
1.innerHTML Sets or retrieves the HTML between the start and end tags of the object;
2.outerHTML Sets or retrieves the object and its content in HTML;
3.innerText Sets or retrieves the text between the start and end tags of the object;
4.outerText Sets or retrieves the text of the object.

< div  id ="div" >< input  name ="button"  value ="Button"  type ="button" >< font  color ="green" >< h2 > This is a DIV! </ h2 ></ font ></ div >
< input  name ="innerHTML"  value ="innerHTML"  type ="button"  OnClick ="alert(div.innerHTML);" >
< input  name ="outerHTML"  value ="outerHTML"  type ="button"  OnClick ="alert(div.outerHTML);" >
< input  name ="innerText"  value ="innerText"  type ="button"  OnClick ="alert(div.innerText);" >
< input  name ="outerText"  value ="outerText"  type ="button"  OnClick ="alert(div.outerText);" >

