Table of Contents
- 1. informer机制简介
- 1.2. informer机制 example介绍
- 2. informer
- 2.1 shared informer
- 2.2 shared informer是如何实现的
- 2.3 informer和reflector的关系
- 3. Reflector
- 4. listAndwatcher
- 4.1 list
- 4.2 watcher
- 5. DeltaFIFO
- 5.1 生产者
- 5.2 消费者
- 5.3 Resync
- 6.Indexer
- 6.1 Indexer索引器
- 7. 总结
- 8.附录
- 9.参考
1. informer机制简介
Kubernetes的其他组件(kcm, kubelet等等)都是通过client-go的Informer机制与Kubernetes API Server进行通信的。
(1)new一个informer,然后informer的时候指定了 listAndwatcher(这个就是获取apiserver数据)
(2)informer.Run的时候,会new 一个 Reflector对象。Reflector包含了listAndwatcher,接下来基本就是Reflector进行操作了
(4)具体的处理逻辑分为两部分,第一部分是,通过操作cache.indexer,更新本地缓存+索引; 第二部分是,将watch的数据发送给 Informer自定义的处理函数进行处理
1.2. informer机制 example介绍
直接阅读Informer机制代码会比较晦涩,通过Informers Example代码示例来理解Informer,印象会更深刻。Informers Example代码示例如下:
package main
import (
corev1 ""
func main() {
config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", "/root/.kube/config")
if err!= nil {
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err!=nil {
stopCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(stopCh)
sharedInformers := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(clientset, time.Minute)
informer := sharedInformers.Core().V1().Pods().Informer()
AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
mObj := obj.(v1.Object)
log.Printf("New Pod Added to Store:%s", mObj.GetName())
UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
oObj := oldObj.(v1.Object)
nObj := newObj.(v1.Object)
log.Printf("%s Pod Updated to %s", oObj.GetName(), nObj.GetName())
DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
mObj := obj.(v1.Object)
log.Printf("Pod Deleted from Store:%s", mObj.GetName())
首先通过kubernetes.NewForConfig创建clientset对象,Informer需要通过ClientSet与Kubernetes API Server进行交互。另外,创建stopCh对象,该对象用于在程序进程退出之前通知Informer提前退出,因为Informer是一个持久运行的goroutine。informers.NewSharedInformerFactory函数实例化了SharedInformer对象,它接收两个参数:第1个参数clientset是用于与Kubernetes API Server交互的客户端,第2个参数time.Minute用于设置多久进行一次resync(重新同步),resync会周期性地执行List操作,将所有的资源存放在Informer Store中,如果该参数为0,则禁用resync功能。
在Informers Example代码示例中,通过sharedInformers.Core().V1().Pods().Informer可以得到具体Pod资源的informer对象。通过informer.AddEventHandler函数可以为Pod资源添加资源事件回调方法,支持3种资源事件回调方法,分别介绍如下。
● AddFunc:当创建Pod资源对象时触发的事件回调方法。
● UpdateFunc:当更新Pod资源对象时触发的事件回调方法。
● DeleteFunc:当删除Pod资源对象时触发的事件回调方法。在正常的情况下,Kubernetes的其他组件在使用Informer机制时触发资源事件回调方法,将资源对象推送到WorkQueue或其他队列中(实际过程中大都是这样的),在InformersExample代码示例中,我们直接输出触发的资源事件。最后通过informer.Run函数运行当前的Informer,内部为Pod资源类型创建Informer。
2. informer
// PodInformer provides access to a shared informer and lister for
// Pods.
type PodInformer interface {
Informer() cache.SharedIndexInformer
Lister() v1.PodLister
podInformer := sharedInformers.Core().V1().Pods().Informer()
nodeInformer := sharedInformers.Node().V1beta1().RuntimeClasses().Informer
2.1 shared informer
可以认为 informer都是 shared informer
Informer也被称为Shared Informer,它是可以共享使用的。在用client-go编写代码程序时,若同一资源的Informer被实例化了多次,每个Informer使用一个Reflector,那么会运行过多相同的ListAndWatch,太多重复的序列化和反序列化操作会导致Kubernetes API Server负载过重。Shared Informer可以使同一类资源Informer共享一个Reflector,这样可以节约很多资源。通过map数据结构实现共享的Informer机制。SharedInformer定义了一个map数据结构,用于存放所有Informer的字段,代码示例如下:
type sharedInformerFactory struct {
client kubernetes.Interface
namespace string
tweakListOptions internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc
lock sync.Mutex
defaultResync time.Duration
customResync map[reflect.Type]time.Duration
informers map[reflect.Type]cache.SharedIndexInformer
// startedInformers is used for tracking which informers have been started.
// This allows Start() to be called multiple times safely.
startedInformers map[reflect.Type]bool
informers字段中存储了资源类型和对应于SharedIndexInformer的映射关系。InformerFor函数添加了不同资源的Informer,在添加过程中如果已经存在同类型的资源Informer,则返回当前Informer,不再继续添加。最后通过Shared Informer的Start方法使f.informers中的每个informer通过goroutine持久运行。
2.2 shared informer是如何实现的
从结构体可以看出来:有一个字段 Store,这里就是保存从apiserver同步过来的数据。
还有一个函数Run(),这个函数会调用controller.Run --> Reflector.Run->ListAndWatch()
// SharedInformer has a shared data cache and is capable of distributing notifications for changes
// to the cache to multiple listeners who registered via AddEventHandler. If you use this, there is
// one behavior change compared to a standard Informer. When you receive a notification, the cache
// will be AT LEAST as fresh as the notification, but it MAY be more fresh. You should NOT depend
// on the contents of the cache exactly matching the notification you've received in handler
// functions. If there was a create, followed by a delete, the cache may NOT have your item. This
// has advantages over the broadcaster since it allows us to share a common cache across many
// controllers. Extending the broadcaster would have required us keep duplicate caches for each
// watch.
type SharedInformer interface {
// AddEventHandler adds an event handler to the shared informer using the shared informer's resync
// period. Events to a single handler are delivered sequentially, but there is no coordination
// between different handlers.
AddEventHandler(handler ResourceEventHandler)
// AddEventHandlerWithResyncPeriod adds an event handler to the shared informer using the
// specified resync period. Events to a single handler are delivered sequentially, but there is
// no coordination between different handlers.
AddEventHandlerWithResyncPeriod(handler ResourceEventHandler, resyncPeriod time.Duration)
// GetStore returns the Store.
GetStore() Store
// GetController gives back a synthetic interface that "votes" to start the informer
GetController() Controller
// Run starts the shared informer, which will be stopped when stopCh is closed.
Run(stopCh <-chan struct{})
// HasSynced returns true if the shared informer's store has synced.
HasSynced() bool
// LastSyncResourceVersion is the resource version observed when last synced with the underlying
// store. The value returned is not synchronized with access to the underlying store and is not
// thread-safe.
LastSyncResourceVersion() string
2.3 informer和reflector的关系
(1)new 一个sharedInformerFactory对象
(3)定义informer的 addFunc, deleteFunc, updateFunc函数
(4)informer.Run(stopCh) 运行起来
// 在informer的Run函数中调用了controller.Run
func (s *sharedIndexInformer) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
func() {
defer s.startedLock.Unlock()
s.controller = New(cfg)
s.controller.(*controller).clock = s.clock
s.started = true
// run函数生成了一个reflector对象
// Run begins processing items, and will continue until a value is sent down stopCh.
// It's an error to call Run more than once.
// Run blocks; call via go.
func (c *controller) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
r := NewReflector(
(2)reflector是informer run的时候才生成的,并且Informer list-watch都是由reflector完成的. informer只管定义add, update, del处理事件即可
3. Reflector
Informer可以对Kubernetes API Server的资源执行监控(Watch)操作,资源类型可以是Kubernetes内置资源,也可以是CRD自定义资源,其中最核心的功能是Reflector。Reflector用于监控指定资源的Kubernetes资源,当监控的资源发生变化时,触发相应的变更事件,例如Added(资源添加)事件、Updated(资源更新)事件、Deleted(资源删除)事件,并将其资源对象存放到本地缓存DeltaFIFO中。通过NewReflector实例化Reflector对象,实例化过程中须传入ListerWatcher数据接口对象,它拥有List和Watch方法,用于获取及监控资源列表。只要实现了List和Watch方法的对象都可以称为ListerWatcher。Reflector对象通过Run函数启动监控并处理监控事件。而在Reflector源码实现中,其中最主要的是ListAndWatch函数,它负责获取资源列表(List)和监控(Watch)指定的Kubernetes API Server资源。
// Reflector watches a specified resource and causes all changes to be reflected in the given store.
type Reflector struct {
// name identifies this reflector. By default it will be a file:line if possible.
name string
// The name of the type we expect to place in the store. The name
// will be the stringification of expectedGVK if provided, and the
// stringification of expectedType otherwise. It is for display
// only, and should not be used for parsing or comparison.
expectedTypeName string
// The type of object we expect to place in the store.
expectedType reflect.Type
// The GVK of the object we expect to place in the store if unstructured.
expectedGVK *schema.GroupVersionKind
// The destination to sync up with the watch source
store Store // store对象
// listerWatcher is used to perform lists and watches.
listerWatcher ListerWatcher // listwatcher对象
// period controls timing between one watch ending and
// the beginning of the next one.
period time.Duration
resyncPeriod time.Duration
ShouldResync func() bool
// clock allows tests to manipulate time
clock clock.Clock
// lastSyncResourceVersion is the resource version token last
// observed when doing a sync with the underlying store
// it is thread safe, but not synchronized with the underlying store
lastSyncResourceVersion string
// lastSyncResourceVersionMutex guards read/write access to lastSyncResourceVersion
lastSyncResourceVersionMutex sync.RWMutex
// WatchListPageSize is the requested chunk size of initial and resync watch lists.
// Defaults to pager.PageSize.
WatchListPageSize int64
4. listAndwatcher
4.1 list
// ListAndWatch first lists all items and get the resource version at the moment of call,
// and then use the resource version to watch.
// It returns error if ListAndWatch didn't even try to initialize watch.
func (r *Reflector) ListAndWatch(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
klog.V(3).Infof("Listing and watching %v from %s", r.expectedTypeName,
var resourceVersion string
// Explicitly set "0" as resource version - it's fine for the List()
// to be served from cache and potentially be delayed relative to
// etcd contents. Reflector framework will catch up via Watch() eventually.
// resourceVersion=0 表示 list所有资源
options := metav1.ListOptions{ResourceVersion: "0"}
if err := func() error {
initTrace := trace.New("Reflector ListAndWatch", trace.Field{"name",})
defer initTrace.LogIfLong(10 * time.Second)
var list runtime.Object
var err error
listCh := make(chan struct{}, 1)
panicCh := make(chan interface{}, 1)
go func() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
panicCh <- r
// 判断是否chunks一段一段的list
// Attempt to gather list in chunks, if supported by listerWatcher, if not, the first
// list request will return the full response.
pager := pager.New(pager.SimplePageFunc(func(opts metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return r.listerWatcher.List(opts)
if r.WatchListPageSize != 0 {
pager.PageSize = r.WatchListPageSize
// Pager falls back to full list if paginated list calls fail due to an "Expired" error.
list, err = pager.List(context.Background(), options)
select {
case <-stopCh:
return nil
case r := <-panicCh:
case <-listCh:
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: Failed to list %v: %v",, r.expectedTypeName, err)
initTrace.Step("Objects listed")
listMetaInterface, err := meta.ListAccessor(list)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: Unable to understand list result %#v: %v",, list, err)
resourceVersion = listMetaInterface.GetResourceVersion()
initTrace.Step("Resource version extracted")
items, err := meta.ExtractList(list)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: Unable to understand list result %#v (%v)",, list, err)
initTrace.Step("Objects extracted")
if err := r.syncWith(items, resourceVersion); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: Unable to sync list result: %v",, err)
initTrace.Step("SyncWith done")
initTrace.Step("Resource version updated")
return nil
}(); err != nil {
return err
resyncerrc := make(chan error, 1)
cancelCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(cancelCh)
go func() {
resyncCh, cleanup := r.resyncChan()
defer func() {
cleanup() // Call the last one written into cleanup
for {
select {
case <-resyncCh:
case <-stopCh:
case <-cancelCh:
if r.ShouldResync == nil || r.ShouldResync() {
klog.V(4).Infof("%s: forcing resync",
if err :=; err != nil {
resyncerrc <- err
resyncCh, cleanup = r.resyncChan()
for {
// give the stopCh a chance to stop the loop, even in case of continue statements further down on errors
select {
case <-stopCh:
return nil
timeoutSeconds := int64(minWatchTimeout.Seconds() * (rand.Float64() + 1.0))
options = metav1.ListOptions{
ResourceVersion: resourceVersion,
// We want to avoid situations of hanging watchers. Stop any wachers that do not
// receive any events within the timeout window.
TimeoutSeconds: &timeoutSeconds,
// To reduce load on kube-apiserver on watch restarts, you may enable watch bookmarks.
// Reflector doesn't assume bookmarks are returned at all (if the server do not support
// watch bookmarks, it will ignore this field).
AllowWatchBookmarks: true,
w, err := r.listerWatcher.Watch(options)
if err != nil {
switch err {
case io.EOF:
// watch closed normally
case io.ErrUnexpectedEOF:
klog.V(1).Infof("%s: Watch for %v closed with unexpected EOF: %v",, r.expectedTypeName, err)
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: Failed to watch %v: %v",, r.expectedTypeName, err))
// If this is "connection refused" error, it means that most likely apiserver is not responsive.
// It doesn't make sense to re-list all objects because most likely we will be able to restart
// watch where we ended.
// If that's the case wait and resend watch request.
if utilnet.IsConnectionRefused(err) {
return nil
if err := r.watchHandler(w, &resourceVersion, resyncerrc, stopCh); err != nil {
if err != errorStopRequested {
switch {
case apierrs.IsResourceExpired(err):
klog.V(4).Infof("%s: watch of %v ended with: %v",, r.expectedTypeName, err)
klog.Warningf("%s: watch of %v ended with: %v",, r.expectedTypeName, err)
return nil
ListAndWatch List在程序第一次运行时获取该资源下所有的对象数据并将其存储至DeltaFIFO中。以Informers Example代码示例为例,在其中,我们获取的是所有Pod的资源数据。ListAndWatch List流程图如下所示。
(2)listMetaInterface.GetResourceVersion用于获取资源版本号,ResourceVersion (资源版本号)非常重要,Kubernetes中所有的资源都拥有该字段,它标识当前资源对象的版本号。每次修改当前资源对象时,Kubernetes API Server都会更改ResourceVersion,使得client-go执行Watch操作时可以根据ResourceVersion来确定当前资源对象是否发生变化。更多关于ResourceVersion资源版本号的内容,请参考6.5.2节“ResourceVersion资源版本号”。
(4) r.syncWith用于将资源对象列表中的资源对象和资源版本号存储至DeltaFIFO中,并会替换已存在的对象。
r.listerWatcher.List函数实际调用了Pod Informer下的ListFunc函数(NewFilteredListWatchFromClient),它通过ClientSet客户端与Kubernetes API Server交互并获取Pod资源列表数据.
4.2 watcher
Watch(监控)操作通过HTTP协议与Kubernetes API Server建立长连接,接收Kubernetes API Server发来的资源变更事件。Watch操作的实现机制使用HTTP协议的分块传输编码(Chunked Transfer Encoding)。当client-go调用Kubernetes API Server时,Kubernetes API Server在Response的HTTPHeader中设置Transfer-Encoding的值为chunked,表示采用分块传输编码,客户端收到该信息后,便与服务端进行连接,并等待下一个数据块(即资源的事件信息)。
ListAndWatch Watch代码示例如下:
for {
timeoutSeconds := int64(minWatchTimeout.Seconds() * (rand.Float64() + 1.0))
// 列出要watcher的资源和timeout时间
options = metav1.ListOptions{
ResourceVersion: resourceVersion,
// We want to avoid situations of hanging watchers. Stop any wachers that do not
// receive any events within the timeout window.
TimeoutSeconds: &timeoutSeconds,
// 这个就是reflector提到的watch函数
w, err := r.listerWatcher.Watch(options)
// 用于处理资源的变更事件。
if err := r.watchHandler(w, &resourceVersion, resyncerrc, stopCh); err != nil {
if err != errorStopRequested {
glog.Warningf("%s: watch of %v ended with: %v",, r.expectedType, err)
return nil
r.watchHandler用于处理资源的变更事件。当触发Added(资源添加)事件、Updated (资源更新)事件、Deleted(资源删除)事件时,将对应的资源对象更新到本地缓存DeltaFIFO中并更新ResourceVersion资源版本号。r.watchHandler代码示例如下:
// watchHandler watches w and keeps *resourceVersion up to date.
func (r *Reflector) watchHandler(w watch.Interface, resourceVersion *string, errc chan error, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
start := r.clock.Now()
eventCount := 0
newResourceVersion := meta.GetResourceVersion()
switch event.Type {
case watch.Added:
err :=
if err != nil {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to add watch event object (%#v) to store: %v",, event.Object, err))
case watch.Modified:
err :=
if err != nil {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to update watch event object (%#v) to store: %v",, event.Object, err))
case watch.Deleted:
// TODO: Will any consumers need access to the "last known
// state", which is passed in event.Object? If so, may need
// to change this.
err :=
if err != nil {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to delete watch event object (%#v) from store: %v",, event.Object, err))
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to understand watch event %#v",, event))
// 有改变就将 resourceVersion+1
*resourceVersion = newResourceVersion
watchDuration := r.clock.Now().Sub(start)
if watchDuration < 1*time.Second && eventCount == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("very short watch: %s: Unexpected watch close - watch lasted less than a second and no items received",
glog.V(4).Infof("%s: Watch close - %v total %v items received",, r.expectedType, eventCount)
return nil
5. DeltaFIFO
type DeltaFIFO struct {
// lock/cond protects access to 'items' and 'queue'.
lock sync.RWMutex
cond sync.Cond
// We depend on the property that items in the set are in
// the queue and vice versa, and that all Deltas in this
// map have at least one Delta.
items map[string]Deltas
queue []string
// populated is true if the first batch of items inserted by Replace() has been populated
// or Delete/Add/Update was called first.
populated bool
// initialPopulationCount is the number of items inserted by the first call of Replace()
initialPopulationCount int
// keyFunc is used to make the key used for queued item
// insertion and retrieval, and should be deterministic.
keyFunc KeyFunc
// knownObjects list keys that are "known", for the
// purpose of figuring out which items have been deleted
// when Replace() or Delete() is called.
knownObjects KeyListerGetter
// Indication the queue is closed.
// Used to indicate a queue is closed so a control loop can exit when a queue is empty.
// Currently, not used to gate any of CRED operations.
closed bool
closedLock sync.Mutex
5.1 生产者
// Add inserts an item, and puts it in the queue. The item is only enqueued
// if it doesn't already exist in the set.
func (f *DeltaFIFO) Add(obj interface{}) error {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
f.populated = true
return f.queueActionLocked(Added, obj)
// Update is just like Add, but makes an Updated Delta.
func (f *DeltaFIFO) Update(obj interface{}) error {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
f.populated = true
return f.queueActionLocked(Updated, obj)
// Delete is just like Add, but makes an Deleted Delta. If the item does not
// already exist, it will be ignored. (It may have already been deleted by a
// Replace (re-list), for example.
func (f *DeltaFIFO) Delete(obj interface{}) error {
id, err := f.KeyOf(obj)
if err != nil {
return KeyError{obj, err}
defer f.lock.Unlock()
f.populated = true
if f.knownObjects == nil {
if _, exists := f.items[id]; !exists {
// Presumably, this was deleted when a relist happened.
// Don't provide a second report of the same deletion.
return nil
} else {
// We only want to skip the "deletion" action if the object doesn't
// exist in knownObjects and it doesn't have corresponding item in items.
// Note that even if there is a "deletion" action in items, we can ignore it,
// because it will be deduped automatically in "queueActionLocked"
_, exists, err := f.knownObjects.GetByKey(id)
_, itemsExist := f.items[id]
if err == nil && !exists && !itemsExist {
// Presumably, this was deleted when a relist happened.
// Don't provide a second report of the same deletion.
return nil
return f.queueActionLocked(Deleted, obj)
// queueActionLocked appends to the delta list for the object.
// Caller must lock first.
func (f *DeltaFIFO) queueActionLocked(actionType DeltaType, obj interface{}) error {
id, err := f.KeyOf(obj)
if err != nil {
return KeyError{obj, err}
// If object is supposed to be deleted (last event is Deleted),
// then we should ignore Sync events, because it would result in
// recreation of this object.
if actionType == Sync && f.willObjectBeDeletedLocked(id) {
return nil
newDeltas := append(f.items[id], Delta{actionType, obj})
newDeltas = dedupDeltas(newDeltas)
_, exists := f.items[id]
if len(newDeltas) > 0 {
if !exists {
f.queue = append(f.queue, id)
f.items[id] = newDeltas
} else if exists {
// We need to remove this from our map (extra items
// in the queue are ignored if they are not in the
// map).
delete(f.items, id)
return nil
5.2 消费者
// Pop blocks until an item is added to the queue, and then returns it. If
// multiple items are ready, they are returned in the order in which they were
// added/updated. The item is removed from the queue (and the store) before it
// is returned, so if you don't successfully process it, you need to add it back
// with AddIfNotPresent().
// process function is called under lock, so it is safe update data structures
// in it that need to be in sync with the queue (e.g. knownKeys). The PopProcessFunc
// may return an instance of ErrRequeue with a nested error to indicate the current
// item should be requeued (equivalent to calling AddIfNotPresent under the lock).
// Pop returns a 'Deltas', which has a complete list of all the things
// that happened to the object (deltas) while it was sitting in the queue.
func (f *DeltaFIFO) Pop(process PopProcessFunc) (interface{}, error) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
for {
for len(f.queue) == 0 {
// When the queue is empty, invocation of Pop() is blocked until new item is enqueued.
// When Close() is called, the f.closed is set and the condition is broadcasted.
// Which causes this loop to continue and return from the Pop().
if f.IsClosed() {
return nil, FIFOClosedError
id := f.queue[0]
f.queue = f.queue[1:]
item, ok := f.items[id]
if f.initialPopulationCount > 0 {
if !ok {
// Item may have been deleted subsequently.
// 从队列中删除
delete(f.items, id)
// 然后调用 process处理,这里的item还是之前的列表,bojkey1 {“add”,obj1; "update",obj1}
err := process(item)
if e, ok := err.(ErrRequeue); ok {
f.addIfNotPresent(id, item)
err = e.Err
// Don't need to copyDeltas here, because we're transferring
// ownership to the caller.
return item, err
func (s *sharedIndexInformer) HandleDeltas(obj interface{}) error {
defer s.blockDeltas.Unlock()
// from oldest to newest
for _, d := range obj.(Deltas) {
switch d.Type {
case Sync, Added, Updated:
isSync := d.Type == Sync
if old, exists, err := s.indexer.Get(d.Object); err == nil && exists {
if err := s.indexer.Update(d.Object); err != nil {
return err
s.processor.distribute(updateNotification{oldObj: old, newObj: d.Object}, isSync)
} else {
if err := s.indexer.Add(d.Object); err != nil {
return err
s.processor.distribute(addNotification{newObj: d.Object}, isSync)
case Deleted:
if err := s.indexer.Delete(d.Object); err != nil {
return err
s.processor.distribute(deleteNotification{oldObj: d.Object}, false)
return nil
HandleDeltas函数作为process回调函数,当资源对象的操作类型为Added、Updated、Deleted时,将该资源对象存储至Indexer(它是并发安全的存储),并通过distribute函数将资源对象分发至SharedInformer。还记得Informers Example代码示例吗?在Informers Example代码示例中,我们通过informer.AddEventHandler函数添加了对资源事件进行处理的函数,distribute函数则将资源对象分发到该事件处理函数中。
5.3 Resync
func (f *DeltaFIFO) syncKeyLocked(key string) error {
obj, exists, err := f.knownObjects.GetByKey(key)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Unexpected error %v during lookup of key %v, unable to queue object for sync", err, key)
return nil
} else if !exists {
glog.Infof("Key %v does not exist in known objects store, unable to queue object for sync", key)
return nil
// If we are doing Resync() and there is already an event queued for that object,
// we ignore the Resync for it. This is to avoid the race, in which the resync
// comes with the previous value of object (since queueing an event for the object
// doesn't trigger changing the underlying store .
id, err := f.KeyOf(obj)
if err != nil {
return KeyError{obj, err}
if len(f.items[id]) > 0 {
return nil
if err := f.queueActionLocked(Sync, obj); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't queue object: %v", err)
return nil
的数据与Etcd集群中的数据保持完全一致。client-go可以很方便地从本地存储中读取相应的资源对象数据,而无须每次都从远程Etcd集群中读取,这样可以减轻Kubernetes API Server和Etcd集群的压力。
在介绍Indexer之前,先介绍一下ThreadSafeMap。ThreadSafeMap是实现并发安全的存储。作为存储,它拥有存储相关的增、删、改、查操作方法,例如Add、Update、Delete、List、Get、Replace、Resync等。Indexer在ThreadSafeMap的基础上进行了封装,它继承了与ThreadSafeMap相关的操作方法并实现了Indexer Func等功能,例如Index、IndexKeys、GetIndexers等方法,这些方法为ThreadSafeMap提供了索引功能。Indexer存储结构如下图所示。
// threadSafeMap implements ThreadSafeStore
type threadSafeMap struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
items map[string]interface{}
// indexers maps a name to an IndexFunc
indexers Indexers
// indices maps a name to an Index
indices Indices
6.1 Indexer索引器
在每次增、删、改ThreadSafeMap数据时,都会通过updateIndices或deleteFromIndices函数变更Indexer。Indexer被设计为可以自定义索引函数,这符合Kubernetes高扩展性的特点。Indexer有4个非常重要的数据结构,分别是Indices、Index、Indexers及IndexFunc。直接阅读相关代码会比较晦涩,通过Indexer Example代码示例来理解Indexer,印象会更深刻。Indexer Example代码示例如下:
package main
import (
metav1 ""
func UsersIndexFunc(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
pod := obj.(*v1.Pod)
userString := pod.Annotations["users"]
return strings.Split(userString, ","), nil
func main() {
index := cache.NewIndexer(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc,cache.Indexers{"byUser": UsersIndexFunc})
pod1 := &v1.Pod{ObjectMeta:metav1.ObjectMeta{Name:"one",Annotations: map[string]string{"users": "ernie,bert"}}}
pod2 := &v1.Pod{ObjectMeta:metav1.ObjectMeta{Name:"two",Annotations: map[string]string{"users": "oscar,bert"}}}
pod3 := &v1.Pod{ObjectMeta:metav1.ObjectMeta{Name:"tre",Annotations: map[string]string{"users": "ernie,elmo"}}}
erniePods, err := index.ByIndex("byUser", "ernie")
if err != nil {
for _, erniePod := range erniePods {
## 输出
首先定义一个索引器函数UsersIndexFunc,在该函数中,我们定义查询出所有Pod资源下Annotations字段的key为users的Pod。cache.NewIndexer函数实例化了Indexer对象,该函数接收两个参数:第1个参数是KeyFunc,它用于计算资源对象的key,计算默认使用cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc函数;第2个参数是cache.Indexers,用于定义索引器,其中key为索引器的名称(即byUser),value为索引器。通过index.Add函数添加3个Pod资源对象。最后通过index.ByIndex函数查询byUser索引器下匹配ernie字段的Pod列表。Indexer Example代码示例最终检索出名称为one和tre的Pod。现在再来理解Indexer的4个重要的数据结构就非常容易了,它们分别是Indexers、IndexFunc、Indices、Index,数据结构如下:
// Index maps the indexed value to a set of keys in the store that match on that value
type Index map[string]sets.String
// Indexers maps a name to a IndexFunc
type Indexers map[string]IndexFunc
// Indices maps a name to an Index
type Indices map[string]Index
// IndexFunc knows how to provide an indexed value for an object.
type IndexFunc func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error)
● Indexers:存储索引器,key为索引器名称,value为索引器的实现函数。
● IndexFunc:索引器函数,定义为接收一个资源对象,返回检索结果列表。
● Indices:存储缓存器,key为缓存器名称(在Indexer Example代码示例中,缓存器命名与索引器命名相对应),value为缓存数据。
● Index:存储缓存数据,其结构为K/V。
7. 总结
目前通过整体的介绍已经大概理清楚client-go informer的大致过程:
(1)定义好 informerFactory, 然后初始化一个Informer
(2)定义好add, update, del处理函数
(5)reflector里面使用了deltaFIFO队列对list watch的数据进行处理。
一方面:通过该队列的数据 使得本地cache和etcd数据一致 (indexer里面的数据)
另一方面:之前定义好的add ,update ,del就是这些数据的消费者
(2)New一个 listandwatcher对象,这里是pod
// creates the clientset
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(cfg)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("can not creates the clientset: %v\n", err)
return nil, err
// create the pod watcher, set the func of list and watch
podListWatcher := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(
indexer, informer := cache.NewIndexerInformer(
AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {},
UpdateFunc: func(old interface{}, new interface{}) {
pusher.PushBlackHole(old, new, opt)
DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {},
cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc},