View Codepublic interface IParser
#region Events
event ActivatedEventHandler Activated;
event DeActivatedEventHandler DeActivated;
#region Methods
void Activate();
void DeActivate();
void FillDataTable( string xmlstr, params string [] args);
void GetTorrentsList( string source, string uri, CancellationToken t);
void Initalize(Form OwnerForm, params object [] args);
DynamicObjectData GetObjectData(DataRow row, HttpRequestCacheLevel cache);
string ParseURI( ref Navigation.ParseOptions options);
#region Properties
bool CanPost { get ; set ; }
bool Initalized { get ; set ; }
bool LoginRequired { get ; set ; }
CookieContainer Cookie { get ; set ; }
ParserConfig Config { get ; set ; }
ParserURIs Refs { get ; set ; }
ParserData Data { get ; set ; }
Image FavIcon { get ; set ; }
string CookieFile { get ; }
string Host { get ; set ; }
string Name { get ; set ; }
string ThumbnailDirectory { get ; }
public abstract class ParserBase : IParser { #region Constants private const int KB = 0x400; private const int MB = 0x100000; private const int GB = 0x40000000; private const string ErrorScreenList = ""; #endregion #region Private Fields private bool _canpost; private DefaultConfig iConfig; private CookieContainer iCookie; private string iHost; private object iCookieL; private object iName; private object iVersion; private ParserData iData; private ParserURIs iHostList; #endregion public object CookieLock = new object(); #region Events public event ActivatedEventHandler Activated; public event DeActivatedEventHandler DeActivated; #endregion #region Constructors public ParserBase() { this.ToolStripDropdown = new ContextMenuStrip(); this.AllowedFormats = new List<string> { "jpeg", "jpg", "bmp", "png", "gif" }; this.LoginRequired = true; this.FavIcon = null; this.iCookieL = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(new object()); this.iCookie = new CookieContainer(); this.iVersion = 1; this.iData = new ParserData(); this.iHostList = new ParserURIs(); this.iConfig = new DefaultConfig(); this.BestMatchSearchType = "Default"; this.Local = false; this.SubButtons = new List<ToolStripItem>(); this.HasOptions = false; this.ToolStripDropdown.RenderMode = ToolStripRenderMode.System; } ~ParserBase() { this.SaveConfig(); } #endregion public virtual void Activate() { if (Activated != null) { Activated(); } this.Initalized = true; Core.MainForm.ToolstripmenuButtonAdd(this.ToolStripDropdown); } public void ConstructCatString() { string str = ""; if (this.OwnerForm.catL.SelectedIndex >= 1) { str = Convert.ToString(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.ConcatenateObject(this.Data.Query_Cat + "=", this.Data.CatList[Convert.ToString(this.OwnerForm.catL.SelectedItem)])); } this.CatString = str; } public void ConstructPageString(int currentpage) { this.PageString = ""; if (currentpage > this.Data.StartPageIndex) { this.PageString = this.Data.Query_Page + "=" + Convert.ToString(currentpage); } } public void ConstructSortString() { string str = ""; if (this.OwnerForm.SortL.SelectedIndex >= 1) { str = Convert.ToString(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.ConcatenateObject(this.Data.Query_Sort + "=", this.Data.SortList[Convert.ToString(this.OwnerForm.SortL.SelectedItem)])); } this.SortString = str; } public void ConstructTagString() { this.TagString = ""; if (Core.CurrentAddress.TagList.Count >= 1) { string[] destination = new string[(Core.CurrentAddress.TagList.Count - 1) + 1]; Core.CurrentAddress.TagList.CopyTo(destination, 0); this.TagString = this.Data.Query_Search + "=" + String.Join(this.Data.Query_SearchDelim, destination); } } public void ConstructUserString() { this.UserString = ""; } public abstract void Create(Form OwnerForm, params object[] args); /// <summary> /// 创建查询部分 /// </summary> /// <param name="QueryParams"></param> /// <param name="QueryURI"></param> /// <param name="CurrentAddressText"></param> /// <param name="CurrentPage"></param> /// <param name="reflectUI"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual string CreateQuery(string[] QueryParams, string QueryURI, string CurrentAddressText, int CurrentPage, bool reflectUI) { string str4 = ""; string currentURI = ""; char[] separator = Conversions.ToCharArrayRankOne("&"); currentURI = CurrentAddressText; this.ConstructCatString(); this.ConstructSortString(); this.ConstructTagString(); this.ConstructPageString(CurrentPage); this.ConstructUserString(); string str3 = ""; this.ParseURIExceptions(currentURI, ref QueryURI, reflectUI); List<string> list2 = (this.UserString + "&" + this.TagString + "&" + this.CatString + "&" + this.SortString + "&" + this.PageString).Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList<string>(); Core.PrimitiveList list = new Core.PrimitiveList(list2.ToArray()); foreach (string str5 in QueryParams) { string arg = CheggitBrowser.Local.SplitArgs(str5)[0]; if (!this.Data.QueryList.Contains(arg, true) && !list.Contains(str5, true)) { list2.Add(str5); } } if (list2.Count >= 1) { str3 = "?"; } str4 = str3 + Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Join(list2.ToArray(), "&"); return (QueryURI + str4); } public virtual void DeActivate() { if (DeActivated != null) { DeActivated(); } Core.MainForm.ToolstripmenuButtonRemove(this.ToolStripDropdown); } public abstract void FillDataTable(string xmlstr, params string[] args); public string GetHTMLText(string text) { StringReader reader = new StringReader(text); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n<tr>"); for (string str2 = reader.ReadLine(); str2 != null; str2 = reader.ReadLine()) { str2 = str2.Replace(" ", " "); while (Regex.IsMatch(str2, "<[^<>]*>")) { str2 = str2.Replace(HTMLParser.Search("<[^<>]*>", str2), ""); } builder.AppendLine("<item>" + str2.Trim() + "</item>"); } builder.AppendLine("</tr>"); return builder.ToString(); } public virtual DynamicObjectData GetObjectData(DataRow row, HttpRequestCacheLevel cache) { return new DynamicObjectData(); } public object GetRowThumbnailPath(long id) { return Path.Combine(this.ThumbnailDirectory, Conversions.ToString(id) + ".jpg"); } public abstract void GetTorrentsList(string source, string uri, CancellationToken t); public virtual void Initialize() { if (this.ToolStripDropdown.Items.Count > 0) { this.ToolStripDropdown.Items.Insert(0, new ToolStripSeparator()); } if (this.HasOptions) { this.ToolStripDropdown.Items.Insert(0, new ToolStripMenuItem("Site Options", null, new EventHandler((s, e) => this.ShowOptions()))); } this.ToolStripDropdown.Items.Insert(0, new ToolStripMenuItem("Page Filters", null, new EventHandler((s, e) => Core.ShowFilterForm()))); this.Host = new Uri(this.Refs.BaseUri).Host; this.Config.Path = Path.Combine(MyProject.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "config", this.DefaultFileName); this.Refs.BaseURI_UserList = this.Refs.BaseUri + "/" + this.Refs.BaseURI_UserPage; this.Refs.BaseURI_UserScript = this.Refs.BaseURI_UserPage + "?" + this.Refs.BaseURI_UserIdentifer; this.Refs.BaseURI_User = this.Refs.BaseUri + "/" + this.Refs.BaseURI_UserScript; if (!Directory.Exists("config")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("config"); } if (!Directory.Exists(this.CookieDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(this.CookieDirectory); } if (!Directory.Exists(this.ThumbnailDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(this.ThumbnailDirectory); } foreach (PropertyInfo info in Core.GetPropertyList(this.Data)) { if (info.Name.StartsWith("Query_")) { string item = Convert.ToString(Core.GetProperty(this.Data, info.Name, "")); if (item != "") { this.Data.QueryList.List.Add(item); } } } this.Config.LoadSettingsXML(); } public virtual void LoadQuery(string[] objs, string QueryURI) { Core.CurrentAddress.TotalPages = 0; if (this.OwnerForm.catL.Items.Count >= 1) { this.OwnerForm.catL.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (this.OwnerForm.SortL.Items.Count >= 1) { this.OwnerForm.SortL.SelectedIndex = 0; } this.OwnerForm.TagListbox.Items.Clear(); this.OwnerForm.PageOffset = this.Data.StartPageIndex; foreach (string str in objs) { string strTemp; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { strTemp = Uri.UnescapeDataString(str); } string[] strArray = str.Split(new string[] { "=" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (strArray.Length >= 2) { string str3 = strArray[0]; if (str3 == this.Refs.BaseURI_UserIdentifer) { this.UserString = strArray[1]; } else if (str3 == this.Data.Query_Search) { this.OwnerForm.TagListbox.Items.AddRange(strArray[1].Split(new char[] { Convert.ToChar(this.Data.Query_SearchDelim) })); this.ConstructTagString(); } else if (str3 == this.Data.Query_Cat) { this.OwnerForm.catL.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Core.IndexOfValue(strArray[1], this.Data.CatList)); this.ConstructCatString(); } else if (str3 == this.Data.Query_Sort) { this.OwnerForm.SortL.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Core.IndexOfValue(strArray[1], this.Data.SortList)); this.ConstructSortString(); } else if (str3 == this.Data.Query_Page) { string str2 = strArray[1]; this.OwnerForm.PageOffset = Convert.ToInt32(strArray[1]); } } } } public virtual long ParseFileSize(string CellSize, string GB, string MB, string KB) { SizeType gB; CellSize = CellSize.ToLower().Trim(); GB = GB.ToLower(); MB = MB.ToLower(); KB = KB.ToLower(); CellSize = CellSize.Replace(",", "."); if (CellSize.Contains(GB)) { CellSize = CellSize.Replace(GB, "").Trim(); gB = SizeType.GB; } else if (CellSize.Contains(MB)) { CellSize = CellSize.Replace(MB, "").Trim(); gB = SizeType.MB; } else if (CellSize.Contains(KB)) { CellSize = CellSize.Replace(KB, "").Trim(); gB = SizeType.KB; } else { CellSize = Conversions.ToString(0); gB = SizeType.B; } return (long)Math.Round((double)(double.Parse(CellSize, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) * Math.Pow(1024.0, (double)gB))); } public abstract void ParsePage(string uri, CancellationToken t); public virtual void ParseSearchQuery(ref string text) { } public string ParseURI(ref Navigation.ParseOptions options) { switch (options.Type) { case Navigation.Mode.Create: return this.CreateQuery(options.AddressAndQuery.Params, options.AddressAndQuery.Address, options.CurrentAddress, options.CurrentPage, options.ReflectUI); case Navigation.Mode.Load: this.LoadQuery(options.AddressAndQuery.Params, options.AddressAndQuery.Address); break; } return ""; } public virtual void ParseURIExceptions(string CurrentURI, ref string QueryURI, bool AllowUIChange) { } public virtual void SaveConfig() { this.Config.WriteSettingsXML(); } public virtual void ShowOptions() { } #region Properties public List<string> AllowedFormats { get; set; } public string BestMatchSearchType { get; set; } public bool CanPost { get { return this._canpost; } set { this._canpost = value; } } public string CatString { get; set; } public ParserConfig Config { get { return (ParserConfig)this.iConfig; } set { this.iConfig = value; } } public CookieContainer Cookie { get { object iCookieL = this.iCookieL; ObjectFlowControl.CheckForSyncLockOnValueType(iCookieL); lock (iCookieL) { return this.iCookie; } } set { object iCookieL = this.iCookieL; ObjectFlowControl.CheckForSyncLockOnValueType(iCookieL); lock (iCookieL) { this.iCookie = value; } } } private string CookieDirectory { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization | MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] get { return Path.Combine(MyProject.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "cookies"); } } public string CookieFilename { get { return Path.Combine(this.CookieDirectory, this.DefaultFileName); } } public ParserData Data { get { return this.iData; } set { this.iData = value; } } public string DefaultFileName { get { return (this.Name + ".ini"); } } public Image FavIcon { get; set; } public bool HasOptions { get; set; } public string Host { get { return this.iHost; } set { this.iHost = value; } } public bool Initalized { get; set; } public bool IsDefault { get { return this.TypeName.Equals(Core.AppConf.DefaultParser.Value); } } public bool Local { get; set; } public bool LoginRequired { get; set; } public string Name { get { return Convert.ToString(this.iName); } set { this.iName = value; } } public Main OwnerForm { get; set; } public string PageString { get; set; } public ParserURIs Refs { get { return this.iHostList; } set { this.iHostList = value; } } public DataTable SchemaTable { get; set; } public string SortString { get; set; } public string StatusLabel { set { Core.StatusLabel = value; } } public List<ToolStripItem> SubButtons { get; set; } public string TagString { get; set; } public string ThumbnailDirectory { get { return Path.Combine(MyProject.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "thumbs", new Uri(this.Refs.BaseUri).Host); } } public ContextMenuStrip ToolStripDropdown { get; set; } public string TypeName { get { return (this.GetType().Namespace + "-" + this.GetType().Name); } } public string UserString { get; set; } public enum SizeType { B, KB, MB, GB } public string CookieFile { get; set; } #endregion #region IParser 成员 public void Initalize(Form OwnerForm, params object[] args) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion }
public abstract class WebParser : ParserBase { public const string ScreenlistFailed = "Unable to get screenlist."; private object _ParserLogin = new object(); protected bool NeedLogin { get; set; } public WebParser() { this.NeedLogin = true; this.Config = new WebParserConfig(); } ~WebParser() { this.SaveCookie(); } public override void Create(Form OwnerForm, params object[] args) { } public abstract object CreateNewCommentPost(ForumPost post); protected virtual LoginResult DoLogin() { this.WipeCookies(); this.NeedLogin = false; Core.StatusText = ""; return new LoginResult("", true); } public virtual PostResult DoPost(ForumPost post) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override void FillDataTable(string xmlstr, params string[] args) { } public void ForceLogin() { LoginResult result = this.DoLogin(); Core.StatusText = ""; if (this.NeedLogin) { Core.StatusText = result.StatusText; } else { Core.StatusText = "Login Succeeded"; } } public virtual string GetCommentLink(string strtext) { return ""; } public abstract List<string> GetScreensFromHTML(ScreenshotListOptions args); /// <summary> /// 获取BT种子数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="tor_id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetTorrentData(long tor_id) { string responseText=""; CancellationToken token; string url=this.Refs.BaseURI_ID + Convert.ToString(tor_id); Rqt_Request req=new Rqt_Request(url, HttpRequestCacheLevel.Revalidate, 30000, "", token, null, null); using (Rqt_State state = this.ParseRequest(req)) { if (state.Status == RequestStatus.Succeded) { responseText = state.ResponseText; } } return responseText; } public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); this.LoadCookie(); } /// <summary> /// 加载Cookie /// </summary> private void LoadCookie() { this.WipeCookies(); object obj=SerializationBinary.BinaryLoad(this.CookieFilename, typeof(CookieContainer)); if (obj != null) { CookieContainer cc = (CookieContainer)obj; if (cc.Count != 0) { this.Cookie = cc; this.NeedLogin = false; } } } /// <summary> /// 解析下载 /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual string ParseDownload(Core.RemoteAddress e) { return (this.Refs.BaseURI_Download + e.Torrent.ID); } /// <summary> /// 解析页面 /// </summary> /// <param name="uri"></param> /// <param name="t"></param> public sealed override void ParsePage(string uri, CancellationToken t) { using (Rqt_State state = ((WebParser)Core.IParserActive()).ParseRequest(new Rqt_Request(uri, HttpRequestCacheLevel.BypassCache, 0x7530, "", t, null, null))) { if (state.Status != RequestStatus.Succeded) { if (state.Exception != null) { throw state.Exception; } } else { Core.CurrentAddress.Source = state.ResponseText; this.GetTorrentsList(Core.CurrentAddress.Source, uri, t); Core.DB.Manager.ConverToViewTable(this.SchemaTable.AsDataView()); } } } /// <summary> /// 解析请求 /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Rqt_State ParseRequest(Rqt_Request req) { object expression = this._ParserLogin; ObjectFlowControl.CheckForSyncLockOnValueType(expression); lock (expression) { if (this.LoginRequired && this.NeedLogin) { LoginResult result = this.DoLogin(); if (this.NeedLogin) { Core.StatusText = result.StatusText; return new Rqt_State(); } } } req.Cookies = this.Cookie; Rqt_State state2 = Network.Rqt_Send(req); if (state2.Status == RequestStatus.Succeded) { this.Cookie.Add(state2.Response.Cookies); } return state2; } public virtual string PrintComments(string data) { return ""; } private void SaveCookie() { SerializationBinary.BinarySave(this.CookieFilename, this.Cookie); } /// <summary> /// 清除Cookie信息 /// </summary> public void WipeCookies() { this.Cookie = new CookieContainer(); this.NeedLogin = this.LoginRequired; } public WebParserConfig Config { get { return (WebParserConfig)base.Config; } set { base.Config = value; } } }
internal class CheggitParser : WebParser { public object _Login_lock = new object(); public const string DownloadTorrentAction = "&action=downloadtorrent"; public const string InvalidUserNameOrPassword = "Invalid username or password"; public const string LoginPage = "http://cheggit.net/index.php"; public const string LoginQueryNew = "username={0}&password={1}&{2}&button=Login&action=login"; public const string PatPageError = "<li class=\"error\">.*</li>"; public const string PostFormQuery = "action=replytopost&p={0}&f=8&subject={1}&body={2}&format_type=bbcode"; public const string recaptchaqueryformat = "recaptcha_challenge_field={0}&recaptcha_response_field={1}"; public bool TryingToLogin; /// <summary> /// 校验是否本人的评价 /// </summary> /// <param name="strtext"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CheckMyComments(string strtext) { string pattern = string.Format("<p class=\"info\">posted by <a href=\".*\">{0}</a>.*</p>", this.Config.Login.Value.ToString()); Match match = Regex.Match(strtext, pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); return match.Success; } public override void Create(Form OwnerForm, params object[] args) { this.Name = "Cheggit.net"; this.OwnerForm = (Main)OwnerForm; this.Refs.BaseUri = "http://cheggit.net"; this.Refs.BaseURI_List = this.Refs.BaseUri + "/browsetorrents.php"; this.Refs.BaseURI_ID = this.Refs.BaseUri + "/torrents.php?torrentid="; this.Refs.BaseURI_Download = this.Refs.BaseUri + "/download.php?torrentid="; this.Refs.BaseURI_Search = this.Refs.BaseURI_List + "?"; this.Refs.BaseURI_UserIdentifer = "userid="; this.Refs.BaseURI_UserPage = "users.php"; this.Data.StartPageIndex = 1; this.Refs.BaseURI_PostQuery = "p=$p&torrentid=$id"; this.Refs.BaseURI_NewComment = "forums.php?op=post"; this.FavIcon = Properties.Resources.love; this.Data.Query_Search = "filter"; this.Data.Query_Page = "p"; this.Data.Query_Sort = "sort"; this.Data.Query_Cat = "cat"; this.Data.Query_SearchUser = "who:"; this.Data.Query_SearchDelim = ";"; this.Refs.BaseURI_LoginQuery = ""; this.Refs.BaseURI_Pics = @"/pics/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})/t"; this.Refs.BaseURI_PicsThumbString = "/t"; this.Data.SortList.Clear(); this.Data.SortList.Add("Default", 0); this.Data.SortList.Add("Size", 1); this.Data.SortList.Add("Seed", 2); this.Data.SortList.Add("Leech", 3); this.Data.SortList.Add("Peer", 4); this.Data.CatList.Clear(); this.Data.CatList.Add("Inactive", 0); this.Data.CatList.Add("Straight", 1); this.Data.CatList.Add("Gay", 2); this.Data.CatList.Add("Lesbian", 3); this.Data.CatList.Add("Ethnic", 4); this.Data.CatList.Add("Fetish", 5); this.Data.CatList.Add("Animated", 6); this.Data.CatList.Add("Games", 7); this.Data.CatList.Add("Other", 8); this.Data.SearchTypes.Clear(); this.Data.SearchTypes.Add("Default", ""); this.Data.SearchTypes.Add("All", "all"); this.Data.SearchTypes.Add("Title", "title"); this.Data.SearchTypes.Add("Description", "desc"); this.Data.SearchTypes.Add("Tags", "tags"); this.Data.SearchTypes.Add("User", "user"); this.CanPost = true; } public override object CreateNewCommentPost(ForumPost post) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /// <summary> /// 登录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override LoginResult DoLogin() { base.DoLogin(); LoginResult result = new LoginResult(string.Format("Unable to login to {0}", this.Host), false); try { CancellationToken token; Rqt_Request indexReq = new Rqt_Request(Parser.LoginPage, HttpRequestCacheLevel.Reload, 30000, "", token, null, null); Rqt_State state = Network.Rqt_Send(indexReq); if (state.Status != RequestStatus.Succeded) { if (state.Exception != null) { throw state.Exception; } } else { ReCaptchaResult query = Recaptcha.GetQuery(state.ResponseText, this); if (query.Success) { string str = string.Format(Parser.LoginQueryNew, this.Config.Login.Value, this.Config.Password.Value, string.Format(Parser.recaptchaqueryformat, query.ChallageKey, query.Text)); Rqt_Request loginReq = new Rqt_Request(Parser.LoginPage, HttpRequestCacheLevel.Reload, 0x7530, str, token, null, null); state = Network.Rqt_Send(loginReq); if (state.Status != RequestStatus.Succeded) { if (state.Exception != null) { throw state.Exception; } } else { Match match = Core.RegExFirst(state.ResponseText, "<li class=\"error\">.*</li>"); if (match.Success) { HTMLParser.HtmlTag tag = new HTMLParser.HtmlTag(match.Value); string text = tag.Text; switch (text) { case "Invalid username or password": break; } if (MessageBox.Show(text) == DialogResult.Retry) { //@todo: 重新登录处理 } result.StatusText = text; } else { this.Cookie.Add(state.Response.Cookies); result.Success = true; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Unable to login to " + this.Host, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel); if (dr == DialogResult.Retry) { //重新登录 } } this.NeedLogin = !result.Success; return result; } public override PostResult DoPost(ForumPost pt) { Task<PostResult> task = new Task<PostResult>(new Func<object, PostResult>((pr) => { string torrentData = this.GetTorrentData(pt.TorrentID); PostResult result2 = new PostResult(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(torrentData)) { CancellationToken token; string commentLink = this.GetCommentLink(torrentData); if (pt.SkipIfHasComments && this.CheckMyComments(torrentData)) { result2.Success = true; return result2; } long num = Conversions.ToLong(Navigation.GetQueryParamValue("p", commentLink)); string str2 = string.Format("action=replytopost&p={0}&f=8&subject={1}&body={2}&format_type=bbcode", num, Uri.EscapeDataString(pt.Subject), Uri.EscapeDataString(pt.Body)); Rqt_Request req = new Rqt_Request(commentLink, HttpRequestCacheLevel.Default, 0x7530, "", token, null, null) { Query = str2, Timeout = 0x4e20 }; using (Rqt_State state = this.ParseRequest(req)) { if (state.Status == RequestStatus.Succeded) { result2.Success = true; } else if (state.Exception != null) { result2.Data = state.Exception.Message; } } } return result2; }), pt); task.Start(); try { Task.WaitAll(new Task[] { task }, 0x4e20); } catch (AggregateException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return task.Result; } /// <summary> /// 根据XML字符串填充数据表格 /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlstr"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> public override void FillDataTable(string xmlstr, params string[] args) { short num; string str = args[0]; List<string> list = new List<string>(); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.LoadXml(xmlstr.ToString()); DataRow dr = this.SchemaTable.NewRow(); dr["Title"] = document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.FirstChild["a"].InnerXml.Trim(); dr["ID"] = document.DocumentElement.LastChild.ChildNodes[0].InnerText.Trim(); dr["Files"] = document.DocumentElement.LastChild.ChildNodes[1].InnerText.Trim(); dr["Com"] = short.TryParse(document.DocumentElement.LastChild.ChildNodes[2].InnerText.Trim(), out num) ? num : num; dr["Size"] = this.ParseFileSize(document.DocumentElement.LastChild.ChildNodes[3].InnerText, "GB", "MB", "KB"); dr["Sd"] = document.DocumentElement.LastChild.ChildNodes[4].InnerText.Trim(); dr["Lch"] = document.DocumentElement.LastChild.ChildNodes[5].InnerText.Trim(); dr["UserName"] = document.DocumentElement.LastChild.ChildNodes[6].InnerText.Trim(); IEnumerator enumerator = document.DocumentElement.LastChild.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { XmlElement current = (XmlElement)enumerator.Current; if (current.OuterXml.ToString().Contains(Core.IParserActive().Refs.BaseURI_UserScript)) { string str2 = current.ChildNodes[0].Attributes.Item(0).Value; dr["UserID"] = current.ChildNodes[0].Attributes.Item(0).Value.ToString().Substring(str2.IndexOf("=") + 1); IEnumerator enumerator2 = document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.LastChild.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { //@todo 待确认 dynamic objectValue = enumerator2.Current; string innerText = objectValue.InnerText.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(innerText)) { list.Add(innerText); } } } } dr["Tags"] = String.Join(" ", list.ToArray()); dr["DateShared"] = str.Trim(); dr["Host"] = this.Host; Core.FinalizeRow(ref dr, this); } /// <summary> /// 获取评价链接 /// </summary> /// <param name="strtext"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override string GetCommentLink(string strtext) { string str2 = ""; Match match = Regex.Match(strtext, "<a href=.*op=post.*?>", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { HTMLParser.HtmlTag tag = new HTMLParser.HtmlTag(match.Value + "</a>"); str2 = tag.Attributes["href"]; str2 = this.Refs.BaseUri + "/" + Core.CleanXML(str2.Replace("href=", "")); } return str2; } public override DynamicObjectData GetObjectData(DataRow row, HttpRequestCacheLevel cache) { base.GetObjectData(row, cache); try { string format = "<li>{0}: [^<>]*"; List<string> list = new List<string>(); string pattern = "<div class=\"post\" .*>"; list.Add("Category"); list.Add("Size"); list.Add("Views"); list.Add("Hits"); list.Add("Seeders"); list.Add("Leechers"); list.Add("Snatches"); Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>(); Rqt_Request req = new Rqt_Request { URI = Conversions.ToString(string.Format("{0}&{1}", this.Refs.BaseURI_ID, row["ID"])), Cache = cache }; Rqt_State state = this.ParseRequest(req); if (state.Status != RequestStatus.Succeded) { if (state.Exception != null) { Core.StatusText = state.Exception.Message; } } else { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(state.ResponseText); foreach (string str3 in list) { object obj2; Match match = Core.RegExFirst(builder.ToString(), string.Format(format, str3)); if (match.Success) { obj2 = match.Value.Split(":".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Trim(); } else { obj2 = DBNull.Value; } dictionary.Add(str3, RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(obj2)); } MatchCollection matchs = Regex.Matches(builder.ToString(), pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); dictionary.Add("Com", matchs.Count); return new DynamicObjectData { Dictionary = dictionary }; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return null; } public override List<string> GetScreensFromHTML(ScreenshotListOptions args) { StringReader reader = new StringReader(args.Source); List<string> list2 = new List<string>(); bool flag2 = false; bool flag = false; while (true) { string str = reader.ReadLine(); if ((str == null) | flag) { return list2; } if (str.ToLower().Contains("<!-- torrent description -->".ToLower())) { flag2 = true; } if (str.Contains("<div class=\"torrentwarning\"><H1>This post has been marked for deletion</H1>")) { args.Icon = Properties.Resources.mail_remove; } if (str.ToLower().Contains("<!-- BEGIN description middle -->".ToLower())) { flag = true; } if ((str.ToLower().Contains("src=") | str.ToLower().Contains("href=")) && flag2) { string[] strArray = str.Split(new char[] { '\'', '"', '=', '<', '>' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (strArray != null) { int num2 = strArray.Length - 1; for (int i = 0 ; i <= num2 ; i++) { if (strArray[i].ToLower().StartsWith("http://")) { bool flag3 = false; foreach (string str2 in this.AllowedFormats) { if (strArray[i].ToLower().EndsWith(str2)) { flag3 = true; } } if (flag3 && !Core.BlockImages.TargetContains(strArray[i], false)) { if (args.Poster) { if (!Regex.Match(strArray[i], this.Refs.BaseURI_Pics, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { list2.Clear(); list2.Add(strArray[i]); return list2; } list2.Add(strArray[i]); } else if (!list2.Contains(strArray[i]) & !list2.Contains(strArray[i].Replace(this.Refs.BaseURI_PicsThumbString, "/"))) { list2.Add(strArray[i]); } } } } } } } } /// <summary> /// 获取BT种子列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="uri"></param> /// <param name="t"></param> public override void GetTorrentsList(string source, string uri, CancellationToken t) { StringReader reader = new StringReader(source); string str2 = ""; while (true) { bool flag = false; string currentval = reader.ReadLine(); if (currentval == null) { break; } if ((((!flag && (( (currentval.Contains("class=\"error\"") || currentval.Contains("<h1>")) || currentval.Contains("<h2>")) || currentval.Contains("<h3>")))) || currentval.Contains("<p>No results.</p>"))) { try { XElement element = XElement.Parse(Core.CleanXML(currentval).Trim()); this.StatusLabel = element.Value; flag = true; } catch (XmlException exception1) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception1); XmlException exception = exception1; } } if ((currentval.Contains("class=\"tablehead\"") & !currentval.Contains("browsetorrents.php")) && (currentval.Contains("<strong>") & !currentval.Contains("href"))) { str2 = currentval.Substring(currentval.IndexOf("<strong>") + 8); str2 = str2.Remove(str2.IndexOf("</")); } if (currentval.Contains("<td align=\"left\" class=\"tabletext\">")) { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n<root>"); while (!currentval.Contains("</tr>")) { if (!currentval.Contains("&action=downloadtorrent") & !currentval.Contains("inline_icon")) { if (!currentval.Contains("href=\"\"#\"")) { builder.AppendLine(currentval); } else { builder.AppendLine("<td>"); string str3 = currentval.Substring(currentval.IndexOf("?") + 11); builder.AppendLine("<td>" + str3.Remove(str3.IndexOf("'")) + "</td>"); } } else if (!currentval.Contains("inline_icon")) { builder.AppendLine("<td>"); string str4 = currentval.Substring(currentval.IndexOf("?") + 11); builder.AppendLine("<td>" + str4.Remove(str4.IndexOf("&")) + "</td>"); } else { builder.AppendLine("<td>unknown</td>"); } currentval = Regex.Replace(reader.ReadLine(), "&(cat|sort|filter)=", ""); } builder.AppendLine("</td>"); builder.AppendLine("</root>"); this.FillDataTable(builder.ToString(), new string[] { str2 }); } } reader.Close(); } public override string ParseDownload(Core.RemoteAddress e) { return (base.ParseDownload(e) + "&action=downloadtorrent"); } /// <summary> /// 解析查询字符串 /// @todo:待验证 /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> public override void ParseSearchQuery(ref string text) { base.ParseSearchQuery(ref text); string pattern = "(" + String.Join("|", this.Data.SearchTypes.Values.ToArray<object>()) + @"):\[.*\]"; if (!Regex.IsMatch(text, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { string str = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in this.Data.SearchTypes) { if (pair.Key.Equals(this.Config.SearchType.Value)) { str = Convert.ToString(pair.Value); switch (str) { case "": text = str + ":[" + text + "]"; break; } } } } } public override void ParseURIExceptions(string CurrentURI, ref string QueryURI, bool ReflectUI) { if (CurrentURI.Contains(this.Refs.BaseURI_User)) { QueryURI = this.Refs.BaseURI_UserList; this.UserString = CurrentURI.Substring(CurrentURI.IndexOf(".php?") + 5); if (this.UserString.Contains("&")) { this.UserString = this.UserString.Remove(this.UserString.IndexOf("&")); } } } }