

drop database if exists student_manager;

create database student_manager;
use student_manager;

create table student(
	snu varchar(2) primary key,
    sname varchar(10) not null,
    age date default "1994-12-09",
    sex enum('male','famela')

create table cource(
	cnu varchar(2) primary key,
    cname varchar(10) not null,
    tnu int

create table teacher(
	tnu varchar(2) primary key,
    tname varchar(10) not null

alter table cource
add constraint fk_cource_t foreign key(cnu)
references teacher(tnu) on delete cascade;

create table score(
	snu varchar(2) references student(snu),
    cnu varchar(2) references cource(cnu),
    score float(10,2) not null

insert into student(snu,sname,age,sex) values
("01" , "赵雷" , "1990-01-01" , "famela"),
("02" , "钱电" , "1990-12-21" , "famela"),
("03" , "孙风" , "1990-05-20" , "famela"),
("04" , "李云" , "1990-08-06" , "famela"),
("05" , "周梅" , "1991-12-01" , "male"),
("06" , "吴兰" , "1992-03-01" , "male"),
("07" , "郑竹" , "1989-07-01" , "male"),
("08" , "王菊" , "1990-01-20" , "male");

insert into teacher(tnu,tname) values
("01" , "张三"),
("02" , "李四"),
("03" , "王五");

insert into cource(cnu,cname,tnu) values
("01" , "语文" , "02"),
("02" , "数学" , "01"),
("03" , "英语" , "03");

insert into score(snu, cnu, score) values
("01" , "01" , 80.2),
("01" , "02" , 90.5),0
("01" , "03" , 99),
("02" , "01" , 70),
("02" , "02" , 60),
("02" , "03" , 80),
("03" , "01" , 80),
("03" , "02" , 80),
("03" , "03" , 80),
("04" , "01" , 50),
("04" , "02" , 30),
("04" , "03" , 20),
("05" , "01" , 76),
("05" , "02" , 87),
("06" , "01" , 31),
("06" , "03" , 34);


select * from student join 
(select A.snu,A.score s1, B.score s2
  (select * from score sc where sc.cnu='01') as A cross join
  (select * from score sc where sc.cnu='02') as B
where A.snu = B.snu and A.score > B.score) as r
on student.snu=r.snu;

-- 思路


select * from student join 
(select A.snu,A.score s1, B.score s2
     (select * from score sc where sc.cnu='01') as A,
     (select * from score sc where sc.cnu='02') as B
 where A.snu = B.snu and A.score < B.score) as r
 on student.snu=r.snu;


select s.snu,s.sname,round(avg(score),2) as avg_point
from student s
join score 
on s.snu = score.snu
group by s.snu
having round(avg(score),2) >= 60;

--  注意group的用法,结合having过滤数据


select s.snu,s.sname,round(avg(score),2) as avg_point
from student s
join score 
on s.snu = score.snu
group by s.snu
having round(avg(score),2) < 60;


select s.snu,s.sname,count(1) as course_selection,sum(sc.score) as total_point
from student s
join score sc on (s.snu = sc.snu)
group by s.snu;


select * 
from teacher
where tname like '李%'-- like 模糊查询,  %匹配任意多个字符, _匹配任意一个字符。


select *
from student s
where s.snu in (
  select distinct sc.snu
  from teacher t
  join cource c on (c.tnu=t.tnu)
  join score sc on (sc.cnu=c.cnu)
  where t.tname like "张三"
-- 输出内容只有学生信息,则过滤条件的方式选择子查询 选择distinct去除重复字段

select s.sname,s.snu,sc.score,r.cname,r.tname
from student as s join score as sc
on s.snu = sc.snu
join (
select c.cnu,c.cname,t.tnu,t.tname
from teacher as t join cource as c
on t.tnu = c.tnu
where t.tname like'张三') as r
on sc.cnu = r.cnu
-- 确定表之间的连接关系,已经过滤条件,再做题时划分成小的步骤在做,然后再全部拼接。


select *
from student s
where s.snu in  (
 select distinct sc.snu
 from teacher t
 join cource c on (c.tnu=t.tnu)
 join score sc on (sc.cnu=c.cnu)
 where t.tname not like "张三"

select s.sname,s.snu,sc.score,r.cname,r.tname
from student as s join score as sc
on s.snu = sc.snu
join (se
select c.cnu,c.cname,t.tnu,t.tname
from teacher as t join cource as c
on t.tnu = c.tnu
where t.tname not like'张三') as r
on sc.cnu = r.cnu


select *
from student 
where snu in (
	select  s1.snu
    from  score s1,score s2
    where s1.snu = s2.snu
    	  and s1.cnu ='01'
          and s2.cnu ='02'  

-- 比较复杂的一种做法
select s.sname,s.snu 
from student as s right join 
	(select A.snu from    -- select后的字段应尽量避免重复,要不然后续连接出现重复列可能会报错。
     	(select * from score as s where s.cnu='01') as A cross join 
     	(select * from score as s where s.cnu='02') as B 
     		where A.snu = B.snu) as r 
on s.snu=r.snu;


select *
from student 
where snu not in 
          (select snu from score where cnu ='02') and
      snu in
          (select snu from score where cnu ='01');     


select s.sname,sc.snu
from student s,score sc 
where s.snu =sc.snu
group by sc.snu
having count(sc.cnu) < 3;

-- 用in时,比较的表中只能存在一列数据。
select s.sname 
from student as s 
where s.snu in 
	(select s.snu 
     from score as s 
     group by s.snu 
     having count(1)<3);


select * 
from student
where snu in (
		select distinct score.snu
    	from score
    where score.cnu in (
    			select snu from score where snu='01'
 select * 
 from student 
 where snu in 
 	(select snu from score 
     where cnu in 
     (select cnu from score
		where snu ='01'));


select * 
from student 
where snu in 
		(select snu from score where snu not in
			(select snu from score where cnu not in 
         		(select cnu from score where snu='01'))
group by snu 
having count(*)=(select count(*) from score where snu='01') and snu <> '01');

1. 查询01学生选秀课程的cnu


select * from student where snu in (
    select snu from score where snu not in (
		select snu from score
			where cnu in (select cnu 
				from cource as c right join teacher as t
				on c.tnu = t.tnu
				where tname like '张三')));


select s.snu,s.sname,a.mean from student as s join (
	select snu,round(avg(score),2) as mean from score
    where score<60
    group by snu
    having count(distinct cnu) >=2
) as a
on s.snu =a.snu;


select s.snu,s.sname,r.score from student as s join 
(select * 
from score
where cnu='01' and score<60
order by score desc) as r 
on s.snu = r.snu;


select snu,round(avg(score),2) as mean, sum(score) as total_point
from score
group by snu
order by mean desc;


– if(), case when then else end 别名



select snu,sum(score) as total_point
from score
group by snu
order by total_point;









select count(1)as sex
from student
group by sex














way 1 :select sname , year(now()) - year(age) as age from student;
way 2 :select sn,name,sex,ceil(datediff(now(), age)/365) from student;


select dateofweek




year month amout
1991 1 1.1
1991 2 1.2
1992 1 2.1
1992 2 2.2

year m1 m2
1991 1.1 1.2
1992 2.1 2.2

select year,
max(if(month=1, amout,0)) as m1,
max(if(month=2, amout,0)) as m2
from A
group by year;
