Jupyter Notebook 切换虚拟环境 、远程登陆

1、conda 环境中运行 Jupyter 

conda create -n my-conda-env   # creates new virtual env
conda activate my-conda-env    # activate environment in terminal
conda install jupyter     # install jupyter + notebook
jupyter notebook       # start server + kernel

2 、为 conda 环境创建特殊内核

conda create -n my-conda-env    # creates new virtual env
conda activate my-conda-env     # activate environment in terminal
conda install ipykernel      # install Python kernel in new conda env
ipython kernel install --user --name=my-conda-env-kernel  # configure Jupyter to use Python kernel
jupyter notebook      # run jupyter from system

3、使用 nb_conda_kernels 添加所有环境

conda activate my-conda-env    # this is the environment for your project and code
conda install ipykernel
conda deactivate

conda activate base      # could be also so
