
参考链接: requires_grad_(requires_grad=True) → Tensor



requires_grad_(requires_grad=True) → Tensor
方法: requires_grad_(requires_grad=True) 返回类型是 Tensor
    Change if autograd should record operations on this tensor: 
    sets this tensor’s requires_grad attribute in-place. Returns 
    this tensor.

    require_grad_()’s main use case is to tell autograd to begin 
    recording operations on a Tensor tensor. If tensor has 
    requires_grad=False (because it was obtained through a DataLoader,
    or required preprocessing or initialization), 
    tensor.requires_grad_() makes it so that autograd will begin to 
    record operations on tensor.

    Parameters  参数

        requires_grad (bool) – If autograd should record operations on this tensor. Default: True.
		requires_grad (布尔类型) – 用于告诉自动梯度机制,是否需要记录这个张量上的运算操作.默认值是True.
    Example:  例子:

    >>> # Let's say we want to preprocess some saved weights and use
    >>> # the result as new weights.
    >>> # 假设我们想要预处理一些已保存好的权重,并且要使用这些结果作为新的权重.
    >>> saved_weights = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.25]
    >>> loaded_weights = torch.tensor(saved_weights)
    >>> weights = preprocess(loaded_weights)  # some function  某个函数
    >>> weights
    tensor([-0.5503,  0.4926, -2.1158, -0.8303])

    >>> # Now, start to record operations done to weights
    >>> # 现在我们开始记录在这个weights张量上所执行的运算操作.
    >>> weights.requires_grad_()
    >>> out = weights.pow(2).sum()
    >>> out.backward()
    >>> weights.grad
    tensor([-1.1007,  0.9853, -4.2316, -1.6606])


Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.18363.1316]
(c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

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>>> import torch
>>> torch.manual_seed(seed=20200910)
<torch._C.Generator object at 0x000002BF3761D330>
>>> a = torch.randn(3,5)
>>> a
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]])
>>> a.requires_grad
>>> a.requires_grad()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable
>>> a.requires_grad_()
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]], requires_grad=True)
>>> a
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]], requires_grad=True)
>>> a.requires_grad
>>> a.requires_grad_()
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]], requires_grad=True)
>>> a.requires_grad_(False)
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]])
>>> a.requires_grad_()
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]], requires_grad=True)
>>> a.requires_grad_(requires_grad=False)
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]])
>>> a
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]])
>>> a.requires_grad_(requires_grad=False)
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]])
>>> a
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]])
>>> a.requires_grad
>>> b = torch.randn(3,5,requires_grad=True)
>>> b
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]], requires_grad=True)
>>> b.requires_grad
>>> b.requires_grad_()
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]], requires_grad=True)
>>> b
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]], requires_grad=True)
>>> b.requires_grad
>>> b.requires_grad_(False)
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]])
>>> b
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]])
>>> b.requires_grad_(False)
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]])
>>> b.requires_grad_(False)
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]])
>>> b.requires_grad_()
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]], requires_grad=True)
>>> b
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]], requires_grad=True)
>>> b.requires_grad_()
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]], requires_grad=True)
>>> b
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]], requires_grad=True)
>>> b
tensor([[-0.5556,  0.9571,  0.7435, -0.2974, -2.2825],
        [-0.6627, -1.1902, -0.1748,  1.2125,  0.6630],
        [-0.5813, -0.1549, -0.4551, -0.4570,  0.4547]], requires_grad=True)
>>> c = 2.0*b
>>> c
tensor([[-1.1113,  1.9141,  1.4871, -0.5948, -4.5650],
        [-1.3254, -2.3805, -0.3497,  2.4250,  1.3261],
        [-1.1625, -0.3099, -0.9102, -0.9141,  0.9093]], grad_fn=<MulBackward0>)
>>> c.requires_grad
>>> c.requires_grad_()
tensor([[-1.1113,  1.9141,  1.4871, -0.5948, -4.5650],
        [-1.3254, -2.3805, -0.3497,  2.4250,  1.3261],
        [-1.1625, -0.3099, -0.9102, -0.9141,  0.9093]], grad_fn=<MulBackward0>)
>>> c.requires_grad_(False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: you can only change requires_grad flags of leaf variables. If you want to use a computed variable in a subgraph that doesn't require differentiation use var_no_grad = var.detach().
>>> c
tensor([[-1.1113,  1.9141,  1.4871, -0.5948, -4.5650],
        [-1.3254, -2.3805, -0.3497,  2.4250,  1.3261],
        [-1.1625, -0.3099, -0.9102, -0.9141,  0.9093]], grad_fn=<MulBackward0>)
>>> d = c.detach()
>>> d
tensor([[-1.1113,  1.9141,  1.4871, -0.5948, -4.5650],
        [-1.3254, -2.3805, -0.3497,  2.4250,  1.3261],
        [-1.1625, -0.3099, -0.9102, -0.9141,  0.9093]])
>>> c
tensor([[-1.1113,  1.9141,  1.4871, -0.5948, -4.5650],
        [-1.3254, -2.3805, -0.3497,  2.4250,  1.3261],
        [-1.1625, -0.3099, -0.9102, -0.9141,  0.9093]], grad_fn=<MulBackward0>)
>>> d.requires_grad
>>> d.is_leaf
>>> d.requires_grad_(False)
tensor([[-1.1113,  1.9141,  1.4871, -0.5948, -4.5650],
        [-1.3254, -2.3805, -0.3497,  2.4250,  1.3261],
        [-1.1625, -0.3099, -0.9102, -0.9141,  0.9093]])
>>> d.requires_grad_()
tensor([[-1.1113,  1.9141,  1.4871, -0.5948, -4.5650],
        [-1.3254, -2.3805, -0.3497,  2.4250,  1.3261],
        [-1.1625, -0.3099, -0.9102, -0.9141,  0.9093]], requires_grad=True)


Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.18363.1316]
(c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

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Python 3.7.7 (default, May  6 2020, 11:45:54) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32
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>>> import torch
>>> torch.manual_seed(seed=20200910)
<torch._C.Generator object at 0x000001CDB4A5D330>
>>> data_in = torch.randn(3,5,requires_grad=True)
>>> data_in
tensor([[ 0.2824, -0.3715,  0.9088, -1.7601, -0.1806],
        [ 2.0937,  1.0406, -1.7651,  1.1216,  0.8440],
        [ 0.1783,  0.6859, -1.5942, -0.2006, -0.4050]], requires_grad=True)
>>> data_mean = data_in.mean()
>>> data_mean
tensor(0.0585, grad_fn=<MeanBackward0>)
>>> data_in.requires_grad
>>> data_mean.requires_grad
>>> data_1 = data_mean * 20200910.0
>>> data_1
tensor(1182591., grad_fn=<MulBackward0>)
>>> data_2 = data_1 * 15.0
>>> data_2
tensor(17738864., grad_fn=<MulBackward0>)
>>> data_2.retain_grad()
>>> data_3 = 2 * (data_2 + 55.0)
>>> loss = data_3 / 2.0 +89.2
>>> loss
tensor(17739010., grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)
>>> data_in.grad
>>> data_mean.grad
>>> data_1.grad
>>> data_2.grad
>>> data_3.grad
>>> loss.grad
>>> print(data_in.grad, data_mean.grad, data_1.grad, data_2.grad, data_3.grad, loss.grad)
None None None None None None
>>> loss.backward()
>>> data_in.grad
tensor([[20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910.],
        [20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910.],
        [20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910.]])
>>> data_mean.grad
>>> data_mean.grad
>>> data_1.grad
>>> data_2.grad
>>> data_3.grad
>>> loss.grad
>>> print(data_in.grad, data_mean.grad, data_1.grad, data_2.grad, data_3.grad, loss.grad)
tensor([[20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910.],
        [20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910.],
        [20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910., 20200910.]]) None None tensor(1.) None None
>>> print(data_in.is_leaf, data_mean.is_leaf, data_1.is_leaf, data_2.is_leaf, data_3.is_leaf, loss.is_leaf)
True False False False False False
