iOS CoreMotion 的一些坑



  • 加速度(原生数据)
  • 陀螺仪(原生数据)
  • 磁力计(原生数据)
  • deviceMotion






yaw: 手机绕Z轴旋转的角度。手机的顶部面向正北方,角度是0,顶部面向正东方,角度是-Pi / 2, 正南是Pi,正西是Pi /2. 整个范围是-Pi到Pi之间。




  • Azimuth (degrees of rotation about the -z axis). This is the angle between the device's current compass direction and magnetic north. If the top edge of the device faces magnetic north, the azimuth is 0 degrees; if the top edge faces south, the azimuth is 180 degrees. Similarly, if the top edge faces east, the azimuth is 90 degrees, and if the top edge faces west, the azimuth is 270 degrees.
  • Pitch (degrees of rotation about the x axis). This is the angle between a plane parallel to the device's screen and a plane parallel to the ground. If you hold the device parallel to the ground with the bottom edge closest to you and tilt the top edge of the device toward the ground, the pitch angle becomes positive. Tilting in the opposite direction— moving the top edge of the device away from the ground—causes the pitch angle to become negative. The range of values is -180 degrees to 180 degrees.
  • Roll (degrees of rotation about the y axis). This is the angle between a plane perpendicular to the device's screen and a plane perpendicular to the ground. If you hold the device parallel to the ground with the bottom edge closest to you and tilt the left edge of the device toward the ground, the roll angle becomes positive. Tilting in the opposite direction—moving the right edge of the device toward the ground— causes the roll angle to become negative. The range of values is -90 degrees to 90 degrees.



  • 苹果的bug

After some roaming about, we discovered that this was due to a infrequent hardware/firmware error. The wisest thing was to check for both motionManager.deviceMotion being Nil, and the motionManager.deviceMotionActive being true.


  • 插件(键盘)未开启完全访问


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