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在之前的文章中,为了能在MVVM框架中为前端View提供逻辑/数据绑定支持,使得后端数据具备通知UI数据变更的能力,我们手动实现了INotifyPropertyChanged 接口并将其封装为 ViewModelBase 基类。
在Prism框架中,Prism扩充了WPF的绑定通知功能。提供了已经实现INotifyPropertyChanged接口并封装好的基类 BindableBase 。并使用 CallerMemberName 特性自动获取属性名称,解决了属性改变事件调用繁琐的问题,同时在方法内部还是对相等值进行了过滤等操作,其源码如下:
namespace Prism.Mvvm
/// Implementation of to simplify models.
public abstract class BindableBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
/// Occurs when a property value changes.
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
/// Checks if a property already matches a desired value. Sets the property and
/// notifies listeners only when necessary.
/// Type of the property.
/// Reference to a property with both getter and setter.
/// Desired value for the property.
/// Name of the property used to notify listeners. This
/// value is optional and can be provided automatically when invoked from compilers that
/// support CallerMemberName.
/// True if the value was changed, false if the existing value matched the
/// desired value.
protected virtual bool SetProperty<T>(ref T storage, T value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(storage, value)) return false;
storage = value;
return true;
/// Checks if a property already matches a desired value. Sets the property and
/// notifies listeners only when necessary.
/// Type of the property.
/// Reference to a property with both getter and setter.
/// Desired value for the property.
/// Name of the property used to notify listeners. This
/// value is optional and can be provided automatically when invoked from compilers that
/// support CallerMemberName.
/// Action that is called after the property value has been changed.
/// True if the value was changed, false if the existing value matched the
/// desired value.
protected virtual bool SetProperty<T>(ref T storage, T value, Action onChanged, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(storage, value)) return false;
storage = value;
return true;
/// Raises this object's PropertyChanged event.
/// Name of the property used to notify listeners. This
/// value is optional and can be provided automatically when invoked from compilers
/// that support .
protected void RaisePropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
/// Raises this object's PropertyChanged event.
/// The PropertyChangedEventArgs
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, args);
在需要对数据做绑定通知时,我们只需要直接继承该 BindableBase 类即可。其属性更新通知方式有如下两种:
private string _fieldName;
public string PropertyName
get { return _fieldName; }
set { SetProperty(ref _fieldName, value); }
private string _fieldName;
public string PropertyName
get { return _fieldName; }
if(_fileName != value)
_fieldName = value;
在之前的文章中,为了能在MVVM框架中实现前后端的逻辑分离,我们手动实现了 ICommand 接口并将自定义命令封装为 RelayCommand< T > ,用于在前后端之间传递逻辑/行为。在Prism框架中,Prism提供了已经实现 ICommand 接口并封装好的命令基类 DelegateCommandBase 及其子类 DelegateCommand,其不仅包含了我们手动实现命令类的所有基本功能,还拓展出了一些新的特性,大大简化了命令调用方式。
DelegateCommand 这个类中的其它的定义和我们之前常规封装的ICommand的实现没有什么太大区别,重点是这个里面增加了ObservesProperty和ObservesCanExecute这两个带Expression参数的方法,这两个方法其内部都调用了一个叫做ObservesPropertyInternal的方法。那么这两个方法有什么作用呢?在之前的文章 WPF(六) Command 命令模型源码分析 中,我们分析了ICommand的命令模型:自定义命令要想实现命令状态的实时刷新,就必须手动触发 CanExecuteChanged 事件或者使用CommandManager代理的方式;而在 DelegateCommand 中,则使用了一种更加灵活的方式,通过封装 ObservesProperty 和 ObservesCanExecute 两个方法来监控目标属性值的变化,自动触发 CanExecuteChanged 事件,刷新命令状态。
//1.不带泛型的 DelegateCommand
namespace Prism.Commands
/// An whose delegates do not take any parameters for and .
public class DelegateCommand : DelegateCommandBase
Action _executeMethod;
Func<bool> _canExecuteMethod;
/// Creates a new instance of with the to invoke on execution.
/// The to invoke when is called.
public DelegateCommand(Action executeMethod)
: this(executeMethod, () => true)
/// Creates a new instance of with the to invoke on execution
/// and a to query for determining if the command can execute.
/// The to invoke when is called.
/// The to invoke when is called
public DelegateCommand(Action executeMethod, Func<bool> canExecuteMethod)
: base()
if (executeMethod == null || canExecuteMethod == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(executeMethod), Resources.DelegateCommandDelegatesCannotBeNull);
_executeMethod = executeMethod;
_canExecuteMethod = canExecuteMethod;
/// Executes the command.
public void Execute()
/// Determines if the command can be executed.
/// Returns if the command can execute,otherwise returns .
public bool CanExecute()
return _canExecuteMethod();
/// Handle the internal invocation of
/// Command Parameter
protected override void Execute(object parameter)
/// Handle the internal invocation of
/// if the Command Can Execute, otherwise
protected override bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return CanExecute();
/// Observes a property that implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and automatically calls DelegateCommandBase.RaiseCanExecuteChanged on property changed notifications.
/// The object type containing the property specified in the expression.
/// The property expression. Example: ObservesProperty(() => PropertyName).
/// The current instance of DelegateCommand
public DelegateCommand ObservesProperty<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression)
return this;
/// Observes a property that is used to determine if this command can execute, and if it implements INotifyPropertyChanged it will automatically call DelegateCommandBase.RaiseCanExecuteChanged on property changed notifications.
/// The property expression. Example: ObservesCanExecute(() => PropertyName).
/// The current instance of DelegateCommand
public DelegateCommand ObservesCanExecute(Expression<Func<bool>> canExecuteExpression)
_canExecuteMethod = canExecuteExpression.Compile();
return this;
//2.带泛型的 DelegateCommand
namespace Prism.Commands
public class DelegateCommand<T> : DelegateCommandBase
public DelegateCommand(Action<T> executeMethod);
public DelegateCommand(Action<T> executeMethod, Func<T, bool> canExecuteMethod);
public bool CanExecute(T parameter);
public void Execute(T parameter);
public DelegateCommand<T> ObservesCanExecute(Expression<Func<bool>> canExecuteExpression);
public DelegateCommand<T> ObservesProperty<TType>(Expression<Func<TType>> propertyExpression);
protected override bool CanExecute(object parameter);
protected override void Execute(object parameter);
ObservesPropertyInternal 这个方法的内部会将当前的Expression参数传入一个类型为HashSet的_observedPropertiesExpressions的局部变量里面,如果当前集合中存在该变量就抛出异常避免重复添加,如果没有添加过就添加到当前集合中进行维护。接着,添加到集合中以后又调用了一个新的的方法,这个PropertyObserver.Observes方法会将当前的DelegateCommandBase 中的RaiseCanExecuteChanged方法作为参数传入到PropertyObserver类中的Observes方法中去,顾名思义PropertyObserver就是一个用来监控Propery属性变化的类。
namespace Prism.Commands
/// An whose delegates can be attached for and .
public abstract class DelegateCommandBase : ICommand, IActiveAware
private SynchronizationContext _synchronizationContext;
private readonly HashSet<string> _observedPropertiesExpressions = new HashSet<string>();
/// Creates a new instance of a , specifying both the execute action and the can execute function.
protected DelegateCommandBase()
_synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
/// Occurs when changes occur that affect whether or not the command should execute.
public virtual event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
/// Raises so every
/// command invoker can requery .
protected virtual void OnCanExecuteChanged()
var handler = CanExecuteChanged;
if (handler != null)
if (_synchronizationContext != null && _synchronizationContext != SynchronizationContext.Current)
_synchronizationContext.Post((o) => handler.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty), null);
handler.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
/// Raises so every command invoker
/// can requery to check if the command can execute.
/// Note that this will trigger the execution of once for each invoker.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1030:UseEventsWhereAppropriate")]
public void RaiseCanExecuteChanged()
/// Observes a property that implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and automatically calls DelegateCommandBase.RaiseCanExecuteChanged on property changed notifications.
/// The object type containing the property specified in the expression.
/// The property expression. Example: ObservesProperty(() => PropertyName).
protected internal void ObservesPropertyInternal<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression)
if (_observedPropertiesExpressions.Contains(propertyExpression.ToString()))
throw new ArgumentException($"{propertyExpression.ToString()} is already being observed.",
PropertyObserver.Observes(propertyExpression, RaiseCanExecuteChanged);
namespace CommandTest.ViewModels
public class MainViewModel : BindableBase
public DelegateCommand InitializeCommand { get; private set; }
public DelegateCommand<Object> InitializeParamsCommand { get; private set; }
public MainViewModel()
InitializeCommand = new DelegateCommand(Execute1);
InitializeParamsCommand = new DelegateCommand<Object>(Execute2);
private void Execute1()
//do something... ...
private void Execute2(Object obj)
//do something... ...
在属性值改变时,手动通过RaiseCanExecuteChanged的调用触发 CanExecuteChanged 事件,更新CanExecute状态
namespace CommandTest.ViewModels
public class MainViewModel : BindableBase
public DelegateCommand InitializeCommand { get; private set; }
public MainViewModel()
InitializeCommand = new DelegateCommand(DoExecute,CanExecute);
private void DoSave()
private bool CanExecute()
return Param < 200;
private int _param = 100;
public int Param
get{ return _param;}
SetProperty(ref _param, value);
ObservesProperty 用于监听目标属性值的变化。当监听目标属性值发生变化时,就会自动进行状态检查,执行 RaiseCanExecuteChanged 方法,触发 CanExecuteChanged 事件,执行ICommand的 CanExecute 委托,更新CanExecute状态。ObservesProperty 也支持多条件检查。
namespace CommandTest.ViewModels
public class MainViewModel : BindableBase
public DelegateCommand InitializeCommand { get; private set; }
public MainViewModel()
//ObservesProperty 监听Param1和Param2
InitializeCommand = new DelegateCommand(DoExecute,CanExecute)
private void DoSave()
private bool CanExecute()
return Param1 < 200 && Param2 != String.Empty;
private int _param1;
public int Param1
get{ return _param1;}
SetProperty(ref _param1, value);
private string _param2;
public string Param2
get{ return _param2;}
SetProperty(ref _param2, value);
ObservesCanExecute 也是用于监听目标属性。不过与 ObservesProperty 不同的是,ObservesCanExecute 无需指定 CheckExecute 委托检查方法,而直接将命令的可用状态与目标属性值绑定,若目标属性值变为true则命令可用否则将不可用,且 ObservesCanExecute 绑定目标属性必须为 bool 类型。
namespace CommandTest.ViewModels
public class MainViewModel : BindableBase
public DelegateCommand InitializeCommand { get; private set; }
public MainViewModel()
InitializeCommand = new DelegateCommand(DoExecute)
.ObservesCanExecute(() => DoCondition);
private void DoExecute()
public bool DoCondition
get{ return Age < 200 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name);}
类似于Spring,Prism框架的核心组件也是容器与依赖注入。即通过一个容器去管理整个框架中所有类的对象及其生命周期,并且在引用的时候只需要通过注入接口框架就能够自动根据接口类型找到特定的实例,这样就会帮我们省掉大量创建对象的new操作,将程序不稳定的地方统一隔离在一个地方管理,而且在在软件设计过程中通过IOC容器实现依赖注入能够最大程度上实现最终的控制反转,从而保证软件设计的时候巨大灵活性和扩展性。PrismApplication 部分源码如下:
namespace Prism
/// Base application class that provides a basic initialization sequence
/// This class must be overridden to provide application specific configuration.
public abstract class PrismApplicationBase : Application
IContainerExtension _containerExtension;
IModuleCatalog _moduleCatalog;
/// The dependency injection container used to resolve objects
public IContainerProvider Container => _containerExtension;
/// Raises the System.Windows.Application.Startup event.
/// A System.Windows.StartupEventArgs that contains the event data.
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
/// Run the initialization process.
void InitializeInternal()
/// Runs the initialization sequence to configure the Prism application.
protected virtual void Initialize()
_containerExtension = ContainerLocator.Current;
_moduleCatalog = CreateModuleCatalog();
var regionAdapterMappings = _containerExtension.Resolve<RegionAdapterMappings>();
var defaultRegionBehaviors = _containerExtension.Resolve<IRegionBehaviorFactory>();
var shell = CreateShell();
if (shell != null)
RegionManager.SetRegionManager(shell, _containerExtension.Resolve<IRegionManager>());
//... ...
在Prism.Core中定义了Prism IOC容器相关的一些基础接口,他们的类图结构如下:
对于我们自定义的服务/组件,我们可以在 App.xaml.cs 中重写所继承 PrismApplicationBase 类的 RegisterTypes 方法,并通过 IContainerRegistry.Register 系列方法将组件注册到容器中。对于不同的生命周期类型,IContainerRegistry 提供了多种不同的基本注册方式即 Transient Registering 、 Singleton Registering 等
(1)Transient Registering
Transient Registering 每次注册都会创建一个新的实例,即多例模式。其使用方式如下:
namespace PrismDemo
/// App.xaml 的交互逻辑
public partial class App : PrismApplication
protected override Window CreateShell()
return Container.Resolve<HomeView>();
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
// Where it will be appropriate to use FooService as a concrete type
//接口类型注入(IBarService接口 -> 实现子类 BarService)
containerRegistry.Register<IBarService, BarService>();
(2)Singleton Registering
Singleton Registering 在整个应用程序生命周期以内只创建一个实例,即单例模式,只有在用到的时候该实例才会被创建出来。其使用方式如下:
namespace PrismDemo
/// App.xaml 的交互逻辑
public partial class App : PrismApplication
protected override Window CreateShell()
return Container.Resolve<HomeView>();
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
// Where it will be appropriate to use FooService as a concrete type
//接口类型注入(IBarService接口 -> 实现子类 BarService)
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IBarService, BarService>();
private readonly MD5Provider _provider1;
private readonly MD5Provider _provider2;
public IndexViewModel(MD5Provider provider1, MD5Provider provider2)
_provider1 = provider1;
_provider2 = provider2;
private readonly MD5Provider _provider1;
private readonly MD5Provider _provider2;
private readonly IContainerExtension _container;
public IndexViewModel(IContainerExtension container)
_container = container;
_provider1 = container.Resolve<MD5Provider>();
_provider2 = container.Resolve<MD5Provider>();
Title="MainWindow" Width="300" Height="150"
DataContext="{x:Static vm:MainWindowViewModel.Instance}"
namespace WPF_Demo
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
this.DataContext = null;
ViewModelLocator 是 Prism 框架提供的一种“视图模型定位器”。ViewModelLocator 可以根据我们指定的标准命名关联规则,在项目程序初始化时自动通过DataContext建立对应的View-ViewModel关系,而不需要我们手动指定。这样做一方面减少了我们代码开发的复杂度;另一方面不再显式的去绑定DataContext,从而降低了代码耦合。其使用步骤如下:
- 在View中,声明允许当前View自动装配ViewModel,即设置 ViewModelLocator.AutoWireViewModel = True
<Window x:Class="Demo.Views.MainWindow" ... xmlns:prism="http://prismlibrary.com/" prism:ViewModelLocator.AutoWireViewModel="True">
- 按照命名关联规则,放置和命名我们的View和ViewModel
在Prism初始化时,当 View 的AutoWireViewModel 设置为 True 时,ViewModelLocationProvider 类会自动调用 AutoWireViewModelChanged 方法,按照我们制定的规则去搜索和解析其对应的ViewModel,并建立DataContext关联关系。其解析顺序如下:
- 先解析用户通过 ViewModelLocationProvider.Register 方法手动注册的 ViewModel
- 如果第一步解析失败,则继续通过基本约定规则(默认规则、自定义规则)进行搜索和解析ViewModel
Prism ViewModelLocator 的默认命名规则如下:
View 和 ViewModel 位于同一个程序集中
View 放置在对应 .Views 子命名空间中,ViewModel 放置在对应 .ViewModels 子命名空间中(比如a.b.Views 对应 a.b.ViewModels),注意上级空间也必须一致
ViewModel 的类名称与 View 的名称必须对应,并且以 “ViewModel” 结尾(比如 ViewA -> ViewAViewModel,MainView -> MainViewModel)
注意: a.Views+a.ViewModels 与 b.c.Views+b.c.ViewModels是可以共存不冲突的,只要能在对应程序集包下找到对应命名的ViewModel即可,每个View视图在初始化时会根据默认命名规则去解析对应包下的ViewModel。
如果不想遵循 ViewModelLocator 默认的命名约定,则我们可以自定义命名约定覆盖,ViewModelLocator 会根据自定义的约定将 View 关联到 ViewModel。ViewModelLocationProvider
,可以用来设置自己的命名关联规则。我们需要在 App.xaml.cs
中覆盖所继承 PrismApplication 类中的ConfigureViewModelLocator
方法,然后在 ViewModelLocationProvider.SetDefaultViewTypeToViewModelTypeResolver
protected override void ConfigureViewModelLocator()
ViewModelLocationProvider.SetDefaultViewTypeToViewModelTypeResolver((viewType) =>
var viewName = viewType.FullName.Replace(".Views.", ".CustomNamespace.");
//视图View全限定名称:viewType.FullName = PrismDemo.Views.HomePage
//自定义Model存放前缀:Replace = PrismDemo.CustomNamespace.HomePage
var viewAssemblyName = viewType.GetTypeInfo().Assembly.FullName;
//程序集名称:PrismDemo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
var viewModelName = $"{viewName}ViewModel, {viewAssemblyName}";
//自定义Model映射:PrismDemo.CustomNamespace.HomePageViewModel, PrismDemo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
return Type.GetType(viewModelName);
在每个View页初始化时,若当前View设置了 prism:ViewModelLocator.AutoWireViewModel="True"
,则会对每个初始化的View调用重写的 ConfigureViewModelLocator
方法直接将ViewModel的映射注册到特定视图中。此时Prism初始化时会先解析用户通过 ViewModelLocationProvider.Register 方法手动注册的 ViewModel,找不到再去默认规则下进行解析。手动指定 View-ViewModel 映射的方式更快,效率更高。
protected override void ConfigureViewModelLocator()
// Type / Type
ViewModelLocationProvider.Register(typeof(MainWindow).ToString(), typeof(CustomViewModel));
// Type / Factory
ViewModelLocationProvider.Register(typeof(MainWindow).ToString(), () => Container.Resolve<CustomViewModel>());
// 通用工厂
ViewModelLocationProvider.Register<MainWindow>(() => Container.Resolve<CustomViewModel>());
// 通用类型
ViewModelLocationProvider.Register<MainWindow, CustomViewModel>();