from __future__ import 作用

从python2.1开始以后, 当一个新的语言特性首次出现在发行版中时候, 如果该新特性与以前旧版本python不兼容, 则该特性将会被默认禁用. 如果想启用这个新特性, 则必须使用 "from __future__import *" 语句进行导入.新特性支持的模块有如下:

feature optional in mandatory in effect
nested_scopes 2.1.0b1 2.2 PEP 227Statically Nested Scopes
generators 2.2.0a1 2.3 PEP 255Simple Generators
division 2.2.0a2 3.0 PEP 238Changing the Division Operator,除法更加精确
absolute_import 2.5.0a1 2.7 PEP 328Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
with_statement 2.5.0a1 2.6 PEP 343The “with” Statement
print_function 2.6.0a2 3.0 PEP 3105Make print a function
unicode_literals 2.6.0a2 3.0 PEP 3112Bytes literals in Python 3000
