2)读写共享变量(shared mutual variable),JVM的内存模型(Memory model: decide when and how changes made by one thread become visuble to others)受到其它因素干扰。
3)对共享变量的操作非原子性。例如 i++;就不是原子操作,它分为两部分,(1) 读i (2) i+1写入内存。如果i是线程A和线程B共享的变量,线程A在操作(1)之后,线程调度器调度调度线程B执行i++,因此两个线程在变量i产生了不一致。注意,volatile修饰符是线程操作之前更新数据,但是,上面的问题显然不是更新数据就能解决的。
4)增加互斥区(mutual exclusion)会降低执行效率,但是这是实现数据安全、功能强大的多线程编程最为重要的部分。
1) 为代码块和函数添加synchronized,同步的作用有两点:
(1)a means of mutual exclusion, to prevent an object from being observed in an inconsistent state while it’s being modified by another thread. (2)guarantee that one thread’s changes will be visible to another2)配合使用object的wait和notify,实现对象monitor控制权从一个线程调度到另外一个线程。具体实例请参阅http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a1f59bf0100rgxh.html
private class MapOutputBuffer<K extends Object, V extends Object> implements MapOutputCollector<K, V>, IndexedSortable { ... boolean spillInProgress; final ReentrantLock spillLock = new ReentrantLock(); final Condition spillDone = spillLock.newCondition(); final Condition spillReady = spillLock.newCondition(); volatile boolean spillThreadRunning = false; final SpillThread spillThread = new SpillThread(); ... public MapOutputBuffer(TaskUmbilicalProtocol umbilical, JobConf job, TaskReporter reporter ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ... spillInProgress = false; spillThread.setDaemon(true); spillThread.setName("SpillThread"); spillLock.lock(); try { spillThread.start(); while (!spillThreadRunning) { spillDone.await(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Spill thread failed to initialize", e); } finally { spillLock.unlock(); } } protected class SpillThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { spillLock.lock(); spillThreadRunning = true; try { while (true) { spillDone.signal(); while (!spillInProgress) { spillReady.await(); } try { spillLock.unlock(); sortAndSpill(); } catch (Throwable t) { sortSpillException = t; } finally { spillLock.lock(); if (bufend < bufstart) { bufvoid = kvbuffer.length; } kvstart = kvend; bufstart = bufend; spillInProgress = false; } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } finally { spillLock.unlock(); spillThreadRunning = false; } } }