


English 中文

一、从 NPM 安装

yarn add --dev all-contributors-cli 
# 或者
npm i -D all-contributors-cli


yarn all-contributors init
# 或者
npm run all-contributors init
# 或者直接执行bin
./node_modules/.bin/all-contributors init


# 添加做出了  类型贡献的贡献者 , 
all-contributors add  

# 例如:
# all-contributors add jfmengels code,doc

# 生成表格
yarn all-contributors generate

注1:generate 前注意事项

使用 generate.all-contributorsrc 文件读取贡献者列表 contributors 并对指定的文件 files 更新贡献者表格。

请注意在这些文件中,下面的标签必须能够被 generate 指令找到,以生成或者更新贡献者表格:

♥ 在运行 yarn all-contributors generate 时,上面的代码会被自动注入贡献者 , 请删除第一个和最后一个标签之间的内容。

注2:Emoji 关键词 ✨ (和贡献种类)

Emoji图标/关键词 含义 说明
question 回答了问题 Answering Questions in Issues, Stack Overflow, Gitter, Slack, etc.
bug 报告了漏洞 links to issues reported by the user on this project
blog 博文 links to the blogpost
business 商业开发 people who execute on the business end
code 编码 links to commits by the user on this project
content 内容 e.g. website copy, blog posts are separate
doc 文档 links to commits by the user on this project, Wiki, or other source of documentation
design 设计 links to the logo/iconography/visual design/etc.
example 举例 links to the examples
eventOrganizing 事件组织者 links to event page
financial 赞助商 people or orgs who provide financial support, links to relevant page
fundingFinding 抽募资金者 people who help find financial support
ideas 出了点子,想了方案
infra 基础设施 Hosting, Build-Tools, etc. Links to source file (like travis.yml) in repo, if applicable
maintenance 维护 people who help in maintaining the repo, links to commits by the user on this project
platform 打包 porting to support a new platform
plugin 插件/工具库 links to the repo home
projectManagement 项目管理
review 检查
security 安全 identify and/or reduce security threats, GDPR, Privacy, etc
tool 工具 links to the repo home
translation 翻译 links to the translated content
test 测试 links to commits by the user on this project
tutorial 教程 links to the tutorial
talk 讨论 links to the slides/recording/repo/etc
userTesting 用户测试 links to user test notes
video 视频 links to the video


考虑更新 .all-contributorsrc 或者 重复上面相同的步骤添加贡献者。

五、在 package.json 中选择性添加快捷指令

你可以在 package.jsonscripts 区域选择性添加快捷指令。


  "scripts": {
    "contributors:add": "all-contributors add",
    "contributors:generate": "all-contributors generate"


yarn contributors:add jfmengels doc

我的GitHub仓库 all-contributors-cli-test: https://github.com/Allenem/all-contributors-cli-test

官方仓库: https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors

贡献者 ✨




