Randomized priority queue

Describe how to add the methods \mathtt{sample()}sample() and \mathtt{delRandom()}delRandom() to our binary heap implementation. The two methods return a key that is chosen uniformly at random among the remaining keys, with the latter method also removing that key. The \mathtt{sample()}sample() method should take constant time; the \mathtt{delRandom()}delRandom() method should take logarithmic time. Do not worry about resizing the underlying array.

public class PriorityQueue {
    Question 1
    Dynamic median.
    Design a data type that supports insert in logarithmic time, find-the-median in constant time, and remove-the-median in logarithmic time.

    class MediaHeap {
        private MaxPQ left;
        private MinPQ right;
        private int L;
        private int R;

        MediaHeap() {
            left = new MaxPQ();
            right = new MinPQ();

        public double findMedian() {
            int L = left.size();
            int R = right.size();
            if (L == R)
                return ((double)left.max() + (double)right.min()) / 2;
            else if (L > R)
                return left.max();
                return right.min();

        public void insert(int key) {
            double median = findMedian();
            int L = left.size();
            int R = right.size();
            if (key <= median) {
                if (L - R > 1)
            else {
                if (R - L > 1)

        public void removeMedian() {
            int L = left.size();
            int R = right.size();
            if (L > R) {
            else {


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