*h, M[3][0]*w+M[3][1]*h])
aligned_tl = np.linalg.pinv(M[:,:2]) @ b
aligned_boxes[i, 0] = aligned_tl[0]
aligned_boxes[i, 1] = aligned_tl[1]
aligned_boxes[i, 2] = w
aligned_boxes[i, 3] = h
return aligned_boxes.astype(np.int32)
3.1 原理介绍
第一次看到 ECC 算法,我是在 ICCV 2019 的 Tracktor++ [3] 中,不过作者只是一笔带过,没有提及如何实现。ECC 算法全名是增强相关系数算法 [2],来自于 PAMI2008 的一篇论文,这个算法适用于图像配准任务的:
也就是对于两张内容差异小,但是存在光照、尺度、颜色、平移等变换影响的图像,将二者对齐。ECC 算法本质是一个目标函数:
当然这只是一个原始形式,在求解过程中有所调整,我就不细讲这里的理论了。可以注意到的是 y=warp(x) 这个函数,所以这个算法假设两帧图像之间存在某种变换,不一定是仿射变换,可能有以下几种:
前三种变换则不考虑最后一行信息,即 2x3 的矩阵形式。
3.2 实验分析
opencv 中正好提供了 ECC 相关的功能函数,这里我们只需要再次封装,以方便多目标跟踪。可以知道的是 ECC 算法的核心在于变换矩阵的求解:
def ECC(src, dst, warp_mode = cv2.MOTION_EUCLIDEAN, eps = 1e-5,
max_iter = 100, scale = None, align = False):
"""Compute the warp matrix from src to dst.
src : ndarray
An NxM matrix of source img(BGR or Gray), it must be the same format as dst.
dst : ndarray
An NxM matrix of target img(BGR or Gray).
warp_mode: flags of opencv
translation: cv2.MOTION_TRANSLATION
rotated and shifted: cv2.MOTION_EUCLIDEAN
affine(shift,rotated,shear): cv2.MOTION_AFFINE
homography(3d): cv2.MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY
eps: float
the threshold of the increment in the correlation coefficient between two iterations
max_iter: int
the number of iterations.
scale: float or [int, int]
scale_ratio: float
scale_size: [W, H]
align: bool
whether to warp affine or perspective transforms to the source image
warp matrix : ndarray
Returns the warp matrix from src to dst.
if motion model is homography, the warp matrix will be 3x3, otherwise 2x3
src_aligned: ndarray
aligned source image of gray
assert src.shape == dst.shape, "the source image must be the same format to the target image!"
if src.ndim == 3:
# Convert images to grayscale
src = cv2.cvtColor(src, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
dst = cv2.cvtColor(dst, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# make the imgs smaller to speed up
if scale is not None:
if isinstance(scale, float) or isinstance(scale, int):
if scale != 1:
src_r = cv2.resize(src, (0, 0), fx = scale, fy = scale,interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
dst_r = cv2.resize(dst, (0, 0), fx = scale, fy = scale,interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
scale = [scale, scale]
src_r, dst_r = src, dst
scale = None
if scale[0] != src.shape[1] and scale[1] != src.shape[0]:
src_r = cv2.resize(src, (scale[0], scale[1]), interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
dst_r = cv2.resize(dst, (scale[0], scale[1]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
scale = [scale[0] / src.shape[1], scale[1] / src.shape[0]]
src_r, dst_r = src, dst
scale = None
src_r, dst_r = src, dst
# Define 2x3 or 3x3 matrices and initialize the matrix to identity
if warp_mode == cv2.MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY :
warp_matrix = np.eye(3, 3, dtype=np.float32)
else :
warp_matrix = np.eye(2, 3, dtype=np.float32)
# Define termination criteria
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, max_iter, eps)
# Run the ECC algorithm. The results are stored in warp_matrix.
(cc, warp_matrix) = cv2.findTransformECC (src_r, dst_r, warp_matrix, warp_mode, criteria, None, 1)
if scale is not None:
warp_matrix[0, 2] = warp_matrix[0, 2] / scale[0]
warp_matrix[1, 2] = warp_matrix[1, 2] / scale[1]
if align:
sz = src.shape
if warp_mode == cv2.MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY:
# Use warpPerspective for Homography
src_aligned = cv2.warpPerspective(src, warp_matrix, (sz[1],sz[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
else :
# Use warpAffine for Translation, Euclidean and Affine
src_aligned = cv2.warpAffine(src, warp_matrix, (sz[1],sz[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
return warp_matrix, src_aligned
return warp_matrix, None
这里面我添加了一个技巧,由于 ECC 算法针对的是两幅图,所以图像的尺寸对于算法求解速度的影响很大。因此这里我根据变换矩阵的形式,设计了一种可以根据尺度放缩自动调节的简易算法。效果如下:
效果也很好,值得一提的是,ECC 算法只需要大约几毫秒的时间,但是由于它的求解效率跟变换的难度相关,所以间隔越久越慢,而对极几何的方法效率比较稳定,不过就很慢了。
4.1 光流
上面我介绍的都是近两年关于相机运动的针对性解决方案,那么实际上在有一些算法模型中,如果场景变化不剧烈,并不特别需要用到运动模型。比如基于光流法的多目标跟踪算法,这里众所周知的就是 ICCV2015 的 NOMT [5] 算法。
作者用的是一种简化版的快速光流法,那么更形象的可以看今年刚出的一篇论文《Multiple Object Tracking by Flowing and Fusing》,具体我就不说了,就是简单的在 Tracktor++ 框架上加了一个光流预测分支:
4.2 SOT
而基于 SOT 的方法,无论是使用传统的相关滤波算法还是使用 Siamese 类深度学习框架,都会在上一帧目标周围 1.5~2.5 倍区域搜索下一帧的目标,这里面会显式或者隐式用到特征的比对。只不过不同于上面的像素比对,这里是更加高层的特征比对。
[1] Wang G, Wang Y, Zhang H, et al. Exploit the connectivity: Multi-object tracking with trackletnet[C]. in: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. 2019. 482-490.
[2] Evangelidis G D, Psarakis E Z. Parametric image alignment using enhanced correlation coefficient maximization[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 2008, 30(10): 1858-1865.
[3] Bergmann P, Meinhardt T, Leal-Taixe L. Tracking without bells and whistles[C]. in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2019. 941-951.
[4] Choi W. Near-online multi-target tracking with aggregated local flow descriptor[C]. in: Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2015. 3029-3037.
[5] Feng W, Hu Z, Wu W, et al. Multi-object tracking with multiple cues and switcher-aware classification[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.06129, 2019.
[6] https://blog.csdn.net/ssw_1990/article/details/53355572
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