Target “pango_windowing“ links to target “Eigen3::Eigen“ but the target was not found. Perhaps a


joes@joes:~/Downloads/pangolin-master/build$ cmake ..
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:75 (message):
  Building Tests requested, but Catch2 library not found.

-- libpng Found and Enabled
-- libjpeg Found and Enabled
-- libtiff Found and Enabled
-- libopenexr Found and Enabled
-- liblz4 Found and Enabled
-- libdc1394 Found and Enabled
-- V4L Found and Enabled
-- ffmpeg Found and Enabled
-- OpenNI Found and Enabled
CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/local/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:426 (message):
  The package name passed to `find_package_handle_standard_args`
  (WAYLAND_CLIENT) does not match the name of the calling package (Wayland).
  This can lead to problems in calling code that expects `find_package`
  result variables (e.g., `_FOUND`) to follow a certain pattern.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake/FindWayland.cmake:52 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
  components/pango_windowing/CMakeLists.txt:35 (find_package)
  CMakeLists.txt:93 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/local/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:426 (message):
  The package name passed to `find_package_handle_standard_args`
  (WAYLAND_SERVER) does not match the name of the calling package (Wayland).
  This can lead to problems in calling code that expects `find_package`
  result variables (e.g., `_FOUND`) to follow a certain pattern.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake/FindWayland.cmake:53 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
  components/pango_windowing/CMakeLists.txt:35 (find_package)
  CMakeLists.txt:93 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/local/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:426 (message):
  The package name passed to `find_package_handle_standard_args`
  (WAYLAND_EGL) does not match the name of the calling package (Wayland).
  This can lead to problems in calling code that expects `find_package`
  result variables (e.g., `_FOUND`) to follow a certain pattern.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake/FindWayland.cmake:54 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
  components/pango_windowing/CMakeLists.txt:35 (find_package)
  CMakeLists.txt:93 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/local/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:426 (message):
  The package name passed to `find_package_handle_standard_args`
  (WAYLAND_CURSOR) does not match the name of the calling package (Wayland).
  This can lead to problems in calling code that expects `find_package`
  result variables (e.g., `_FOUND`) to follow a certain pattern.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake/FindWayland.cmake:55 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
  components/pango_windowing/CMakeLists.txt:35 (find_package)
  CMakeLists.txt:93 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/local/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:426 (message):
  The package name passed to `find_package_handle_standard_args` (WAYLAND)
  does not match the name of the calling package (Wayland).  This can lead to
  problems in calling code that expects `find_package` result variables
  (e.g., `_FOUND`) to follow a certain pattern.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake/FindWayland.cmake:56 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
  components/pango_windowing/CMakeLists.txt:35 (find_package)
  CMakeLists.txt:93 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

-- Configuring done
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:88 (add_library):
  Target "pango_windowing" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:88 (add_library):
  Target "pango_tools" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:88 (add_library):
  Target "pango_glgeometry" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target
  was not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:88 (add_library):
  Target "pango_glgeometry" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target
  was not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:88 (add_library):
  Target "pango_geometry" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:88 (add_library):
  Target "pango_display" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:88 (add_library):
  Target "pango_opengl" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:88 (add_library):
  Target "pango_plot" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:88 (add_library):
  Target "pango_scene" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/BasicOpenGL/CMakeLists.txt:19 (add_executable):
  Target "tutorial_2_gl_intro_classic_triangle_vbo" links to target
  "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not found.  Perhaps a find_package()
  call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/BasicOpenGL/CMakeLists.txt:19 (add_executable):
  Target "tutorial_1_gl_intro_pango_triangle" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen"
  but the target was not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for
  an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/BasicOpenGL/CMakeLists.txt:19 (add_executable):
  Target "tutorial_2_gl_intro_pango_triangle_vbo" links to target
  "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not found.  Perhaps a find_package()
  call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/BasicOpenGL/CMakeLists.txt:19 (add_executable):
  Target "tutorial_1_gl_intro_classic_triangle" links to target
  "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not found.  Perhaps a find_package()
  call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/BasicOpenGL/CMakeLists.txt:19 (add_executable):
  Target "tutorial_3_gl_intro_classic_triangle_vbo_shader" links to target
  "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not found.  Perhaps a find_package()
  call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/BasicOpenGL/CMakeLists.txt:19 (add_executable):
  Target "tutorial_3_gl_intro_pango_triangle_vbo_shader" links to target
  "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not found.  Perhaps a find_package()
  call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/BasicOpenGL/CMakeLists.txt:19 (add_executable):
  Target "tutorial_4_gl_intro_viewport" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but
  the target was not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
  IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/BasicOpenGL/CMakeLists.txt:19 (add_executable):
  Target "tutorial_5_gl_intro_view_transforms" links to target
  "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not found.  Perhaps a find_package()
  call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/HelloPangolin/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "HelloPangolin" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/SimpleDisplay/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "SimpleDisplay" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/SimpleMultiDisplay/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "SimpleMultiDisplay" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target
  was not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/SimpleDisplayImage/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "SimpleDisplayImage" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target
  was not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/SimplePlot/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "SimplePlot" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/SimpleVideo/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "SimpleVideo" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/SimpleRecord/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "SimpleRecord" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/HelloPangolinOffscreen/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "HelloPangolinOffscreen" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the
  target was not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
  IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at examples/SimpleScene/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "SimpleScene" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/VideoViewer/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "VideoViewer" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/VideoViewer/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "VideoViewer" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/VideoConvert/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "VideoConvert" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/VideoConvert/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "VideoConvert" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/VideoJson/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "VideoJsonPrint" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/VideoJson/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "VideoJsonPrint" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/VideoJson/CMakeLists.txt:8 (add_executable):
  Target "VideoJsonTransform" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target
  was not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/VideoJson/CMakeLists.txt:8 (add_executable):
  Target "VideoJsonTransform" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target
  was not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/Plotter/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "Plotter" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/Plotter/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "Plotter" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/ModelViewer/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "ModelViewer" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

CMake Error at tools/ModelViewer/CMakeLists.txt:5 (add_executable):
  Target "ModelViewer" links to target "Eigen3::Eigen" but the target was not
  found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
  an ALIAS target is missing?

-- Generating done
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.


get_filename_component(COMPONENT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} NAME)

find_package (Eigen3 REQUIRED CONFIG QUIET)
target_compile_definitions(${COMPONENT} PUBLIC HAVE_EIGEN)

target_sources( ${COMPONENT}

target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT} pango_core pango_image tinyobj ${Eigen3_LIBRARY})
target_include_directories(${COMPONENT} PUBLIC

target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT} pango_core pango_image tinyobj Eigen3::Eigin)


target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT} pango_core pango_image tinyobj ${Eigen3_LIBRARY})
