在DELPHI7中可以正常使用 在DELPHI XE5中 下面会有些问题
选中Package.BPL,右键 UnInstal
TColorPickerButton is a special speed button which can be used to let the user select a specific color. The control does not use the standard Windows color dialog, but uses a popup window very similar to the one in Office97, which has been improved a lot to support the task of picking one color out of millions. Included is also the ability to pick one of the predefined system colors (e.g. clBtnFace). TColorPickerButton works only with D4 and BCB! (BCB check by Josue Andrade Gomes [email protected]) (c) 1999, written by Dipl. Ing. Mike Lischke ([email protected]) All rights reserved. This control is freeware and may be used in any software product (free or commercial) under the condition that I'm given proper credit (titel, name and eMail address in the documentation or the About box of the product this control is used in). Portions copyright by Borland. The implementation of the speed button has been taken from Delphi sources. The use of the new control is quite simple. Just install the ColorPickerButton.pas into your component palette. By default the target component page is "Tools". That's all. Here's a list of methods and properties which differ from TSpeedButton: public property DroppedDown: Boolean; Read to get the drop down state of the color popup or write to set it. published property CustomText: String; Determines the text of the second special button on the popup. If empty this button is neither shown nor is it then possible to select a color from the color comb. If set then the button is shown and the user can click on it to show the color comb (accelerator allowed). property DefaultText: String; Determines the text of the first special button on the popup. If empty this button is not shown, else it is used to select the default color (clDefault) (accelerator allowed). property DropDownArrowColor: TColor; Determines the color of the small triangle on the right of the button. property DropDownWidth: Integer; Determines the size of the area on the right which can be clicked to drop down the picker window. property IndicatorBorder: TIndicatorBorder; Set one of four border styles the color preview rectangle is drawn in (none, flat, sunken, raised) property PopupSpacing: Integer; Denotes the spacing within the color popup window (>= 0, this is the place left on the left and right side of the popup) property SelectionColor: TColor; Contains the currently selected color . property ShowSystemColors: Boolean; Determines whether predefined system colors like clBtnFace or clWindow should be shown. property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; Triggered when the selection color of the button changes. property OnDefaultSelect; Triggered when the user selected the default color (either with the mouse or by accelerator key). property OnDropChanged: TNotifyEvent; Triggered after the visibility state of the picker window has changed. DroppedDown is already set according to the state. property OnDropChanging: TDropChangingEvent; Triggered just before the visibility state of the picker window changes. DroppedDown is still in the old state and you can reject dropping down or hiding the window by setting Allowed to False. property OnHint: THintEvent; For each color in the picker window a hint window appears when the mouse is over the belonging button or comb. If the mouse is not over any button or hovers over the default text or the custom text, respectively, then a hint is requested from the application by this event. There's a Cell paramter to tell what cell is meant. It can be NoCell, CustomCell or DefaultCell. BTW: By setting ShowHint to False all hints are disabled, even those of the color and comb buttons. If you don't supply an OnHint event then the hint string of the color picker button is shown. As you can see there's nothing special with the control. Just use it and show the world what really amazing applications can be produced with Delphi. Have fun and
unit ColorPickerButton; // This unit contains a special speed button which can be used to let the user select // a specific color. The control does not use the standard Windows color dialog, but // a popup window very similar to the one in Office97, which has been improved a lot // to support the task of picking one color out of millions. Included is also the // ability to pick one of the predefined system colors (e.g. clBtnFace). // Note: The layout is somewhat optimized to look pretty with the predefined box size // of 18 pixels (the size of one little button in the predefined color area) and // the number of color comb levels. It is easily possible to change this, but // if you want to do so then you have probably to make some additional // changes to the overall layout. // // TColorPickerButton works only with D4 and BCB! // (BCB check by Josue Andrade Gomes [email protected]) // // (c) 1999, written by Dipl. Ing. Mike Lischke ([email protected]) // All rights reserved. This unit is freeware and may be used in any software // product (free or commercial) under the condition that I'm given proper credit // (Titel, Name and eMail address in the documentation or the About box of the // product this source code is used in). // Portions copyright by Borland. The implementation of the speed button has been // taken from Delphi sources. // // 22-JUN-99 ml: a few improvements for the overall layout (mainly indicator rectangle // does now draw in four different styles and considers the layout // property of the button (changed to version 1.2, BCB compliance is // now proved by Josue Andrade Gomes) // 18-JUN-99 ml: message redirection bug removed (caused an AV under some circumstances) // and accelerator key handling bug removed (wrong flag for EndSelection) // (changed to version 1.1) // 16-JUN-99 ml: initial release interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, Graphics, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, CommCtrl; const // constants used in OnHint and internally to indicate a specific cell DefaultCell = -3; CustomCell = -2; NoCell = -1; type TButtonLayout = (blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight, blGlyphTop, blGlyphBottom); TButtonState = (bsUp, bsDisabled, bsDown, bsExclusive); TButtonStyle = (bsAutoDetect, bsWin31, bsNew); TNumGlyphs = 1 .. 4; TIndicatorBorder = (ibNone, ibFlat, ibSunken, ibRaised); THintEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Cell: Integer; var Hint: String) of object; TDropChangingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Allowed: Boolean) of object; TColorPickerButton = class(TGraphicControl) private FGroupIndex: Integer; FGlyph: Pointer; FDown: Boolean; FDragging: Boolean; FAllowAllUp: Boolean; FLayout: TButtonLayout; FSpacing: Integer; FMargin: Integer; FFlat: Boolean; FMouseInControl: Boolean; FTransparent: Boolean; FIndicatorBorder: TIndicatorBorder; FDropDownArrowColor: TColor; FDropDownWidth: Integer; FDropDownZone: Boolean; FDroppedDown: Boolean; FSelectionColor: TColor; FState: TButtonState; FColorPopup: TWinControl; FPopupWnd: HWND; FOnChange, FOnDefaultSelect, FOnDropChanged: TNotifyEvent; FOnDropChanging: TDropChangingEvent; FOnHint: THintEvent; procedure GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure UpdateExclusive; function GetGlyph: TBitmap; procedure SetDropDownArrowColor(Value: TColor); procedure SetDropDownWidth(Value: Integer); procedure SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap); function GetNumGlyphs: TNumGlyphs; procedure SetNumGlyphs(Value: TNumGlyphs); procedure SetDown(Value: Boolean); procedure SetFlat(Value: Boolean); procedure SetAllowAllUp(Value: Boolean); procedure SetGroupIndex(Value: Integer); procedure SetLayout(Value: TButtonLayout); procedure SetSpacing(Value: Integer); procedure SetMargin(Value: Integer); procedure UpdateTracking; procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED; procedure CMButtonPressed(var Message: TMessage); message CM_BUTTONPRESSED; procedure CMDialogChar(var Message: TCMDialogChar); message CM_DIALOGCHAR; procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED; procedure CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_TEXTCHANGED; procedure CMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SYSCOLORCHANGE; procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER; procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE; procedure WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK; procedure DrawButtonSeperatorUp(Canvas: TCanvas); procedure DrawButtonSeperatorDown(Canvas: TCanvas); procedure DrawTriangle(Canvas: TCanvas; Top, Left, Width: Integer); procedure SetDroppedDown(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetSelectionColor(const Value: TColor); procedure PopupWndProc(var Msg: TMessage); function GetCustomText: String; procedure SetCustomText(const Value: String); function GetDefaultText: String; procedure SetDefaultText(const Value: String); procedure SetShowSystemColors(const Value: Boolean); function GetShowSystemColors: Boolean; procedure SetTransparent(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetIndicatorBorder(const Value: TIndicatorBorder); function GetPopupSpacing: Integer; procedure SetPopupSpacing(const Value: Integer); protected procedure DoDefaultEvent; virtual; procedure ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); override; function GetPalette: HPALETTE; override; procedure Loaded; override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure Paint; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Click; override; property DroppedDown: Boolean read FDroppedDown write SetDroppedDown; published property Action; property AllowAllUp: Boolean read FAllowAllUp write SetAllowAllUp default False; property Anchors; property BiDiMode; property Caption; property Constraints; property CustomText: String read GetCustomText write SetCustomText; property DefaultText: String read GetDefaultText write SetDefaultText; property Down: Boolean read FDown write SetDown default False; property DropDownArrowColor: TColor read FDropDownArrowColor write SetDropDownArrowColor default clBlack; property DropDownWidth: Integer read FDropDownWidth write SetDropDownWidth default 15; property Enabled; property Flat: Boolean read FFlat write SetFlat default False; property Font; property Glyph: TBitmap read GetGlyph write SetGlyph; property GroupIndex: Integer read FGroupIndex write SetGroupIndex default 0; property IndicatorBorder: TIndicatorBorder read FIndicatorBorder write SetIndicatorBorder default ibFlat; property Layout: TButtonLayout read FLayout write SetLayout default blGlyphLeft; property Margin: Integer read FMargin write SetMargin default -1; property NumGlyphs: TNumGlyphs read GetNumGlyphs write SetNumGlyphs default 1; property ParentBiDiMode; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupSpacing: Integer read GetPopupSpacing write SetPopupSpacing; property SelectionColor: TColor read FSelectionColor write SetSelectionColor default clBlack; property ShowHint; property ShowSystemColors: Boolean read GetShowSystemColors write SetShowSystemColors; property Spacing: Integer read FSpacing write SetSpacing default 4; property Transparent: Boolean read FTransparent write SetTransparent default True; property Visible; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnDefaultSelect: TNotifyEvent read FOnDefaultSelect write FOnDefaultSelect; property OnDropChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnDropChanged write FOnDropChanged; property OnDropChanging: TDropChangingEvent read FOnDropChanging write FOnDropChanging; property OnHint: THintEvent read FOnHint write FOnHint; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; end; procedure Register; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- implementation uses ActnList, ImgList; const DRAW_BUTTON_UP = 8208; DRAW_BUTTON_DOWN = 8720; type TColorEntry = record Name: PChar; case Boolean of True: (R, G, B, reserved: Byte); False: (Color: COLORREF); end; const DefaultColorCount = 40; // these colors are the same as used in Office 97/2000 DefaultColors: array [0 .. DefaultColorCount - 1] of TColorEntry = ((Name: 'Black'; Color: $000000), (Name: 'Brown'; Color: $003399), (Name: 'Olive Green'; Color: $003333), (Name: 'Dark Green'; Color: $003300), (Name: 'Dark Teal'; Color: $663300), (Name: 'Dark blue'; Color: $800000), (Name: 'Indigo'; Color: $993333), (Name: 'Gray-80%'; Color: $333333), (Name: 'Dark Red'; Color: $000080), (Name: 'Orange'; Color: $0066FF), (Name: 'Dark Yellow'; Color: $008080), (Name: 'Green'; Color: $008000), (Name: 'Teal'; Color: $808000), (Name: 'Blue'; Color: $FF0000), (Name: 'Blue-Gray'; Color: $996666), (Name: 'Gray-50%'; Color: $808080), (Name: 'Red'; Color: $0000FF), (Name: 'Light Orange'; Color: $0099FF), (Name: 'Lime'; Color: $00CC99), (Name: 'Sea Green'; Color: $669933), (Name: 'Aqua'; Color: $CCCC33), (Name: 'Light Blue'; Color: $FF6633), (Name: 'Violet'; Color: $800080), (Name: 'Grey-40%'; Color: $969696), (Name: 'Pink'; Color: $FF00FF), (Name: 'Gold'; Color: $00CCFF), (Name: 'Yellow'; Color: $00FFFF), (Name: 'Bright Green'; Color: $00FF00), (Name: 'Turquoise'; Color: $FFFF00), (Name: 'Sky Blue'; Color: $FFCC00), (Name: 'Plum'; Color: $663399), (Name: 'Gray-25%'; Color: $C0C0C0), (Name: 'Rose'; Color: $CC99FF), (Name: 'Tan'; Color: $99CCFF), (Name: 'Light Yellow'; Color: $99FFFF), (Name: 'Light Green'; Color: $CCFFCC), (Name: 'Light Turquoise'; Color: $FFFFCC), (Name: 'Pale Blue'; Color: $FFCC99), (Name: 'Lavender'; Color: $FF99CC), (Name: 'White'; Color: $FFFFFF)); SysColorCount = 25; SysColors: array [0 .. SysColorCount - 1] of TColorEntry = ((Name: 'system color: scroll bar'; Color: COLORREF(clScrollBar)), (Name: 'system color: background'; Color: COLORREF(clBackground)), (Name: 'system color: active caption'; Color: COLORREF(clActiveCaption)), (Name: 'system color: inactive caption'; Color: COLORREF(clInactiveCaption) ), (Name: 'system color: menu'; Color: COLORREF(clMenu)), (Name: 'system color: window'; Color: COLORREF(clWindow)), (Name: 'system color: window frame'; Color: COLORREF(clWindowFrame)), (Name: 'system color: menu text'; Color: COLORREF(clMenuText)), (Name: 'system color: window text'; Color: COLORREF(clWindowText)), (Name: 'system color: caption text'; Color: COLORREF(clCaptionText)), (Name: 'system color: active border'; Color: COLORREF(clActiveBorder)), (Name: 'system color: inactive border'; Color: COLORREF(clInactiveBorder)), (Name: 'system color: application workspace'; Color: COLORREF(clAppWorkSpace)), (Name: 'system color: highlight'; Color: COLORREF(clHighlight)), (Name: 'system color: highlight text'; Color: COLORREF(clHighlightText)), (Name: 'system color: button face'; Color: COLORREF(clBtnFace)), (Name: 'system color: button shadow'; Color: COLORREF(clBtnShadow)), (Name: 'system color: gray text'; Color: COLORREF(clGrayText)), (Name: 'system color: button text'; Color: COLORREF(clBtnText)), (Name: 'system color: inactive caption text'; Color: COLORREF(clInactiveCaptionText)), (Name: 'system color: button highlight'; Color: COLORREF(clBtnHighlight)), (Name: 'system color: 3D dark shadow'; Color: COLORREF(cl3DDkShadow)), (Name: 'system color: 3D light'; Color: COLORREF(cl3DLight)), (Name: 'system color: info text'; Color: COLORREF(clInfoText)), (Name: 'system color: info background'; Color: COLORREF(clInfoBk))); type TGlyphList = class(TImageList) private FUsed: TBits; FCount: Integer; function AllocateIndex: Integer; public constructor CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; function AddMasked(Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor): Integer; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); property Count: Integer read FCount; end; TGlyphCache = class private FGlyphLists: TList; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function GetList(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TGlyphList; procedure ReturnList(List: TGlyphList); function Empty: Boolean; end; TButtonGlyph = class private FOriginal: TBitmap; FGlyphList: TGlyphList; FIndexes: array [TButtonState] of Integer; FTransparentColor: TColor; FNumGlyphs: TNumGlyphs; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; procedure GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap); procedure SetNumGlyphs(Value: TNumGlyphs); procedure Invalidate; function CreateButtonGlyph(State: TButtonState): Integer; procedure DrawButtonGlyph(Canvas: TCanvas; const GlyphPos: TPoint; State: TButtonState; Transparent: Boolean); procedure DrawButtonText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Caption: string; TextBounds: TRect; State: TButtonState; BiDiFlags: Longint); procedure CalcButtonLayout(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TButtonLayout; Margin, Spacing: Integer; var GlyphPos: TPoint; var TextBounds: TRect; const DropDownWidth: Integer; BiDiFlags: Longint); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TButtonLayout; Margin, Spacing: Integer; State: TButtonState; Transparent: Boolean; const DropDownWidth: Integer; BiDiFlags: Longint): TRect; property Glyph: TBitmap read FOriginal write SetGlyph; property NumGlyphs: TNumGlyphs read FNumGlyphs write SetNumGlyphs; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; end; TCombEntry = record Position: TPoint; Color: COLORREF; end; TCombArray = array of TCombEntry; TFloatPoint = record X, Y: Extended; end; TRGB = record Red, Green, Blue: Single; end; TSelectionMode = (smNone, smColor, smBW, smRamp); TColorPopup = class(TWinControl) private FDefaultText, FCustomText: String; FCurrentColor: TColor; FCanvas: TCanvas; FMargin, FSpacing, FColumnCount, FRowCount, FSysRowCount, FBoxSize: Integer; FSelectedIndex, FHoverIndex: Integer; FWindowRect, FCustomTextRect, FDefaultTextRect, FColorCombRect, FBWCombRect, FSliderRect, FCustomColorRect: TRect; FShowSysColors: Boolean; // custom color picking FCombSize, FLevels: Integer; FBWCombs, FColorCombs: TCombArray; FCombCorners: array [0 .. 5] of TFloatPoint; FCenterColor: TRGB; FCenterIntensity: Single; // scale factor for the center color FCustomIndex, // If FSelectedIndex contains CustomCell then this index shows // which index in the custom area has been selected. // Positive values indicate the color comb and negativ values // indicate the B&W combs (complement). This value is offset with // 1 to use index 0 to show no selection. FRadius: Integer; FSelectionMode: TSelectionMode; // indicates where the user has clicked // with the mouse to restrict draw selection procedure SelectColor(Color: TColor); procedure ChangeHoverSelection(Index: Integer); procedure DrawCell(Index: Integer); procedure InvalidateCell(Index: Integer); procedure EndSelection(Cancel: Boolean); function GetCellRect(Index: Integer; var Rect: TRect): Boolean; function GetColumn(Index: Integer): Integer; function GetIndex(Row, Col: Integer): Integer; function GetRow(Index: Integer): Integer; procedure Initialise; procedure AdjustWindow; procedure SetSpacing(Value: Integer); procedure SetSelectedColor(const Value: TColor); procedure CMHintShow(var Message: TMessage); message CM_HINTSHOW; procedure CNKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); message CN_KEYDOWN; procedure CNSysKeyDown(var Message: TWMChar); message CN_SYSKEYDOWN; procedure WMActivateApp(var Message: TWMActivateApp); message WM_ACTIVATEAPP; procedure WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message WM_LBUTTONDOWN; procedure WMKillFocus(var Message: TWMKillFocus); message WM_KILLFOCUS; procedure WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp); message WM_LBUTTONUP; procedure WMMouseMove(var Message: TWMMouseMove); message WM_MOUSEMOVE; procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT; function SelectionFromPoint(P: TPoint): Integer; procedure DrawCombControls; procedure DrawComb(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y, Size: Integer); function HandleBWArea(const Message: TWMMouse): Boolean; function HandleColorComb(const Message: TWMMouse): Boolean; function HandleSlider(const Message: TWMMouse): Boolean; function PtInComb(Comb: TCombEntry; P: TPoint; Scale: Integer): Boolean; procedure HandleCustomColors(var Message: TWMMouse); function GetHint(Cell: Integer): String; function FindBWArea(X, Y: Integer): Integer; function FindColorArea(X, Y: Integer): Integer; procedure DrawSeparator(Left, Top, Right: Integer); procedure ChangeSelection(NewSelection: Integer); protected procedure CalculateCombLayout; procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure CreateWnd; override; procedure ShowPopupAligned; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property SelectedColor: TColor read FCurrentColor write SetSelectedColor; property Spacing: Integer read FSpacing write SetSpacing; end; const DefCenterColor: TRGB = (Red: 1; Green: 1; Blue: 1); // White DefColors: array [0 .. 5] of TRGB = ((Red: 1; Green: 0; Blue: 1), // Magenta (Red: 1; Green: 0; Blue: 0), // Red (Red: 1; Green: 1; Blue: 0), // Yellow (Red: 0; Green: 1; Blue: 0), // Green (Red: 0; Green: 1; Blue: 1), // Cyan (Red: 0; Green: 0; Blue: 1) // Blue ); DefCenter: TFloatPoint = (X: 0; Y: 0); var GlyphCache: TGlyphCache; ButtonCount: Integer; // ----------------- TGlyphList ------------------------------------------------ constructor TGlyphList.CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer); begin inherited CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight); FUsed := TBits.Create; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TGlyphList.Destroy; begin FUsed.Free; inherited Destroy; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TGlyphList.AllocateIndex: Integer; begin Result := FUsed.OpenBit; if Result >= FUsed.Size then begin Result := inherited Add(nil, nil); FUsed.Size := Result + 1; end; FUsed[Result] := True; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TGlyphList.AddMasked(Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor): Integer; begin Result := AllocateIndex; ReplaceMasked(Result, Image, MaskColor); Inc(FCount); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TGlyphList.Delete(Index: Integer); begin if FUsed[Index] then begin Dec(FCount); FUsed[Index] := False; end; end; // ----------------- TGlyphCache ----------------------------------------------- constructor TGlyphCache.Create; begin inherited Create; FGlyphLists := TList.Create; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TGlyphCache.Destroy; begin FGlyphLists.Free; inherited Destroy; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TGlyphCache.GetList(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TGlyphList; var I: Integer; begin for I := FGlyphLists.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin Result := FGlyphLists[I]; with Result do if (AWidth = Width) and (AHeight = Height) then Exit; end; Result := TGlyphList.CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight); FGlyphLists.Add(Result); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TGlyphCache.ReturnList(List: TGlyphList); begin if List = nil then Exit; if List.Count = 0 then begin FGlyphLists.Remove(List); List.Free; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TGlyphCache.Empty: Boolean; begin Result := FGlyphLists.Count = 0; end; // ----------------- TButtonGlyph ---------------------------------------------- constructor TButtonGlyph.Create; var I: TButtonState; begin inherited Create; FOriginal := TBitmap.Create; FOriginal.OnChange := GlyphChanged; FTransparentColor := clOlive; FNumGlyphs := 1; for I := Low(I) to High(I) do FIndexes[I] := -1; if GlyphCache = nil then GlyphCache := TGlyphCache.Create; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TButtonGlyph.Destroy; begin FOriginal.Free; Invalidate; if Assigned(GlyphCache) and GlyphCache.Empty then begin GlyphCache.Free; GlyphCache := nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TButtonGlyph.Invalidate; var I: TButtonState; begin for I := Low(I) to High(I) do begin if FIndexes[I] <> -1 then FGlyphList.Delete(FIndexes[I]); FIndexes[I] := -1; end; GlyphCache.ReturnList(FGlyphList); FGlyphList := nil; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TButtonGlyph.GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender = FOriginal then begin FTransparentColor := FOriginal.TransparentColor; Invalidate; if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TButtonGlyph.SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap); var Glyphs: Integer; begin Invalidate; FOriginal.Assign(Value); if (Value <> nil) and (Value.Height > 0) then begin FTransparentColor := Value.TransparentColor; if Value.Width mod Value.Height = 0 then begin Glyphs := Value.Width div Value.Height; if Glyphs > 4 then Glyphs := 1; SetNumGlyphs(Glyphs); end; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TButtonGlyph.SetNumGlyphs(Value: TNumGlyphs); begin if (Value <> FNumGlyphs) and (Value > 0) then begin Invalidate; FNumGlyphs := Value; GlyphChanged(Glyph); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TButtonGlyph.CreateButtonGlyph(State: TButtonState): Integer; const ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746; var TmpImage, DDB, MonoBmp: TBitmap; IWidth, IHeight: Integer; IRect, ORect: TRect; I: TButtonState; DestDC: HDC; begin if (State = bsDown) and (NumGlyphs < 3) then State := bsUp; Result := FIndexes[State]; if Result <> -1 then Exit; if (FOriginal.Width or FOriginal.Height) = 0 then Exit; IWidth := FOriginal.Width div FNumGlyphs; IHeight := FOriginal.Height; if FGlyphList = nil then begin if GlyphCache = nil then GlyphCache := TGlyphCache.Create; FGlyphList := GlyphCache.GetList(IWidth, IHeight); end; TmpImage := TBitmap.Create; try TmpImage.Width := IWidth; TmpImage.Height := IHeight; IRect := Rect(0, 0, IWidth, IHeight); TmpImage.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; TmpImage.Palette := CopyPalette(FOriginal.Palette); I := State; if Ord(I) >= NumGlyphs then I := bsUp; ORect := Rect(Ord(I) * IWidth, 0, (Ord(I) + 1) * IWidth, IHeight); case State of bsUp, bsDown, bsExclusive: begin TmpImage.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, FOriginal.Canvas, ORect); if FOriginal.TransparentMode = tmFixed then FIndexes[State] := FGlyphList.AddMasked(TmpImage, FTransparentColor) else FIndexes[State] := FGlyphList.AddMasked(TmpImage, clDefault); end; bsDisabled: begin MonoBmp := nil; DDB := nil; try MonoBmp := TBitmap.Create; DDB := TBitmap.Create; DDB.Assign(FOriginal); DDB.HandleType := bmDDB; if NumGlyphs > 1 then with TmpImage.Canvas do begin // Change white & gray to clBtnHighlight and clBtnShadow CopyRect(IRect, DDB.Canvas, ORect); MonoBmp.Monochrome := True; MonoBmp.Width := IWidth; MonoBmp.Height := IHeight; // Convert white to clBtnHighlight DDB.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; MonoBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, DDB.Canvas, ORect); Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight; DestDC := Handle; SetTextColor(DestDC, clBlack); SetBkColor(DestDC, clWhite); BitBlt(DestDC, 0, 0, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); // Convert gray to clBtnShadow DDB.Canvas.Brush.Color := clGray; MonoBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, DDB.Canvas, ORect); Brush.Color := clBtnShadow; DestDC := Handle; SetTextColor(DestDC, clBlack); SetBkColor(DestDC, clWhite); BitBlt(DestDC, 0, 0, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); // Convert transparent color to clBtnFace DDB.Canvas.Brush.Color := ColorToRGB(FTransparentColor); MonoBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, DDB.Canvas, ORect); Brush.Color := clBtnFace; DestDC := Handle; SetTextColor(DestDC, clBlack); SetBkColor(DestDC, clWhite); BitBlt(DestDC, 0, 0, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); end else begin // Create a disabled version with MonoBmp do begin Assign(FOriginal); HandleType := bmDDB; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; Width := IWidth; if Monochrome then begin Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite; Monochrome := False; Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; end; Monochrome := True; end; with TmpImage.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clBtnFace; FillRect(IRect); Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight; SetTextColor(Handle, clBlack); SetBkColor(Handle, clWhite); BitBlt(Handle, 1, 1, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); Brush.Color := clBtnShadow; SetTextColor(Handle, clBlack); SetBkColor(Handle, clWhite); BitBlt(Handle, 0, 0, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); end; end; finally DDB.Free; MonoBmp.Free; end; FIndexes[State] := FGlyphList.AddMasked(TmpImage, clDefault); end; end; finally TmpImage.Free; end; Result := FIndexes[State]; FOriginal.Dormant; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TButtonGlyph.DrawButtonGlyph(Canvas: TCanvas; const GlyphPos: TPoint; State: TButtonState; Transparent: Boolean); var Index: Integer; begin if Assigned(FOriginal) then begin if (FOriginal.Width = 0) or (FOriginal.Height = 0) then Exit; Index := CreateButtonGlyph(State); with GlyphPos do if Transparent or (State = bsExclusive) then ImageList_DrawEx(FGlyphList.Handle, Index, Canvas.Handle, X, Y, 0, 0, clNone, clNone, ILD_Transparent) else ImageList_DrawEx(FGlyphList.Handle, Index, Canvas.Handle, X, Y, 0, 0, ColorToRGB(clBtnFace), clNone, ILD_Normal); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TButtonGlyph.DrawButtonText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Caption: string; TextBounds: TRect; State: TButtonState; BiDiFlags: Longint); begin with Canvas do begin Brush.Style := bsClear; if State = bsDisabled then begin OffsetRect(TextBounds, 1, 1); Font.Color := clBtnHighlight; DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or BiDiFlags); OffsetRect(TextBounds, -1, -1); Font.Color := clBtnShadow; DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or BiDiFlags); end else DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or BiDiFlags); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TButtonGlyph.CalcButtonLayout(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TButtonLayout; Margin, Spacing: Integer; var GlyphPos: TPoint; var TextBounds: TRect; const DropDownWidth: Integer; BiDiFlags: Longint); var TextPos: TPoint; ClientSize, GlyphSize, TextSize: TPoint; TotalSize: TPoint; begin if (BiDiFlags and DT_RIGHT) = DT_RIGHT then if Layout = blGlyphLeft then Layout := blGlyphRight else if Layout = blGlyphRight then Layout := blGlyphLeft; // calculate the item sizes ClientSize := Point(Client.Right - Client.Left - DropDownWidth, Client.Bottom - Client.Top); if FOriginal <> nil then GlyphSize := Point(FOriginal.Width div FNumGlyphs, FOriginal.Height) else GlyphSize := Point(0, 0); if Length(Caption) > 0 then begin TextBounds := Rect(0, 0, Client.Right - Client.Left, 0); DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CALCRECT or BiDiFlags); TextSize := Point(TextBounds.Right - TextBounds.Left, TextBounds.Bottom - TextBounds.Top); end else begin TextBounds := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); TextSize := Point(0, 0); end; // If the layout has the glyph on the right or the left, then both the // text and the glyph are centered vertically. If the glyph is on the top // or the bottom, then both the text and the glyph are centered horizontally. if Layout in [blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight] then begin GlyphPos.Y := (ClientSize.Y - GlyphSize.Y + 1) div 2; TextPos.Y := (ClientSize.Y - TextSize.Y + 1) div 2; end else begin GlyphPos.X := (ClientSize.X - GlyphSize.X + 1) div 2; TextPos.X := (ClientSize.X - TextSize.X + 1) div 2; end; // if there is no text or no bitmap, then Spacing is irrelevant if (TextSize.X = 0) or (GlyphSize.X = 0) then Spacing := 0; // adjust Margin and Spacing if Margin = -1 then begin if Spacing = -1 then begin TotalSize := Point(GlyphSize.X + TextSize.X, GlyphSize.Y + TextSize.Y); if Layout in [blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight] then Margin := (ClientSize.X - TotalSize.X) div 3 else Margin := (ClientSize.Y - TotalSize.Y) div 3; Spacing := Margin; end else begin TotalSize := Point(GlyphSize.X + Spacing + TextSize.X, GlyphSize.Y + Spacing + TextSize.Y); if Layout in [blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight] then Margin := (ClientSize.X - TotalSize.X + 1) div 2 else Margin := (ClientSize.Y - TotalSize.Y + 1) div 2; end; end else begin if Spacing = -1 then begin TotalSize := Point(ClientSize.X - (Margin + GlyphSize.X), ClientSize.Y - (Margin + GlyphSize.Y)); if Layout in [blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight] then Spacing := (TotalSize.X - TextSize.X) div 2 else Spacing := (TotalSize.Y - TextSize.Y) div 2; end; end; case Layout of blGlyphLeft: begin GlyphPos.X := Margin; TextPos.X := GlyphPos.X + GlyphSize.X + Spacing; end; blGlyphRight: begin GlyphPos.X := ClientSize.X - Margin - GlyphSize.X; TextPos.X := GlyphPos.X - Spacing - TextSize.X; end; blGlyphTop: begin GlyphPos.Y := Margin; TextPos.Y := GlyphPos.Y + GlyphSize.Y + Spacing; end; blGlyphBottom: begin GlyphPos.Y := ClientSize.Y - Margin - GlyphSize.Y; TextPos.Y := GlyphPos.Y - Spacing - TextSize.Y; end; end; // fixup the result variables with GlyphPos do begin // Inc(X, Client.Left + Offset.X); // Inc(Y, Client.Top + Offset.Y); end; //OffsetRect(TextBounds, TextPos.X + Client.Left + Offset.X, // TextPos.Y + Client.Top + Offset.X); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TButtonGlyph.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TButtonLayout; Margin, Spacing: Integer; State: TButtonState; Transparent: Boolean; const DropDownWidth: Integer; BiDiFlags: Longint): TRect; var GlyphPos: TPoint; R: TRect; begin CalcButtonLayout(Canvas, Client, Offset, Caption, Layout, Margin, Spacing, GlyphPos, R, DropDownWidth, BiDiFlags); DrawButtonGlyph(Canvas, GlyphPos, State, Transparent); DrawButtonText(Canvas, Caption, R, State, BiDiFlags); // return a rectangle wherein the color indicator can be drawn if Caption = '' then begin Result := Client; Dec(Result.Right, DropDownWidth + 2); InflateRect(Result, -2, -2); // consider glyph if no text is to be painted (else it is already taken into account) if Assigned(FOriginal) and (FOriginal.Width > 0) and (FOriginal.Height > 0) then case Layout of blGlyphLeft: begin Result.Left := GlyphPos.X + FOriginal.Width + 4; Result.Top := GlyphPos.Y; Result.Bottom := GlyphPos.Y + FOriginal.Height; end; blGlyphRight: begin Result.Right := GlyphPos.X - 4; Result.Top := GlyphPos.Y; Result.Bottom := GlyphPos.Y + FOriginal.Height; end; blGlyphTop: Result.Top := GlyphPos.Y + FOriginal.Height + 4; blGlyphBottom: Result.Bottom := GlyphPos.Y - 4; end; end else begin // consider caption Result := Rect(R.Left, R.Bottom, R.Right, R.Bottom + 6); if (Result.Bottom + 2) > Client.Bottom then Result.Bottom := Client.Bottom - 2; end; end; // ----------------- TColorPopup ------------------------------------------------ constructor TColorPopup.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csAcceptsControls] + [csOpaque]; FCanvas := TCanvas.Create; Color := clBtnFace; ShowHint := True; Initialise; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.Initialise; var I: Integer; begin FBoxSize := 18; FMargin := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); FSpacing := 8; FHoverIndex := NoCell; FSelectedIndex := NoCell; // init comb caclulation for I := 0 to 5 do begin FCombCorners[I].X := 0.5 * cos(Pi * (90 - I * 60) / 180); FCombCorners[I].Y := 0.5 * sin(Pi * (90 - I * 60) / 180); end; FRadius := 66; FLevels := 7; FCombSize := Trunc(FRadius / (FLevels - 1)); FCenterColor := DefCenterColor; FCenterIntensity := 1; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ destructor TColorPopup.Destroy; begin FBWCombs := nil; FColorCombs := nil; FCanvas.Free; inherited; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.CNSysKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); // handles accelerator keys begin with Message do begin if (Length(FDefaultText) > 0) and IsAccel(CharCode, FDefaultText) then begin ChangeSelection(DefaultCell); EndSelection(False); Result := 1; end else if (FSelectedIndex <> CustomCell) and (Length(FCustomText) > 0) and IsAccel(CharCode, FCustomText) then begin ChangeSelection(CustomCell); Result := 1; end else inherited; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.CNKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); // if an arrow key is pressed, then move the selection var Row, MaxRow, Column: Integer; begin inherited; if FHoverIndex <> NoCell then begin Row := GetRow(FHoverIndex); Column := GetColumn(FHoverIndex); end else begin Row := GetRow(FSelectedIndex); Column := GetColumn(FSelectedIndex); end; if FShowSysColors then MaxRow := DefaultColorCount + SysColorCount - 1 else MaxRow := DefaultColorCount - 1; case Message.CharCode of VK_DOWN: begin if Row = DefaultCell then begin Row := 0; Column := 0; end else if Row = CustomCell then begin if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then begin Row := DefaultCell; Column := Row; end else begin Row := 0; Column := 0; end; end else begin Inc(Row); if GetIndex(Row, Column) < 0 then begin if Length(FCustomText) > 0 then begin Row := CustomCell; Column := Row; end else begin if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then begin Row := DefaultCell; Column := Row; end else begin Row := 0; Column := 0; end; end; end; end; ChangeHoverSelection(GetIndex(Row, Column)); Message.Result := 1; end; VK_UP: begin if Row = DefaultCell then begin if Length(FCustomText) > 0 then begin Row := CustomCell; Column := Row; end else begin Row := GetRow(MaxRow); Column := GetColumn(MaxRow); end end else if Row = CustomCell then begin Row := GetRow(MaxRow); Column := GetColumn(MaxRow); end else if Row > 0 then Dec(Row) else begin if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then begin Row := DefaultCell; Column := Row; end else if Length(FCustomText) > 0 then begin Row := CustomCell; Column := Row; end else begin Row := GetRow(MaxRow); Column := GetColumn(MaxRow); end; end; ChangeHoverSelection(GetIndex(Row, Column)); Message.Result := 1; end; VK_RIGHT: begin if Row = DefaultCell then begin Row := 0; Column := 0; end else if Row = CustomCell then begin if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then begin Row := DefaultCell; Column := Row; end else begin Row := 0; Column := 0; end; end else if Column < FColumnCount - 1 then Inc(Column) else begin Column := 0; Inc(Row); end; if GetIndex(Row, Column) = NoCell then begin if Length(FCustomText) > 0 then begin Row := CustomCell; Column := Row; end else if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then begin Row := DefaultCell; Column := Row; end else begin Row := 0; Column := 0; end; end; ChangeHoverSelection(GetIndex(Row, Column)); Message.Result := 1; end; VK_LEFT: begin if Row = DefaultCell then begin if Length(FCustomText) > 0 then begin Row := CustomCell; Column := Row; end else begin Row := GetRow(MaxRow); Column := GetColumn(MaxRow); end; end else if Row = CustomCell then begin Row := GetRow(MaxRow); Column := GetColumn(MaxRow); end else if Column > 0 then Dec(Column) else begin if Row > 0 then begin Dec(Row); Column := FColumnCount - 1; end else begin if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then begin Row := DefaultCell; Column := Row; end else if Length(FCustomText) > 0 then begin Row := CustomCell; Column := Row; end else begin Row := GetRow(MaxRow); Column := GetColumn(MaxRow); end; end; end; ChangeHoverSelection(GetIndex(Row, Column)); Message.Result := 1; end; VK_ESCAPE: begin EndSelection(True); Message.Result := 1; end; VK_RETURN, VK_SPACE: begin // this case can only occur if there was no click on the window // hence the hover index is the new color FSelectedIndex := FHoverIndex; EndSelection(False); Message.Result := 1; end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.DrawSeparator(Left, Top, Right: Integer); var R: TRect; begin R := Rect(Left, Top, Right, Top); DrawEdge(FCanvas.Handle, R, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_TOP); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.DrawCell(Index: Integer); var R, MarkRect: TRect; CellColor: TColor; begin // for the custom text area if (Length(FCustomText) > 0) and (Index = CustomCell) then begin // the extent of the actual text button R := FCustomTextRect; // fill background FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; FCanvas.FillRect(R); with FCustomTextRect do DrawSeparator(Left, Top - 2 * FMargin, Right); InflateRect(R, -1, 0); // fill background if (FSelectedIndex = Index) and (FHoverIndex <> Index) then FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight else FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; FCanvas.FillRect(R); // draw button if (FSelectedIndex = Index) or ((FHoverIndex = Index) and (csLButtonDown in ControlState)) then DrawEdge(FCanvas.Handle, R, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT) else if FHoverIndex = Index then DrawEdge(FCanvas.Handle, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT); // draw custom text DrawText(FCanvas.Handle, PChar(FCustomText), Length(FCustomText), R, DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or DT_SINGLELINE); // draw preview color rectangle if FCustomIndex = 0 then begin FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnShadow; FCanvas.FrameRect(FCustomColorRect); end else begin FCanvas.Pen.Color := clGray; if FCustomIndex > 0 then FCanvas.Brush.Color := FColorCombs[FCustomIndex - 1].Color else FCanvas.Brush.Color := FBWCombs[-(FCustomIndex + 1)].Color; with FCustomColorRect do FCanvas.Rectangle(Left, Top, Right, Bottom); end; end else // for the default text area if (Length(FDefaultText) > 0) and (Index = DefaultCell) then begin R := FDefaultTextRect; // Fill background FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; FCanvas.FillRect(R); InflateRect(R, -1, -1); // fill background if (FSelectedIndex = Index) and (FHoverIndex <> Index) then FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight else FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; FCanvas.FillRect(R); // draw button if (FSelectedIndex = Index) or ((FHoverIndex = Index) and (csLButtonDown in ControlState)) then DrawEdge(FCanvas.Handle, R, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT) else if FHoverIndex = Index then DrawEdge(FCanvas.Handle, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT); // draw small rectangle with MarkRect do begin MarkRect := R; InflateRect(MarkRect, -FMargin - 1, -FMargin - 1); FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnShadow; FCanvas.FrameRect(MarkRect); end; // draw default text SetBkMode(FCanvas.Handle, Transparent); DrawText(FCanvas.Handle, PChar(FDefaultText), Length(FDefaultText), R, DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or DT_SINGLELINE); end else begin if GetCellRect(Index, R) then begin if Index < DefaultColorCount then CellColor := TColor(DefaultColors[Index].Color) else CellColor := TColor(SysColors[Index - DefaultColorCount].Color); FCanvas.Pen.Color := clGray; // fill background if (FSelectedIndex = Index) and (FHoverIndex <> Index) then FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight else FCanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; FCanvas.FillRect(R); // draw button if (FSelectedIndex = Index) or ((FHoverIndex = Index) and (csLButtonDown in ControlState)) then DrawEdge(FCanvas.Handle, R, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT) else if FHoverIndex = Index then DrawEdge(FCanvas.Handle, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT); FCanvas.Brush.Color := CellColor; // draw the cell colour InflateRect(R, -(FMargin + 1), -(FMargin + 1)); FCanvas.Rectangle(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom); end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.DrawComb(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; Size: Integer); // draws one single comb at position X, Y and with size Size // fill color must already be set on call var I: Integer; P: array [0 .. 5] of TPoint; begin for I := 0 to 5 do begin P[I].X := Round(FCombCorners[I].X * Size + X); P[I].Y := Round(FCombCorners[I].Y * Size + Y); end; Canvas.Polygon(P); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.DrawCombControls; var I, Index: Integer; XOffs, YOffs, Count: Integer; dColor: Single; OffScreen: TBitmap; {$IFDEF DEBUG} R: TRect; {$ENDIF} begin // to make the painting (and selecting) flicker free we use an offscreen // bitmap here OffScreen := TBitmap.Create; try OffScreen.Width := Width; OffScreen.Height := FColorCombRect.Bottom - FColorCombRect.Top + FBWCombRect.Bottom - FBWCombRect.Top + 2 * FMargin; with OffScreen.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clBtnFace; FillRect(ClipRect); Pen.Style := psClear; // draw color comb from FColorCombs array XOffs := FRadius + FColorCombRect.Left; YOffs := FRadius; // draw the combs for I := 0 to High(FColorCombs) do begin Brush.Color := FColorCombs[I].Color; DrawComb(OffScreen.Canvas, FColorCombs[I].Position.X + XOffs, FColorCombs[I].Position.Y + YOffs, FCombSize); end; // mark selected comb if FCustomIndex > 0 then begin Index := FCustomIndex - 1; Pen.Style := psSolid; Pen.Mode := pmXOR; Pen.Color := clWhite; Pen.Width := 2; Brush.Style := bsClear; DrawComb(OffScreen.Canvas, FColorCombs[Index].Position.X + XOffs, FColorCombs[Index].Position.Y + YOffs, FCombSize); Pen.Style := psClear; Pen.Mode := pmCopy; Pen.Width := 1; end; // draw white-to-black combs XOffs := FColorCombRect.Left; YOffs := FColorCombRect.Bottom - FColorCombRect.Top - 4; // brush is automatically reset to bsSolid for I := 0 to High(FBWCombs) do begin Brush.Color := FBWCombs[I].Color; if I in [0, High(FBWCombs)] then DrawComb(OffScreen.Canvas, FBWCombs[I].Position.X + XOffs, FBWCombs[I].Position.Y + YOffs, 2 * FCombSize) else DrawComb(OffScreen.Canvas, FBWCombs[I].Position.X + XOffs, FBWCombs[I].Position.Y + YOffs, FCombSize); end; // mark selected comb if FCustomIndex < 0 then begin Index := -(FCustomIndex + 1); Pen.Style := psSolid; Pen.Mode := pmXOR; Pen.Color := clWhite; Pen.Width := 2; Brush.Style := bsClear; if Index in [0, High(FBWCombs)] then DrawComb(OffScreen.Canvas, FBWCombs[Index].Position.X + XOffs, FBWCombs[Index].Position.Y + YOffs, 2 * FCombSize) else DrawComb(OffScreen.Canvas, FBWCombs[Index].Position.X + XOffs, FBWCombs[Index].Position.Y + YOffs, FCombSize); Pen.Style := psClear; Pen.Mode := pmCopy; Pen.Width := 1; end; // center-color trackbar XOffs := FSliderRect.Left; YOffs := FSliderRect.Top - FColorCombRect.Top; Count := FSliderRect.Bottom - FSliderRect.Top - 1; dColor := 255 / Count; Pen.Style := psSolid; // b&w ramp for I := 0 to Count do begin Pen.Color := RGB(Round((Count - I) * dColor), Round((Count - I) * dColor), Round((Count - I) * dColor)); MoveTo(XOffs, YOffs + I); LineTo(XOffs + 10, YOffs + I); end; // marker Inc(XOffs, 11); Inc(YOffs, Round(Count * (1 - FCenterIntensity))); Brush.Color := clBlack; Polygon([Point(XOffs, YOffs), Point(XOffs + 5, YOffs - 3), Point(XOffs + 5, YOffs + 3)]); {$IFDEF DEBUG} Brush.Color := clRed; R := FColorCombRect; OffsetRect(R, 0, -FColorCombRect.Top); FrameRect(R); R := FBWCombRect; OffsetRect(R, 0, -FColorCombRect.Top); FrameRect(R); R := FSliderRect; OffsetRect(R, 0, -FColorCombRect.Top); FrameRect(R); {$ENDIF} Pen.Style := psClear; end; // finally put the drawing on the screen FCanvas.Draw(0, FColorCombRect.Top, OffScreen); finally OffScreen.Free; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); var PS: TPaintStruct; I: Cardinal; R: TRect; SeparatorTop: Integer; begin if Message.DC = 0 then FCanvas.Handle := BeginPaint(Handle, PS) else FCanvas.Handle := Message.DC; try // use system default font for popup text FCanvas.Font.Handle := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); if FColorCombs = nil then CalculateCombLayout; // default area text if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then DrawCell(DefaultCell); // Draw colour cells for I := 0 to DefaultColorCount - 1 do DrawCell(I); if FShowSysColors then begin SeparatorTop := FRowCount * FBoxSize + FMargin; if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then Inc(SeparatorTop, FDefaultTextRect.Bottom); with FCustomTextRect do DrawSeparator(FMargin + FSpacing, SeparatorTop, Width - FMargin - FSpacing); for I := 0 to SysColorCount - 1 do DrawCell(I + DefaultColorCount); end; // Draw custom text if Length(FCustomText) > 0 then DrawCell(CustomCell); if FSelectedIndex = CustomCell then DrawCombControls; // draw raised window edge (ex-window style WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE is supposed to do this, // but for some reason doesn't paint it) R := ClientRect; DrawEdge(FCanvas.Handle, R, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT); finally FCanvas.Font.Handle := 0; // a stock object never needs to be freed FCanvas.Handle := 0; if Message.DC = 0 then EndPaint(Handle, PS); end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.SelectionFromPoint(P: TPoint): Integer; // determines the button at the given position begin Result := NoCell; // first check we aren't in text box if (Length(FCustomText) > 0) and PtInRect(FCustomTextRect, P) then Result := CustomCell else if (Length(FDefaultText) > 0) and PtInRect(FDefaultTextRect, P) then Result := DefaultCell else begin // take into account text box if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then Dec(P.Y, FDefaultTextRect.Bottom - FDefaultTextRect.Top); // Get the row and column if P.X > FSpacing then begin Dec(P.X, FSpacing); // take the margin into account, 2 * FMargin is too small while 3 * FMargin // is correct, but looks a bit strange (the arrow corner is so small, it isn't // really recognized by the eye) hence I took 2.5 * FMargin Dec(P.Y, 5 * FMargin div 2); if (P.X >= 0) and (P.Y >= 0) then begin // consider system colors if FShowSysColors and ((P.Y div FBoxSize) >= FRowCount) then begin // here we know the point is out of the default color area, so // take the separator line between default and system colors into account Dec(P.Y, 3 * FMargin); // if we now are back in the default area then the point was originally // between both areas and we have therefore to reject a hit if (P.Y div FBoxSize) < FRowCount then Exit; end; Result := GetIndex(P.Y div FBoxSize, P.X div FBoxSize); end; end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.HandleSlider(const Message: TWMMouse): Boolean; // determines whether the mouse position is within the slider area (result is then True // else False) and acts accordingly var Shift: TShiftState; dY: Integer; R: TRect; begin Result := PtInRect(FSliderRect, Point(Message.XPos, Message.YPos)) and (FSelectionMode = smNone) or ((Message.XPos >= FSliderRect.Left) and (Message.XPos <= FSliderRect.Right) and (FSelectionMode = smRamp)); if Result then begin Shift := KeysToShiftState(Message.Keys); if ssLeft in Shift then begin FSelectionMode := smRamp; // left mouse button pressed -> change the intensity of the center color comb dY := FSliderRect.Bottom - FSliderRect.Top; FCenterIntensity := 1 - (Message.YPos - FSliderRect.Top) / dY; if FCenterIntensity < 0 then FCenterIntensity := 0; if FCenterIntensity > 1 then FCenterIntensity := 1; FCenterColor.Red := DefCenterColor.Red * FCenterIntensity; FCenterColor.Green := DefCenterColor.Green * FCenterIntensity; FCenterColor.Blue := DefCenterColor.Blue * FCenterIntensity; R := FSliderRect; Dec(R.Top, 3); Inc(R.Bottom, 3); Inc(R.Left, 10); InvalidateRect(Handle, @R, False); FColorCombs := nil; InvalidateRect(Handle, @FColorCombRect, False); InvalidateRect(Handle, @FCustomColorRect, False); UpdateWindow(Handle); end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.PtInComb(Comb: TCombEntry; P: TPoint; Scale: Integer): Boolean; // simplyfied "PointInPolygon" test, we know a comb is "nearly" a circle... begin Result := (Sqr(Comb.Position.X - P.X) + Sqr(Comb.Position.Y - P.Y)) <= (Scale * Scale); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.FindBWArea(X, Y: Integer): Integer; // Looks for a comb at position (X, Y) in the black&white area. // Result is -1 if nothing could be found else the index of the particular comb // into FBWCombs. var I: Integer; Pt: TPoint; Scale: Integer; begin Result := -1; Pt := Point(X - FBWCombRect.Left, Y - FBWCombRect.Top); for I := 0 to High(FBWCombs) do begin if I in [0, High(FBWCombs)] then Scale := FCombSize else Scale := FCombSize div 2; if PtInComb(FBWCombs[I], Pt, Scale) then begin Result := I; Break; end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.HandleBWArea(const Message: TWMMouse): Boolean; // determines whether the mouse position is within the B&W comb area (result is then True // else False) and acts accordingly var Index: Integer; Shift: TShiftState; begin Result := PtInRect(FBWCombRect, Point(Message.XPos, Message.YPos)) and (FSelectionMode in [smNone, smBW]); if Result then begin Shift := KeysToShiftState(Message.Keys); if ssLeft in Shift then begin FSelectionMode := smBW; Index := FindBWArea(Message.XPos, Message.YPos); if Index > -1 then begin // remove selection comb if it was previously in color comb if FCustomIndex > 0 then InvalidateRect(Handle, @FColorCombRect, False); if FCustomIndex <> -(Index + 1) then begin FCustomIndex := -(Index + 1); InvalidateRect(Handle, @FBWCombRect, False); InvalidateRect(Handle, @FCustomColorRect, False); UpdateWindow(Handle); end; end else Result := False; end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.FindColorArea(X, Y: Integer): Integer; // Looks for a comb at position (X, Y) in the custom color area. // Result is -1 if nothing could be found else the index of the particular comb // into FColorCombs. var I: Integer; Pt: TPoint; begin Result := -1; Pt := Point(X - (FRadius + FColorCombRect.Left), Y - (FRadius + FColorCombRect.Top)); for I := 0 to High(FColorCombs) do begin if PtInComb(FColorCombs[I], Pt, FCombSize div 2) then begin Result := I; Break; end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.HandleColorComb(const Message: TWMMouse): Boolean; // determines whether the mouse position is within the color comb area (result is then True // else False) and acts accordingly var Index: Integer; Shift: TShiftState; begin Result := PtInRect(FColorCombRect, Point(Message.XPos, Message.YPos)) and (FSelectionMode in [smNone, smColor]); if Result then begin Shift := KeysToShiftState(Message.Keys); if ssLeft in Shift then begin FSelectionMode := smColor; Index := FindColorArea(Message.XPos, Message.YPos); if Index > -1 then begin // remove selection comb if it was previously in b&w comb if FCustomIndex < 0 then InvalidateRect(Handle, @FBWCombRect, False); if FCustomIndex <> (Index + 1) then begin FCustomIndex := Index + 1; InvalidateRect(Handle, @FColorCombRect, False); InvalidateRect(Handle, @FCustomColorRect, False); UpdateWindow(Handle); end; end else Result := False; end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.HandleCustomColors(var Message: TWMMouse); begin if not HandleSlider(Message) then if not HandleBWArea(Message) then if not HandleColorComb(Message) then begin // user has clicked somewhere else, so remove last custom selection if FCustomIndex > 0 then InvalidateRect(Handle, @FColorCombRect, False) else if FCustomIndex < 0 then InvalidateRect(Handle, @FBWCombRect, False); InvalidateRect(Handle, @FCustomColorRect, False); FCustomIndex := 0; UpdateWindow(Handle); end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.WMMouseMove(var Message: TWMMouseMove); var NewSelection: Integer; begin inherited; // determine new hover index NewSelection := SelectionFromPoint(Point(Message.XPos, Message.YPos)); if NewSelection <> FHoverIndex then ChangeHoverSelection(NewSelection); if (NewSelection = -1) and PtInRect(ClientRect, Point(Message.XPos, Message.YPos)) and (csLButtonDown in ControlState) then HandleCustomColors(Message); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); begin inherited; if PtInRect(ClientRect, Point(Message.XPos, Message.YPos)) then begin if FHoverIndex <> NoCell then begin InvalidateCell(FHoverIndex); UpdateWindow(Handle); end; if FHoverIndex = -1 then HandleCustomColors(Message); end else EndSelection(True); // hide popup window if the user has clicked elsewhere end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.ShowPopupAligned; var Pt: TPoint; Parent: TColorPickerButton; ParentTop: Integer; R: TRect; H: Integer; begin HandleNeeded; if FSelectedIndex = CustomCell then begin // make room for the custem color picking area R := Rect(FWindowRect.Left, FWindowRect.Bottom - 3, FWindowRect.Right, FWindowRect.Bottom); H := FBWCombRect.Bottom + 2 * FMargin; end else begin // hide the custem color picking area R := Rect(FWindowRect.Left, FWindowRect.Bottom - 3, FWindowRect.Right, FWindowRect.Bottom); H := FWindowRect.Bottom; end; // to ensure the window frame is drawn correctly we invalidate the lower bound explicitely InvalidateRect(Handle, @R, True); // Make sure the window is still entirely visible and aligned. // There's no VCL parent window as this popup is a child of the desktop, // but we have the owner and get the parent from this. Parent := TColorPickerButton(Owner); Pt := Parent.Parent.ClientToScreen(Point(Parent.Left - 1, Parent.Top + Parent.Height)); if (Pt.Y + H) > Screen.Height then Pt.Y := Screen.Height - H; ParentTop := Parent.Parent.ClientToScreen(Point(Parent.Left, Parent.Top)).Y; if Pt.Y < ParentTop then Pt.Y := ParentTop - H; if (Pt.X + Width) > Screen.Width then Pt.X := Screen.Width - Width; if Pt.X < 0 then Pt.X := 0; SetWindowPos(Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, Pt.X, Pt.Y, FWindowRect.Right, H, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.ChangeSelection(NewSelection: Integer); begin if NewSelection <> NoCell then begin if FSelectedIndex <> NoCell then InvalidateCell(FSelectedIndex); FSelectedIndex := NewSelection; if FSelectedIndex <> NoCell then InvalidateCell(FSelectedIndex); if FSelectedIndex = CustomCell then ShowPopupAligned; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp); var NewSelection: Integer; LastMode: TSelectionMode; begin inherited; // determine new selection index NewSelection := SelectionFromPoint(Point(Message.XPos, Message.YPos)); LastMode := FSelectionMode; FSelectionMode := smNone; if (NewSelection <> NoCell) or ((FSelectedIndex = CustomCell) and (FCustomIndex <> 0)) then begin ChangeSelection(NewSelection); if ((FSelectedIndex = CustomCell) and (LastMode in [smColor, smBW])) or (FSelectedIndex <> NoCell) and (FSelectedIndex <> CustomCell) then EndSelection(False) else SetCapture(TColorPickerButton(Owner).FPopupWnd); end else // we need to restore the mouse capturing, else the utility window will loose it // (safety feature of Windows?) SetCapture(TColorPickerButton(Owner).FPopupWnd); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.GetIndex(Row, Col: Integer): Integer; begin Result := NoCell; if ((Row = CustomCell) or (Col = CustomCell)) and (Length(FCustomText) > 0) then Result := CustomCell else if ((Row = DefaultCell) or (Col = DefaultCell)) and (Length(FDefaultText) > 0) then Result := DefaultCell else if (Col in [0 .. FColumnCount - 1]) and (Row >= 0) then begin if Row < FRowCount then begin Result := Row * FColumnCount + Col; // consider not fully filled last row if Result >= DefaultColorCount then Result := NoCell; end else if FShowSysColors then begin Dec(Row, FRowCount); if Row < FSysRowCount then begin Result := Row * FColumnCount + Col; // consider not fully filled last row if Result >= SysColorCount then Result := NoCell else Inc(Result, DefaultColorCount); end; end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.GetRow(Index: Integer): Integer; begin if (Index = CustomCell) and (Length(FCustomText) > 0) then Result := CustomCell else if (Index = DefaultCell) and (Length(FDefaultText) > 0) then Result := DefaultCell else Result := Index div FColumnCount; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.GetColumn(Index: Integer): Integer; begin if (Index = CustomCell) and (Length(FCustomText) > 0) then Result := CustomCell else if (Index = DefaultCell) and (Length(FDefaultText) > 0) then Result := DefaultCell else Result := Index mod FColumnCount; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.SelectColor(Color: TColor); // looks up the given color in our lists and sets the proper indices var I: Integer; C: COLORREF; found: Boolean; begin found := False; // handle special colors first if Color = clNone then FSelectedIndex := NoCell else if Color = clDefault then FSelectedIndex := DefaultCell else begin // if the incoming color is one of the predefined colors (clBtnFace etc.) and // system colors are active then start looking in the system color list if FShowSysColors and (Color < 0) then begin for I := 0 to SysColorCount - 1 do if TColor(SysColors[I].Color) = Color then begin FSelectedIndex := I + DefaultColorCount; found := True; Break; end; end; if not found then begin C := ColorToRGB(Color); for I := 0 to DefaultColorCount - 1 do // only Borland knows why the result of ColorToRGB is Longint not COLORREF, // in order to make the compiler quiet I need a Longint cast here if ColorToRGB(DefaultColors[I].Color) = Longint(C) then begin FSelectedIndex := I; found := True; Break; end; // look in the system colors if not already done yet if not found and FShowSysColors and (Color >= 0) then begin for I := 0 to SysColorCount - 1 do begin if ColorToRGB(TColor(SysColors[I].Color)) = Longint(C) then begin FSelectedIndex := I + DefaultColorCount; found := True; Break; end; end; end; if not found then begin if FColorCombs = nil then CalculateCombLayout; FCustomIndex := 0; FSelectedIndex := NoCell; for I := 0 to High(FBWCombs) do if FBWCombs[I].Color = C then begin FSelectedIndex := CustomCell; FCustomIndex := -(I + 1); found := True; Break; end; if not found then for I := 0 to High(FColorCombs) do if FColorCombs[I].Color = C then begin FSelectedIndex := CustomCell; FCustomIndex := I + 1; Break; end; end; end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.GetCellRect(Index: Integer; var Rect: TRect): Boolean; // gets the dimensions of the colour cell given by Index begin Result := False; if Index = CustomCell then begin Rect := FCustomTextRect; Result := True; end else if Index = DefaultCell then begin Rect := FDefaultTextRect; Result := True; end else if Index >= 0 then begin Rect.Left := GetColumn(Index) * FBoxSize + FMargin + FSpacing; Rect.Top := GetRow(Index) * FBoxSize + 2 * FMargin; // move everything down if we are displaying a default text area if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then Inc(Rect.Top, FDefaultTextRect.Bottom - 2 * FMargin); // move everything further down if we consider syscolors if Index >= DefaultColorCount then Inc(Rect.Top, 3 * FMargin); Rect.Right := Rect.Left + FBoxSize; Rect.Bottom := Rect.Top + FBoxSize; Result := True; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.AdjustWindow; // works out an appropriate size and position of this window var TextSize, DefaultSize: TSize; DC: HDC; WHeight: Integer; begin // If we are showing a custom or default text area, get the font and text size. if (Length(FCustomText) > 0) or (Length(FDefaultText) > 0) then begin DC := GetDC(Handle); FCanvas.Handle := DC; FCanvas.Font.Handle := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); try // Get the size of the custom text (if there IS custom text) := 0; := 0; if Length(FCustomText) > 0 then TextSize := FCanvas.TextExtent(FCustomText); // Get the size of the default text (if there IS default text) if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then begin DefaultSize := FCanvas.TextExtent(FDefaultText); if > then :=; if > then :=; end; Inc(, 2 * FMargin); Inc(, 4 * FMargin + 2); finally FCanvas.Font.Handle := 0; FCanvas.Handle := 0; ReleaseDC(Handle, DC); end; end; // Get the number of columns and rows FColumnCount := 8; FRowCount := DefaultColorCount div FColumnCount; if (DefaultColorCount mod FColumnCount) <> 0 then Inc(FRowCount); FWindowRect := Rect(0, 0, FColumnCount * FBoxSize + 2 * FMargin + 2 * FSpacing, FRowCount * FBoxSize + 4 * FMargin); FRadius := Trunc(7 * (FColumnCount * FBoxSize) / 16); FCombSize := Round(0.5 + FRadius / (FLevels - 1)); // if default text, then expand window if necessary, and set text width as // window width if Length(FDefaultText) > 0 then begin if > (FWindowRect.Right - FWindowRect.Left) then FWindowRect.Right := FWindowRect.Left +; := FWindowRect.Right - FWindowRect.Left - 2 * FMargin; // work out the text area FDefaultTextRect := Rect(FMargin + FSpacing, 2 * FMargin, FMargin - FSpacing +, 2 * FMargin +; Inc(FWindowRect.Bottom, FDefaultTextRect.Bottom - FDefaultTextRect.Top + 2 * FMargin); end; if FShowSysColors then begin FSysRowCount := SysColorCount div FColumnCount; if (SysColorCount mod FColumnCount) <> 0 then Inc(FSysRowCount); Inc(FWindowRect.Bottom, FSysRowCount * FBoxSize + 2 * FMargin); end; // if custom text, then expand window if necessary, and set text width as // window width if Length(FCustomText) > 0 then begin if > (FWindowRect.Right - FWindowRect.Left) then FWindowRect.Right := FWindowRect.Left +; := FWindowRect.Right - FWindowRect.Left - 2 * FMargin; // work out the text area WHeight := FWindowRect.Bottom - FWindowRect.Top; FCustomTextRect := Rect(FMargin + FSpacing, WHeight, FMargin - FSpacing +, WHeight +; // precalculate also the small preview box for custom color selection for fast updates FCustomColorRect := Rect(0, 0, FBoxSize, FBoxSize); InflateRect(FCustomColorRect, -(FMargin + 1), -(FMargin + 1)); OffsetRect(FCustomColorRect, FCustomTextRect.Right - FBoxSize - FMargin, FCustomTextRect.Top + (FCustomTextRect.Bottom - FCustomTextRect.Top - FCustomColorRect.Bottom - FMargin - 1) div 2); Inc(FWindowRect.Bottom, FCustomTextRect.Bottom - FCustomTextRect.Top + 2 * FMargin); end; // work out custom color choice area (color combs) (FWindowRect covers only the always visible part) FColorCombRect := Rect(FMargin + FSpacing, FWindowRect.Bottom, FMargin + FSpacing + 2 * FRadius, FWindowRect.Bottom + 2 * FRadius); // work out custom color choice area (b&w combs) FBWCombRect := Rect(FColorCombRect.Left, FColorCombRect.Bottom - 4, Round(17 * FCombSize * cos(Pi / 6) / 2) + 6 * FCombSize, FColorCombRect.Bottom + 2 * FCombSize); // work out slider area FSliderRect := Rect(FColorCombRect.Right, FColorCombRect.Top + FCombSize, FColorCombRect.Right + 20, FColorCombRect.Bottom - FCombSize); // set the window size with FWindowRect do SetBounds(Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.ChangeHoverSelection(Index: Integer); begin if not FShowSysColors and (Index >= DefaultColorCount) or (Index >= (DefaultColorCount + SysColorCount)) then Index := NoCell; // remove old hover selection InvalidateCell(FHoverIndex); FHoverIndex := Index; InvalidateCell(FHoverIndex); UpdateWindow(Handle); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.EndSelection(Cancel: Boolean); begin with Owner as TColorPickerButton do begin if not Cancel then begin if FSelectedIndex > -1 then if FSelectedIndex < DefaultColorCount then SelectionColor := TColor(DefaultColors[FSelectedIndex].Color) else SelectionColor := TColor(SysColors[FSelectedIndex - DefaultColorCount].Color) else if FSelectedIndex = CustomCell then begin if FCustomIndex < 0 then SelectionColor := FBWCombs[-(FCustomIndex + 1)].Color else if FCustomIndex > 0 then SelectionColor := FColorCombs[FCustomIndex - 1].Color; end else DoDefaultEvent; end; DroppedDown := False; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.WMKillFocus(var Message: TWMKillFocus); begin inherited; (Owner as TColorPickerButton).DroppedDown := False; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.CalculateCombLayout; // fills arrays with centers and colors for the custom color and black & white combs, // these arrays are used to quickly draw the combx and do hit tests // --------------- local functions ----------------------- function RGBFromFloat(Color: TRGB): COLORREF; begin Result := RGB(Round(255 * Color.Red), Round(255 * Color.Green), Round(255 * Color.Blue)); end; // ------------------------------------------------------- function GrayFromIntensity(Intensity: Byte): COLORREF; begin Result := RGB(Intensity, Intensity, Intensity); end; // --------------- end local functions ------------------- var CurrentIndex: Cardinal; CurrentColor: TRGB; CurrentPos: TFloatPoint; CombCount: Cardinal; I, J, Level: Cardinal; Scale: Extended; // triangle vars Pos1, Pos2: TFloatPoint; dPos1, dPos2: TFloatPoint; Color1, Color2: TRGB; dColor1, dColor2: TRGB; dPos: TFloatPoint; dColor: TRGB; begin // this ensures the radius and comb size is set correctly HandleNeeded; if FLevels < 1 then FLevels := 1; // To draw perfectly aligned combs we split the final comb into six triangles (sextants) // and calculate each separately. The center comb is stored as first entry in the array // and will not considered twice (as with the other shared combs too). // // The way used here for calculation of the layout seems a bit complicated, but works // correctly for all cases (even if the comb corners are rotated). // initialization CurrentIndex := 0; CurrentColor := FCenterColor; // number of combs can be calculated by: // 1 level: 1 comb (the center) // 2 levels: 1 comb + 6 combs // 3 levels: 1 comb + 1 * 6 combs + 2 * 6 combs // n levels: 1 combs + 1 * 6 combs + 2 * 6 combs + .. + (n-1) * 6 combs // this equals to 1 + 6 * (1 + 2 + 3 + .. + (n-1)), by using Gauss' famous formula we get: // Count = 1 + 6 * (((n-1) * n) / 2) // Because there's always an even number involved (either n or n-1) we can use an integer div // instead of a float div here... CombCount := 1 + 6 * (((FLevels - 1) * FLevels) div 2); SetLength(FColorCombs, CombCount); // store center values FColorCombs[CurrentIndex].Position := Point(0, 0); FColorCombs[CurrentIndex].Color := RGBFromFloat(CurrentColor); Inc(CurrentIndex); // go out off here if there are not further levels to draw if FLevels < 2 then Exit; // now go for each sextant, the generic corners have been calculated already at creation // time for a comb with diameter 1 // ------ // /\ 1 /\ // / \ / \ // / 2 \/ 0 \ // ----------- // \ 3 /\ 5 / // \ / \ / // \/ 4 \/ // ------ for I := 0 to 5 do begin // initialize triangle corner values // // center (always at 0,0) // /\ // dPos1 / \ dPos2 // dColor1 / \ dColor2 // / dPos \ // /--------\ (span) // / dColor \ // /____________\ // comb corner 1 comb corner 2 // // Pos1, Pos2, Color1, Color2 are running terms for both sides of the triangle // incremented by dPos1/2 and dColor1/2. // dPos and dColor are used to interpolate a span between the values just mentioned. // // The small combs are actually oriented with corner 0 at top (i.e. mirrored at y = x, // compared with the values in FCombCorners), we can achieve that by simply exchanging // X and Y values. Scale := 2 * FRadius * cos(Pi / 6); Pos1.X := FCombCorners[I].Y * Scale; Pos1.Y := FCombCorners[I].X * Scale; Color1 := DefColors[I]; if I = 5 then begin Pos2.X := FCombCorners[0].Y * Scale; Pos2.Y := FCombCorners[0].X * Scale; Color2 := DefColors[0]; end else begin Pos2.X := FCombCorners[I + 1].Y * Scale; Pos2.Y := FCombCorners[I + 1].X * Scale; Color2 := DefColors[I + 1]; end; dPos1.X := Pos1.X / (FLevels - 1); dPos1.Y := Pos1.Y / (FLevels - 1); dPos2.X := Pos2.X / (FLevels - 1); dPos2.Y := Pos2.Y / (FLevels - 1); dColor1.Red := (Color1.Red - FCenterColor.Red) / (FLevels - 1); dColor1.Green := (Color1.Green - FCenterColor.Green) / (FLevels - 1); dColor1.Blue := (Color1.Blue - FCenterColor.Blue) / (FLevels - 1); dColor2.Red := (Color2.Red - FCenterColor.Red) / (FLevels - 1); dColor2.Green := (Color2.Green - FCenterColor.Green) / (FLevels - 1); dColor2.Blue := (Color2.Blue - FCenterColor.Blue) / (FLevels - 1); Pos1 := DefCenter; Pos2 := DefCenter; Color1 := FCenterColor; Color2 := FCenterColor; // Now that we have finished the initialization for this step we'll go // through a loop for each level to calculate the spans. // We can ignore level 0 (as this is the center we already have determined) as well // as the last step of each span (as this is the start value in the next triangle and will // be calculated there). We have, though, take them into the calculation of the running terms. for Level := 0 to FLevels - 1 do begin if Level > 0 then begin // initialize span values dPos.X := (Pos2.X - Pos1.X) / Level; dPos.Y := (Pos2.Y - Pos1.Y) / Level; dColor.Red := (Color2.Red - Color1.Red) / Level; dColor.Green := (Color2.Green - Color1.Green) / Level; dColor.Blue := (Color2.Blue - Color1.Blue) / Level; CurrentPos := Pos1; CurrentColor := Color1; for J := 0 to Level - 1 do begin // store current values in the array FColorCombs[CurrentIndex].Position.X := Round(CurrentPos.X); FColorCombs[CurrentIndex].Position.Y := Round(CurrentPos.Y); FColorCombs[CurrentIndex].Color := RGBFromFloat(CurrentColor); Inc(CurrentIndex); // advance in span CurrentPos.X := CurrentPos.X + dPos.X; CurrentPos.Y := CurrentPos.Y + dPos.Y; CurrentColor.Red := CurrentColor.Red + dColor.Red; CurrentColor.Green := CurrentColor.Green + dColor.Green; CurrentColor.Blue := CurrentColor.Blue + dColor.Blue; end; end; // advance running terms Pos1.X := Pos1.X + dPos1.X; Pos1.Y := Pos1.Y + dPos1.Y; Pos2.X := Pos2.X + dPos2.X; Pos2.Y := Pos2.Y + dPos2.Y; Color1.Red := Color1.Red + dColor1.Red; Color1.Green := Color1.Green + dColor1.Green; Color1.Blue := Color1.Blue + dColor1.Blue; Color2.Red := Color2.Red + dColor2.Red; Color2.Green := Color2.Green + dColor2.Green; Color2.Blue := Color2.Blue + dColor2.Blue; end; end; // second step is to build a list for the black & white area // 17 entries from pure white to pure black // the first and last are implicitely of double comb size SetLength(FBWCombs, 17); CurrentIndex := 0; FBWCombs[CurrentIndex].Color := GrayFromIntensity(255); FBWCombs[CurrentIndex].Position := Point(FCombSize, FCombSize); Inc(CurrentIndex); CurrentPos.X := 3 * FCombSize; CurrentPos.Y := 3 * (FCombSize div 4); dPos.X := Round(FCombSize * cos(Pi / 6) / 2); dPos.Y := Round(FCombSize * (1 + sin(Pi / 6)) / 2); for I := 0 to 14 do begin FBWCombs[CurrentIndex].Color := GrayFromIntensity((16 - CurrentIndex) * 15); if Odd(I) then FBWCombs[CurrentIndex].Position := Point(Round(CurrentPos.X + I * dPos.X), Round(CurrentPos.Y + dPos.Y)) else FBWCombs[CurrentIndex].Position := Point(Round(CurrentPos.X + I * dPos.X), Round(CurrentPos.Y)); Inc(CurrentIndex); end; FBWCombs[CurrentIndex].Color := 0; FBWCombs[CurrentIndex].Position := Point(Round(CurrentPos.X + 16 * dPos.X + FCombSize), FCombSize); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPopup.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin WndParent := GetDesktopWindow; Style := WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CHILD; ExStyle := WS_EX_TOPMOST or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; WindowClass.Style := CS_DBLCLKS or CS_SAVEBITS; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.CreateWnd; begin inherited; AdjustWindow; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.SetSpacing(Value: Integer); begin if Value < 0 then Value := 0; if FSpacing <> Value then begin FSpacing := Value; Invalidate; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.InvalidateCell(Index: Integer); var R: TRect; begin if GetCellRect(Index, R) then InvalidateRect(Handle, @R, False); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TColorPopup.GetHint(Cell: Integer): String; begin Result := ''; if Assigned(TColorPickerButton(Owner).FOnHint) then TColorPickerButton(Owner).FOnHint(Owner, Cell, Result); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.CMHintShow(var Message: TMessage); // determine hint message (tooltip) and out-of-hint rect var Index: Integer; R, G, B: Byte; Colors: TCombArray; begin Colors := nil; with TCMHintShow(Message) do begin if not TColorPickerButton(Owner).ShowHint then Message.Result := 1 else begin with HintInfo^ do begin // show that we want a hint Result := 0; // predefined colors always get their names as tooltip if FHoverIndex >= 0 then begin GetCellRect(FHoverIndex, CursorRect); if FHoverIndex < DefaultColorCount then HintStr := DefaultColors[FHoverIndex].Name else HintStr := SysColors[FHoverIndex - DefaultColorCount].Name; end else // both special cells get their hint either from the application by // means of the OnHint event or the hint string of the owner control if (FHoverIndex = DefaultCell) or (FHoverIndex = CustomCell) then begin HintStr := GetHint(FHoverIndex); if HintStr = '' then HintStr := TColorPickerButton(Owner).Hint else begin // if the application supplied a hint by event then deflate the cursor rect // to the belonging button if FHoverIndex = DefaultCell then CursorRect := FDefaultTextRect else CursorRect := FCustomTextRect; end; end else begin // well, mouse is not hovering over one of the buttons, now check for // the ramp and the custom color areas if PtInRect(FSliderRect, Point(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y)) then begin // in case of the intensity slider we show the current intensity HintStr := Format('Intensity: %d%%', [Round(100 * FCenterIntensity)]); CursorRect := Rect(FSliderRect.Left, CursorPos.Y - 2, FSliderRect.Right, CursorPos.Y + 2); HintPos := ClientToScreen(Point(FSliderRect.Right, CursorPos.Y - 8)); HideTimeout := 5000; CursorRect := Rect(FSliderRect.Left, CursorPos.Y, FSliderRect.Right, CursorPos.Y); end else begin Index := -1; if PtInRect(FBWCombRect, Point(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y)) then begin // considering black&white area... if csLButtonDown in ControlState then Index := -(FCustomIndex + 1) else Index := FindBWArea(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y); Colors := FBWCombs; end else if PtInRect(FColorCombRect, Point(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y)) then begin // considering color comb area... if csLButtonDown in ControlState then Index := FCustomIndex - 1 else Index := FindColorArea(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y); Colors := FColorCombs; end; if (Index > -1) and (Colors <> nil) then begin with Colors[Index] do begin R := GetRValue(Color); G := GetGValue(Color); B := GetBValue(Color); end; HintStr := Format('red: %d, green: %d, blue: %d', [R, G, B]); HideTimeout := 5000; end else HintStr := GetHint(NoCell); // make the hint follow the mouse CursorRect := Rect(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y, CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y); end; end; end; end; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TColorPopup.SetSelectedColor(const Value: TColor); begin FCurrentColor := Value; SelectColor(Value); end; // ----------------- TColorPickerButton ------------------------------------------ constructor TColorPickerButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FSelectionColor := clBlack; FColorPopup := TColorPopup.Create(Self); // park the window somewhere it can't be seen FColorPopup.Left := -1000; FPopupWnd := AllocateHWnd(PopupWndProc); FGlyph := TButtonGlyph.Create; TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).OnChange := GlyphChanged; SetBounds(0, 0, 45, 22); FDropDownWidth := 15; ControlStyle := [csCaptureMouse, csDoubleClicks]; ParentFont := True; Color := clBtnFace; FSpacing := 4; FMargin := -1; FLayout := blGlyphLeft; FTransparent := True; FIndicatorBorder := ibFlat; Inc(ButtonCount); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TColorPickerButton.Destroy; begin DeallocateHWnd(FPopupWnd); Dec(ButtonCount); // the color popup window will automatically be freed since the button is the owner // of the popup TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Free; inherited Destroy; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.PopupWndProc(var Msg: TMessage); var P: TPoint; begin case Msg.Msg of WM_MOUSEFIRST .. WM_MOUSELAST: begin with TWMMouse(Msg) do begin P := SmallPointToPoint(Pos); MapWindowPoints(FPopupWnd, FColorPopup.Handle, P, 1); Pos := PointToSmallPoint(P); end; FColorPopup.WindowProc(Msg); end; CN_KEYDOWN, CN_SYSKEYDOWN: FColorPopup.WindowProc(Msg); else with Msg do Result := DefWindowProc(FPopupWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetDropDownArrowColor(Value: TColor); begin if not(FDropDownArrowColor = Value) then; begin FDropDownArrowColor := Value; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetDropDownWidth(Value: Integer); begin if not(FDropDownWidth = Value) then; begin FDropDownWidth := Value; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.Paint; const MAX_WIDTH = 5; DownStyles: array [Boolean] of Integer = (BDR_RAISEDINNER, BDR_SUNKENOUTER); FillStyles: array [Boolean] of Integer = (BF_MIDDLE, 0); var PaintRect: TRect; ExtraRect: TRect; DrawFlags: Integer; Offset: TPoint; LeftPos: Integer; begin if not Enabled then begin FState := bsDisabled; FDragging := False; end else if (FState = bsDisabled) then begin if FDown and (GroupIndex <> 0) then FState := bsExclusive else FState := bsUp; end; Canvas.Font := Self.Font; // Creates a rectangle that represent the button and the drop down area, // determines also the position to draw the arrow... PaintRect := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height); ExtraRect := Rect(Width - FDropDownWidth, 0, Width, Height); LeftPos := (Width - FDropDownWidth) + ((FDropDownWidth + MAX_WIDTH) div 2) - MAX_WIDTH - 1; // Determines if the button is a flat or normal button... each uses // different painting methods if not FFlat then begin DrawFlags := DFCS_BUTTONPUSH or DFCS_ADJUSTRECT; if FState in [bsDown, bsExclusive] then DrawFlags := DrawFlags or DFCS_PUSHED; // Check if the mouse is in the drop down zone. If it is we then check // the state of the button to determine the drawing sequence if FDropDownZone then begin if FDroppedDown then begin // paint pressed Drop Down Button DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, DFC_BUTTON, DRAW_BUTTON_UP); DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, ExtraRect, DFC_BUTTON, DRAW_BUTTON_DOWN); end else begin // paint depressed Drop Down Button DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, DFC_BUTTON, DRAW_BUTTON_UP); DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, ExtraRect, DFC_BUTTON, DRAW_BUTTON_UP); DrawButtonSeperatorUp(Canvas); end; end else begin DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, DFC_BUTTON, DrawFlags); // Determine the type of drop down seperator... if (FState in [bsDown, bsExclusive]) then DrawButtonSeperatorDown(Canvas) else DrawButtonSeperatorUp(Canvas); end; end else begin if (FState in [bsDown, bsExclusive]) or (FMouseInControl and (FState <> bsDisabled)) or (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin // Check if the mouse is in the drop down zone. If it is we then check // the state of the button to determine the drawing sequence if FDropDownZone then begin if FDroppedDown then begin // Paint pressed Drop Down Button DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, DownStyles[False], FillStyles[FTransparent] or BF_RECT); DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, ExtraRect, DownStyles[True], FillStyles[FTransparent] or BF_RECT); end else begin // Paint depressed Drop Down Button DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, DownStyles[False], FillStyles[FTransparent] or BF_RECT); DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, ExtraRect, DownStyles[False], FillStyles[FTransparent] or BF_RECT); DrawButtonSeperatorUp(Canvas); end; end else begin DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, DownStyles[FState in [bsDown, bsExclusive]], FillStyles[FTransparent] or BF_RECT); if (FState in [bsDown, bsExclusive]) then DrawButtonSeperatorDown(Canvas) else DrawButtonSeperatorUp(Canvas); end; end else if not FTransparent then begin Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.FillRect(PaintRect); end; InflateRect(PaintRect, -1, -1); end; if (FState in [bsDown, bsExclusive]) and not(FDropDownZone) then begin if (FState = bsExclusive) and (not FFlat or not FMouseInControl) then begin Canvas.Brush.Bitmap := AllocPatternBitmap(clBtnFace, clBtnHighlight); Canvas.FillRect(PaintRect); end; Offset.X := 1; Offset.Y := 1; end else begin Offset.X := 0; Offset.Y := 0; end; PaintRect := TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Draw(Canvas, PaintRect, Offset, Caption, FLayout, FMargin, FSpacing, FState, FTransparent, FDropDownWidth, DrawTextBiDiModeFlags(0)); // draw color indicator Canvas.Brush.Color := FSelectionColor; Canvas.Pen.Color := clBtnShadow; case FIndicatorBorder of ibNone: Canvas.FillRect(PaintRect); ibFlat: with PaintRect do Canvas.Rectangle(Left, Top, Right, Bottom); else if FIndicatorBorder = ibSunken then DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT) else DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT); InflateRect(PaintRect, -1, -1); Canvas.FillRect(PaintRect); end; // Draws the arrow for the correct state if FState = bsDisabled then begin Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnShadow; end else begin Canvas.Pen.Color := FDropDownArrowColor; Canvas.Brush.Color := FDropDownArrowColor; end; if FDropDownZone and FDroppedDown or (FState = bsDown) and not(FDropDownZone) then DrawTriangle(Canvas, (Height div 2) + 1, LeftPos + 1, MAX_WIDTH) else DrawTriangle(Canvas, (Height div 2), LeftPos, MAX_WIDTH); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.UpdateTracking; var P: TPoint; begin if FFlat then begin if Enabled then begin GetCursorPos(P); FMouseInControl := not(FindDragTarget(P, True) = Self); if FMouseInControl then Perform(CM_MOUSELEAVE, 0, 0) else Perform(CM_MOUSEENTER, 0, 0); end; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.Loaded; var State: TButtonState; begin inherited Loaded; if Enabled then State := bsUp else State := bsDisabled; TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).CreateButtonGlyph(State); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); if (Button = mbLeft) and Enabled then begin // Determine if mouse is currently in the drop down section... FDropDownZone := (X > Width - FDropDownWidth); // If so display the button in the proper state and display the menu if FDropDownZone then begin if not FDroppedDown then begin Update; DroppedDown := True; end; // Setting this flag to false is very important, we want the dsUp state to // be used to display the button properly the next time the mouse moves in FDragging := False; end else begin if not FDown then begin FState := bsDown; Invalidate; end; FDragging := True; end; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var NewState: TButtonState; begin inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y); if FDragging then begin if not FDown then NewState := bsUp else NewState := bsExclusive; if (X >= 0) and (X < ClientWidth) and (Y >= 0) and (Y <= ClientHeight) then if FDown then NewState := bsExclusive else NewState := bsDown; if NewState <> FState then begin FState := NewState; Invalidate; end; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var DoClick: Boolean; begin inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); if FDragging then begin FDragging := False; DoClick := (X >= 0) and (X < ClientWidth) and (Y >= 0) and (Y <= ClientHeight); if FGroupIndex = 0 then begin // Redraw face in case mouse is captured FState := bsUp; FMouseInControl := False; if DoClick and not(FState in [bsExclusive, bsDown]) then Invalidate; end else if DoClick then begin SetDown(not FDown); if FDown then Repaint; end else begin if FDown then FState := bsExclusive; Repaint; end; if DoClick then Click; UpdateTracking; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.Click; begin inherited Click; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.DoDefaultEvent; begin if Assigned(FOnDefaultSelect) then FOnDefaultSelect(Self); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TColorPickerButton.GetPalette: HPALETTE; begin Result := Glyph.Palette; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TColorPickerButton.GetGlyph: TBitmap; begin Result := TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Glyph; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap); begin TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Glyph := Value; Invalidate; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TColorPickerButton.GetNumGlyphs: TNumGlyphs; begin Result := TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).NumGlyphs; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.DrawButtonSeperatorUp(Canvas: TCanvas); begin with Canvas do begin Pen.Style := psSolid; Brush.Style := bsClear; Pen.Color := clBtnHighlight; Rectangle(Width - DropDownWidth, 1, Width - DropDownWidth + 1, Height - 1); Pen.Color := clBtnShadow; Rectangle(Width - DropDownWidth - 1, 1, Width - DropDownWidth, Height - 1); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.DrawButtonSeperatorDown(Canvas: TCanvas); begin with Canvas do begin Pen.Style := psSolid; Brush.Style := bsClear; Pen.Color := clBtnHighlight; Rectangle(Width - DropDownWidth + 1, 2, Width - DropDownWidth + 2, Height - 2); Pen.Color := clBtnShadow; Rectangle(Width - DropDownWidth, 2, Width - DropDownWidth + 1, Height - 2); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.DrawTriangle(Canvas: TCanvas; Top, Left, Width: Integer); begin if Odd(Width) then Inc(Width); Canvas.Polygon([Point(Left, Top), Point(Left + Width, Top), Point(Left + Width div 2, Top + Width div 2)]); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetNumGlyphs(Value: TNumGlyphs); begin if Value < 0 then Value := 1 else if Value > 4 then Value := 4; if Value <> TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).NumGlyphs then begin TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).NumGlyphs := Value; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); begin Invalidate; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.UpdateExclusive; var Msg: TMessage; begin if (FGroupIndex <> 0) and (Parent <> nil) then begin Msg.Msg := CM_BUTTONPRESSED; Msg.wParam := FGroupIndex; Msg.lParam := Longint(Self); Msg.Result := 0; Parent.Broadcast(Msg); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetDown(Value: Boolean); begin if FGroupIndex = 0 then Value := False; if Value <> FDown then begin if FDown and (not FAllowAllUp) then Exit; FDown := Value; if Value then begin if FState = bsUp then Invalidate; FState := bsExclusive; end else begin FState := bsUp; Repaint; end; if Value then UpdateExclusive; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetFlat(Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FFlat then begin FFlat := Value; if Value then ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csOpaque] else ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque]; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetGroupIndex(Value: Integer); begin if FGroupIndex <> Value then begin FGroupIndex := Value; UpdateExclusive; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetLayout(Value: TButtonLayout); begin if FLayout <> Value then begin FLayout := Value; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetMargin(Value: Integer); begin if (Value <> FMargin) and (Value >= -1) then begin FMargin := Value; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetSpacing(Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FSpacing then begin FSpacing := Value; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetAllowAllUp(Value: Boolean); begin if FAllowAllUp <> Value then begin FAllowAllUp := Value; UpdateExclusive; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPopup.WMActivateApp(var Message: TWMActivateApp); begin inherited; if not Message.Active then EndSelection(True); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); begin inherited; if FDown then DblClick; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); const NewState: array [Boolean] of TButtonState = (bsDisabled, bsUp); begin TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).CreateButtonGlyph(NewState[Enabled]); UpdateTracking; Repaint; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.CMButtonPressed(var Message: TMessage); var Sender: TColorPickerButton; begin if Message.wParam = FGroupIndex then begin Sender := TColorPickerButton(Message.lParam); if Sender <> Self then begin if Sender.Down and FDown then begin FDown := False; FState := bsUp; Invalidate; end; FAllowAllUp := Sender.AllowAllUp; end; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.CMDialogChar(var Message: TCMDialogChar); begin with Message do if IsAccel(CharCode, Caption) and Enabled and Visible and Assigned(Parent) and Parent.Showing then begin Click; Result := 1; end else inherited; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin Invalidate; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin Invalidate; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.CMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); begin with TButtonGlyph(FGlyph) do begin Invalidate; CreateButtonGlyph(FState); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); begin inherited; if FFlat and not FMouseInControl and Enabled then begin FMouseInControl := True; Repaint; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); begin inherited; if FFlat and FMouseInControl and Enabled and not FDragging then begin FMouseInControl := False; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetDroppedDown(const Value: Boolean); var Allowed: Boolean; begin if FDroppedDown <> Value then begin Allowed := True; if Assigned(FOnDropChanging) then FOnDropChanging(Self, Allowed); if Allowed then begin FDroppedDown := Value; if FDroppedDown then begin FState := bsDown; TColorPopup(FColorPopup).SelectedColor := FSelectionColor; TColorPopup(FColorPopup).ShowPopupAligned; SetCapture(FPopupWnd); end else begin FState := bsUp; ReleaseCapture; ShowWindow(FColorPopup.Handle, SW_HIDE); end; if Assigned(FOnDropChanged) then FOnDropChanged(Self); Invalidate; end; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetSelectionColor(const Value: TColor); begin if FSelectionColor <> Value then begin FSelectionColor := Value; Invalidate; if FDroppedDown then TColorPopup(FColorPopup).SelectColor(Value); if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TColorPickerButton.GetCustomText: String; begin Result := TColorPopup(FColorPopup).FCustomText; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetCustomText(const Value: String); begin with TColorPopup(FColorPopup) do begin if FCustomText <> Value then begin FCustomText := Value; if (FCustomText = '') and (FSelectedIndex = CustomCell) then FSelectedIndex := NoCell; AdjustWindow; if FDroppedDown then begin Invalidate; ShowPopupAligned; end; end; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TColorPickerButton.GetDefaultText: String; begin Result := TColorPopup(FColorPopup).FDefaultText; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetDefaultText(const Value: String); begin if TColorPopup(FColorPopup).FDefaultText <> Value then begin with TColorPopup(FColorPopup) do begin FDefaultText := Value; AdjustWindow; if FDroppedDown then begin Invalidate; ShowPopupAligned; end; end; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetShowSystemColors(const Value: Boolean); begin with TColorPopup(FColorPopup) do begin if FShowSysColors <> Value then begin FShowSysColors := Value; AdjustWindow; if FDroppedDown then begin Invalidate; ShowPopupAligned; end; end; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TColorPickerButton.GetShowSystemColors: Boolean; begin Result := TColorPopup(FColorPopup).FShowSysColors; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetTransparent(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FTransparent then begin FTransparent := Value; if Value then ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csOpaque] else ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque]; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); // --------------- local functions ----------------------- procedure CopyImage(ImageList: TCustomImageList; Index: Integer); begin with Glyph do begin Width := ImageList.Width; Height := ImageList.Height; Canvas.Brush.Color := clFuchsia; // ! for lack of a better color Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); ImageList.Draw(Canvas, 0, 0, Index); end; end; // --------------- end local functions ------------------- begin inherited ActionChange(Sender, CheckDefaults); if Sender is TCustomAction then with TCustomAction(Sender) do begin // Copy image from action's imagelist if Glyph.Empty and Assigned(ActionList) and Assigned(ActionList.Images) and (ImageIndex >= 0) and (ImageIndex < ActionList.Images.Count) then CopyImage(ActionList.Images, ImageIndex); end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Tools', [TColorPickerButton]); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetIndicatorBorder(const Value: TIndicatorBorder); begin if FIndicatorBorder <> Value then begin FIndicatorBorder := Value; Invalidate; end; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TColorPickerButton.GetPopupSpacing: Integer; begin Result := TColorPopup(FColorPopup).Spacing; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TColorPickerButton.SetPopupSpacing(const Value: Integer); begin TColorPopup(FColorPopup).Spacing := Value; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- end.