Precision、 micro-P、macro-P、weighted-P
F1、 micro-F1、macro-F1、weighted-F1
h l o s s h_{loss} hloss 可能是最直观也是最容易理解的一个loss,它直接统计了被误分类label的个数(不属于这个样本的标签被预测,或者属于这个样本的标签没有被预测)。 h l o s s = 0 h_{loss}=0 hloss=0表示所有的每一个data的所有label都被分对了。
h l o s s = 1 p ∑ i = 1 p h ( x i ) Δ Y i , 其 中 p = N × L h_{loss}= \frac{1}{p}∑_{i=1}^ph(x_{i})ΔY_{i},其中 p=N\times L hloss=p1i=1∑ph(xi)ΔYi,其中p=N×L
P:样本数 、Q:标签数 、 | ……|:错误样本的个数
#computing hammingLoss
def HammingLossClass(preLabels,test_targets):
num_class,num_instance = np.mat(test_targets).shape
temp = sum((preLabels != test_targets))
miss_pairs = sum(temp)
hammingLoss = miss_pairs/(num_class*num_instance)
return hammingLoss
Intuitively, precision is the ability of the classifier not to label as positive a sample that is negative, and recall is the ability of the classifier to find all the positive samples(查准率是分类器不把阴性样本标记为阳性的能力,而召回率是分类器找到所有阳性样本的能力。)2者都是越高越好.
查准率:字面意思,希望查的越准越好,识别模型查的准不准。举个极端例子,模型预测该类99个样本为真(99/100, 100个样本下),但实际只有5个样本。此时prec= 5/99, 查准率就非常小了。说明模型查的不准,因为它把很多阴性样本标记为阳性样本。
召回率:字面意思,召回,希望召回产品越来越少(比如说,研制了A产品,公司觉得是好产品(你的模型预测为真),但是,消费者一使用,发现很多是坏的(实际是假),此时需要重新召回产品,重新修理,然后在给消费者。)。 召回率越高,说明公司真正召回产品的概率越低,即1-recall。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Sep 6 20:38:38 2020
#from sklearn import datasets
import sklearn
#import torch
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import laplacian
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from sklearn.metrics import hamming_loss
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score,auc
# np.set_printoptions(threshold='nan')
class Metric(object):
def __init__(self,output,label):
self.output = output #prediction label matric
self.label = label #true label matric
def accuracy_subset(self,threash=0.5):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
return accuracy
def accuracy_mean(self,threash=0.5):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
return accuracy
def accuracy_multiclass(self):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
return accuracy
def micfscore(self,threash=0.5,type='micro'):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
return f1_score(y_pred,y_true,average=type)
def macfscore(self,threash=0.5,type='macro'):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
return f1_score(y_pred,y_true,average=type)
def hamming_distance(self,threash=0.5):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
return hamming_loss(y_true,y_pred)
def fscore_class(self,type='micro'):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
return f1_score(np.argmax(y_pred,1),np.argmax(y_true,1),average=type)
def auROC(self):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
row,col = label.shape
temp = []
ROC = 0
for i in range(col):
sigle_ROC = roc_auc_score(y_true[:,i], y_pred[:,i], average='macro', sample_weight=None)
#print("%d th AUROC: %f"%(i,ROC))
ROC += sigle_ROC
return ROC/(col)
def MacroAUC(self):
y_pred =self.output #num_instance*num_label
y_true = self.label #num_instance*num_label
num_instance,num_class = y_pred.shape
count = np.zeros((num_class,1)) # store the number of postive instance'score>negative instance'score
num_P_instance = np.zeros((num_class,1)) #number of positive instance for every label
num_N_instance = np.zeros((num_class,1))
AUC = np.zeros((num_class,1)) # for each label
count_valid_label = 0
for i in range(num_class): #第i类
num_P_instance[i,0] = sum(y_true[:,i] == 1) #label,,test_target
num_N_instance[i,0] = num_instance - num_P_instance[i,0]
# exclude the label on which all instances are positive or negative,
# leading to num_P_instance(i,1) or num_N_instance(i,1) is zero
if num_P_instance[i,0] == 0 or num_N_instance[i,0] == 0:
AUC[i,0] = 0
count_valid_label = count_valid_label + 1
temp_P_Outputs = np.zeros((int(num_P_instance[i,0]), num_class))
temp_N_Outputs = np.zeros((int(num_N_instance[i,0]), num_class))
temp_P_Outputs[:,i] = y_pred[y_true[:,i]==1,i]
temp_N_Outputs[:,i] = y_pred[y_true[:,i]==0,i]
for m in range(int(num_P_instance[i,0])):
for n in range(int(num_N_instance[i,0])):
if(temp_P_Outputs[m,i] > temp_N_Outputs[n,i] ):
count[i,0] = count[i,0] + 1
elif(temp_P_Outputs[m,i] == temp_N_Outputs[n,i]):
count[i,0] = count[i,0] + 0.5
AUC[i,0] = count[i,0]/(num_P_instance[i,0]*num_N_instance[i,0])
macroAUC1 = sum(AUC)/(num_class-count_valid_label)
return float(macroAUC1),AUC
def avgPrecision(self):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
num_instance,num_class = y_pred.shape
precision_value = 0
precisions = []
for i in range(num_instance):
p = precision_score(y_true[i,:], y_pred[i,:])
precision_value += p
pre_list = np.array([1.0] + precisions + [0.0] )#for get AUPRC
return float(precision_value/num_instance), pre_list
def avgRecall(self):
y_pred =self.output
y_true = self.label
num_instance,num_class = y_pred.shape
recall_value = 0
recalls = []
for i in range(num_instance):
p = recall_score(y_true[i,:], y_pred[i,:])
recall_value += p
rec_list = np.array([0.0] + recalls + [1.0]) #for get AUPRC
sorting_indices = np.argsort(rec_list)
return float(recall_value/num_instance),rec_list,sorting_indices
def getAUPRC(self):
avgPrecision,precisions = self.avgPrecision()
avfRecall,recalls, sorting_indices = self.avgRecall()
#x is either increasing or decreasing
#such as recalls[sorting_indices]
auprc = auc(recalls[sorting_indices], precisions[sorting_indices])
return auprc
def cal_single_label_micro_auc(self,x, y):
idx = np.argsort(x) # 升序排列
y = y[idx]
m = 0
n = 0
auc = 0
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
if y[i] == 1:
m += 1
auc += n
if y[i] == 0:
n += 1
auc /= (m * n)
return auc
def get_micro_auc(self):
:param x: the predicted outputs of the classifier, the output of the ith instance for the jth class is stored in x(i,j)
:param y: the actual labels of the instances, if the ith instance belong to the jth class, y(i,j)=1, otherwise y(i,j)=0
:return: the micro auc
x =self.output
y = self.label
n, d = x.shape
if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
print("num of instances for output and ground truth is different!!")
if x.shape[1] != y.shape[1]:
print("dim of output and ground truth is different!!")
x = x.reshape(n * d)
y = y.reshape(n * d)
auc = self.cal_single_label_micro_auc(x, y)
return auc
def cal_single_instance_coverage(self,x, y):
idx = np.argsort(x) # 升序排列
y = y[idx]
loc = x.shape[0]
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
if y[i] == 1:
loc -= i
return loc
def get_coverage(self):
:param x: the predicted outputs of the classifier, the output of the ith instance for the jth class is stored in x(i,j)
:param y: the actual labels of the test instances, if the ith instance belong to the jth class, y(i,j)=1, otherwise y(i,j)=0
:return: the coverage
x =self.output
y = self.label
n, d = x.shape
if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
print("num of instances for output and ground truth is different!!")
if x.shape[1] != y.shape[1]:
print("dim of output and ground truth is different!!")
cover = 0
for i in range(n):
cover += self.cal_single_instance_coverage(x[i], y[i])
cover = cover / n - 1
return cover
def cal_single_instance_ranking_loss(self,x, y):
idx = np.argsort(x) # 升序排列
y = y[idx]
m = 0
n = 0
rl = 0
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
if y[i] == 1:
m += 1
if y[i] == 0:
rl += m
n += 1
rl /= (m * n)
return rl
def get_ranking_loss(self):
:param x: the predicted outputs of the classifier, the output of the ith instance for the jth class is stored in x(i,j)
:param y: the actual labels of the test instances, if the ith instance belong to the jth class, y(i,j)=1, otherwise x(i,j)=0
:return: the ranking loss
x =self.output
y = self.label
n, d = x.shape
if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
print("num of instances for output and ground truth is different!!")
if x.shape[1] != y.shape[1]:
print("dim of output and ground truth is different!!")
m = 0
rank_loss = 0
for i in range(n):
s = np.sum(y[i])
if s in range(1, d):
rank_loss += self.cal_single_instance_ranking_loss(x[i], y[i])
m += 1
rank_loss /= m
return rank_loss
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 6行5列,6个样本,5个类别标记
output = np.array([[1,0,0,0,1],
label = np.array([[1,0,1,0,1],
myMetic = Metric(output,label)
#Macrof1 = myMetic.fscore_class()
ham = myMetic.hamming_distance()
Microf1 = myMetic.micfscore()
Macrof1 = myMetic.macfscore()
AUROC = myMetic.auROC()
MacroAUROC1,AUC_list = myMetic.MacroAUC()
avgPrecision,precisions = myMetic.avgPrecision()
avfRecall,recalls,sorting_indices = myMetic.avgRecall()
auprc = myMetic.getAUPRC()
micro_auc = myMetic.get_micro_auc()
coverage = myMetic.get_coverage()
ranking_loss = myMetic.get_ranking_loss()
# #print(Macrof1)
print("AUROC: ",(AUROC))
print("MacroAUC: ",(MacroAUROC1))
# #print(": ",(AUC_list))
print("avgPrecision: ",avgPrecision)
print("avfRecall: ",avfRecall)
print("AUPRC: ",auprc)
print("get_micro_auc _from_KDD2018M3DS:",micro_auc)
print("get_coverage _from_KDD2018M3DS:",coverage)
print("get_ranking_loss _from_KDD2018M3DS:",ranking_loss)
# #iris = datasets.load_iris()
ham: 0.2
Microf1: 0.8125
Macrof1: 0.7547619047619046
AUROC: 0.8133333333333332
MacroAUC: 0.8133333333333332
avgPrecision: 0.8055555555555557
avfRecall: 0.861111111111111
AUPRC: 0.7777777777777778
get_micro_auc _from_KDD2018M3DS: 0.8
get_coverage _from_KDD2018M3DS: 2.3333333333333335
get_ranking_loss _from_KDD2018M3DS: 0.13888888888888887
Process finished with exit code 0
3.3. Metrics and scoring: quantifying the quality of predictions
Multilabel(多标签分类)metrics:hamming loss,F score
多标签分类(multilabel classification )
[Machine Learning]分类问题的性能度量方法——二分类、多分类、多标签分类
sklearn中 F1-micro 与 F1-macro区别和计算原理
[Machine Learning]分类问题的性能度量方法——二分类、多分类、多标签分类