# coding UTF-8
# author:ablue
import json
import sys
import os
# 支持中文
from pylab import *
from osgeo import osr, gdal
ascInfo = []
# ascdir asc文件目录
# parseFile 需要解析的文件
def ascii2tif(
ascdir: str,
parseFile: str
) -> None:
# (1) 创建输出文件夹
outpath = ascdir + '\TiffFile'
# (2) 格式转换
ascii_file_folder, ascii_file_name = os.path.split(parseFile)
# 输出文件
tif_file_path = outpath + '\\' + ascii_file_name.replace('.asc', '.tif')
with open(parseFile, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
count = 0
for line in lines:
if count <= 4:
ascInfo.append(re.findall("\d+\.?\d*", line))
count += 1
# 打开ascii文件
ds_in = gdal.Open(parseFile)
gtiff_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') # 启动Gtiff驱动
ds_out = gtiff_driver.CreateCopy(tif_file_path, ds_in)
srs = osr.SpatialReference()
ds_in = None
ds_out = None
gtiff_driver = None # 关闭驱动
return tif_file_path
def saveAreaJson(tif_path):
dataset = gdal.Open(tif_path) # 打开tif
# 获取行数列数和地理信息
# geo_information(0) :左上像素左上角的x坐标。
# geo_information(1):w - e像素分辨率 / 像素宽度。
# geo_information(2):行旋转(通常为零)。
# geo_information(3):左上像素左上角的y坐标。
# geo_information(4):列旋转(通常为零)。
# geo_information(5):n - s像素分辨率 / 像素高度(北半球上图像为负值)
geo_information = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
col = dataset.RasterXSize # 438
row = dataset.RasterYSize # 671
band = dataset.RasterCount
dem = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
# 获取行列数,对应其经纬度,j对于x坐标
cols = []
maxLon = 0
maxLat = 0
for y in range(row): # 行
for x in range(col): # 列
# 有效高程
if dem[y][x] > 0:
# 输出经纬度
lon = geo_information[0] + x * geo_information[1] + y * geo_information[2]
lat = geo_information[3] + x * geo_information[4] + y * geo_information[5]
if lon != None:
child = [lon, lat]
if lon > maxLon:
maxLon = lon
if lat > maxLat:
maxLat = lat
minLon = cols[0][0]
minLat = cols[0][1]
for col in cols:
lon = col[0]
lat = col[1]
if lon < minLon:
minLon = lon
if lat < minLat:
minLat = lat
areaJson = {
"centerLon": ascInfo[2][0],
"centerLat": ascInfo[3][0],
"minLon": str(minLon),
"minLat": str(minLat),
"maxLon": str(maxLon),
"maxLat": str(maxLat)
print("_end", areaJson)
# 输出的json文件与tif同目录
with open(tif_path + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
json.dump(areaJson, outfile, ensure_ascii=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 将asc转换成tif文件 1.目录 2.文件
tif_path = ascii2tif(r"E:\project\ASC", r"E:\project\ASC\xx.asc")
# 通过外部参数传递
# tifPath = ascii2tif(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
# 解析tif文件并输出json