


inb4: This is not another "setting up" a new project with Vue and TypeScript tutorial. Let's do some deep dive into more complex topics!

inb4:这不是另一个使用Vue和TypeScript教程“设置”新项目的方法。 让我们深入研究更复杂的主题!

typescript is awesome. Vue is awesome. No doubt, that a lot of people try to bundle them together. But, due to different reasons, it is hard to really type your Vue app. Let's find out what are the problems and what can be done to solve them (or at least minimize the impact).

typescript很棒。 Vue很棒。 毫无疑问,很多人试图将它们捆绑在一起 。 但是,由于不同的原因,很难真正键入您的Vue应用。 让我们找出问题所在以及可以解决的方法(或至少将影响最小化)。


We have this wonderful template with Nuxt, Vue, Vuex, and jest fully typed. Just install it and everything will be covered for you. Go to the docs to learn more.

我们有一个非常漂亮的模板 , Nuxt完整键入了NuxtVueVuexjest 。 只需安装它,一切将为您覆盖。 转到文档以了解更多信息。

And as I said I am not going to guide you through the basic setup for three reasons:


  1. There are a lot of existing tutorials about it

  2. There are a lot of tools to get started with a single click like Nuxt and vue-cli with typescript plugin


  3. We already have wemake-vue-template where every bit of setup that I going to talk about is already covered

    我们已经有了wemake-vue-template ,其中我要谈论的所有设置都已涵盖

组件类型 (Component typings)

The first broken expectation when you start to work with Vue and typescript and after you have already typed your class components is that