4.3 ROS工作空间覆盖:不同工作空间中,存在重名的功能包的BUG




在学习【奥特学园】ROS机器人入门课程《ROS理论与实践》零基础教程P162 节点名称重名_方式2 _launch文件时运行出错

问题描述:运行roslaunch rename01_node start_turtle.launch报错

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [turtlesim/turtlesim_node]: Cannot locate node of type [turtlesim_node] in package [turtlesim]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [turtlesim/turtlesim_node]: Cannot locate node of type [turtlesim_node] in package [turtlesim]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [turtlesim/turtlesim_node]: Cannot locate node of type [turtlesim_node] in package [turtlesim]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [turtlesim/turtlesim_node]: Cannot locate node of type [turtlesim_node] in package [turtlesim]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)


4.3 ROS工作空间覆盖:不同工作空间中,存在重名的功能包的BUG_第1张图片

我又运行了之前的roslaunch plumbing_test start_turtle.launch文件,还是报错!

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [turtlesim/turtlesim_node]: Cannot locate node of type [turtlesim_node] in package [turtlesim]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [turtlesim/turtle_teleop_key]: Cannot locate node of type [turtle_teleop_key] in package [turtlesim]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)

4.3 ROS工作空间覆盖:不同工作空间中,存在重名的功能包的BUG_第2张图片

我退出,重启电脑等,又启动roscore, rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node,还是报错

[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named turtlesim_node below /opt/ros/noetic/share/turtlesim



2.运行之前的roslaunch plumbing_test start_turtle.launch出问题了;

3.关机重启单独运行乌龟控制节点rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node也报错

4.运行键盘控制节点rosrun turtlesim 用tab只能自动补齐hello_ws2,明显是上一节课的重名的功能包turtlesim造成的

5.最后,查看ROS环境环境变量echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH,发现在 ROS PACKAGE PATH 中只包含两个工作空间(应该又3个,原本4个我注释掉了一个)

4.3 ROS工作空间覆盖:不同工作空间中,存在重名的功能包的BUG_第3张图片

4.3 ROS工作空间覆盖:不同工作空间中,存在重名的功能包的BUG_第4张图片



解决方案:删除自定义工作空间的 build 与 devel 目录


BUG 说明:

当在 .bashrc 文件中 source 多个工作空间后,可能出现的情况,在 ROS PACKAGE PATH 中只包含两个工作空间,可以删除自定义工作空间的 build 与 devel 目录,重新 catkin_make,然后重新载入 .bashrc 文件,问题解决。

然后删掉了工作空间的 build 与 devel 文件夹,重新编译后就正常了。(我把上节课demo03_ws下的turtlesim功能包也删掉了,demo01也打包成压缩包了,然后删掉了demo01_ws,以免又其他影响)

4.3 ROS工作空间覆盖:不同工作空间中,存在重名的功能包的BUG_第5张图片

运行 roslaunch plumbing_test start_turtle.launch正常

4.3 ROS工作空间覆盖:不同工作空间中,存在重名的功能包的BUG_第6张图片

运行roslaunch rename01_node start_turtle.launch正常

4.3 ROS工作空间覆盖:不同工作空间中,存在重名的功能包的BUG_第7张图片


