表达式求值又是栈的应用 感觉很有用
S1和S2是两个合法的中缀表达式 则(S1)ch(S2)也是一个合法的中缀表达式
事实上 对一棵表达式树进行中序遍历即可得到中缀表达式
(下文中简称中缀式 前缀式和后缀式)
有: 操作符{'+','-','*','/','(',')'}和操作数
每个节点要么是叶子节点 要么有2个儿子
分支节点就是操作符 叶子节点即为操作数
而且 下层操作符的优先级应当高于上层操作符 (即先算下层后算上层)
因为S1内的操作符必然高于ch 根据我们设计的栈的单调性 S1必然已经全部弹出
继续利用压栈解决S2的问题 解决之后就会弹出ch
首先 遇到操作数直接输出至答案序列
因为操作数自成一个合法后缀式 相当于一个处理完毕的子树
相应的我们读到一个')'就弹栈 直到遇到'('
(除括号外弹出元素进入答案序列,括号也需弹出) 括号不入栈
读到一个非括号操作符ch 弹栈直到栈顶元素优先级低于ch或为'('或栈空 最后压入ch
当扫描完毕时将栈内所有元素弹出 输出至答案序列
1 const maxn = 1000 ;
2 pri: array [ ' ( ' .. ' / ' ] of longint = ( 0 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 2 );
3 let: set of char = [ ' A ' .. ' Z ' ];
4 var ans,stack: array [ 1 ..maxn] of char;
5 top,tt,i:longint;
6 ch:char;
7 begin
8 assign(input, ' exp.in ' ); reset(input);
9 assign(output, ' exp.out ' ); rewrite(output);
10 top: = 0 ; tt: = 0 ;
11 fillchar(stack,sizeof(stack), 0 );
12 while not eoln do
13 begin
14 read(ch);
15 if ch in let
16 then begin
17 inc(tt);
18 ans[tt]: = ch;
19 end
20 else if ch = ' ( '
21 then begin
22 inc(top);
23 stack[top]: = ch;
24 end
25 else if ch = ' ) '
26 then begin
27 while stack[top] <> ' ( ' do
28 begin
29 inc(tt);
30 ans[tt]: = stack[top];
31 dec(top);
32 end ;
33 dec(top);
34 if top < 0
35 then begin
36 writeln( ' Error while working. ' );
37 close(input); close(output);
38 halt;
39 end ;
40 end
41 else begin
42 while (top > 0 ) and (pri[stack[top]] >= pri[ch]) do
43 begin
44 inc(tt);
45 ans[tt]: = stack[top];
46 dec(top);
47 end ;
48 inc(top);
49 stack[top]: = ch;
50 end ;
51 end ;
52 while top > 0 do
53 begin
54 inc(tt);
55 ans[tt]: = stack[top];
56 dec(top);
57 end ;
58 for i: = 1 to tt do
59 write(ans[i]);
60 writeln;
61 close(input); close(output);
62 end .
得到了后缀式 我们便能方便地计算表达式的值
碰到操作数就压栈 碰到操作符就弹出两个数运算 再把结果压栈
扫描完毕 栈中有且仅有一个元素 就是结果
1 const c: array [ 1 .. 6 ] of char = ( ' ( ' , ' ) ' , ' + ' , ' - ' , ' * ' , ' / ' );
2 c0: set of char = [ ' ( ' , ' ) ' , ' + ' , ' - ' , ' * ' , ' / ' ];
3 n0: set of char = [ ' 0 ' .. ' 9 ' ];
4 pri: array [ ' ( ' .. ' / ' ] of longint = ( 0 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 2 );
5 id: array [ ' ( ' .. ' / ' ] of longint = ( 1 , 2 , 5 , 3 , 0 , 4 , 0 , 6 );
6 maxn = 100 ;
7 var tab,flag,data: array [ 1 ..maxn] of longint;
8 ans,stack: array [ 1 ..maxn] of record x,y:longint; end ;
9 t,t1,tt,last,i,top:longint;
10 key:boolean;
11 ch:char;
12 begin
13 assign(input, ' cal.in ' ); reset(input);
14 assign(output, ' cal.out ' ); rewrite(output);
15 t: = 0 ; t1: = 0 ; last: = 0 ; key: = false;
16 fillchar(data,sizeof(data), 0 );
17 fillchar(tab,sizeof(tab), 0 );
18 fillchar(flag,sizeof(flag), 0 );
19 while not eoln do
20 begin
21 read(ch);
22 if ch in c0
23 then begin
24 if key
25 then begin
26 inc(t1);
27 data[t1]: = last;
28 inc(t);
29 tab[t]: = t1;
30 flag[t]: = 1 ;
31 last: = 0 ;
32 key: = false;
33 end ;
34 inc(t);
35 tab[t]: = id[ch];
36 flag[t]: = 2 ;
37 end
38 else begin
39 last: = last * 10 + ord(ch) - 48 ;
40 if not key then key: = true;
41 end ;
42 end ;
43 if key
44 then begin
45 inc(t1);
46 data[t1]: = last;
47 inc(t);
48 tab[t]: = t1;
49 flag[t]: = 1 ;
50 last: = 0 ;
51 key: = false;
52 end ;
53 top: = 0 ; tt: = 0 ;
54 for i: = 1 to t do
55 begin
56 if flag[i] = 1
57 then begin
58 inc(tt);
59 ans[tt].x: = tab[i];
60 ans[tt].y: = flag[i];
61 end
62 else if (flag[i] = 2 ) and (tab[i] = 1 )
63 then begin
64 inc(top);
65 stack[top].x: = tab[i];
66 stack[top].y: = flag[i];
67 end
68 else if (flag[i] = 2 ) and (tab[i] = 2 )
69 then begin
70 while (top > 0 ) and ((stack[top].x <> 1 ) or (stack[top].y <> 2 )) do
71 begin
72 inc(tt);
73 ans[tt].x: = stack[top].x;
74 ans[tt].y: = stack[top].y;
75 dec(top);
76 end ;
77 dec(top);
78 end
79 else begin
80 while (top > 0 ) and (pri[c[stack[top].x]] >= pri[c[tab[i]]]) do
81 begin
82 inc(tt);
83 ans[tt].x: = stack[top].x;
84 ans[tt].y: = stack[top].y;
85 dec(top);
86 end ;
87 inc(top);
88 stack[top].x: = tab[i];
89 stack[top].y: = flag[i];
90 end ;
91 end ;
92 while top > 0 do
93 begin
94 inc(tt);
95 ans[tt].x: = stack[top].x;
96 ans[tt].y: = stack[top].y;
97 dec(top);
98 end ;
99 top: = 0 ;
100 for i: = 1 to tt do
101 begin
102 if ans[i].y = 2
103 then begin
104 case ans[i].x of
105 3 :stack[top - 1 ].x: = stack[top - 1 ].x + stack[top].x;
106 4 :stack[top - 1 ].x: = stack[top - 1 ].x - stack[top].x;
107 5 :stack[top - 1 ].x: = stack[top - 1 ].x * stack[top].x;
108 6 :stack[top - 1 ].x: = stack[top - 1 ].x div stack[top].x;
109 end ;
110 dec(top);
111 end
112 else begin
113 inc(top);
114 stack[top].x: = data[ans[i].x];
115 end ;
116 end ;
117 writeln(stack[ 1 ].x);
118 close(input); close(output);
119 end .
生成一棵表达式树 能够生成数据+运算结果
1 const maxn = 1000 ;
2 var t,tt,nx,ns,y,top,n,x,i:longint;
3 c: array [ 1 .. 4 ] of char;
4 key,h,l,r: array [ 1 ..maxn] of longint;
5 ch: array [ 1 ..maxn] of char;
6 stack: array [ 1 ..maxn] of record x,s:longint end ;
7 begin
8 randomize;
9 assign(input, ' input.txt ' ); reset(input);
10 assign(output, ' exp.in ' ); rewrite(output);
11 readln(n);
12 n: = n div 2 ;
13 n: = 2 * n + 1 ;
14 close(input);
15 t: = 0 ; tt: = 1 ;
16 c[ 1 ]: = ' + ' ; c[ 2 ]: = ' * ' ; c[ 3 ]: = ' - ' ; c[ 4 ]: = ' / ' ;
17 top: = 1 ; stack[ 1 ].x: = 1 ; stack[ 1 ].s: = n;
18 while top > 0 do
19 begin
20 nx: = stack[top].x;
21 ns: = stack[top].s;
22 dec(top);
23 if ns <> 1
24 then ch[nx]: = c[random( 4 ) + 1 ]
25 else begin
26 inc(t);
27 ch[nx]: = chr(t + 64 );
28 continue;
29 end ;
30 y: = random(ns div 2 - 1 ) * 2 + 1 ;
31 if y > 0
32 then begin
33 inc(tt); l[nx]: = tt;
34 if key[nx] < 0 then key[tt]: = key[nx] - 1
35 else key[tt]: =- 1 ;
36 inc(top); stack[top].x: = tt; stack[top].s: = y;
37 end ;
38 if ns - y - 1 > 0
39 then begin
40 inc(tt); r[nx]: = tt;
41 if key[nx] > 0 then key[tt]: = key[nx] + 1
42 else key[tt]: = 1 ;
43 inc(top); stack[top].x: = tt; stack[top].s: = ns - y - 1 ;
44 end ;
45 end ;
46 top: = 1 ; stack[top].x: = 1 ;
47 fillchar(h,sizeof(h), 0 );
48 while top > 0 do
49 begin
50 x: = stack[top].x;
51 if (l[x] <> 0 ) and (h[l[x]] = 0 )
52 then begin
53 inc(top);
54 stack[top].x: = l[x];
55 h[l[x]]: = 1 ;
56 end
57 else begin
58 if (l[x] = 0 ) and (key[x] < 0 )
59 then for i: = 1 to abs(key[x]) do write( ' ( ' );
60 write(ch[x]);
61 dec(top);
62 if (r[x] = 0 ) and (key[x] > 0 )
63 then for i: = 1 to key[x] do write( ' ) ' );
64 if (r[x] <> 0 ) and (h[r[x]] = 0 )
65 then begin
66 inc(top);
67 stack[top].x: = r[x];
68 h[r[x]]: = 1 ;
69 end ;
70 end ;
71 end ;
72 writeln; close(output);
73 assign(output, ' exp0.out ' ); rewrite(output);
74 top: = 1 ; stack[top].x: = 1 ;
75 fillchar(h,sizeof(h), 0 );
76 while top > 0 do
77 begin
78 x: = stack[top].x;
79 if (l[x] <> 0 ) and (h[l[x]] = 0 )
80 then begin
81 inc(top);
82 stack[top].x: = l[x];
83 h[l[x]]: = 1 ;
84 end
85 else if (r[x] <> 0 ) and (h[r[x]] = 0 )
86 then begin
87 inc(top);
88 stack[top].x: = r[x];
89 h[r[x]]: = 1 ;
90 end
91 else begin
92 write(ch[x]);
93 dec(top);
94 end ;
95 end ;
96 writeln;
97 close(output);
98 end .
分别是pku 2269 和 pku3295
其中pku2269用集合代替了操作数 注意细节
每次就试探着看栈顶几个元素可不可以放在一起算 可以算就算了压栈
直到不能算位置 继续压入新元素
1 const n0: set of char = [ ' p ' , ' q ' , ' r ' , ' s ' , ' t ' ];
2 c0: set of char = [ ' K ' , ' A ' , ' N ' , ' C ' , ' E ' ];
3 c1: array [ 2 .. 6 ] of char = ( ' K ' , ' A ' , ' N ' , ' C ' , ' E ' );
4 c: array [ ' A ' .. ' N ' ] of longint = ( 3 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 6 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 4 );
5 maxn = 100 ;
6 var n: array [ ' p ' .. ' t ' ] of longint;
7 stack: array [ 1 ..maxn] of longint;
8 data: array [ 1 ..maxn] of char;
9 flag:boolean;
10 m,i:longint;
11 function check:boolean;
12 var top,i:longint;
13 ch:char;
14 key:boolean;
15 begin
16 top: = 0 ;
17 fillchar(stack,sizeof(stack), 0 );
18 for i: = 1 to m do
19 begin
20 ch: = data[i];
21 if ch = ' 0 '
22 then begin
23 close(input); close(output);
24 halt;
25 end ;
26 inc(top);
27 if ch in c0
28 then stack[top]: = c[ch]
29 else stack[top]: = n[ch];
30 key: = true;
31 while key do
32 begin
33 if (top >= 2 ) and (stack[top - 1 ] = 4 ) and (stack[top] < 2 )
34 then begin
35 stack[top - 1 ]: = not stack[top];
36 dec(top);
37 continue;
38 end ;
39 if (top >= 3 ) and (stack[top - 2 ] = 2 ) and (stack[top] < 2 ) and (stack[top - 1 ] < 2 )
40 then begin
41 stack[top - 2 ]: = stack[top] and stack[top - 1 ];
42 dec(top, 2 );
43 continue;
44 end ;
45 if (top >= 3 ) and (stack[top - 2 ] = 3 ) and (stack[top] < 2 ) and (stack[top - 1 ] < 2 )
46 then begin
47 stack[top - 2 ]: = stack[top] or stack[top - 1 ];
48 dec(top, 2 );
49 continue;
50 end ;
51 if (top >= 3 ) and (stack[top - 2 ] = 5 ) and (stack[top] < 2 ) and (stack[top - 1 ] < 2 )
52 then begin
53 stack[top - 2 ]: = ((stack[top - 1 ] shl stack[top]) xor 1 ) and 1 ;
54 dec(top, 2 );
55 continue;
56 end ;
57 if (top >= 3 ) and (stack[top - 2 ] = 6 ) and (stack[top] < 2 ) and (stack[top - 1 ] < 2 )
58 then begin
59 stack[top - 2 ]: = (stack[top] xor stack[top - 1 ])xor 1 ;
60 dec(top, 2 );
61 continue;
62 end ;
63 key: = false;
64 end ;
65 end ;
66 if stack[ 1 ] <> 1
67 then check: = false
68 else check: = true;
69 end ;
70 procedure DFS(dep:char);
71 var i:longint;
72 begin
73 if dep > ' t '
74 then flag: = flag and check
75 else for i: = 0 to 1 do
76 begin
77 n[dep]: = i;
78 dfs(chr(ord(dep) + 1 ));
79 end ;
80 end ;
81 begin
82 assign(input, ' tau.in ' ); reset(input);
83 assign(output, ' tau.out ' ); rewrite(output);
84 while not eof do
85 begin
86 flag: = true;
87 i: = 0 ;
88 while not eoln do
89 begin
90 inc(i);
91 read(data[i]);
92 end ;
93 m: = i;
94 DFS( ' p ' );
95 if flag
96 then writeln( ' tautology ' )
97 else writeln( ' not ' );
98 readln;
99 end ;
100 close(input); close(output);
101 end .
1 const maxl = 256 ;
2 maxn = 256 ;
3 pri: array [ ' ( ' .. ' / ' ] of longint = ( 0 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 2 );
4 type node =
5 record
6 c: array [ 1 ..maxl] of char;
7 n:longint;
8 end ;
9 var ans,cals { stack } : array [ 1 ..maxn] of node;
10 c,stack: array [ 1 ..maxn] of char;
11 h: array [ ' A ' .. ' Z ' ] of longint;
12 t,top,i,j:longint;
13 ch:char;
14 begin
15 assign(input, ' friend.in ' ); reset(input);
16 assign(output, ' friend.out ' ); rewrite(output);
17 while not eof do
18 begin
19 t: = 0 ;
20 top: = 0 ;
21 while not eoln do
22 begin
23 read(ch);
24 if ch = ' { '
25 then begin
26 i: = 0 ;
27 while ch <> ' } ' do
28 begin
29 if i > 0 then c[i]: = ch;
30 inc(i);
31 read(ch);
32 end ;
33 inc(t);
34 move(c,ans[t].c,sizeof(c));
35 ans[t].n: = i - 1 ;
36 end
37 else if ch = ' ( '
38 then begin
39 inc(top);
40 stack[top]: = ' ( ' ;
41 end
42 else if ch = ' ) '
43 then begin
44 while stack[top] <> ' ( ' do
45 begin
46 inc(t);
47 ans[t].n: =- 1 ;
48 ans[t].c[ 1 ]: = stack[top];
49 dec(top);
50 end ;
51 dec(top);
52 end
53 else begin
54 while (top > 0 ) and (pri[stack[top]] >= pri[ch]) do
55 begin
56 inc(t);
57 ans[t].n: =- 1 ;
58 ans[t].c[ 1 ]: = stack[top];
59 dec(top);
60 end ;
61 inc(top);
62 stack[top]: = ch;
63 end ;
64 end ;
65 while top > 0 do
66 begin
67 inc(t);
68 ans[t].n: =- 1 ;
69 ans[t].c[ 1 ]: = stack[top];
70 dec(top);
71 end ;
72 top: = 0 ;
73 for i: = 1 to t do
74 begin
75 if ans[i].n =- 1
76 then case ans[i].c[ 1 ] of
77 ' + ' : begin
78 fillchar(h,sizeof(h), 0 );
79 for j: = 1 to cals[top].n do
80 inc(h[cals[top].c[j]]);
81 for j: = 1 to cals[top - 1 ].n do
82 inc(h[cals[top - 1 ].c[j]]);
83 dec(top);
84 cals[top].n: = 0 ;
85 for ch: = ' A ' to ' Z ' do
86 if h[ch] > 0
87 then begin
88 inc(cals[top].n);
89 cals[top].c[cals[top].n]: = ch;
90 end ;
91 end ;
92 ' - ' : begin
93 fillchar(h,sizeof(h), 0 );
94 for j: = 1 to cals[top].n do
95 dec(h[cals[top].c[j]]);
96 for j: = 1 to cals[top - 1 ].n do
97 inc(h[cals[top - 1 ].c[j]]);
98 dec(top);
99 cals[top].n: = 0 ;
100 for ch: = ' A ' to ' Z ' do
101 if h[ch] > 0
102 then begin
103 inc(cals[top].n);
104 cals[top].c[cals[top].n]: = ch;
105 end ;
106 end ;
107 ' * ' : begin
108 fillchar(h,sizeof(h), 0 );
109 for j: = 1 to cals[top].n do
110 inc(h[cals[top].c[j]]);
111 for j: = 1 to cals[top - 1 ].n do
112 inc(h[cals[top - 1 ].c[j]]);
113 dec(top);
114 cals[top].n: = 0 ;
115 for ch: = ' A ' to ' Z ' do
116 if h[ch] = 2
117 then begin
118 inc(cals[top].n);
119 cals[top].c[cals[top].n]: = ch;
120 end ;
121 end ;
122 end
123 else begin
124 inc(top);
125 move(ans[i].c,cals[top].c,sizeof(ans[i].c));
126 cals[top].n: = ans[i].n;
127 end ;
128 end ;
129 write( ' { ' );
130 fillchar(h,sizeof(h), 0 );
131 for i: = 1 to cals[ 1 ].n do
132 inc(h[cals[ 1 ].c[i]]);
133 for ch: = ' A ' to ' Z ' do
134 if h[ch] > 0 then write(ch);
135 writeln( ' } ' );
136 readln;
137 end ;
138 close(input); close(output);
139 end .
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