unity3d ai学习_学习利用人工智能来增强Unity项目

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unity3d ai学习

Our newest additions to the Unity Learn platform will teach you how to use Reinforcement Learning and AI to solve game development challenges and make better, smarter games.

我们对Unity Learn平台的最新添加将教您如何使用强化学习和AI解决游戏开发难题并制作更好,更智能的游戏。

利用机器学习代理的力量 (Harness the power of Machine Learning Agents)

We’re constantly adding exciting content to the Unity Learn platform, and our most recent addition is the free  ML-Agents: Hummingbirds created in collaboration with Immersive Limit, a team that creates high-quality Unity learning content. We designed this project for intermediate Unity developers with little or no machine learning experience and a desire to get started using AI decision-making in Unity.

我们一直在向 Unity学习 平台 不断添加令人兴奋的内容 ,而最新添加的是免费的ML-Agents: 与Immersive Limit合作创建的 蜂鸟 ,Immersive Limit是创建高质量Unity学习内容的团队。 我们为中级Unity开发人员设计了这个项目,而他们几乎没有或几乎没有机器学习经验,并且渴望开始在Unity中使用AI决策。

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In this course, you’ll learn how to train neural networks to perform a challenging task —  getting hummingbirds with six degrees of freedom and complicated flight paths to their flowers. By the end of this course, you’ll have a good understanding of how you can harness the power of ML-Agents Release 1 to create intelligent agents and integrate them into your own Unity games and simulation projects.

在本课程中,您将学习如何训练神经网络执行具有挑战性的任务-使蜂鸟具有六个自由度和复杂的飞行路径来开花。 在本课程结束时,您将对如何利用ML-Agents Release 1的功能创建智能代理并将它们集成到您自己的Unity游戏和模拟项目中有很好的了解。

Start Learning


Unity ML-Agents, our first open-source machine learning product, brings Reinforcement Learning to your Unity projects. Reinforcement Learning is an exciting branch of Artificial Intelligence that helps game developers create complex and interesting behaviors for both playable and non-playable characters (NPCs); it’s recently been in the news for helping beat the top players in games like Go and StarCraft. 

我们的第一个开源机器学习产品 Unity ML-Agents 将强化学习带入您的Unity项目。 强化学习是人工智能的一个令人兴奋的分支,它可以帮助游戏开发人员为可玩和不可玩角色(NPC)创建复杂而有趣的行为。 最近在帮助击败 GoStarCraft 等游戏的顶级玩家方面成为新闻  

Unity ML-Agents trains agents with Reinforcement Learning and evolutionary methods via a simple Python API, which enables:

Unity ML-Agents通过一个简单的Python API使用增强学习和进化方法来训练代理,该API可实现:

  • Game developers to tackle challenges, such as using agents to dynamically adjust the game-difficulty level


  • Industrial and enterprise researchers to implement large-scale parallel training regimes for robotics, autonomous vehicles, and other industrial applications


  • Academic researchers to study complex behaviors from visual content and realistic physics


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初学者人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence for Beginners)

If you’re interested in a deep dive into the broader world of AI, we’re excited to recommend a recent addition to Unity Learn Premium — AI for Beginners, a 15-hour course taught by industry leader Dr. Penny de Byl.

如果您有兴趣深入了解更广泛的AI世界,我们很高兴为您推荐最新的Unity学习高级 课程 — 面向初学者 的AI,这是 由行业领导者Penny de Byl博士教授的为时15小时的课程。

In this course, Dr. de Byl shares the most popular AI techniques used for creating believable game characters using her internationally acclaimed teaching style and knowledge from over 25 years researching and working with games, computer graphics, and artificial intelligence. Throughout the course, you’ll follow along with hands-on workshops designed to teach you about the fundamental AI techniques used in today’s games. 

在本课程中,de Byl博士分享了她超过25年研究和使用游戏,计算机图形学和人工智能工作的国际公认的教学风格和知识,这些最常用的AI技术用于创建可信的游戏角色。 在整个课程中,您将跟随动手实践的研讨会,这些研讨会旨在教您了解当今游戏中使用的基本AI技术。

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This thorough course begins with an examination of the math and physics that sits at the very heart of AI programming for NPCs, including graph theory, waypoints, and the A* algorithm. By the end, you’ll have a good understanding of how AI works, how it’s used in games, and how you can use it in your own projects to take your game environments to the next level.

本课程从对数学和物理的检查开始,这是对NPC进行AI编程的核心内容,包括图论,航路点和A *算法。 截至去年底,你就会有AI如何工作的,它是如何在游戏中, 如何使用它在自己的项目把你的游戏环境到一个新的水平 有很好的理解 。

Check out the course



Check out the ML-Agents: Hummingbirds project and the AI for Beginners course, and keep learning with over 750 hours of learning material on the Unity Learn platform. Thanks for learning with us!

查看ML-Agents:Hummingbirds项目和AI for Beginners课程 ,并在Unity Learn平台上通过750多个小时的学习资料继续学习。 感谢您与我们一起学习!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/03/06/learn-to-leverage-artificial-intelligence-to-enhance-your-unity-projects/

unity3d ai学习
