A magical ETL tools : Kettle

  Recently , we will build several It systems. They need various kind of data source, such as file , database and webservice. therefor we need to setup a centralized dataware house, in this case we do need a ETL componment.

   so far as I know, CR-X, DataStorage,and Kettle are the three main ETL TOOLS, and Keetle is a open-source solution, so we try to find this componment.  because the firewall, it is so difficult to download it in china, so we publish the software

    since we have download the component , we begin to run some demo on that , yet it is realy a hard job. we have design the script for several days with little progress, what a hard job.
      Yesterday, I found a professor in the Hust, he  find a master degree student to help us to get familiar with the componment. his name is Waves.  he have find some material for me and begin to run a demo with me.
       wish we will finally figure out the problem.

1) User's Manual for kettle

2)  Source code

3) some resource form Waves.

4) two books on kettle

4.1 Pentaho_Kettle_Solutions-Building_Open_Source_ETL_Solutions_with_Pentaho_Data_Integration

in the year20121218, I begin to read this book, from page 1 tp page 44, and I get to know the history of kettle and the relaiton of oltp system and data warehouse.because the English is so difficult, therefore I have to read vary carefully.

4.2 Pentaho_3_2_Data_Integration_Beginners_Guide

1) 2014年9月27号相关的文件管理的案例。
