变换就是定义域和值域都是函数集而非数值的函数。 它仍然是一种映射,只是从函数集映射到函数集。
另外傅里叶级数展开的物理意义可以描述成: 一个周期性振动的量,可以看成是具有简单频率的简谐振动的叠加。
FT是域变换,时域到频域,时域看不出来的特征通常在频域会很明显。而频谱分析的本质就是对 变换到频域的信号 f ^ ( w ) \hat f(w) f^(w)进行滤波等处理。
FT是分析平稳信号(即所有时间对应于一个频点)的有力工具。它的积分作用平滑了非平稳过程额突变部分,积分核 e − j w t e^{-jwt} e−jwt的幅值在任何时候都是1。
傅里叶变换的核函数是 e j w t e^{jwt} ejwt,即是正弦波。
FT是整体变换/全局变换。频谱 f ^ ( w ) \hat f(w) f^(w)上每一个频点的取值都是由 f ( t ) f(t) f(t)在整个时间域 ( − ∞ , + ∞ ) (-\infty,+\infty) (−∞,+∞)的贡献决定的,时间过程 f ( t ) f(t) f(t)的每一个时间点的取值也是整个频段 ( − ∞ , + ∞ ) (-\infty,+\infty) (−∞,+∞)的贡献决定的。所以FT只能反映出信号的整体特征,对局部激烈震荡的细节无能为力。
小波变换终于在1974年被法国石油信号处理工程师 J.Morlet 提出了,还构建了光滑的,在时域频域的局部性能都很好的Morlet小波。
小波变换的小波函数既可以在时域上滑动,又可以通过伸缩和平移两种操作变换窗口的形状,于是克服了STFT的单一分辨率的缺点, 开启了信号的多分辨率分析的时代。
有些小波无法用解析式表示,只能用计算机实现,但也得到了广泛应用 。
满足 ∫ R ∣ f ( t ) ∣ p d t < + ∞ \int_R |f(t)|^pdt<+\infty ∫R∣f(t)∣pdt<+∞的函数空间用 L p ( R ) L^p(R) Lp(R)表示
- 小波函数是快速衰减和震荡的,但FT的核函数——正弦波,是一直不变的,所以小波变换可以得到更多的信息。
- 傅里叶变换是全局的整体的,只能单独从时域或者单独从频域表示信号;而小波分析是时频联合分析,用两个域的联合来表示信号特征。
>> help waveinfo
waveinfo Information on wavelets.
waveinfo provides information for all the wavelets
within the toolbox.
waveinfo('wname') provides information for the wavelet
family whose short name is specified by the string
Available family short names are:
'haar' : Haar wavelet.
'db' : Daubechies wavelets.
'sym' : Symlets.
'coif' : Coiflets.
'bior' : Biorthogonal wavelets.
'rbio' : Reverse biorthogonal wavelets.
'meyr' : Meyer wavelet.
'dmey' : Discrete Meyer wavelet.
'gaus' : Gaussian wavelets.
'mexh' : Mexican hat wavelet.
'morl' : Morlet wavelet.
'cgau' : Complex Gaussian wavelets.
'cmor' : Complex Morlet wavelets.
'shan' : Complex Shannon wavelets.
'fbsp' : Complex Frequency B-spline wavelets.
'fk' : Fejer-Korovkin orthogonal wavelets
or user-defined short names for their own wavelet
families (see WAVEMNGR). If the user-defined short name
is 'mywa' the information file must be named mywainfo.m.
(See HAARINFO, SYMINFO ... as example of such file).
waveinfo('wsys') provides information on wavelet packets.
See also wavemngr.
waveinfo 的参考页
>> waveinfo('haar')
Information on Haar wavelet.
Haar Wavelet
General characteristics: Compactly supported
wavelet, the oldest and the simplest wavelet.
scaling function phi = 1 on [0 1] and 0 otherwise.
wavelet function psi = 1 on [0 0.5), = -1 on [0.5 1] and 0 otherwise.
Family Haar
Short name haar
Examples haar is the same as db1
Orthogonal yes
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Support width 1
Filters length 2
Regularity haar is not continuous
Symmetry yes
Number of vanishing
moments for psi 1
Reference: I. Daubechies,
Ten lectures on wavelets,
CBMS, SIAM, 61, 1994, 194-202.
>> waveinfo('morlet')
错误使用 waveinfo (line 49)
Invalid wavelet family short name : morlet
>> waveinfo('morl')
Information on Morlet wavelet.
Morlet Wavelet
morl(x) = exp(-x^2/2) * cos(5x)
Family Morlet
Short name morl
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
CWT possible
Support width infinite
Effective support [-4 4]
Symmetry yes
Reference: I. Daubechies,
Ten lectures on wavelets,
CBMS, SIAM, 61, 1994, 76.
>> waveinfo('mexh')
Information on Mexican Hat wavelet.
Mexican Hat Wavelet
Definition: second derivative of the Gaussian
probability density function
mexh(x) = c * exp(-x^2/2) * (1-x^2)
where c = 2/(sqrt(3)*pi^{1/4})
Family Mexican hat
Short name mexh
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
CWT possible
Support width infinite
Effective support [-5 5]
Symmetry yes
Reference: I. Daubechies,
Ten lectures on wavelets,
CBMS, SIAM, 61, 1994, 75.
>> waveinfo('db')
Information on Daubechies wavelets.
Daubechies Wavelets
General characteristics: Compactly supported
wavelets with extremal phase and highest
number of vanishing moments for a given
support width. Associated scaling filters are
minimum-phase filters.
Family Daubechies
Short name db
Order N N a positive integer from 1 to 45.
Examples db1 or haar, db4, db15
Orthogonal yes
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Support width 2N-1
Filters length 2N
Regularity about 0.2 N for large N
Symmetry far from
Number of vanishing
moments for psi N
Reference: I. Daubechies,
Ten lectures on wavelets,
CBMS, SIAM, 61, 1994, 194-202.
>> waveinfo('sym')
Information on near symmetric wavelets.
Symlets Wavelets
General characteristics: Compactly supported wavelets with
least asymmetry and highest number of vanishing moments
for a given support width.
Associated scaling filters are near linear-phase filters.
Family Symlets
Short name sym
Order N N = 2, 3, ... 45 (a positive integer from 2
to 45)
Examples sym2, sym8
Orthogonal yes
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Support width 2N-1
Filters length 2N
Symmetry near from
Number of vanishing
moments for psi N
Reference: I. Daubechies,
Ten lectures on wavelets,
CBMS, SIAM, 61, 1994, 198-202 and 254-256.
>> waveinfo('gauss')
错误使用 waveinfo (line 49)
Invalid wavelet family short name : gauss
>> waveinfo('gaus')
Information on Gaussian wavelets.
Gaussian Wavelets
Definition: derivatives of the Gaussian
probability density function.
gaus(x,n) = Cn * diff(exp(-x^2),n) where diff denotes
the symbolic derivative and where Cn is such that
the 2-norm of gaus(x,n) = 1.
Family Gaussian
Short name gaus
Wavelet name 'gausN' Valid choices for N are 1,2,3,...8
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
CWT possible
Support width infinite
Effective support [-5 5]
Symmetry yes
n even ==> Symmetry
n odd ==> Anti-Symmetry
>> [lo_d,hi_d,lo_r,hi_r]=wfilters('haar')
lo_d =
0.7071 0.7071
hi_d =
-0.7071 0.7071
lo_r =
0.7071 0.7071
hi_r =
0.7071 -0.7071
>> [f1,f2]=wfilters('haar','d')
f1 =
0.7071 0.7071
f2 =
-0.7071 0.7071
>> [f1,f2]=wfilters('haar','r')
f1 =
0.7071 0.7071
f2 =
0.7071 -0.7071
>> [f1,f2]=wfilters('morl','d')
wfilters ---> The wavelet morl is not valid!
clear all %清内存
clf %清除当前图形
format compact
% 'db1','db2'``````'db45','haar'是正交小波
subplot(221);stem(lo_d,'color','r');xlim([0 95]);
title('分解低通滤波器','fontsize',10);axis tight;xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
subplot(222);stem(hi_d,'color','r');xlim([0 95]);
title('分解高通滤波器','fontsize',10);axis tight;xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
subplot(223);stem(lo_r,'color','r');xlim([0 95]);
title('重构低通滤波器','fontsize',10);axis tight;xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
subplot(224);stem(hi_r,'color','r');xlim([0 95]);
title('重构高通滤波器','fontsize',10);axis tight;xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
clear all
close all
axis tight;xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
axis tight;xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
axis tight;xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
% 计算两个分解滤波器,并用他们计算低频系数、高频系数
% 进行单尺度db2离散小波变换并观察最后系数的边缘效果
axis tight;xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
axis tight;xlabel('x');ylabel('y');