gnu linux_GNU Linux | 第三部分

gnu linux

免费Linux (Free Linux)

Most Linux distributions are completely free. Most Linux distributions do not contain only free software but also, to a lesser extent, proprietary software (such as drivers, codecs, tools and applications), often real lack of free software equivalent. The Free Software Foundation (FSF), based on the Guidelines for Free System Distributions :

大多数Linux发行版都是完全免费的。 大多数Linux发行版不仅包含免费软件,而且在较小程度上还包含专有软件(例如驱动程序,编解码器,工具和应用程序),而这些软件通常真正缺乏等效的免费软件。 自由软件基金会(FSF),基于自由系统发行指南:

  • GNewSense, distribution based on Debian and Ubuntu and supported by FSF

  • Blag  (the Brixton Linux Action Group), a GNU / Linux distribution based on Fedora

    Blag(Brixton Linux行动小组),基于Fedora的GNU / Linux发行版
  • Dragør, independent distribution based on the concept of simplicity

  • Dynebolic, distribution specialized in editing audio and video.

  • Kongoni, African distribution

  • Musix, distribution based on Knoppix, aimed at audio production.

  • Trisquel, distribution-oriented small businesses, domestic and educational centers.

  • Ututo, distribution based on Gentoo was the first GNU / Linux system completely free from recognized GNU Project

    Ututo,基于Gentoo的发行版是第一个完全不受公认的GNU Project约束的GNU / Linux系统
  • Venenux, distribution mainly addressed to Latin American users.


嵌入式Linux版本 (Embedded Linux versions )

The ability to intervene in the Linux kernel and the appearance of many fans have suggested the use of integrated devices in electronics. Today, in fact, you can find commercial equipment (such as routers or smartphone) with Linux systems greatly reduced. There are also Linux distributions designed to be used on these embedded systems, such as OpenWRT, or OpenEmbedded.

干预Linux内核的能力以及许多粉丝的出现表明在电子产品中使用了集成设备。 实际上,今天,您发现使用Linux系统的商用设备(例如路由器或智能手机)大大减少了。 还有用于这些嵌入式系统的Linux发行版,例如OpenWRT或OpenEmbedded。

包装经理 (Package managers )

Linux distributions are normally made up of packages (packages), and each contains a specific application or component, for example, there may be packets containing a library for managing an image format, or a set of fonts, or a web browser as well as any other program. A package is typically provided as compiled code, and its installation or removal is handled in more sophisticated than a simple archiving program such as tar. The program in charge of these functions is that the management system packages (Package Management System or PMS) distribution. Each package for such a PMS contains meta-information such as description, version, dependencies, etc. The package management system takes into account these meta-information to research automatic updates to newer versions, to check that all dependencies of a package are fulfilled and / or content automatically.

Linux发行版通常由软件包组成,每个软件包都包含一个特定的应用程序或组件,例如,可能会有一些数据包,其中包含用于管理图像格式的库,一组字体或一个Web浏览器以及任何其他程序。 软件包通常以编译代码的形式提供,并且其安装或删除的处理要比简单的归档程序(例如tar)更为复杂。 负责这些功能的程序是管理系统软件包(Package Management System或PMS)的分发。 此类PMS的每个软件包都包含元信息,例如描述,版本,依赖项等。软件包管理系统将这些元信息考虑在内,以研究对较新版本的自动更新,以检查软件包的所有依赖关系是否得到满足以及/或自动显示内容。

Managers have different distributions of different packages and the main ones are:


  • RPM: RPM Package Manager now, but originally Red Hat Package Manager, originally introduced by Red Hat, but now used in many distributions.

    RPM:现在是RPM软件包管理器,但最初是Red Hat软件包管理器,最初是由Red Hat引入的,但现在已在许多发行版中使用。
  • Deb – Debian package, originally introduced by Debian, also used by its derivative distributions.

    Deb – Debian软件包,最初由Debian引入,也由其派生发行版使用。
  • *. Tgz or tar.gz: tar + gzip standard, sometimes with additional control file – used by Slackware and others, or sometimes for the distribution of packages very simple “homemade”.

    *。 Tgz或tar.gz:tar + gzip标准,有时带有其他控制文件–由Slackware和其他公司使用,或者有时用于分发非常简单的“自制”软件包。
  • Ebuild: file containing information about how to obtain, compile and install a package in Gentoo’s Portage system through the emerge command. Typically these facilities are based on compilation of sources, although some binary packages may be installed in this way.

    Ebuild:包含有关如何通过emerge命令在Gentoo的Portage系统中获取,编译和安装软件包的信息的文件。 通常,这些工具基于源代码的编译,尽管某些二进制程序包可以通过这种方式安装。
  • Recipe – file containing information on obtaining, unzip, compile and install a package in Gobo Linux distribution. This system is similar to Gentoo.

    配方–包含有关在Gobo Linux发行版中获取,解压缩,编译和安装软件包的信息的文件。 该系统类似于Gentoo。
  • Autopackage – A manager to create an installation system independent and equal for all Linux distributions.


There is also the opportunity to fill in their applications directly from the sources available, where the binaries are not available. Although the compilation can lead to some difficulties, the application will certainly be optimized for the system on which it runs. Following this logic, some distributions (e.g., Gentoo) offer the possibility to fill the entire operating system.

如果二进制文件不可用,也有机会直接从可用源中填写其应用程序。 尽管编译可能会带来一些困难,但是应用程序肯定会针对其运行所在的系统进行优化。 按照这种逻辑,某些发行版(例如Gentoo)提供了填充整个操作系统的可能性。

Linux标准库 (Linux Standard Base )

The Free Standards Group is an organization formed by major software and hardware which aims to improve interoperability between different distributions. Among the proposed standards is the Linux Standard Base, which defines a common ABI (binary interface for Applications), a unique packaging system and a structure for the file system that provides the same naming conventions and the same in each directory (basiliari) Linux system. These standards, currently, remain scarce even among the distributions developed by members of the same producers.

Free Standards Group是由主要的软件和硬件组成的组织,旨在改善不同发行版之间的互操作性。 提议的标准中包括Linux标准库,它定义了通用的ABI(应用程序的二进制接口),唯一的打包系统和文件系统的结构,该结构在每个目录(basiliari)Linux系统中提供相同的命名约定和相同的命名约定。 。 目前,即使在同一生产者的成员开发的发行版中,这些标准仍然很少。

Linux用户组 (Linux User Group)

A Linux User Group (LUG), or “Linux Users Group” and “Linux Users’ Group is a group of supporters of the Linux operating system.

Linux用户组(LUG)或“ Linux用户组”和“ Linux用户组”是Linux操作系统的支持者组。

Linux Day


The Italians in July each year promote and organize Linux Day, an event which aims to promote Linux and free software, and push and help new users, with a contemporary set of events organized in different cities of Italy.

每年7月,意大利人都在组织和推广在意大利不同城市举办的一系列现代活动,目的是推广和组织Linux Day,该活动旨在推广Linux和免费软件,并推动和帮助新用户。

The Linux Italian Society (ILS) provides the date added “and, at times, provides publicity material. The responsibility of the individual is left to the respective local events organized groups, which have freedom of choice regarding the details of local initiatives, in accordance with the general guidelines defined by ILS.

Linux Italian Society(ILS)提供了添加日期,并有时提供宣传材料。 个人的责任留给了各自的地方活动组织小组,这些团体根据ILS定义的一般准则可以自由选择地方活动的细节。

The event was founded in 2001 by David Cerri ILS, with the aim of enhancing the network of organizing a demonstration in July Italian national in scope yet relocated in the area. The role of ILS, however, was always secondary to the efforts of the LUG, real creators of the show.

该活动由David Cerri ILS于2001年成立,目的是加强组织一个在7月举行的示威游行的网络,该示威游行的意大利人已转移到该地区。 但是,ILS的角色始终仅次于节目的真正创作者LUG的努力。

The first edition of Linux Day was held on 1 December 2001 with about forty towns scattered throughout the country), and October 24, 2009.

Linux Day的第一版于2001年12月1日举行,全国约有40个城镇,2009年10月24日。

Linux – Pronunciation

Linux –发音

Many people are not safe on the pronunciation of the word “Linux”. In Italian, French, or other foreign languages (other than English), it is best to act under the rules of reading Italian. But in English there are many variations, but is usually pronounced with an “i” with the first syllable short and hard, as in ‘LIH-nucks’. Linus Torvalds (the author of the first edition of Linux and is currently project coordinator) pronounces the word Linux in this way.

许多人对“ Linux”一词的发音并不安全。 使用意大利语,法语或其他外语(英语除外),最好按照阅读意大利语的规则行事。 但是英语有很多变体,但通常发音为“ i”,而第一个音节又短又难,如“ LIH-nucks”。 Linus Torvalds(Linux第一版的作者,目前是项目协调员)以这种方式发音Linux。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到 。


gnu linux
