功能:pcl 鼠标选择数据
static void _pp_callback(const pcl::visualization::AreaPickingEvent& event, void* args)
boost::shared_ptr LidarInitCalibration::updateVis (boost::shared_ptr viewer, PointCloudT::ConstPtr cloud)
return (viewer);
boost::shared_ptr LidarInitCalibration::rgbVis (PointCloudT::ConstPtr cloud)
return (viewer);
void LidarInitCalibration::set_roi(PointCloudT &points, PointCloudT::Ptr roi_point)
功能: 使用 ransac检测地面
void ransac_ground_detect(PointCloudT &cloud_filtered, PointCloudT & out_point_cloud)
// 模型的系数
pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefficients (new pcl::ModelCoefficients);
// 地面上各点的指数 the indices of the points in the ground
pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers (new pcl::PointIndices);
pcl::SACSegmentation seg;
seg.setOptimizeCoefficients (true);
//if the step before is true the following config is obligatory
seg.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE);
seg.setMethodType (pcl::SAC_RANSAC);
// 设置内点到模型的距离允许最大值
seg.setDistanceThreshold (0.1);
// 设置输入点云
seg.setInputCloud (cloud_filtered.makeShared());
seg.segment (*inliers, *coefficients);
// 可以通过内点的个数判断地面分割是否正确
pcl::copyPointCloud(cloud_filtered, inliers->indices, out_point_cloud);
功能: 进行平面拟合 得到法向量normal_和 th_dist_d_.计算法向量normal_与[0,0,1]向量的变换矩阵
(x, y, z):位移;
// 和 th_dist_d_. 更新拟合平面的A B C D
void estimate_plane_(PointCloudT::Ptr g_ground_pc, double &roll, double &pitch, double &yaw, double &offset_z)
MatrixXf normal_;
// Create covarian matrix in single pass.
// TODO: compare the efficiency.
Eigen::Matrix3f cov;
Eigen::Vector4f pc_mean; // 归一化坐标值
// computeMeanAndCovarianceMatrix主要是PCA过程中计算平均值和协方差矩阵 ,对地面点(最小的n个点)进行计算协方差和平均值
pcl::computeMeanAndCovarianceMatrix(*g_ground_pc, cov, pc_mean);
// Singular Value Decomposition: SVD
JacobiSVD svd(cov,Eigen::DecompositionOptions::ComputeFullU);
// use the least singular vector as normal
normal_ = (svd.matrixU().col(2)); // 取最小的特征值对应的特征向量作为法向量
// mean ground seeds value
Eigen::Vector3f seeds_mean = pc_mean.head<3>(); // seeds_mean 地面点的平均值
// according to normal.T*[x,y,z] = -d
offset_z = -(normal_.transpose()*seeds_mean)(0,0); // 计算d D=d
// set distance threhold to `th_dist - d`
//th_dist_d_ = th_dist_ - offset_z;// 这里只考虑在拟合的平面上方的点 小于这个范围的点当做地面
// return the equation parameters
Eigen::MatrixXf vectorAfter = MatrixXf::Zero(3, 1);
vectorAfter << 0.0, 0.0,1.0;
Eigen::Matrix4f rotationMatrix = rotation_matrix_from_vectors(normal_,vectorAfter);
Eigen::Matrix3d rotation_matrix;
rotation_matrix<< rotationMatrix(0, 0), rotationMatrix(0, 1), rotationMatrix(0, 2),
rotationMatrix(1, 0), rotationMatrix(1, 1), rotationMatrix(1, 2),
rotationMatrix(2, 0), rotationMatrix(2, 1), rotationMatrix(2, 2);
// 2,1,0;
Eigen::Vector3d eulerAngle = rotation_matrix.eulerAngles(0,1,2);
yaw = eulerAngle(2);
roll = eulerAngle(1);
pitch = eulerAngle(0);
yaw = fmod( ( yaw + 2*M_PI), (2*M_PI) ) / M_PI * 180;
roll = fmod( ( roll + 2*M_PI), (2*M_PI) ) / M_PI * 180;
pitch = fmod( ( pitch + 2*M_PI), (2*M_PI) ) / M_PI * 180;
std::cout << "yaw:"<< yaw << ", roll:" << roll << ", pitch:" << pitch << std::endl; //45 -0 0
std::cout << "offset_z:"<< offset_z << std::endl; //45 -0 0
cout<< rotationMatrix(0, 0) <<","<< rotationMatrix(0, 1) <<","<< rotationMatrix(0, 2) <<","<< rotationMatrix(0, 3)<< endl;
cout<< rotationMatrix(1, 0) <<","<< rotationMatrix(1, 1) <<","<< rotationMatrix(1, 2) <<","<< rotationMatrix(1, 3)<< endl;
cout<< rotationMatrix(2, 0) <<","<< rotationMatrix(2, 1) <<","<< rotationMatrix(2, 2) <<","<< rotationMatrix(2, 3)<< endl;
cout<< rotationMatrix(3, 0) <<","<< rotationMatrix(3, 1) <<","<< rotationMatrix(3, 2) <<","<< rotationMatrix(3, 3)<< endl;
// 点云变换
pcl::transformPointCloud(*g_seeds_pc, *cloud_filtered_ptr, transform_matrix);
1. 通过比较 ROI点云数量与 地面点云数量。
2. 计算均值和方差
bool access_calibrate(PointCloudT::Ptr cloud_filtered_ptr, int roi_point_num)
std::vector< double > resultSet;
cloud_filtered_ptr->width = cloud_filtered_ptr->points.size();;
cloud_filtered_ptr->height = 1;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < cloud_filtered_ptr->points.size(); ++i)
if( cloud_filtered_ptr->points[i].z >= -0.1 && cloud_filtered_ptr->points[i].z <= 0.1)
double sum = std::accumulate(std::begin(resultSet), std::end(resultSet), 0.0);
double mean = sum / resultSet.size(); //均值
double accum = 0.0;
std::for_each (std::begin(resultSet), std::end(resultSet), [&](const double d) {accum += (d-mean)*(d-mean);});
double stdev = sqrt(accum/(resultSet.size()-1)); //方差
double num_ratio = resultSet.size() *1.0 / roi_point_num; // 有效数据量/roi数据量
cout<< roi_point_num <<"," << num_ratio << "," << resultSet.size() << "," << abs(mean) << "," << abs(stdev) <=min_num_ratio && resultSet.size() >= min_ground_num && abs(mean)<= max_mean && abs(stdev)<=max_stdev )
return true;
return false;
(x, y, z):位移;
void generate_yaml_file( double yaw,double roll,double pitch,
double offset_x,double offset_y,double offset_z,
Eigen::Matrix4f lidar_matrix)
// 用于读写yaml文件的对象
static CalibrationYaml cYaml;
Calibration_Lidar cLidar;
cLidar.x = offset_x;
cLidar.y = offset_y;
cLidar.z = offset_z;
cLidar.roll = roll;
cLidar.pitch = pitch;
cLidar.yaw = yaw;
cLidar.lidar_matrix = lidar_matrix;
// Write the results in an yaml file
cYaml.yamlWrite(output_file_path, cLidar);
// 读校准参数
Calibration_Lidar cLidar2 = cYaml.yamlRead(output_file_path);
cout<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(0, 0) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(0, 1) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(0, 2) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(0, 3)<< endl;
cout<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(1, 0) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(1, 1) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(1, 2) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(1, 3)<< endl;
cout<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(2, 0) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(2, 1) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(2, 2) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(2, 3)<< endl;
cout<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(3, 0) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(3, 1) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(3, 2) <<","<< cLidar2.lidar_matrix(3, 3)<< endl;