思想:将样条曲线依据 X 坐标 N 等分,依次连接等分点得到多义线。
Function plToSpline(sp as AcadSpline) as AcadLWPolyline ' 与函数名同名的变量即为返回值
segNum = 100 ' 多义线段数
ReDim pta(0 To (segNum + 1) * 2 - 1) as double ' 多义线只有x、y坐标
X0 = sp.ControlPoints(0) ' 第一个控制点 x 坐标
X1 = sp.ControlPoints(3 * sp.NumberOfControlPoints - 3) ' 最后一个控制点 x 坐标
Dim x as Double
For i = 0 To segNum
x = X0 + i * (X1 - X0) / segNum
y = findY(sp, x) ' findY是一个自定义函数,输入为一条曲线和一个横向位置,输出曲线在该位置的值。
pta(i * 2) = x : pta(i * 2 + 1) = y
Next i
Set plToSpline = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(pta) ' AcadPolyline已被废除,不使用;LightWeightPolyline简写为AcadLWPolyline
End Function
Function findY(cur As AcadEntity, x As Double) As Double
Dim pt0(2) As Double
Dim pt1(2) As Double
pt0(0) = x
pt1(0) = x: pt1(1) = 1
Set x1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddXline(pt0, pt1)
ipa = cur.IntersectWith(x1, acExtendBoth)
If UBound(ipa) >= 2 Then
findY = ipa(1)
findY = 1000000#
End If
End Function
Function areaUnderPolyline(pl as AcadLWPolyline, pxc as double) as double
sumA = 0 : sumM = 0
num = (UBound(pl.Coordinates) + 1) \ 2 ' 多义线段数
For i = 1 To num - 1
x1 = pl.Coordinates((i - 1) * 2) : y1 = pl.Coordinates((i - 1) * 2 + 1)
x2 = pl.Coordinates(i * 2) : y2 = pl.Coordinates(i * 2 + 1)
darea = (y1 + y2) * (x2 - x1) / 2
xc = (y1 + 2 * y2) / 3 / (y1 + y2) * (x2 - x1) + x0 ' 梯形形心
dm = da * xc
sumA = sumA + darea
sumM = sumM + dm
Next i
areaUnderPolyline = sumA
pxc = sumM/sumA
End Function
Sub main()
Dim xc as double
for I = 0 to ex_lineNum - 1
a = areaUnderPolyline(ex_shipLine(I), xc)
ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt Format(a, ".00") & vbCrLf ' vbcrlf为换行符
Next I
End Sub
Dim ex_lineNum as integer '全局变量,选择型线的数量
Dim ex_shipLine(1000) as AcadEntity ' 全局变量,选择型线的集合
Sub getShipLine()
Dim ss1 as AcadSelectionSet
Set ss1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("sett1")
ex_lineNum = 0
For each ent in ss1
set ex_shipLine(ex_lineNum) = ent
ex_lineNum = ex_lineNum + 1
End Sub