Goal :
Remove the report folder from backstage.
Implement Steps:
1. Create a C# console application project.
2. Add one web reference into the project. [VS2010 : http://localhost:80/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx]
3. Open the “Web References/WebServicelocalhost” folder from the project location directory and find out the “Reference.cs” file in there.
4. Create a new console project then add the “References. cs” as a class file, add the web reference project as a reference.
5. Open the web reference project and change the internal keyword to public in the file of \TempWebRef\TempWebRef\Properties “Settings.Designer.cs”.
public sealed partial class Settings : global::System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase {
6. Open the “Reference.cs” file and change the namespace to a new definitely one.
namespace TempWebRef.LocalReportServiceRemoveGenReport { ...
7. Create a static private method in the “Reference.cs “ class ,it is will be better write around the “DeleteItem” default method.
8. Switch to another project and call the report deleting method like below.
string stemp = TempWebRef.LocalReportServiceRemoveGenReport.ReportingService2005.DeleteReport("TestReport","Server3");