

考试有容错率,但是不能rely on;



1. 注意汉语用词的感情色彩,褒贬不能混用;

2. 汉语中的“了”和“着”通常对应不同的时态,翻译时注意根据文章意思选用;

3. 再次复习,文章中大众不熟悉的人名地名需要在翻译后加括号备注,标明原文,以便读者回译;

4. 中文的表达要完善,要把每个翻译都当做客户的招股说明书,即使在脑子里自己转转的也是,认真对待,错了就损失百亿的那种;

5. 要仔细推敲英文原文的意思,明白每一次修饰词对应的中心词是什么,不能想当然串到一起;

6. 翻译数字要注意习惯用法,例如:“400万”或者“四百万”,但是不能说“4百万”;

7. 汉语中超过两个以上的定语,也要注意排序,主要规则(来自于百度知道):




表指代或数量 (多少)

表动词性词语、主谓短语 (怎样的)

表形容词性短语 (什么样的)

表性质、类别或范围 (什么)




“美”代表“描述或性质类”形容词;“小”代表“大小、长短、高低、胖瘦类” 形容词;“圆”代表“形状类” 形容词;“旧”代表“新旧、年龄类” 形容词;“黄”代表“颜色类” 形容词;“中国”代表“来源、国籍、地区、出处类” 形容词;“木”代表“物质、材料、质地类” 形容词;“书”代表“用途、类别、功能、作用类” 形容词;“房”代表“中心名词”。

8. 翻译要讲究“行云流水”,顺畅自然,忠于原文,但是不能简单的翻译每个单词,太干巴像枯树枝,没有生命;

9. 涉及到日常熟悉的内容,尤其是本职专业时,要注意自己习惯的日常汉语用词,避免过度简化或者非官方的习惯用法,容易让读者误解;

10. 绝对化的必须要谨慎使用,例如“都”、“一定”





The Court of Auditors' report criticizes agricultural spending and proposes some new measures to prevent fraud. Their proposals include setting up a special task force with powers to search farms. Such powers are not normally granted to Commission officials, but fraud prevention is now one of the EU's main priorities.

在上例中,the Court of Auditors' report是已知信息或者作者假定读者已知的信息,它是下面论述的出发点,所以放在句子开头;their proposals 属于已知信息,放在句首,因为上一句中提到proposes some measures; such powers是已知信息,放在句首,因为上一句提到with powers to search farms.


Now that China has joined the World Trade Organization, attention in the west has shifted to the prospects of China's compliance with the substantive commitments it has made.

There are some grounds for optimism that are frequently overlooked.

Most important, China has already gone a long way, towards dismantling the pervasive protectionism that characterized its trading system two decades ago. As shown in diagram 1, by the time China entered the WTO last year the average nominal tariff had already fallen by three quarters, from 56 percent in the early 1980s to an average of only 15 per cent in 2001. That is roughly the average tariff level in Brazil and Mexico and about half the level of India. Equally important, China provides exemptions from import duties on parts and components used in export processing and on the machinery and equipment imported for installation in joint-venture and wholly foreign-owned factories. Because of these exemptions in recent years, about 60 percent of all goods imported into China have been entirely tariff free. Thus for much of the 1990s, tariff revenues collected were less thatn 5 percent of the value of imports. China, in effect, is already on a glide path that should allow it to meet relatively easily its commitment to reduce its average nominal tariff rate to only 9 percent by 2005.






1.  As shown in diagram 1, by the time China entered the WTO last year the average nominal tariff had already fallen by three quarters, from 56 percent in the early 1980s to an average of only 15 per cent in 2001.

2. Because of these exemptions in recent years, about 60 percent of all goods imported into China have been entirely tariff free.

3. Thus for much of the 1990s, tariff revenues collected were less thatn 5 percent of the value of imports.


1. The average nominal tariff had already fallen by three-quarters by the time China entered the WTO last year, from 56 percent in the early 1980s to an average of only 15 per cent in 2001, as shown in diagram 1.

2. About 60 percent of all goods imported into China have been entirely tariff free because of these exemptions in recent years.

3. Thus tariff revenues collected were less than 5 percent of the value of imports for much of the 1990s.



第一句划线部分As shown in diagram 1, by the time China entered the WTO last year, 不是作者要强调的,所以放在句首;作者要告诉读者的是下面的数字,所以放在句末。紧接着一句“That is roughly the average tariff level in Brazil and Mexico and about half the level of Inida”当中的that承上启下,概括上一句的新信息,作为本句的旧信息,放在句首。

第二句划线部分because of these exemptions in recent years当中,these exemptions也是对上一句内容的概括,所以放在句首。

第三句划线部分for much of the 1990s也是在上文所提到的,所以放在首句。



