srs 4.0 configure 参数 在线文档

tyearlin@ubuntu:~/srs/trunk$ ./configure --help

  --x86-64, --x86-x64       For x86/x64 cpu, common pc and servers. Default: on
  --cross-build             Enable cross-build for ARM, please set bellow Toolchain also. Default: off
  --osx                     Enable build for OSX/Darwin AppleOS. Default: off

  -h, --help                Print this message and exit 0.

  --https=on|off            Whether enable HTTPS client and server. Default: on
  --hds=on|off              Whether build the hds streaming, mux RTMP to F4M/F4V files. Default: off
  --cherrypy=on|off         Whether install CherryPy for demo api-server. Default: off
  --utest=on|off            Whether build the utest. Default: off
  --srt=on|off              Whether build the SRT. Default: off
  --rtc=on|off              Whether build the WebRTC. Default: on
  --cxx11=on|off            Whether enable the C++11. Default: off
  --cxx14=on|off            Whether enable the C++14. Default: off
  --ffmpeg-fit=on|off       Whether enable the FFmpeg fit(source code). Default: on

  --prefix=           The absolute installation path. Default: /usr/local/srs
  --gcov=on|off             Whether enable the GCOV compiler options. Default: off
  --debug=on|off            Whether enable the debug code, may hurt performance. Default: off
  --debug-stats=on|off      Whether enable the debug stats, may hurt performance. Default: off
  --jobs[=N]                Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg. Default: 1
  --log-verbose=on|off      Whether enable the log verbose level. Default: off
  --log-info=on|off         Whether enable the log info level. Default: off
  --log-trace=on|off        Whether enable the log trace level. Default: on

Performance:                @see
  --valgrind=on|off         Whether build valgrind for memory check. Default: off
  --gperf=on|off            Whether build SRS with gperf tools(no gmd/gmc/gmp/gcp, with tcmalloc only). Default: off
  --gmc=on|off              Whether build memory check with gperf tools. Default: off
  --gmd=on|off              Whether build memory defense(corrupt memory) with gperf tools. Default: off
  --gmp=on|off              Whether build memory profile with gperf tools. Default: off
  --gcp=on|off              Whether build cpu profile with gperf tools. Default: off
  --gprof=on|off            Whether build SRS with gprof(GNU profile tool). Default: off

  --nasm=on|off             Whether build FFMPEG for RTC with nasm. Default: on
  --srtp-nasm=on|off        Whether build SRTP with ASM(openssl-asm), requires RTC and openssl-1.0.*. Default: on

Toolchain options:          @see
  --static=on|off           Whether add '-static' to link options. Default: off
  --cc=                 Toolchain: Use c compiler CC. Default: gcc
  --cxx=               Toolchain: Use c++ compiler CXX. Default: g++
  --ar=                 Toolchain: Use archive tool AR. Default: g++
  --ld=                 Toolchain: Use linker tool LD. Default: g++
  --randlib=       Toolchain: Use randlib tool RANDLIB. Default: g++
  --extra-flags=    Set EFLAGS as CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS. Also passed to ST as EXTRA_CFLAGS.

  --sys-ssl=on|off          Do not compile ssl, use system ssl(-lssl) if required. Default: off
  --ssl-1-0=on|off          Whether use openssl-1.0.*. Default: off
  --ssl-local=on|off        Whether use local openssl, not system even exists. Default: off
  --shared-st=on|off        Use shared libraries for ST which is MPL license. Default: off
  --shared-srt=on|off       Use shared libraries for SRT which is MPL license. Default: off
  --shared-ffmpeg=on|off    Use shared libraries for FFmpeg which is LGPL license. Default: off
  --clean=on|off            Whether do 'make clean' when configure. Default: on
  --simulator=on|off        RTC: Whether enable network simulator. Default: off
  --build-tag=         Set the build object directory suffix.

  1. Apply "Presets". if not specified, use default preset.
  2. Apply "Features", "Performance" and others. user specified option will override the preset.
  3. Check configs and generate Makefile.

  1. For performance, read

srs 4.0 configure 参数 在线文档_第1张图片

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