





  • len():返回数据集中的样本的数量。
  • get():实现加载单个图的操作。注意:在内部,__getitem__()返回通过调用get()来获取Data对象,并根据transform参数对它们进行选择性转换。


import os.path as osp

import torch
from import Dataset, download_url

class MyOwnDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, root, transform=None, pre_transform=None):
        super(MyOwnDataset, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform)

    def raw_file_names(self):
        return ['some_file_1', 'some_file_2', ...]

    def processed_file_names(self):
        return ['', '', ...]

    def download(self):
        # Download to `self.raw_dir`.
        path = download_url(url, self.raw_dir)

    def process(self):
        i = 0
        for raw_path in self.raw_paths:
            # Read data from `raw_path`.
            data = Data(...)

            if self.pre_filter is not None and not self.pre_filter(data):

            if self.pre_transform is not None:
                data = self.pre_transform(data)

  , osp.join(self.processed_dir, 'data_{}.pt'.format(i)))
            i += 1

    def len(self):
        return len(self.processed_file_names)

    def get(self, idx):
        data = torch.load(osp.join(self.processed_dir, 'data_{}.pt'.format(idx)))
        return data

/data/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numba/ RuntimeWarning: Caching is not available when the 'parallel' target is in use. Caching is now being disabled to allow execution to continue.
  warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)






from import Data, DataLoader

data_list = [Data(...), ..., Data(...)]
loader = DataLoader(data_list, batch_size=32)


from import Data, Batch

data_list = [Data(...), ..., Data(...)]
loader = Batch.from_data_list(data_list, batch_size=32)




图可以有任意数量的节点和边,它不是规整的数据结构,因此对图数据封装成批的操作与对图像与序列等数据封装成批的操作不同。PyTorch Geometric中采用的将多个图封装成批的方式是,将小图作为连通组件(connected component)的形式合并,构建一个大图。于是小图的邻接矩阵存储在大图邻接矩阵的对角线上。大图的邻接矩阵、属性矩阵、预测目标矩阵分别为:
KaTeX parse error: No such environment: split at position 8: \begin{̲s̲p̲l̲i̲t̲}̲\mathbf{A} = \b…

  • 依靠消息传递方案的GNN运算不需要被修改,因为消息仍然不能在属于不同图的两个节点之间交换。

  • 没有额外的计算或内存的开销。例如,这个批处理程序的工作完全不需要对节点或边缘特征进行任何填充。请注意,邻接矩阵没有额外的内存开销,因为它们是以稀疏的方式保存的,只保留非零项,即边。

通过类,多个小图被封装成一个大图。是PyTorch的DataLoader的子类,它覆盖了collate()函数,改函数定义了一列表的样本是如何封装成批的。因此,所有可以传递给PyTorch DataLoader的参数也可以传递给PyTorch Geometric的 DataLoader,例如,num_workers


将小图存储到大图中时需要对小图的属性做一些修改,一个最显著的例子就是要对节点序号增值。在最一般的形式中,PyTorch Geometric的DataLoader类会自动对edge_index张量增值,增加的值为当前被处理图的前面的图的累积节点数量。比方说,现在对第 k k k个图的edge_index张量做增值,前面 k − 1 k-1 k1个图的累积节点数量为 n n n,那么对第 k k k个图的edge_index张量的增值 n n n。增值后,对所有图的edge_index张量(其形状为[2, num_edges])在第二维中连接起来。

然而,有一些特殊的场景中(如下所述),基于需求我们希望能修改这一行为。PyTorch Geometric允许我们通过覆盖函数来实现我们希望的行为。在未做修改的情况下,它们在Data类中的定义如下。

def __inc__(self, key, value):
    if 'index' in key or 'face' in key:
        return self.num_nodes
        return 0

def __cat_dim__(self, key, value):
    if 'index' in key or 'face' in key:
        return 1
        return 0

我们可以看到,__inc__()定义了两个连续的图的属性之间的增量大小,而__cat_dim__()定义了同一属性的图形张量应该在哪个维度上被连接起来。PyTorch Geometric为存储在Data类中的每个属性调用此二函数,并以它们各自的key和值item作为参数。


图的匹配(Pairs of Graphs)

如果你想在一个Data对象中存储多个图,例如用于图匹配等应用,我们需要确保所有这些图的正确封装成批行为。例如,考虑将两个图,一个源图 G s G_s Gs和一个目标图 G t G_t Gt,存储在一个Data类中,即

from import Data
class PairData(Data):
    def __init__(self, edge_index_s, x_s, edge_index_t, x_t):
        super(PairData, self).__init__()
        self.edge_index_s = edge_index_s
        self.x_s = x_s
        self.edge_index_t = edge_index_t
        self.x_t = x_t

在这种情况中,edge_index_s应该根据源图 G s G_s Gs的节点数做增值,即x_s.size(0),而edge_index_t应该根据目标图 G t G_t Gt的节点数做增值,即x_t.size(0)

class PairData(Data):
    def __init__(self, edge_index_s, x_s, edge_index_t, x_t):
        super(PairData, self).__init__()
        self.edge_index_s = edge_index_s
        self.x_s = x_s
        self.edge_index_t = edge_index_t
        self.x_t = x_t

    def __inc__(self, key, value):
        if key == 'edge_index_s':
            return self.x_s.size(0)
        if key == 'edge_index_t':
            return self.x_t.size(0)
            return super().__inc__(key, value)


edge_index_s = torch.tensor([
    [0, 0, 0, 0],
    [1, 2, 3, 4],
x_s = torch.randn(5, 16)  # 5 nodes.
edge_index_t = torch.tensor([
    [0, 0, 0],
    [1, 2, 3],
x_t = torch.randn(4, 16)  # 4 nodes.

data = PairData(edge_index_s, x_s, edge_index_t, x_t)
data_list = [data, data]
loader = DataLoader(data_list, batch_size=2)
batch = next(iter(loader))

# Batch(edge_index_s=[2, 8], x_s=[10, 16], edge_index_t=[2, 6], x_t=[8, 16])

# tensor([[0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]])

# tensor([[0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4], [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]])

Batch(edge_index_s=[2, 8], edge_index_t=[2, 6], x_s=[10, 16], x_t=[8, 16])
tensor([[0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5],
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]])
tensor([[0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4],
        [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]])

到目前为止,一切看起来都很好! edge_index_sedge_index_t被正确地封装成批了,即使在为 G s G_s Gs G t G_t Gt含有不同数量的节点时也是如此。然而,由于PyTorch Geometric无法识别PairData对象中实际的图,所以batch属性(将大图每个节点映射到其各自对应的小图)没有正确工作。此时就需要DataLoaderfollow_batch参数发挥作用。在这里,我们可以指定我们要为哪些属性维护批信息。

loader = DataLoader(data_list, batch_size=2, follow_batch=['x_s', 'x_t'])
batch = next(iter(loader))

# Batch(edge_index_s=[2, 8], x_s=[10, 16], x_s_batch=[10],edge_index_t=[2, 6], x_t=[8, 16], x_t_batch=[8])
# tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

# tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1])

Batch(edge_index_s=[2, 8], edge_index_t=[2, 6], x_s=[10, 16], x_s_batch=[10], x_t=[8, 16], x_t_batch=[8])
tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1])

可以看到,follow_batch=['x_s', 'x_t']现在成功地为节点特征x_s'和x_t’分别创建了名为x_s_batchx_t_batch的赋值向量。这些信息现在可以用来在一个单一的`Batch’对象中对多个图进行聚合操作,例如,全局池化。

二部图(Bipartite Graphs)

二部图的邻接矩阵定义两种类型的节点之间的连接关系。一般来说,不同类型的节点数量不需要一致,于是二部图的邻接矩阵 A ∈ { 0 , 1 } N × M A \in \{0,1\}^{N \times M} A{0,1}N×M可能为平方矩阵,即可能有 N ≠ M N \neq M N=M。对二部图的封装成批过程中,edge_index 中边的源节点与目标节点做的增值操作应是不同的。我们将二部图中两类节点的特征特征张量分别存储为x_sx_t

class BipartiteData(Data):
    def __init__(self, edge_index, x_s, x_t):
        super(BipartiteData, self).__init__()
        self.edge_index = edge_index
        self.x_s = x_s
        self.x_t = x_t

为了对二部图实现正确的封装成批,我们需要告诉PyTorch Geometric,它应该在edge_index中独立地为边的源节点和目标节点做增值操作。

def __inc__(self, key, value):
    if key == 'edge_index':
        return torch.tensor([[self.x_s.size(0)], [self.x_t.size(0)]])
        return super().__inc__(key, value)


edge_index = torch.tensor([
    [0, 0, 1, 1],
    [0, 1, 1, 2],
x_s = torch.randn(2, 16)  # 2 nodes.
x_t = torch.randn(3, 16)  # 3 nodes.

data = BipartiteData(edge_index, x_s, x_t)
data_list = [data, data]
loader = DataLoader(data_list, batch_size=2)
batch = next(iter(loader))

# Batch(edge_index=[2, 8], x_s=[4, 16], x_t=[6, 16])

# tensor([[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]])

WARNING:root:The number of nodes in your data object can only be inferred by its edge indices, and hence may result in unexpected batch-wise behavior, e.g., in case there exists isolated nodes. Please consider explicitly setting the number of nodes for this data object by assigning it to data.num_nodes.
WARNING:root:The number of nodes in your data object can only be inferred by its edge indices, and hence may result in unexpected batch-wise behavior, e.g., in case there exists isolated nodes. Please consider explicitly setting the number of nodes for this data object by assigning it to data.num_nodes.
WARNING:root:The number of nodes in your data object can only be inferred by its edge indices, and hence may result in unexpected batch-wise behavior, e.g., in case there exists isolated nodes. Please consider explicitly setting the number of nodes for this data object by assigning it to data.num_nodes.
WARNING:root:The number of nodes in your data object can only be inferred by its edge indices, and hence may result in unexpected batch-wise behavior, e.g., in case there exists isolated nodes. Please consider explicitly setting the number of nodes for this data object by assigning it to data.num_nodes.

Batch(batch=[6], edge_index=[2, 8], ptr=[3], x_s=[4, 16], x_t=[6, 16])
tensor([[0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4],
        [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]])



有时,Data对象的属性需要在一个新的维度上做拼接(如经典的封装成批),例如,图级别属性或预测目标。具体来说,形状为[num_features]的属性列表应该被返回为[num_examples, num_features],而不是[num_examples * num_features]。PyTorch Geometric通过在__cat_dim__()中返回一个None的连接维度来实现这一点。

class MyData(Data):
    def __cat_dim__(self, key, item):
        if key == 'foo':
            return None
            return super().__cat_dim__(key, item)

edge_index = torch.tensor([
   [0, 1, 1, 2],
   [1, 0, 2, 1],
foo = torch.randn(16)

data = MyData(edge_index=edge_index, foo=foo)
data_list = [data, data]
loader = DataLoader(data_list, batch_size=2)
batch = next(iter(loader))

# Batch(edge_index=[2, 8], foo=[2, 16])

WARNING:root:The number of nodes in your data object can only be inferred by its edge indices, and hence may result in unexpected batch-wise behavior, e.g., in case there exists isolated nodes. Please consider explicitly setting the number of nodes for this data object by assigning it to data.num_nodes.
WARNING:root:The number of nodes in your data object can only be inferred by its edge indices, and hence may result in unexpected batch-wise behavior, e.g., in case there exists isolated nodes. Please consider explicitly setting the number of nodes for this data object by assigning it to data.num_nodes.
WARNING:root:The number of nodes in your data object can only be inferred by its edge indices, and hence may result in unexpected batch-wise behavior, e.g., in case there exists isolated nodes. Please consider explicitly setting the number of nodes for this data object by assigning it to data.num_nodes.
WARNING:root:The number of nodes in your data object can only be inferred by its edge indices, and hence may result in unexpected batch-wise behavior, e.g., in case there exists isolated nodes. Please consider explicitly setting the number of nodes for this data object by assigning it to data.num_nodes.

Batch(batch=[6], edge_index=[2, 8], foo=[2, 16], ptr=[3])




注意以下代码依赖于ogb包,通过pip install ogb命令可安装此包。ogb文档可见于Get Started | Open Graph Benchmark (。


import os
import os.path as osp

import pandas as pd
import torch
from ogb.utils import smiles2graph
from ogb.utils.torch_util import replace_numpy_with_torchtensor
from ogb.utils.url import download_url, extract_zip
from rdkit import RDLogger
from import Data, Dataset
import shutil


class MyPCQM4MDataset(Dataset):

    def __init__(self, root):
        self.url = ''
        super(MyPCQM4MDataset, self).__init__(root)

        filepath = osp.join(root, 'raw/data.csv.gz')
        data_df = pd.read_csv(filepath)
        self.smiles_list = data_df['smiles']
        self.homolumogap_list = data_df['homolumogap']

    def raw_file_names(self):
        return 'data.csv.gz'

    def download(self):
        path = download_url(self.url, self.root)
        extract_zip(path, self.root)
        shutil.move(osp.join(self.root, 'pcqm4m_kddcup2021/raw/data.csv.gz'), osp.join(self.root, 'raw/data.csv.gz'))

    def len(self):
        return len(self.smiles_list)

    def get(self, idx):
        smiles, homolumogap = self.smiles_list[idx], self.homolumogap_list[idx]
        graph = smiles2graph(smiles)
        assert(len(graph['edge_feat']) == graph['edge_index'].shape[1])
        assert(len(graph['node_feat']) == graph['num_nodes'])

        x = torch.from_numpy(graph['node_feat']).to(torch.int64)
        edge_index = torch.from_numpy(graph['edge_index']).to(torch.int64)
        edge_attr = torch.from_numpy(graph['edge_feat']).to(torch.int64)
        y = torch.Tensor([homolumogap])
        num_nodes = int(graph['num_nodes'])
        data = Data(x, edge_index, edge_attr, y, num_nodes=num_nodes)
        return data

    # 获取数据集划分
    def get_idx_split(self):
        split_dict = replace_numpy_with_torchtensor(torch.load(osp.join(self.root, 'pcqm4m_kddcup2021/')))
        return split_dict

if __name__ == "__main__":
dataset = MyPCQM4MDataset('dataset2')
from import DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=256, shuffle=True, num_workers=4)
# for batch in tqdm(dataloader):
#     pass



  • Dataset类官方文档:
  • 分子图的量子特性回归数据集:PCQM4M-LSC
  • Get Started | Open Graph Benchmark (
