B样条曲线的拟合主要是一个LSQ(least squares) 拟合问题,主要思想也是最小二乘法的思想,这与B-Spline曲线插值不同,拟合的曲线是尽量接近数据点,而不是完全通过。主要的方法可以参考cs3621
这里我定义了一个BS_curve类,类中的方法包括数据的参数化(parameterization),节点(knots)的生成,计算系数 N i , p N_{i,p} Ni,p,De_Boor算法以及最小二乘拟合(approximation),完整代码如下:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import math
class BS_curve(object):
def __init__(self,n,p,cp=None,knots=None):
self.n = n # n+1 control points >>> p0,p1,,,pn
self.p = p
if cp:
self.cp = cp
self.u = knots
self.m = knots.shape[0]-1 # m+1 knots >>> u0,u1,,,nm
self.cp = None
self.u = None
self.m = None
self.paras = None
def check(self):
if self.m == self.n + self.p + 1:
return 1
return 0
def coeffs(self,uq):
# n+1 control points >>> p0,p1,,,pn
# m+1 knots >>> u0,u1,,,nm
# algorithm is from https://pages.mtu.edu/~shene/COURSES/cs3621/NOTES/spline/B-spline/bspline-curve-coef.html
#N[] holds all intermediate and the final results
# in fact N is longer than control points,this is just to hold the intermediate value
# at last, we juest extract a part of N,that is N[0:n+1]
N = np.zeros(self.m+1,dtype=np.float64)
# rule out special cases Important Properties of clamped B-spline curve
if uq == self.u[0]:
N[0] = 1.0
return N[0:self.n+1]
elif uq == self.u[self.m]:
N[self.n] = 1.0
return N[0:self.n+1]
# now u is between u0 and um
# first find k uq in span [uk,uk+1)
check = uq - self.u
ind = check >=0
k = np.max(np.nonzero(ind))
# sk >>> multiplicity of u[k]
sk = np.sum(self.u==self.u[k])
N[k] = 1.0 # degree 0
# degree d goes from 1 to p
for d in range(1,self.p+1):
r_max = self.m - d - 1 # the maximum subscript value of N in degree d,the minimum is 0
if k-d >=0:
if self.u[k+1]-self.u[k-d+1]:
N[k-d] = (self.u[k+1]-uq)/(self.u[k+1]-self.u[k-d+1])*N[k-d+1] #right (south-west corner) term only
N[k-d] = (self.u[k+1]-uq)/1*N[k-d+1] #right (south-west corner) term only
for i in range(k-d+1,(k-1)+1):
if i>=0 and i<=r_max:
Denominator1 = self.u[i+d]-self.u[i]
Denominator2 = self.u[i+d+1]-self.u[i+1]
# 0/0=0
if Denominator1 == 0:
Denominator1 = 1
if Denominator2 == 0:
Denominator2 = 1
N[i] = (uq-self.u[i])/(Denominator1)*N[i]+(self.u[i+d+1]-uq)/(Denominator2)*N[i+1]
if k <= r_max:
if self.u[k+d]-self.u[k]:
N[k] = (uq-self.u[k])/(self.u[k+d]-self.u[k])*N[k]
N[k] = (uq-self.u[k])/1*N[k]
return N[0:self.n+1]
def De_Boor(self,uq):
# Input: a value u
# Output: the point on the curve, C(u)
# first find k uq in span [uk,uk+1)
check = uq - self.u
ind = check >=0
k = np.max(np.nonzero(ind))
# inserting uq h times
if uq in self.u:
# sk >>> multiplicity of u[k]
sk = np.sum(self.u==self.u[k])
h = self.p - sk
sk = 0
h = self.p
# rule out special cases
if h == -1:
if k == self.p:
return np.array(self.cp[0])
elif k == self.m:
return np.array(self.cp[-1])
# initial values of P(affected control points) >>> Pk-s,0 Pk-s-1,0 ... Pk-p+1,0
P = self.cp[k-self.p:k-sk+1]
P = P.copy()
dis = k-self.p # the index distance between storage loaction and varibale i
# 1-h
for r in range(1,h+1):
# k-p >> k-sk
temp = [] # uesd for Storing variables of the current stage
for i in range(k-self.p+r,k-sk+1):
a_ir = (uq-self.u[i])/(self.u[i+self.p-r+1]-self.u[i])
P[k-self.p+r-dis:k-sk+1-dis] = np.array(temp)
# the last value is what we want
return P[-1]
def bs(self,us):
y = []
for x in us:
y = np.array(y)
return y
def estimate_parameters(self,data_points,method="centripetal"):
pts = data_points.copy()
N = pts.shape[0]
w = pts.shape[1]
Li = []
for i in range(1,N):
Li.append(np.sum([pts[i,j]**2 for j in range(w)])**0.5)
L = np.sum(Li)
t= [0]
for i in range(len(Li)):
Lki = 0
for j in range(i+1):
Lki += Li[j]
t = np.array(t)
self.paras = t
ind = t>1.0
t[ind] = 1.0
return t
def get_knots(self,method="average"):
knots = np.zeros(self.p+1).tolist()
paras_temp = self.paras.copy()
# m = n+p+1
self.m = self.n + self.p + 1
# we only need m+1 knots
# so we just select m+1-(p+1)-(p+1)+(p-1)+1+1 paras to average
num = self.m - self.p # select n+1 paras
ind = np.linspace(0,paras_temp.shape[0]-1,num)
ind = ind.astype(int)
paras_knots = paras_temp[ind]
for j in range(1,self.n-self.p+1):
k_temp = 0
# the maximun of variable i is n-1
for i in range(j,j+self.p-1+1):
k_temp += paras_knots[i]
k_temp /= self.p
add = np.ones(self.p+1).tolist()
knots = knots + add
knots = np.array(knots)
self.u = knots
self.m = knots.shape[0]-1
return knots
def set_paras(self,parameters):
self.paras = parameters
def set_knots(self,knots):
self.u = knots
def approximation(self,pts):
## Obtain a set of parameters t0, ..., tn
#pts_paras = self.estimate_parameters(pts)
## knot vector U;
#knots = self.get_knots()
num = pts.shape[0]-1 # (num+1) is the number of data points
P = np.zeros((self.n+1,pts.shape[1]),dtype=np.float64) # n+1 control points
P[0] = pts[0]
P[-1] = pts[-1]
# compute N
N = []
for uq in self.paras:
N_temp = self.coeffs(uq)
N = np.array(N)
Q = [0] # hold the location
for k in range(1,num-1+1):
Q_temp = pts[k] - N[k,0]*pts[0] - N[k,self.n]*pts[-1]
b = [0]
for i in range(1,self.n-1+1):
b_temp = 0
for k in range(1,num-1+1):
b_temp += N[k,i]*Q[k]
b = b[1::]
b = np.array(b)
N = N[:,1:(self.n-1)+1]
A = np.dot(N.T,N)
cpm = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
P[1:self.n] = cpm
self.cp = P
return P
if __name__ =="__main__":
bs = BS_curve(8,3)
xx = np.linspace(0,4*np.pi,101)
yy = np.sin(xx)+0.6*np.random.random(101)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
data = np.array([xx,yy]).T
paras = bs.estimate_parameters(data)
knots = bs.get_knots()
if bs.check():
cp = bs.approximation(data)
uq = np.linspace(0,1,101)
y = bs.bs(uq)