OpenCVSharp 4.5 图像阈值

OpenCVSharp 4.5 跑一遍OpenCV官方教程(全为手敲代码,如有雷同都是我的错)




  • threshold
using OpenCvSharp;
using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class tutorial9 : ITutorial

        static int threshold_value = 0;
        static int threshold_type = 3;
        static int max_value = 255;
        static int max_type = 4;
        static int max_binary_value = 255;
        static Mat src, src_gray, dst;
        static string window_name = "Threshold Demo";
        static string trackbar_type = "Type: \n 0: Binary \n 1: Binary Inverted \n 2: Truncate \n 3: To Zero \n 4: To Zero Inverted";
        static string trackbar_value = "Value";

        static void Threshold_Demo(int pos , IntPtr userdata)
            /* 0: Binary
             1: Binary Inverted
             2: Threshold Truncated
             3: Threshold to Zero
             4: Threshold to Zero Inverted

            Cv2.Threshold(src_gray, dst, threshold_value, max_binary_value,  (ThresholdTypes)threshold_type);
            Cv2.ImShow(window_name, dst);

        public void Run()
            string imageName = "I:\\csharp\\images\\stuff.jpg";
            src = Cv2.ImRead(imageName, ImreadModes.Color); // Load an image
            if (src.Empty())
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot read the image:{0}", imageName);
            src_gray = new Mat();
            dst = new Mat();
            Cv2.CvtColor(src, src_gray, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY); // Convert the image to Gray
            Cv2.NamedWindow(window_name, WindowFlags.AutoSize); // Create a window to display results
                            window_name, ref threshold_type,
                            max_type, Threshold_Demo); // Create a Trackbar to choose type of Threshold
                            window_name, ref threshold_value,
                            max_value, Threshold_Demo); // Create a Trackbar to choose Threshold value
            Threshold_Demo(0, IntPtr.Zero); // Call the function to initialize


OpenCVSharp 4.5 图像阈值_第1张图片

