[转 - 改] Perl初级教程 (三)





# Program to open the password file, read it in,

# print it, and close it again.

$file = '/export/home/dwei/ProgramScriptFolder/TextFile'; # Name the file open(INFO, $file); # Open the file
#open(INFO,'/export/home/dwei/ProgramScriptFolder/TextFile'); # open函数打开一个文件并进行读操作。第一个参数filehandle是指向文件的句柄。第二个参数为被打开的文件的文件名
@lines = <INFO>;		# Read it into an array

close(INFO);			# Close the file

print @lines;			# Print the array

Introducing ideaX Power Sessions
Here is your opportunity to engage in hyper-focused idea-generating sessions to improve Advent’s business! Anthony Sperling is hosting the first session, with two topics:  
First, since referrals from our satisfied clients are a huge source of our new sales, what are some ideas of how we could positively tap into our user community in ways that we are not today?

Secondly, APX has been a big market success for Advent and we still have a very large, opportunity to upgrade our remaining Axys customer base. What are some additional thoughts on how we could encourage more and more Axys clients to move up to our APX solution?

Categories have been created for these topics. Using a category topic, post your ideas or vote and comment on other ideas while the session is active (April 29-May 21). Anthony and his team will then review the ideas and share back with Advent how and when some of the ideas will be put into action. We’ll recognize contributors and adopters.




open(INFO, ">$file"); # Open for output

> [返回空,文件内容也清空]


open(INFO ,">>$file");      # Open for appending
print INFO "Hello World!";   # Input the text to file. 

open(INFILE ,"$file");
@lines = <INFILE>;
print @lines;


> Hello World ! Hello World !



@FruitList   =  ( " Apple  " , " Pear  " , " Orange  " , " Peach  " );
print ( " \n " );
print ( @FruitList );
print ( " \n " );
foreach   $Item  ( @FruitList )
print ( " \n " );
print ( $Item );
>  Apple









$NumberA   =   1 ;
$NUmberB   =   2 ;
if  ( $NumberA   !=   $NumberB )  # == Is $a numerically equal to $b?
print ( " Hello World! " );
>  Hello World !

$StrA = "A";
$StrB = "B";

if ($StrA eq $StrB)     # eq :Is $a string-equal to $b?
 print("Hello World!");
}              # ne : Is $a string-equal to $b?

> Here!




$StrA   =   " A " ;
$StrB   =   " 0 " ;

if  ( $StrA   &&   $StrB )
print ( " Hello World! " );
print ( " Here! " );
>  Here !

$StrA = "A";
$StrB = "0";

if ($StrA || $StrB)
 print("Hello World!");

 > Hello World!

$StrA = "A";
$StrB = "0";

if (! $StrB)
 print("Hello World!");

> Hello World!





